Klydon -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse II The Sequel (12/14/2013 2:58:52 PM)
Great to see the sequel AAR! [&o] The German units that are on the Soviet side of the line when the Russians come into Poland will be displaced back across and German units will not be allowed to cross the line. This actually can possibly provide Warsaw some protection. One note that I have seen in the previous AAR and continued with this one. Ground striking with 2 strength aircraft just isn't that effective, even with two shots at it (20% chance of success twice is not good odds). I would rather use such aircraft either in reserve to upset an attacker or top up one of my own attacks or give me a better chance of rounding up on fractional odds. I usually Stuka Warsaw and Lodz and leave it at that. (Although one game I set up, the Germans had just 1 Stuka due to bad luck on the initial aircraft draws. [:@] ) One other thing about Warsaw set up. If the Polish are not careful about what they put in Warsaw (and where they put their other units), a friendly reminder that there are no rivers on the first impulse, so if the Germans have a lot of troops in Prussia, they could get a good crack at Warsaw right off the bat because of no rivers. A lot of times, I will put the 3-3 infantry in the forest to the NE of Warsaw to prevent this. I also usually stack Warsaw with 3 units. Great stuff and I am looking forward to seeing how all this plays out [:)]