RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (Full Version)

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rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/10/2014 11:27:06 PM)

Fall Gelb AAR PDF Verison -- contains an additional 14 slides of bonus material. [:)]


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/10/2014 11:28:44 PM)

Phew ... now I'm caught up and will post this way from now on. And, I can now restart my quest for world domination and have it documented without worrying about bandwidth left on my photobucket account. [8D]

british exil -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/14/2014 1:49:01 PM)

Just been reading your exploits with the Wehrmacht.
Nice reading. Are you going to try to battle it out over in England Unternehmen Seelöwe? Or Africa, maybe the Russian steppes?

Looking forward to the next episodes.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/18/2014 1:13:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: british exil

Just been reading your exploits with the Wehrmacht.
Nice reading. Are you going to try to battle it out over in England Unternehmen Seelöwe? Or Africa, maybe the Russian steppes?

Looking forward to the next episodes.


Mat, Thanks for following and the positive comments. [:)]

I've got it from a reliable source at OKW that my command is about to receive new orders of a combat nature. I've alerted my staff and passed orders throughout my command for my troops to be on alert. As soon as I receive, analyze and formulate a plan this command will be on the move and it will involve combat with the enemy!

rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/18/2014 9:55:14 PM)

Just received my orders by special courier from OKW. They're two pages. The first page is a map with my objectives marked on it.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/18/2014 10:09:39 PM)

The second page contains a list of my units (core & attached).

I'm informed that the 12th Panzer will get the newest Pz IVD tanks. They will arrive by rail within the next day and the older, obsolete, 1A models will be railed backed to Germany and used for training. These crews will have less than a week to acquit themselves with this new model before the operations jump off date of June 4, 1940.

I also see that all infantry units, except the 13th Mountain will also be fully mechanized and that I'm getting a new core unit, the 23rd Grenadier.

I'm please with the attached units being loaned to me for this operation. Two Luftwaffe Bf 109e fighter units (7th and 19th fighters), 21st Special Weapons, 20th 8.8 cm Flak (which is also excellent for anti-tank), 22nd Stug IIIA (SP artillery) and the 14th Pz 1B (tank destroyer). These attached units should complement my core units quite well.

I now need to get with my senior command staff to devise the plan that will lead to a decisive victory and glory for the Fatherland (and me).


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/18/2014 11:41:58 PM)

Here's my deployment and the planned axes of attacks. My forces will be divided into three Army Groups (Black, Yellow and Cyan). The initial phase of Fall Rot will focus on the quick capture of Dieppe, Novon and Reims to open up the axis of attack for each of the three army groups. The composition of these army groups is fluid and will initial form and adapt as the operation progresses. However; each of my Army Group Commanders knows that their sole focus is on the captured of their assigned objectives as quickly as possible. Nothing else matters within the limits of acceptable losses. Recklessness is not an option; but either is caution.

This operation will receive strong Luftwaffe support from my 4 core and 3 attached air units.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/19/2014 12:54:32 AM)

Turn 1. Clear (Dry). Well, as I’ve said previously a commander’s plan last as long as first contact with the enemy. I did manage to capture Dieppe, Novon and Reims on this opening turn; however, French forces are forward deployed in strength in an apparent attempt to screen Paris from the mighty German army. More personally, from my command! The miracle of the taxi army that saved Paris from our fathers in The Great War, will NOT be repeated in this war.

This initial turn appears to be a good one. In addition to capturing the French cities (Dieppe, Novon and Reims), a hard blow was struck that outright destroyed 2 French units and damaged several others including 1 armor units cut in half and an infantry unit knocked down to 1-step. The 13th mountain, 3rd and 11th Wehrmacht received the Iron Cross 2nd Class.

Now I wonder what the French have left in them?


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/19/2014 12:55:14 AM)

The Dieppe – Rouen Sector.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/19/2014 12:55:52 AM)

The Dieppe – Rouen Sector.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/19/2014 2:16:09 PM)

The Novon-Reims Sector.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/19/2014 2:23:22 PM)

Turn 2. Clear (Dry). The situation at the start of the turn.

The French counterattacked during their part of turn 1 with strong air support against the German 8th field artillery (during transport with trucks) and the 9th Wehrmacht (also during transport in half-tracks) inflicting significant damage on both units. Further south (off map) the French air force attack the 27th Pz (IVD) knocking them down to 6-steps. While the counterattack did sting it does expose the remnants of the French airforce to interception by Luftwaffe Me 109 and 110 fighters.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/19/2014 2:23:58 PM)

No more cities captured this turn; but two French air units (28th D.520 & 15th M.S. 400) downed, a number of French infantry and tank units destroyed or severly damaged and significant progress made in the Le Harve – Rouen sector.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/19/2014 2:24:42 PM)

Chalons-sur-Marne sector.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/19/2014 3:09:49 PM)

Turn 3. Clear (Dry). The Luftwaffe down 2 more French air units (32nd Leo 451 & 30th D.520) and inflict 4-steps of loss on a 3rd (31st Pote363.11). The 16th Stukas sustained 5-steps of loss from French interceptors and returned to base for replenishment and refueling.

On the ground, Le Harve is cutoff and should be captured next turn. Rouen falls and the Wehrmacht make contact with the French forces defending northeast of Paris.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/19/2014 3:10:31 PM)

The Noyon-Paris Sector.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/19/2014 3:11:20 PM)

The Chalons-sur-Marne Sector. Slow but steady progress.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 2:04:30 PM)

Turn 4. Clear (Dry). The 1st of 10 objective cities is captured this turn. Le Harve falls along with the non-objectives cities Veron and Chalons-sur-Marne.

Army Group Black pushed through Le Harve and to the suburbs of Caen. Army Group Yellow supported by strong Luftwaffe support significant damage the supporting defenses surrounding Paris. The Luftwaffe also destroyed the 31st French Pote363.11 at its base outside of Paris. It looks now that the Luftwaffe has total control of the air over all of France.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 2:05:34 PM)

The city of Paris, the city of lights should be ours in 2-turns. I love Paris in the Spring!

The 28th 15cm field artillery unit is stood up this turn and deployed in the thick of things no too far from Paris.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 2:06:35 PM)

The Chalons-sur-Marne sector.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 8:39:02 PM)

Turn 5. Clear (Dry). The objective cities of Paris and Caen were captured giving me a total of 3 out of 10 required for victory. Dreun, southwest of Paris and Argentan south of Caen also fell.

The 35th strategic air unit flying recon over Cherbourg reports back that that city (as was Dreun last turn) is open. Unbelievable!


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 10:19:50 PM)

Turn 6. Clear (Dry). Cherbourg, Orleans, Le Mans fall, leaving me 4 more to capture. Though, the defenders of Troyers were destroyed and now the city is open.

Air recon indicate that the cities of Chaumount and Chattilon, south of Troyes, are open. After breaking through to and capturing Paris, the French army has apparently ceased to exist. OKW hopes that I can wrap this whole thing up in 3 more turns. I’m hopeful but worried that the French might be organizing for a counterattack near Dijon, Tours and / or Rennes. The Luftwaffe will fly recon next turn to scout out these remaining objective cities.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 10:20:35 PM)

Turn 7. Clear (Dry). Troyes (objective) and Chattilon fall. The celebration ends there as Luftwaffe air recon uncover strong French defenses in the remaining three objective cities of Rennes, Tours and Dijon. The French look determine to fight for the south of France. I hope to convince them otherwise.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 10:21:23 PM)

The remaining three French strongholds, Rennes, Tours and Dijon.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 10:47:58 PM)

Turn 8. Clear (Dry). Chaumount (north of Dijon) falls. 6 turns left to capture the 3 remaining objectives for a decisive victory.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 10:48:41 PM)

Turn 9. Clear (Dry). More of the same, except that I got a bit too aggressive with the 13th mountain and I’m worried that it’s vulnerable to destruction during the French turn. In fact, all units involved in this attack will need to rest and reinforce next turn. I just hope the 13th makes it given their exceptional performance and awards this operation.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 11:03:03 PM)

Turn 10. Clear (Dry). All units survived the French counterattacks including the 13th mountain. In the Tours sector, three units received the Iron Cross 2nd class. While the fighting across all three sectors (Rennes, Tours and Dijon) is bitter, progress was made and the remaining three objectives should fall in 2 to 3 turns, which will give me a decisive victory.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 11:03:43 PM)

Turn 11. Clear (Dry). Dijon, Tours and Nantes all fall this turn. Only 1 city (Rennes) remains and it should fall next turn.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 11:04:31 PM)

Turn 12. Clear (Dry). As predicted Rennes falls and that should end my campaign. However, I made a error and left Troyes un-garrisoned. The French surprised me with two units that popped up. I rushed troops back into the sector but was unable to get any into the city. So, I will lose Troyes and will have to retake it next turn. I have no idea where those units came for?

On the positive note, two more hero emerge in the battle for and capture of Renees.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 11:05:11 PM)

Turn 13. Clear (Dry). The campaign continues!  The French, as expected, exploit my blunder and recapture Troyes. Fortunately my blunder only delays my victory by 1-turn and doesn’t cost me a decisive victory. However, my blunder does cost me unnecessary step losses.


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