RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (Full Version)

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rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 11:05:50 PM)

Troyes is cleared (again) and now my command controls all of the assigned objectives and achieved that in 13-turns. It’s a decisive victory! One though that should have be achieved a turn earlier.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 11:06:30 PM)

Fall Rot – Post Campaign Unit Summaries. Note these summaries are cumulative across all campaigns so, for example, kill and losses for the 2nd Wehrmacht infantry unit include Poland, Norway, Fall Gelb and Fall Rot. For the 27th Panzers IVD they will only include Fall Gelb and Fall Rot as the unit was commissioned during Fall Gelb.

Five hero’s distinguished themselves during Fall Rot. Before, my command had none. Now it has five.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/20/2014 11:07:32 PM)

Command stats from September 1, 1939 through June 16, 1940.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 1:15:59 PM)

September 19, 1940. Campaign Orders. It’s Operation Sea Lion and the trajectory of my game has left the historical outline.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 1:17:41 PM)

From an historical perspective a successful invasion of Britain would have been very difficult, if not impossible, to pull off. There is debate even today that the Battle of Britain (Operation Eagle) and the prelude to Sea Lion was intended to force Britain to seek an armistice and out of the war, leaving Germany unmolested to fully go after the Soviet Union. And that Hitler had no intention of launching Operation Sea Lion. Though who would have though that the British could have lost Singapore to a force half its size and attacking from the rear through "unpassable" jungle. So who knows what would have happened if Germany had won the Battle of Britain and tried Sea Lion.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 1:18:30 PM)

Now back to the AAR and Operation Sea Lion. [:)]

rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 1:19:16 PM)

OKW has given the order to launch Operation Sea Lion and I’m in command of the all ground, naval and air forces. I’m given a whopping 2002 prestige points and the elite 46th SE mountain to add to, and reinforce, my core units. I build 2 new BF 109F fighter units (47th and 48th), a dive bomber unit (49th JU 87R), reinforce all air, artillery and as many ground units as possible up to full strength and past with elite replacements until I run out of prestige points. The remaining ground units are reinforced with green replacements, lower their experience.

Though I have no idea what’s waiting for me once I get ashore, my first two major concerns are countering the RN and RAF. Admirals Raeder and Donitz of the Kriegmarines have loaned me 5 u-boats, 4 DDs, 1 BB, 1 CA and 2 C, Goering an additional fighter unit (45th) and two strategic bomber units (42nd and 43rd) and Kurt Student two units of paratroopers (FJR).

It’s time to deploy my forces and launch this operation!


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 1:20:00 PM)

With the exception of the 1st Pz 1B, which is left is reserve, all ground units from my command are loaded onto transports and barges and start their short journey across the channel and into history. Raeder’s Kriegmarines and Donitz’s u-boats complete this armada forming a protective screen around my ground transports / barges.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 1:21:21 PM)

Also, an impressive air armada takes off, forms up and heads toward southern England and their place in history.


Orm -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 1:37:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: rkr1958

From an historical perspective a successful invasion of Britain would have been very difficult, if not impossible, to pull off. There is debate even today that the Battle of Britain (Operation Eagle) and the prelude to Sea Lion was intended to force Britain to seek an armistice and out of the war, leaving Germany unmolested to fully go after the Soviet Union. And that Hitler had no intention of launching Operation Sea Lion. Though who would have though that the British could have lost Singapore to a force half its size and attacking from the rear through "unpassable" jungle. So who knows what would have happened if Germany had won the Battle of Britain and tried Sea Lion.


I would land a force north of the Thames.

Edit: Be prepared for a tough battle with The Royal Navy

Zovs -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 2:16:43 PM)

How did you keep track of those things in spreadsheet like format? Did you do it manually? My goodness, I just purchase and go and they die on me and I have no idea when they were commissioned, awards, hero's or strength.

It would be very cool if there was a way to export this from the game each turn automatically.

Do you have two monitors open and a notepad and track all this while playing? My goodness...

rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 3:07:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: dlazov66

How did you keep track of those things in spreadsheet like format? Did you do it manually? My goodness, I just purchase and go and they die on me and I have no idea when they were commissioned, awards, hero's or strength.

It would be very cool if there was a way to export this from the game each turn automatically.

Do you have two monitors open and a notepad and track all this while playing? My goodness...
I do have two monitors (17 & 15 inch) and that does help a little but not much. I take notes and I save each turn at the start and at the end. For units that are killed I go to the last turn that they existed and record their stats. Of course, I added their current step strength to steps destroyed as they are lost during the AI turns. Otherwise they wouldn't be destroyed. But everything is manual. That is I manually enter the stats from the unit panel I get by right clicking on the unit into the spreadsheet. This is where the second monitor comes into play. Once you get it down it doesn't take as long as you think it would.

Zovs -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 3:54:40 PM)

Wow, I do admire your determination and follow through!

Great job.

rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 7:35:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: dlazov66

Wow, I do admire your determination and follow through!

Great job.

Thanks. I see you're on the War in the East Alpha team. Impressive. I purchased that game several months ago and have only played the introduction scenario. I do intend to get into but haven't yet. I plan to take the plunge someday when I have the time. It looks to be a wonderful game.

Zovs -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/26/2014 7:57:03 PM)

LOL, I was on the Alpha team, that was like 3 years ago I think. Then we transitioned to the Beta Team and then release. Waiting for the .14 upgrade.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 12:03:16 AM)

Turn 1. Clear (Dry). The invasion fleet escort ships make contact with the RN. Where possible these contacts were followed by attacks from Luftwaffe strategic bombers and then gun actions from Kreigsmarines surface units. The reports of these engagements came back so fast that an accurate assessment of the damage done the RN was not possible. What is believed is that 3 RN ships were sunk, including a battleship and light cruiser, and 3 RN destroyers damaged. Also, three RAF radar stations were attacked.

Now I know historically that these radar stations were far more important than the Germans realized, were key to efficiently vectoring RAF fighters to German bombers during the Battle of Britain and thus allowing RAF fighter air and ground crews valuable time for refueling and maintenance of aircraft during the “quite” times. That is, the RAF radar net significantly reduced the necessity for combat air patrols (CAP) to find the enemy. And also, allowed for better assignment of fighter groups to enemy bomber groups based on estimate raid sizes.

So, in Panzer Corps does radar help the RAF? Or, am I wasting time and resources going after such sites in this game? If so, it’s hard for me not to want to suppress these sites. ????

Now back to the war. I have a group of transports heading for the estuary and landing around the Thames. I have a second group heading for a landing south of Dover and a third that plans to land south of Brighton and Bexill-an-sea. My initial plan is to get my troops ashore as soon as possible and out of harms way of the RN and RAF while in the vulnerable transport state.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 12:06:24 AM)

The three landing areas.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 12:11:48 AM)

Turn 2. 9/16/1940 Clear (Dry). Ouch … the RN and RAF sortie and direct their vengeance against primarily against my transports and my bombers. I lose three cores units, the 3rd Wehrmacht infantry, the 36th 10.5 cm ground artillery unit and the newly commissioned 49th Ju 87R dive bombers. 3rd infantry has been with me since Poland (9/1/39), the 36th ground artillery only since June and the 49th for only a day. Losing the 49th in one turn after commissioning has to be a record. Also, the 25th Special Weapons was reduced to 2-steps and the 43rd JU 88A strat (on-loan) reduced to 4-steps. I’m not sure if I could have done anything different.

The RAF, which hit me with 7 units, is composed of 2 Blenheim, 3 Hurricane and 2 Spitfire, left my 5 fighter units alone. Add in the 4th BF 110c that’s 6 against 7. That will just have to do.

Also, the British moved armor and artillery units to the coast. This is going to be one bloody campaign.

On the upside, if there is one, I was able to load the 1st Panzers, who were in reserve, to transport.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 12:12:55 AM)

Luftwaffe fighters down an RAF Spitfire unit and inflict losses on 4 other RAF air units. The KM combine with Luftwaffe strategic bombers and manage to sink 3 to 4 more RN ships, including two capital ships. Only 1 ground unit, the 9th infantry, was able to make it ashore this turn. Though a dozen transports and both FJR units were positioned to land their troops next turn.

This operation is, and will continue to, cost my command dearly. The only thing that matters though is victory, regardless of the cost. OKW has made this abundantly clear. Though, I have no choice means that I don’t have to like it. And I don’t!


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 1:39:21 AM)

Turn 3. 9/17/40. Clear (Dry). A number of RAF units flew back to their base. But, those that did stick around managed to down the 41st FJR before they even had a chance to get out of their planes. And, they knocked the remaining FJR unit (the 39th) down to 6-steps, the 4th Bf 110c TAC down to 4-steps and the 43rd JU 88A strat to 4-steps. Though all in all that seems to be most of the damage the British did this turn, with the exception of a couple steps here and there off other units.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 1:39:57 AM)

Luftwaffe fighters down another RAF Spitfire unit and KM surface ships and u-boats sink 2 to 3 more RN ships. More importantly, 11 units have made it ashore, with 7 more transports in position to land their troops next turn. I now report back to OKW that I have successfully established three beachheads. The first between Brighton & Bexill-an-Sea, second south of Dover and the third at the mouth of the Thames. And, that forces from the three beachheads have linked up and will begin their push inland towards London and my other objectives. My command also “intercepts” glowing reports from Adm Raeder and Donitz on their overwhelming success against the RN.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 1:04:52 PM)

Turn 4. 9/18/40. Clear (Dry). A seemingly good turn. Another Spitfire unit was downed and a RN light cruiser was sunk. On the beaches, all defenders outside of Dover were cleared and the city defenders themselves were reduced to 3-steps.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 1:06:09 PM)

Turn 5. 9/19/1940. Cloudy (Dry). The first of 6 English objective cities, Dover, and 2 non-objective cities (Rochester and Bexill-an-Sea) fell this turn. More impressively is that the KM, without the loss of a single ship or u-boat, has neutralized the RN with the help of the Luftwaffe, of course. Speaking of the Luftwaffe, another RAF air unit, a Blenheim bomber unit, was downed. It’s bad enough that Raeder and Donitz keep crowing about the superiority of their naval forces; but now I have to listen to the same garbage from Goering!


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 1:06:36 PM)

All ground units are now ashore and pushing inland toward the remaining 5 objective cities.

The 35th JU 88A Strat scored an interesting result attacking Reigate. It neutralized the city (or defenders). I haven’t seen that one before; but I’ll take it for whatever it means.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 9:28:40 PM)

Turn 6. 9/20/1940. Clear (Dry). Brighton falls and my forces push inward and converge on London. I have decided that London will be the second objective I attack and with the majority, if not all, of my ground forces. After London falls I will then have my ground forces fan out in all directions to capture the four remaining objectives. But, first London.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/28/2014 9:29:13 PM)

Another RAF Hurricane air unit is downed. Actually since it was shot down over water the more appropriate term is “splashed”! Though one disadvantage the Luftwaffe has to the RAF is that it needs to fly back to France to refuel. This is starting to be an issue, though a minor one for now. However, it will start to become more of one and thus I need to put a priority on capturing an airfield in England.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/29/2014 12:23:48 PM)

Turn 7. 9/21/1940. Cloudy (Dry). Reigate, just south of London, falls. And the Luftwaffe splashed another RAF Blenheim bomber unit. On a sour note, German Panzer IVDs run into heavy British armor (Matilda II’s) outside of Leading and defending its airfield.. This could get ugly.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/29/2014 12:24:33 PM)

The first unit in my command to be awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class!


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (1/29/2014 10:05:41 PM)

Turn 8. 9/22/1940. Rain (Dry). No air action due to the rain. However; the rain didn’t stop the action on the ground. The first city hex of London was captured. And the painful action of taking on the heavy British armor outside of Leading was conducted.

There are 11 turns left to complete my objectives and 6 turn do the same for a decisive victory.


rkr1958 -> RE: Fall Weiss AAR (Colonel) vs AI (2/1/2014 12:06:19 AM)

Turn 9. 9/23/1940. Clear (Dry). Two key air fields are captured (Leading and London) and, at significant cost, British heavy armor outside of Leading is destroyed. Also, 3 more (for a total of 4) London hexes were captured. Though a counterattack is feared that could destroy one of my units there.


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