Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (9/10/2014 7:27:56 PM)
So: all rise for the Iraqi national anthem, Mitwawa (my homeland), which was adopted in 1934 and reinstated after Saddam Hussein was taken down from power: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBaI26chcFw In the US, the anti communist lobby reacts furious to this behaviour of Stalin. The US senators are forced to condemn this action in public. One US entry chit removed. Italy aligns Iraq. Since defense of a city gives a -1 modifier, the Iraqi CAV is set up in Baghdad. The CW and France take naval actions, China and the USSR take land actions and the USA takes a combined action. The US sails two old BB's out of the Atlantic towards the Pacific. The Lexington enter Pearl Harbor. Slowly, the build up in the Pacific starts... The CW and France repair the convoy lines, sails a fleet into the Cape St Vincent and the Eastern Med. The first to be able to evacuate the units out of Spain (and put them into Spanish Morocco instead). Gort is put unto a TRS and sailed into the sea area too. The Italians succesfully intercepts the moving TRS and they therefore stop in the Cape St. Vincent. The second fleet to try to put the Italian forces in Lybia out of supply. The old French BB's sail out of the Med. The French fleet will be used for convoy escort duty for the remainder of the war. The Italians decide to intercept the French vessels. Since interception again succeeds, the French ships stop in the Eastern Med. A CW cruiser fleet gets intercepted in the Eastern Med too... The CW wants to eliminate the Italian cruiser in the Eastern Med. The Italians decline include the SUB's. They roll an 8, and the allies a 1. The Banda Nere sees the combined French-CW Fleet coming right at them. The ship sinks the the bottom of the Med... There is no next round, because the Italians don't get the SUB's involved in the next round. [image]local://upfiles/38590/5910845A206F4F94AB432148FAD796C4.gif[/image]