RE: A musical global war AAR... (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/26/2014 3:47:24 PM)



I will do a side step here. At start of the Global war, there were a lot of naval units mothballed around the war. They are currently in the repair pools:


Not necessarily mothballed. Navies were busy updating their old battleships and cruisers but a lack of money and other resources generally meant that their programs were behind schedule (or were never to be started when the war intervened) - HMS Hood may have survived had she been re-built as planned.

Klydon -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/26/2014 7:40:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1



I will do a side step here. At start of the Global war, there were a lot of naval units mothballed around the war. They are currently in the repair pools:


Not necessarily mothballed. Navies were busy updating their old battleships and cruisers but a lack of money and other resources generally meant that their programs were behind schedule (or were never to be started when the war intervened) - HMS Hood may have survived had she been re-built as planned.

It sort of varies from ship to ship.

The two Italian ships were just having the finishing touches of major reconstruction done and were not available at the outbreak of the war. Same for the Queen Elizabeth. Some of the cruisers were also undergoing updates of a pretty extensive nature as well. Some don't make sense (like the Admiral Scheer as there is no indication she was not available upon the outbreak of the war, although she went to refit right after the outbreak).

In the case of the Hiei, she is finishing a major reconstruction and refit after being partially disarmed due to the London naval treaty. When Japan withdrew, Hiei underwent an extensive reconstruction like her other Kongo class sisters. The US and CW are also free to do this as well to a point as each had a ship that was disarmed and used for training under the terms of the treaty. In the US and CW case, they would have been starting from scratch on reconstruction for the Wyoming and Iron Duke respectively. Of course, both countries had better battleships already in hand not to mention they were building new ones that were far better, so neither ship was rebuilt. The Japanese had far less to do on the Hiei in the late 30's and they knew what they would wind up with after reconstruction (fast battleship ideal as a carrier escort).

Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/27/2014 4:47:28 PM)

It's now the november/december 1939 turn. The first thing which happens in a turn is the reinforcement phase. There are three phases here: put pilots in planes in the reserve pool (and those which have been coming out of your factories now), place newly arrived units and airplanes with pilots on the map and finally pull planes of the map, so the pilots will be retrained and get a better plane next turn...

Here is the reserve pool with the number of pilots for the Germans. What a bloody mess those planes are. However, next turn, there is the nice brand new Stuka Geschwader coming out of the factories. I save the pilot for that plane...


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/27/2014 4:48:20 PM)

So, on units, there isn't much to be placed. Well the two divisions (an armor and a self propelled gun) will come in handy and the SS INF is surely an asset, but well... It isn't much, is it. It sure shows that the Germans didn't prepare for war, didn't they. I'll put them all on the German-Belgian border. Now, lets progress to the remove air phase. In the left upper corner the selectable units screen shows all units which can be used for the current phase. There are three planes shown there. I can put them off the map. Sure, the JU 86 is obsolete, but I haven't got another plane to put the pilot in next turn, so it stays... for now...


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/27/2014 4:49:40 PM)

The Italians put a pilot in the Z 1007 Alcione bomber and put it on the map in Genoa. A MOT arrives in Turin.

Time for some Japanese music: 出征兵士を送る歌

I just hope there is somebody reading this who knows what it is about. My Japanese is non-existend, I'm afraid. I only know that this has been recorded during the war years...

When you place units on the map, the set up units form appears. It gives the player the information where a unit should be placed and what it is. Now, if the MIL the Japanese build last turn, I get the Taihoku one and the Osaka. I'm please with this outcome, since I get at least one of the white prints which were in the force pool. They go directly from the barracks out to the waiting troop ships...


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/27/2014 4:51:12 PM)

With the CW, I've got four pilots to put onto planes. I put one on a CV plane, two NAV's get pilots (they are needed to defend the convoys from U boat attacks) and the 4 factor Hurricane get's one.

The BB Valiant is refitted and gets put into Liverpool. The two NAV appear in Belfast where also the Courageous get his CV plane. The Hurricane arrives in Leeds, so there are to be no more unoppossed strategic bombardments of Hull anymore. A convoy point arrives in Plymouth.

Three cruisers are put in active duty by the US navy in Norfolk, while the Chinese, French and the USSR don't get any reinforcements this turn...

Time for the March of Stalin's artilllery:

Next, there comes the resource lending phase. Here, one can send resources to other major powers on the same side. Germany decides to give the Italians 5 build points this turn. I won't give the Italians any resources this turn, since Germany has a higher production multiple and hasn't filled her own factories at this moment with resources.


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/27/2014 4:52:36 PM)

The only other trade agreement which is made is done between France and the Commonwealth. France gives one resource to the CW (which will be the New Caledonian one).

Now comes the initiative. The Axis rolled a 6, becoming an 8 since they have a +2 modifier. Having the initiative means you can determine which side will go first. Generally speaking: if it doesn't matter, let the other side go first...


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/27/2014 4:53:17 PM)

Well, here it is, the allies rolled a 8 and they win when there is a tie. Now, I can ask for a reroll, but that will reduce the nice +2 for the Axis on next turns initiative die roll. And, since it will probably a short winter turn with bad weather, the Axis decline and decide to let the Allies decide who will move first this turn...

Well, that was: It's a long way to Tipperary., played by the Band of the Royal Air Force. A WW I song really, but it was still popular during WW II. So popular, that it is still played thoughout the British armed forces nowadays...


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/27/2014 4:54:27 PM)

The combined Chief of Staffs of the allies are thinking and thinking. Do they want to go first this impulse or do they want to gamble on the Axis having both the first and the last impulse of this turn. They decide to move first, to further strengthen the French frontline and give the Chinese a way to improve their positions too...


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/27/2014 4:56:08 PM)

And here it is, the weather report. It's a 10, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

It's blizzard in the arctiv, snow in the northern temperate and mediterrenean, rain in the northern monsoon and the southern temperate and storms in the southern monsoon zones. Since the impulse marker will move three impulses a time and the next weather die roll has a +2 to it, this might become a very short turn...


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/27/2014 4:58:30 PM)

Since weather is bad and there are only 2 US entry chits in the Ge/It pool, the USSR decides not to DoW Persia this impulse. No DoW's are done by the allies...

Now, we've gone through one whole turn since this AAR started. There are 130 posts in here... I'm not going to be so detailed anymore. If something new happens on the way, I will try to remember to give information on what is happening and why and put screenshots of those things in here too.

Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/29/2014 5:59:07 PM)

The USSR and the US take combined actions. The CW takes a naval action, China and France take land actions.

MacArthur boards a TRS and lands in PagoPago. Three US convoy point sail in the direction of Manila.

The CW sends a Swordfish into the Faroes Gap on patrol, since that is the only sea area in which the Germans can use their 2 SUB's effectively. They can go further than that, but a SUB in a 1 section isn't that powerful. The Faroes convoys should be guarded well enough with that plane added to the cruiser and BB escort.
The Home fleet sails again into the North sea and is loaded with the London MIL and the 4-1 GAR. Also, the division is on board of a cruiser coming out of Thorshavn.
After redeployment of the Danish and Belgian convoy points, I'm now possible to produce to maximum capacity with the CW. However, there are only 2 CP in reserve. That's not enough...
During air rebase, I ran into a known bug. A hex in the uncontested ZOC of French units was wrongly converted into German hands during the conquest of Belgium. Now I've got a magic wand to repair this, so I use it. The Hurricane rebases in the hex.

Here is Harry Row and his Orchestra with Ray Ellington singing: “Swing for Sale:

In the USSR trains arrive in Eastern Poland with Zhuhov. The European army continue moving into Eastern Poland and the Red Air Force masses at the Persian-USSR border:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/29/2014 6:01:56 PM)

The Chinese generals are a little worried about the situation in the center. They decide to withdraw some units too a slightly better position. Now, this might go wrong if this is going to be a long turn, but they take the gamble...
Northern China:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/29/2014 6:03:38 PM)

Southern China:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/29/2014 6:04:39 PM)

The French are strenghtening the front. The only two hexes that can be attacked out of two hexes in Belgium are defended with 12 factors and 11 factors (the woods hex) and covered by the big artilley guns for extra support. All other hexes that can be attacked out of multiple hexes by the Germans are at the Maginot line. Is this defense enough? Only time will tell. However, with snow falling, the French generals decide it is time to open a couple of nice bottles of Chateauneuf du Pape since they don't expect a German attack in these weather conditions. There is a small party on which the Fud Candrix Orchestra plays. Here's: “Leave that Swing”.

Is the phoney war starting this turn? Who knows...


Klydon -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/29/2014 9:44:41 PM)

Is that F4F-3 in France actually capable of flying missions other than rebase?

Typically, I don't have any carrier air for the French, which gives me an extra pilot for Nov-Dec 39.

Tankograd -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/30/2014 1:27:29 PM)

Many thanks Centuur for this amazing AAR [:)] It's plenty of good tips and strategical ideas for a newbie like me!

And I'm now waiting for the Wilhelmus van Nassouwe [;)]


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/30/2014 5:24:54 PM)



Is that F4F-3 in France actually capable of flying missions other than rebase?

Typically, I don't have any carrier air for the French, which gives me an extra pilot for Nov-Dec 39.

I usually put the plane into the reserve pool during the N/D reinforcement phase. Now, that was something I forgot to do (as everyone will forget things to do when playing this game. Too much to remember and too much to think about).

I like to have the plane available on the CV in the first turn in the Western Med. Just to be able to choose a naval air action against the Italian fleet if they sail, because than you can choose the first loss (if you are getting a hit, that is). Those Italian TRS are the most important units to kill. Unfortunately for the French, the TRS stayed in La Spezia...

Since the Béarn will be lost due a US entry option at the end of the J/F turn (or perhaps even earlier), I decided to rebase the plane and to take it off the map in the next reinforcement phase.

Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/30/2014 5:30:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tankograd

Many thanks Centuur for this amazing AAR [:)] It's plenty of good tips and strategical ideas for a newbie like me!

And I'm now waiting for the Wilhelmus van Nassouwe [;)]


If you look at the map now: is there a reason to attack the Netherlands with Germany at this point?
Also, an attack gives the Commonwealth a TRS and 10 Convoy points (and perhaps even some escaping cruisers and a nice SUB too) for which the Germans get one resource point a turn in return... That's not that good, I believe...

No, the conquest of the Netherlands can better be postponed until somewhere in 1941 in conjunction with the Japanese attack on the oil fields. So they can continue to cherish their neutrality... for now...

Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/31/2014 6:37:28 PM)

What to do with the Germans, this impulse? That's the big question. And that's not the only headache the Germans have. The situation in the Balkans again goes sour, when both Hungary and Bulgaria mobilizes and make demands on Rumanian territory.
Again, von Ribbentrop has to make a trip into that area to calm things down. Again a treaty is signed. And again the Rumanians back down. The claims are allowed.

Than comes the big question. What to do in this lousy weather... First one to decide on action choice is Japan. Japan is going to gamble that there will be a second Axis impulse this turn. A combined action is chosen.

Time for a Chinese communist song. Here is: 保卫黄河 (Protect the Yellow River).

Now, Germany has an even harder decision to take. If the reinforcements from the CW arrive in Belgium, the French can put a whole lot of units behind the frontline, thus making the road to Paris even more difficult for the German army. However, any attack made against the French frontline doesn't go above a +3. And that is if the French don't throw in the bomber for ground support and throwing in von Bock's Ground support and two very expensive divisions (one an artillery corps). Not something to brag about at all. A roll of 4 or less (2D10) would mean the destruction of 3 attacking units. Now, if there are some disorganised units in that stack, things could be difficult.
Bad weather however, might make it possible for the German SUB's to do something against the CW shipping. The Germans also gamble on a second Axis impulse and take a combined action.

Mussolini decides on a naval impulse. He needs to put his units in French Northern Africa to get back in supply. To do that, he is going to sail the Italian Navy out into the Western Med. He also wants to make sure the convoy transporting the Sardinian resource to Italy gets an cruiser escort...

In Naval air, the Italians put the Flying Boat into the 2 box of the Western Med. The Alcione also flies into that sea area. A cruiser escort is put into the Italian coast for convoy protection. The Italian SUB's sail for the Eastern Med (to try to kill the French convoy point there) and an Italian TRS, loaded with the HQ Graziani, together with 2 BB and 6 CA sail into the Western Med. The French intercepts, giving the Italians notice that they are not going to be impressed by all the Italian airplanes in the area...


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/31/2014 6:39:20 PM)

The French cruiser in the 0 box is disorganised to make the search die roll possible:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/31/2014 6:40:42 PM)

The French don't find the moving Italian fleet. Note that there is a +1 to the die roll due to the weather (rain):


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/31/2014 6:41:52 PM)

The Italian fleet moves into the 2 box.

The Japanese put the loaded TRS at sea so they can unload the land units in China.

The German U Boote leave Kiel and go into the 2 box of the Faroes Gap.

Next is the naval combat phase. There are three sea zones where combat may or may not take place:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/31/2014 6:42:45 PM)

The Italians can choose first if they want to initiate combat. They do want to in the Eastern Med:
They get a die roll of 10. The allies roll is a five. No naval combat occurs...
In the Western Med, the Italians don't want to fight. They decline the opportunity to initiate combat. Now, if only the French would play along and stay away too...

The Germans want to kill convoy points in the Faroes, so they initiate combat there next. The British react by flying the Skua into the sea area (the only thing this plane is good at, is SUB patrol). However, also in this sea area, searches are unsuccesfull.

Than, it is up to the French to initiate combat against the Italians if they want. They do. Search rolls are again done and again are unsuccesfull. It's not so easy to find the enemy at sea, is it...

In China, Chengchow is bombed again. Artillery opens again fire on the city. The target are the valian defenders of the city, who, by simply being at that important railroad junction, annoy the Japanese general staff at lot. The AA gun starts firing on the Japanese planes and uses all shots:



Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/31/2014 6:43:40 PM)

Some planes are diverted and can't find their targets. The attack is reduced by one factor, making this air raid not that good at all. Also, the Japanese gunners don't seem to be able to find there targets...


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (1/31/2014 6:44:56 PM)

Suddenly, in Belgium, artillery opens up and start bombarding the BEF in Antwerp! Germany has decided to see if they are lucky and can disorganised Gort or the MOT there, to make sure the CW can't debark both (or any) units into the port. And lucky they are, or are these gunners so good trained, that they don't miss at all, even when the weather is bad?

Von Rundstedt boards a train to Belgium. German units starts moving out of Poland and the Luftwaffe rebases towards the Western front, while the Flying boats rebases to Genoa.
A Japanese CAV moves in China in the direction of the partisan and two units disembark in the Chinese ports.

The phoney war has started! Boredom strikes the soldiers, while the snow piles up higher and higher. Also, the men are complaining about the freezing cold coming down from the Northpole. In the Netherlands, an “Elfstedentocht” was written out for the 21st of december, due to continuing freezing weather. However, blizzards forced the organisation to postpone the event (this is historical. And no, I didn't set the die rolls!). The weather roll is a 9, with a +2 modifier makes it an 11! Blizzards in the Arctic and Temperate, snow in the Med, Rain in the Northern Monsoon and the Southern Temperate and finaly storms in the southern monsoon zone...

And here is Vaughn Monroe, who is the first to have sung this song in 1945...

Of course, the Axis aren't happy with this song at all. They are loosing precious time in this foul weather... This doesn't look good at all...


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (2/1/2014 2:42:42 PM)

There is a 30% that the turn will end if all powers on the Allied side pass. That is considered to be to low. The CW and China take land, France takes a naval, the US and the USSR combined ones.

The US moves it SUB's towards Manila and moves a BB from Long Beach to Norfolk.

France wants to see if they can get a good fight with the navy against the Italians and they want to use this impulse to make sure that those units which need to be saved when Vichy as created, that those units will be in the right ports. And why not now, when there doesn't seem to be any threath from Germany during a blizzard turn. And maybe the French navy gets lucky...

Here is: “La Strasbourgeoise”, a French military song sung by the Cadets the Saumur:

France moves a SUB and a cruiser into the Italian coast. France moves another cruiser into the Eastern Med. The TRS moves into the port of Point Noire. Another cruisers leaves Indo China and sails towards New Caledonia. In the Western Med, two additional French cruisers are put with the BB's in the 2 sea box. The Italians don't want to fight the French (since they are only there, to provide supply in Northern Africa, so they decline to intercept.

Than it is on to naval combat. The French decline to do Naval combat in the Eastern Med. Next they disorganise the cruiser to initiate combat in the Italians coast. Target is the Italian convoy point there... The German flying boat can be put into the sea area to intervene and they choose to do so, since there aren't any CW ships in the sea area.


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (2/1/2014 2:43:38 PM)

Mistake made... [;)]

Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (2/1/2014 2:46:32 PM)

Of course I want to put the SUB's into action here:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (2/1/2014 2:47:17 PM)

Search rolls are a 9 for the allies and a 2 for the Axis. There might be a naval combat in this sea area, since the Axis do find the enemy. They can choose which boxes are included in this combat:


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