Antonius -> (3/16/2001 4:55:00 AM)
Originally posted by KG Erwin:
For those who are curious, the median age of the SPWaW'er is now 36.5. The baby of the bunch is Dedas, at 18, and the senior citizen-soldier is Chief, at 69. Excluding these two, the average age is 36.3. Of 99 respondents so far, we have 1 female: congratulations, Fresca, for breaking the gender barrier. Welcome aboard!
Thanks ! I had been wondering if someone would do some statistics with all the information in this thread. One little question: did you take into account the little add-on thread ?
Looks like most of us have a forgiving wife too (or are they just happy that we do not insist on watching every football/soccer game on TV ?), kids (mine are delighted we will be able to team up against the AI with 5.0) and a looooong wargaming history.