GBOATZ -> RE: Canary's Cage 0 points (2/2/2014 4:20:16 PM)
Hi Shemar, Back in December I played and posted this: "While playing Canary Cage, I finally got air superiority, avoided all the enemy subs, sunk their ships and knocked out all enemy positions, got my Ships to their designation with plenty of time to spare for the scenario, yet somehow when I arrived Scoring said "MAJOR DEFEAT" Don't see anything in the briefing that says I was to do anything more than I did. I did change the routes of the two groups but are you not allowed to do that? Very Curious!" There must be some aspect in the briefing we both missed although I must offer congrats as at least you WON [:)] BTW, I did successfully land the recon team by sub so perhaps that may not be the issue. There must be some obscure or arcane reference I must have missed?