Joseignacio -> RE: New to the game - Basic Questions (5/6/2014 9:34:31 AM)
ORIGINAL: Ur_Vile_WEdge By land? Not even if you're a marine. There's that hexdot you can't swim over these days. Actually, I guess a marine could go to Maui. But no other type of unit, and there are no HQ-Marine types. A marine could. Marines can walk through shallow waters. You can only move that HQ to the other island (without a port, like it is) disembarking it from the ship. And only Divisions, HQs and IIRW infantry can load (the latter in certain circumstances)/unload (not so sure even if posssible at all for inf)at sea. Anyway I would not recommend moving the HQ to other islands without a port. Many times HQs need to be in position to be easily movable, and if there is not a port in the island, the only option would be to move a trs or amph to that sea, board (free land move) the HQ and leave it at that sea.. (dangerous sometimes) ,and then the only thing you can do before turn end is abort the ship in another impulse to a port, but the HQ will arrive disorganized in this case, not like when they set from a port, and reach another port without aborting at sea.