Things we would like added to the game (Full Version)

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dirwulf -> Things we would like added to the game (3/6/2014 6:46:34 PM)

Also known as suggestions. maybe it would be easier if they were all in one place.

I don't have much at this point, but ONE thing that I would really love to see that bugs me after every race. A replay option.

I want to watch my glorious victories and my miserable failures again!

Add your suggestions below, such as driver stats.

(I almost forgot to add, I can't stop playing. Great game. As a fan of Circus Maximus, this is just freaking awesome.)

jack54 -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/6/2014 6:52:56 PM)

ok Good idea

-----Driver history

-----Race results

vonRocko -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/6/2014 7:15:56 PM)

+1 on replay.

BYU 14 -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/6/2014 7:47:30 PM)

Definitely driver history and if possible a rivalry system, where the player can designate someone as a rival, giving them a boost whenever they race this person, or perhaps make your attacks a bit more lethal. Conversely, if you take someone out, they may deem you a rival and come after you more in subsequent matchups.

I know in my game there are already a few I have singled out and look for and I was actually pissed when one who had been a particular PITA was killed and it was not one of my drivers that did it :)

Tamas -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/6/2014 9:58:09 PM)



Definitely driver history and if possible a rivalry system, where the player can designate someone as a rival, giving them a boost whenever they race this person, or perhaps make your attacks a bit more lethal. Conversely, if you take someone out, they may deem you a rival and come after you more in subsequent matchups.

I know in my game there are already a few I have singled out and look for and I was actually pissed when one who had been a particular PITA was killed and it was not one of my drivers that did it :)

:) I remember in one of my campaigns I had the merchant faction's leader as my great nemesis. It was made more interesting that I was also playing as a Merchant team, and this guy was blocking my best aurigas' way to greatness. I just could not win when the AI faction leader was racing. Period. After I had enough of that, it cost me two aurigas when I concentrated on trying to take him out. It was quite epic. :D

tgb -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/6/2014 10:35:09 PM)

A confirmation box before deleting a saved campaign

jack54 -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/6/2014 10:37:46 PM)



A confirmation box before deleting a saved campaign

oowwchh! That must have hurt!

SteveD64 -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/6/2014 11:03:16 PM)

Maybe a pop-up (that you can disable if you want) that displays the actions that are taking place as you race (whip loss, results of attacks etc).

jack54 -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/7/2014 12:18:11 AM)



A confirmation box before deleting a saved campaign

Ohhh NOOOO I just did the same thing; serious it only took one click!

Niessuh -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/7/2014 6:58:04 AM)

I am sorry about that!
You could manually do saves to avoid this, by creating a copy of the current campaign file at a given moment.
Saves are located inside the main game folder, named "campaign_" plus your team's name

PunkReaper -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/7/2014 7:19:04 AM)

I would like a history page so you can see a record of all your charioteers dead and alive. Helps with the grieving process....

DasTactic -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/7/2014 10:16:27 AM)

I particularly wanted access to extended information about the various competitors during the race. Would be good to see the skills as well as their faction and standing.

Tamas -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/7/2014 10:34:33 AM)



I particularly wanted access to extended information about the various competitors during the race. Would be good to see the skills as well as their faction and standing.

Actually you can see all of them right now. Skills and attributes are "coded" into how the driver, the horses, and the chariots look like. I know that takes a bit getting used to, but it is nice once you can judge by a glance. :)
"standing" of an AI driver is also displayed as far as it is relevant: in the campaign game, each faction has a local leader. A champion of sorts. They have a special "fancy" helmet in their faction colour during the race, so you can identify them.

tgb -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/7/2014 10:52:07 AM)





I particularly wanted access to extended information about the various competitors during the race. Would be good to see the skills as well as their faction and standing.

Actually you can see all of them right now. Skills and attributes are "coded" into how the driver, the horses, and the chariots look like. I know that takes a bit getting used to, but it is nice once you can judge by a glance. :)
"standing" of an AI driver is also displayed as far as it is relevant: in the campaign game, each faction has a local leader. A champion of sorts. They have a special "fancy" helmet in their faction colour during the race, so you can identify them.

Can you elaborate?

Niessuh -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/7/2014 12:12:11 PM)

Answering for Tamas, have a look at the howtoplay guide, second chapter [;)]


Tamas -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/7/2014 12:15:13 PM)







I particularly wanted access to extended information about the various competitors during the race. Would be good to see the skills as well as their faction and standing.

Actually you can see all of them right now. Skills and attributes are "coded" into how the driver, the horses, and the chariots look like. I know that takes a bit getting used to, but it is nice once you can judge by a glance. :)
"standing" of an AI driver is also displayed as far as it is relevant: in the campaign game, each faction has a local leader. A champion of sorts. They have a special "fancy" helmet in their faction colour during the race, so you can identify them.

Can you elaborate?

EDIT: Turnopia was quicker :D

If you check the manual, at section 2, Upgrades, you can see this illustrated, but basically: the more skilled an auriga is, the lighter the colouring of his clothing is.
The more stamina/resistance he has, the better helmet he wears (no helmet means default, of course).

Size or "heaviness" of the chariots is of course displayed by how big the chariot is, and if it has blades on the wheels. The speed of the chariot is, as indicated in the manual, goes from grey through light brown to brown.

Horses are colour coded the same way, but it is a bit more tricky, so please check the picture in the manual for it. :)

SteveD64 -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/7/2014 8:54:12 PM)

Hotseat (multiple player option) for the single races.

FroBodine -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 4:45:06 AM)

I love the game. It is a blast so far, and I am still in the first city and can't make money for the life of me.

My comments:

1. I HATE the camera control between turns. I wish the camera could be moved independently of where your chariot is. For example, I am way behind. I want to move the camera to the turn ahead, which still keeps my chariot on screen if I zoom out, and watch the other chariots turn the corner during the turn. I do not like that the camera is always fixed with my chariot in the center. I want more control over the camera.

2. The color scheme for chariots and horses is way too subtle. I can't remember what shade means what. Sure, I will probably remember eventually, but it will take a while, and it should not be this difficult. I don't want to keep alt-tabbing back to the manual to look at the color matrix. There needs to be a much easier way to differentiate the levels of chariots and horses. And, what is the difference in the Aurigas? Just the teeny helmet top color? Again, too subtle.

Ok, back to the fun.

tgb -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 4:56:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Turnopia

Answering for Tamas, have a look at the howtoplay guide, second chapter [;)]


All well and good if I had a hardcopy of the manual. Even printing it out doesn't help, since my laser printer is b/w. How about something when you mouse over an opponent's auriga, quadriga, or horses, like a toll tip?

FroBodine -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 5:07:32 AM)

Yes, tgb's idea of tooltips that pop up when you mouse over an opponent to show their stats is essential.

Also, this plays into the camera control. I REALLY wish it did not snap back to my chariot. It should stay where I place it. My chariot must be on screen in order for me to do my action, anyway. Why not a free moving camera?

dirwulf -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 5:20:50 AM)

I very well could be wrong, but I just noticed in the quoted manual page, the horses on the bottom row, the gray and brown horses seem to be reversed? Shouldn't the darker gray horses be in the first row with the other gray horses and the darker brown horses in the middle row with the brown horses? Visually, it makes more sense. I haven't really checked it out in the game yet.

Niessuh -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 7:39:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: jglazier
Also, this plays into the camera control. I REALLY wish it did not snap back to my chariot. It should stay where I place it. My chariot must be on screen in order for me to do my action, anyway. Why not a free moving camera?

If you hold the left mouse button while you are scrolling, the autoreturn will remain deactivated for more relaxing views.
Hope this helps, the Autoreturn system was conceived because it was easy to lose your team while scrolling

Niessuh -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 7:42:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: dirwulf

I very well could be wrong, but I just noticed in the quoted manual page, the horses on the bottom row, the gray and brown horses seem to be reversed? Shouldn't the darker gray horses be in the first row with the other gray horses and the darker brown horses in the middle row with the brown horses? Visually, it makes more sense. I haven't really checked it out in the game yet.

The subtle rules behind this positioning are:

-less skilled horses have brown-like colours
-more skilled horses have small details (dots at their back, diamonds at their heads)
-horses with more speed than endurace are light
-horses with more endurance than speed are dark
-the best horse is like Spielberg' War Horse film [:'(]

tgb -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 7:46:52 AM)

The other issue with the way racer quality is presented is that it doesn't allow for people who may be color blind.

Niessuh -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 7:49:25 AM)

Oh, that is unfortunately true. This game is strongly based on color ranges

tgb -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 8:45:16 AM)

Would it be possible to patch in tooltips for in-race information?

Niessuh -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 9:19:27 AM)

Well there are tooltips working right now, like the ones displaying auriga names.

tgb -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 11:02:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: Turnopia

Well there are tooltips working right now, like the ones displaying auriga names.

So add the appropriate upgrades to the name. I shouldn't have to have the manual open in another window and alt-tab back and forth to find out about other racers.

Niessuh -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 11:43:35 AM)

like this? what do you think? [;)]�

BYU 14 -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/8/2014 12:20:04 PM)


Also, this plays into the camera control. I REALLY wish it did not snap back to my chariot. It should stay where I place it. My chariot must be on screen in order for me to do my action, anyway. Why not a free moving camera?

You may know, but in addition to holding the left mouse button to scroll, you can also use the mouse wheel to zoom out and get the whole track into view.

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