RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (Full Version)

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Dotdotdot -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/14/2014 5:19:59 PM)


Allows adding/removing/changing most items: resources (including new colony-manufactured resources), ship components, planetary facilities and wonders, fighter designs, alien races and race families, diplomatic dialog, empire policy, custom characters, ship and base design templates, governments, plagues, research tech trees and more would the AI react if I ripped out the current the resource system and changed it along the following lines:
1. All resources from extractors are raw materials.
2. All raw materials need to be processed at colonies.
3. All components are made only by processed materials.

Further, can you set up multiple possible requirements for components and resources? Like [1 Caslon +1 Hydrogen = 1 Warp Fuel]/[3 Caslon = 1 Warp Fuel]
Would colony-produced resources require specific structures? Can those resources be produced by certain components?

Can you create tech trees with non-linear cost progressions? Let's say I create a tech unlocks a component plus a dozen or so minor techs that improve various facets of that component. Would those tweak techs each cost twice as much as the base tech?

Does the UI automatically expand/contract/whatever to accommodate the changes?

ASHBERY76 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/14/2014 6:03:22 PM)

1 desert planet in the galaxy is the only planet that produces Caslon.I would like to see the A.I solve that issue.

In all seriousness I am looking at dumbing down aspects like the tech tree to make the A.I better.They take too long to get things like simple armour units produced.I am thinking a narrower tree like in Civ.

DrApostle -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/14/2014 7:05:56 PM)

May I humbly suggest that you take a look at all of the folks who made mods up to this point and give them the update for free. And I hope that Haree78 has been helping you develop this expansion.

DevildogFF -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/14/2014 10:50:56 PM)

Yeah, getting the box. I want the manual. Very badly.

Cauldyth -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/14/2014 11:16:02 PM)

A few observations and questions, based primarily on the screenshots on the product page:

* The setup screen suggests that the new start time comes with empires firmly established and in alliances - is there an option to have pre-warp, etc. starting conditions?

* Are the new tech tree items available in all starts, or only the new timeline start?

* In the diplomacy screens, I see the name of an alliance is now included for races which have Mutual Defense Pacts - can we create these alliances in the course of a game, or are they hardwired?

* In the tech tree where it's showing Machine Intelligence, it says that the Sentient Computer Core wonder generates 5% towards victory for every year it remains operational. I don't have a question, I just want to applaud what is essentially a new victory condition that doesn't involve massive conquest! Hopefully the AI knows to go all out trying to destroy it once it's built!

* We demand more info about the new colony-manufactured resources! [:D]

Cauldyth -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/14/2014 11:18:56 PM)


May I humbly suggest that you take a look at all of the folks who made mods up to this point and give them the update for free. And I hope that Haree78 has been helping you develop this expansion.

At the end of Das's most recent Let's Play series, he mentions that Haree has access to the development version and already has a new Extended mod in preparation. I would imagine most of the modders have been given access, and that we'll see their new Universe mods arrive almost immediately after the game itself.

CyclopsSlayer -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/14/2014 11:56:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


The biggest question for me, besides the obvious one of whether the AI can deal with modded changes, is whether we can change that damn tiny font. I'm sick and tired of 1366 by 768 but I just can't read the damn text if I use my monitor's native 1920 by 1080. Some appreciation of those with crap eyesight would be really nice. [:)]

We actually increased the font size in all the key problem areas during Shadows development as well as added the ability to scale the text part of the main display. Beyond that, there's not much more we can do until DW2.


- Erik

The selection window in the lower left should have a scroll bar added, or should expand upward as messages are added.
When the colony has a couple status event lines, ie; recently raided + Resource shortages. Then the bottom parts of the window are lost off the bottom of the screen.

As for DW2, please please please add a font size selection or slider. @1920x1080 things often get VERY hard to read.
-Is that Weapon Tech at 66% or 88%, or is that 35%? Even with nose to screen it is sometime hard to tell.

Simulation01 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/15/2014 2:02:26 AM)

Thanks for the answer Erik! I look forward to the expansion!

tjhkkr -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/15/2014 6:37:35 AM)

Ummm wow.

Deathball -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/15/2014 8:36:53 AM)

Reading this I'm actually surprised by the font complaints. I've never had any trouble reading anything and hope that any changes would be optional since I like having information compressed like that.

Tcby -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/15/2014 10:27:01 AM)

This is looking great :D

I will certainly be modding this game.

Osito -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/15/2014 2:00:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Deathball

Reading this I'm actually surprised by the font complaints. I've never had any trouble reading anything and hope that any changes would be optional since I like having information compressed like that.

Well, I'm glad for you that you haven't had any issue with this, but I can assure you that some people do, as I was one of them. If I were 30 years younger, I'll bet I wouldn't have had a problem either, but the fact is that your eyes go off as you get older, and even wearing glasses doesn't completely correct it. At a native 2,560x1,440 I found much of the the screen unreadable, especially the stuff down the left hand side and along the top. I'm using a native 1920x1200 at the moment, which is okay, but could be better.

Spidey -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/15/2014 4:09:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania

I really hope the Shaktur Dominion are serious bad asses (e.g. like the Borg in Star Trek Armada 3) and this game is much more difficult. I want to get slaughtered in my first Universe game ...

I hope vanilla Universe won't do the trick for you (since that's bad, bad news for the rest of us), but my worklist (assuming I have the time) looks like this:

1) Rebalance torpedo tech
2) Make it more fuel intensive to do early scouting so scout spam will be a serious drain on fuel reserves.
3) Make it possible for all planet types to have good stuff so players can't just pass by systems that are all ice, gas, and barren. This makes AI scouting more efficient and reduces the benefit of mega-micro.
4) Rebalance technocracy so it doesn't all by itself turn halfwits into genius scientists.
5) A buff to anti-fighter tech so players can't just go mass carriers for the win.
6) If possible and not too much of a right pain in the nutsack, fiddle with AI research and build strategies.
7) More emphasis on econ and warrior bonuses for the relevant races so those races stand a chance of keeping up with the research races.
8) More anti-corruption options so you don't end up with a galaxy funded by 5-6 super-colonies near the regional capitals.

Save for the AI tinkering, I'm reasonably confident that Universe will actually allow those things to get done. Am I missing any obvious player exploits? I would think that even you might suddenly find yourself forced to rethink your strategies if I can manage to get these things done right.

Spidey -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/15/2014 4:34:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Deathball

Reading this I'm actually surprised by the font complaints. I've never had any trouble reading anything and hope that any changes would be optional since I like having information compressed like that.

Well, I fixed it by dropping the resolution on my monitor but I'm fairly sure the biggest problem is how damned gnarly the font is. It's hard to tell letters apart, at least for me, and at 1920x1080 the font really isn't very big at all. I need to concentrate a lot and that's not a good way of trying to relax. Gives me a headache too.

A new pair of glasses might help out but reading is only really a problem with DW.

towerbooks3192 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/15/2014 6:15:09 PM)

My main concerns are the price, discount of people who have everything before DWU and whether or not the discount would apply to physical copies and if matrix would ship to Australia.

DrWolfsherz -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/17/2014 8:16:19 AM)

Seriously do something about the font, then I am happily buying Universe.

Tcby -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/17/2014 10:26:44 AM)

I'm hoping for Australian shipping too :)

Icemania -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/17/2014 10:38:57 AM)




ORIGINAL: Icemania

I really hope the Shaktur Dominion are serious bad asses (e.g. like the Borg in Star Trek Armada 3) and this game is much more difficult. I want to get slaughtered in my first Universe game ...

I hope vanilla Universe won't do the trick for you (since that's bad, bad news for the rest of us), but my worklist (assuming I have the time) looks like this:

1) Rebalance torpedo tech
2) Make it more fuel intensive to do early scouting so scout spam will be a serious drain on fuel reserves.
3) Make it possible for all planet types to have good stuff so players can't just pass by systems that are all ice, gas, and barren. This makes AI scouting more efficient and reduces the benefit of mega-micro.
4) Rebalance technocracy so it doesn't all by itself turn halfwits into genius scientists.
5) A buff to anti-fighter tech so players can't just go mass carriers for the win.
6) If possible and not too much of a right pain in the nutsack, fiddle with AI research and build strategies.
7) More emphasis on econ and warrior bonuses for the relevant races so those races stand a chance of keeping up with the research races.
8) More anti-corruption options so you don't end up with a galaxy funded by 5-6 super-colonies near the regional capitals.

Save for the AI tinkering, I'm reasonably confident that Universe will actually allow those things to get done. Am I missing any obvious player exploits? I would think that even you might suddenly find yourself forced to rethink your strategies if I can manage to get these things done right.

The key is being able to mod the AI as you hinted in Item 6 (also exploration AI, fleet building AI and so on). Technology selling is also a huge exploit that has never been fixed. The other items would slow it all down but it's easy enough to win on Extreme even when other empires are far more advanced as well (or die in 5 minutes, nothing in between).

Icemania -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/17/2014 10:41:19 AM)


I'm hoping for Australian shipping too :)

Another Aussie here too.

Although I don't understand why so many want physical copies!

Tcby -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/17/2014 11:04:28 AM)

I only care about physical copies for games I *really* like. It's more a show of support than anything else.

Shark7 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/17/2014 2:32:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania


I'm hoping for Australian shipping too :)

Another Aussie here too.

Although I don't understand why so many want physical copies!

For most of us, the full color printed manual is a big deal. It is far easier for me to read a printed book than a .pdf file...

And there is the nostalgia of it...reminds us of the 'good old days' when everything came in a box with a nice printed manual.

towerbooks3192 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/17/2014 2:34:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania


I'm hoping for Australian shipping too :)

Another Aussie here too.

Although I don't understand why so many want physical copies!

Personally, for the manual and something to show off to everyone and I am going to frame it and place a plaque that it is the greatest 4x yet until the sequel comes out. Really hope for Australian shipping and good discount on it though as it costs an arm and a leg.

Spidey -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/18/2014 12:35:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania

The key is being able to mod the AI as you hinted in Item 6 (also exploration AI, fleet building AI and so on). Technology selling is also a huge exploit that has never been fixed. The other items would slow it all down but it's easy enough to win on Extreme even when other empires are far more advanced as well (or die in 5 minutes, nothing in between).

Yeah, I know about tech selling but there's no fixing the values of tech and I don't think mods can convince the AI that paying 100k credits for a tech that's "worth" 200k is actually a bad deal. Then again, I'm not sure how the mechanoids are made to refuse any and all trade, but some level of that might work as a fix for those who don't want to disable tech trade entirely.

And yes, the other things won't keep you from winning but they'll even things out a bit. And alleviate the pain of either being tremendously inefficient or being stuck in a micro nightmare. It's also my suspicion that the AI ends up building itself into a corner somewhat by trying to build too much and then running into corruption issues that reduce further economic growth.

But what you seem to be hoping for, I gather, is something that will make the AI a better "chess player" than you are and that's just not likely to happen in a game this complex. There will always be moves and counter-moves and since you're human, you'll be actively looking for AI behavior patterns and how to manipulate them while the AI can only really be programmed to look at the raw basics of the scenario and how to respond to that. This means you can set traps for the AI but it can't very easily set traps for you.

What can happen, however, is that the AI empires are made sufficiently competitive that you have to worry a whole lot about getting yourself entangled in too many confrontations. Think of it as a tiger vs wolfpack scenario. A tiger will kill a wolf any day, but a tiger can only chew on one thing at a time. If you're busy chewing on one wolf then the other 12 might decide to start chewing on you. If you refrain from chewing on anything then they'll back off, but then you'll also not be able to eat.

There's one other thing I don't know how to fix, by the way, and it involves the rather predictable AI response whenever hostile ships moves into a system. Abusing this won't make battles totally one-sided, but it will help reducing the effect of an AI having numerical superiority in the system, assuming tech parity. Fixing this means messing with the raw AI code, which almost certainly won't be an option.

Oh, and of course there's the obvious diplomacy thing where you bend over backwards to keep the other factions happy while you maul convenient targets one at a time, keeping you out of multi-front wars. That's not something a modder can fix either. I think the best answer for this is a historical aggression value assigned to each faction, so if someone decides to pull a Putin then other factions will remember it and be paranoid as hell about it for a few decades, no matter how much one tries to chat them up.

Icemania -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/18/2014 3:38:50 AM)


Yeah, I know about tech selling but there's no fixing the values of tech and I don't think mods can convince the AI that paying 100k credits for a tech that's "worth" 200k is actually a bad deal. Then again, I'm not sure how the mechanoids are made to refuse any and all trade, but some level of that might work as a fix for those who don't want to disable tech trade entirely.

I would prefer that Universe has mod capabilities so that technology trading/selling can remain in the game but without it being an exploit e.g. allowing the pricing rules to be changed i.e. so they are not so overpriced. The AI's should also have some smarts to that pricing e.g. a militaristic race would not value economic technologies very highly etc.



But what you seem to be hoping for, I gather, is something that will make the AI a better "chess player" than you are and that's just not likely to happen in a game this complex. There will always be moves and counter-moves and since you're human, you'll be actively looking for AI behavior patterns and how to manipulate them while the AI can only really be programmed to look at the raw basics of the scenario and how to respond to that. This means you can set traps for the AI but it can't very easily set traps for you.

What can happen, however, is that the AI empires are made sufficiently competitive that you have to worry a whole lot about getting yourself entangled in too many confrontations. Think of it as a tiger vs wolfpack scenario. A tiger will kill a wolf any day, but a tiger can only chew on one thing at a time. If you're busy chewing on one wolf then the other 12 might decide to start chewing on you. If you refrain from chewing on anything then they'll back off, but then you'll also not be able to eat.

No I'm not expecting the AI to be a better chess player. In background, as a hobby many years ago, I did my "other" Honours degree in Algorithms. What is workable is implementing an expert system for the AI based on good human players. And even better continuing to update the AI in patches after release to capture new strategies. What the AI current does with research orders, build orders, ship build size and exploration (amongst other factors), IMO, can be vastly improved with this approach. I just hope Universe opens up the AI to this. I'm happy to help provide strategies for modders and test them.

Haree78 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/18/2014 4:48:27 AM)



May I humbly suggest that you take a look at all of the folks who made mods up to this point and give them the update for free. And I hope that Haree78 has been helping you develop this expansion.

I'm involved don't worry ;)
And again it's not my place to reveal stuff but really pleased with what I am able to do with the current version of the Extended mod.
Any previous missing issues for modding are in that I might need.

towerbooks3192 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/18/2014 6:10:54 AM)





May I humbly suggest that you take a look at all of the folks who made mods up to this point and give them the update for free. And I hope that Haree78 has been helping you develop this expansion.

I'm involved don't worry ;)
And again it's not my place to reveal stuff but really pleased with what I am able to do with the current version of the Extended mod.
Any previous missing issues for modding are in that I might need.

Sweet! Big fan of the extended mod. I rarely play games modded but I installed DW Extended because its great and makes the game feels like a different game.

Cauldyth -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/18/2014 2:46:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: towerbooks3192
I rarely play games modded but I installed DW Extended because its great and makes the game feels like a different game.

Same here. DW Extended is the only mod I've used for any game, not just DW, in many years.

Noble713 -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/20/2014 2:10:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania
Although I don't understand why so many want physical copies!

Likewise. I've got enough stuff cluttering my apartment already. I've been digitizing documents and magazine articles and tossing the hard copies left and right lately.

Icemania -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/20/2014 9:44:01 AM)

Maybe if there was a Distant Worlds Collectors Edition with a model Silvermist?

And then when you wake up in the morning there are 128 of them ...

Bingeling -> RE: Distant Worlds: Universe Announced! (3/20/2014 10:58:55 AM)

If the silvermist model comes to life, I doubt you wake up at all.

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