WarHunter -> RE: Custom changes to your counter mix (4/17/2014 8:25:37 PM)
ORIGINAL: AxelNL Dabrion posted a rather cryptic description on how to do the ships and planes faster in the thread Graphics Help, I remember. What he described was beyond me, however. I actually understood his cryptic description. Probably because i knew next to nothing about paint programs. Once the "magic wand" was revealed to me. Ship and planes were made easier and also harder. Colors that are similar can be painted over if you are not careful. Which is easy to do and hard to spot in the details. Now i just cut out whole sections and recolor them so as not to disrupt the "camo" on the planes and ships of other nations. I plan on using the two light color off whites for Italy and France. The gold on white appeals to me for France. Italy stands out in the axis counter mix. USSR looks better with the lighter shade of brown. Germany looks good in original feldgrau. Axis, Green, Red, Cream. Allies, OD green, Khaki, Brown, Yellow, off white/blue. So far no real issues on either monitor. Other than getting use to the color schemes.