RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (Full Version)

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crsutton -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/3/2014 2:47:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Bomber pilots were critically low for me from 44 and onward. In the end I was flying 40 EXP pilots. Doesnīt help that most of the B29 squadrons arrive with LOWNAV trained pilots... [8|]

Yes, I was totally unprepared for 1/45 (or was it 1/44?) when every American bomber group expands-mediums and heavies. You actually have to train and stockpile pilots from the beginning to fill out the pilots. I was so short that I just had to pull a lot of units out of the line to train up pilots. The good news is that there really was no problem using the poorer pilots after 1/44. You just have so many bombers that it does not matter. and 45 experienced pilots with 50 bombing skills will do just fine.

This is not unlike the actual situation in 44-45 where the Americans just stuffing planes with scads of well trained but green pilots. Really no choice.

crsutton -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/3/2014 2:59:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert

Here's a question:

Of course to get replacement devices for troop units it costs the equivalent of load in supply.

I had always thought repairing of disabled squads also had a supply cost. I realized I didn't know what that cost was exactly, so I searched and found a ton of good, old threads. one had a quote from a dev (BigJ62) saying repairing disabled squads cost no supply! Was I off base completely, and is this still true? No supply cost to replace disabled devices?

Yes, this is correct. They need only to rest. However, I think that if a unit is in very low supply or no supply disabled units will not recover, or at least recover very slowly.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/3/2014 3:06:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton


ORIGINAL: obvert

Here's a question:

Of course to get replacement devices for troop units it costs the equivalent of load in supply.

I had always thought repairing of disabled squads also had a supply cost. I realized I didn't know what that cost was exactly, so I searched and found a ton of good, old threads. one had a quote from a dev (BigJ62) saying repairing disabled squads cost no supply! Was I off base completely, and is this still true? No supply cost to replace disabled devices?

Yes, this is correct. They need only to rest. However, I think that if a unit is in very low supply or no supply disabled units will not recover, or at least recover very slowly.

Good. I have always noticed the correlation between low supply and slow recovery and thought this was from using supply to repair devices. Nice to be wrong about that.

With almost no combat in over two months, nearly all replacements off and no infrastructure building, I still can't get China into a decent supply situation. I've now slowed replacements even more to just three Corps in Chungking, and we'll see if that helps.

Lokasenna -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/3/2014 4:00:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

Stacking Limits on Pacific bases - I have multiple sheets of paper with bases I'm invading or reinforcing to avoid overstacking. It looks like this....

Noumea: AF x(y) P x(y) SL - 35k
Americal ID - xyz AV (Assault Value) Load Cost (troops/cargo) SL xy Location (so I can find out where they are to get transports there)
BF... (write down Aviation Support vs AV)

You will eventually need an assistant just to run your naval operations dept and logistical efforts. Running the Japanese economy with Tracker is easier than late war Allies, IMO. [X(]

I've always thought this!!

I'm not too ordered about notes and plans and things. I'll have to do some of it, but actually writing the AAR is part of the planning. I can make a map and list things here and that is a good reference for me too.

Prep is one of the ways I've been organizing forces. Just assigning things once I know I want to go somewhere and letting them prep, even if they're support units, just to get a sense of where it's all headed.

I will have to sit down and make some lists soon once I need to make actual contested invasions in late 42. I don't want to be sitting around with a conquered base and not enough follow-up troops to make it work.

This is my method as well. I go into Tracker's LCU page, filter for "plan enemy base" and "active", and then sort by target.

Or if I'm garrisoning, I can take off the plan enemy base filter... Works very well for me.


ORIGINAL: obvert


ORIGINAL: crsutton


ORIGINAL: obvert

Here's a question:

Of course to get replacement devices for troop units it costs the equivalent of load in supply.

I had always thought repairing of disabled squads also had a supply cost. I realized I didn't know what that cost was exactly, so I searched and found a ton of good, old threads. one had a quote from a dev (BigJ62) saying repairing disabled squads cost no supply! Was I off base completely, and is this still true? No supply cost to replace disabled devices?

Yes, this is correct. They need only to rest. However, I think that if a unit is in very low supply or no supply disabled units will not recover, or at least recover very slowly.

Good. I have always noticed the correlation between low supply and slow recovery and thought this was from using supply to repair devices. Nice to be wrong about that.

With almost no combat in over two months, nearly all replacements off and no infrastructure building, I still can't get China into a decent supply situation. I've now slowed replacements even more to just three Corps in Chungking, and we'll see if that helps.

Yeah, while it may not actually cost any supply to repair a disabled device (it won't "charge" you), the unit does need to have at least some supply or it won't repair.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/3/2014 5:55:35 PM)

MAY 10-11, 1942

SUBS: Finback does a little business on the surface. These fleet subs are getting in the works for Japan at least. Not much of value, but hitting some small stuff still helps.

INDIA: Cochin is bombed taking away our Cat base. Only one plane lost though, which is good. The rest all moved back to Bombay in good shape.

Pacific: Noumea is filling up with new troops, as is Tanna. All is on schedule, and once the supply is dropped the TFs will head back to pick up more.

CHINA: At Pingsiang the experiment with reserve mode is working but the biggest of my Corps keeps popping into combat mode regardless during the bombardment. I'll keep switching it back.

PI: A DA at Clark gets the defenders whittled down a bit more. It won't be long now. The Japanese take 200+ disabled, but only a few actually lost.

SIGINT: Another diversionary SIGINT note. The 24th starts out at least in Mishan.

24th Division is planning for an attack on Brisbane.


Sub attack near Shimushiri-jima at 131,51

Japanese Ships
xAKL Choyo Maru #2, Shell hits 4

Allied Ships
SS Finback

SS Finback attacking xAKL Choyo Maru #2 on the surface
Peterson, W. decides to submerge SS Finback due to damage

Ground combat at Clark Field (79,76)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 31022 troops, 311 guns, 122 vehicles, Assault Value = 922

Defending force 29297 troops, 329 guns, 338 vehicles, Assault Value = 821

Japanese adjusted assault: 1274

Allied adjusted defense: 2104

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 0)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2350 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 174 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 35 disabled

Allied ground losses:
303 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 19 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 11 disabled
Guns lost 8 (1 destroyed, 7 disabled)
Vehicles lost 22 (1 destroyed, 21 disabled)

Assaulting units:
8th Division
16th Division
15th Army
5th RF Gun Battalion
21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion

Defending units:
194th Tank Battalion
4th Marine Regiment
14th PS Engineer Regiment
31st PA Infantry Division
192nd Tank Battalion
45th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
1st PA Infantry Division
26th PS Cavalry Regiment
2nd PA Constabulary Division
Far East USAAF
200th & 515th Coast AA Regiment
201st PA Construction Battalion
301st Construction Battalion
88th PS Field Artillery Regiment
1st PI Base Force
202nd PA Construction Battalion
803rd Aviation Engineer Battalion
Provisional GMC Grp
21st PA Infantry Division
Clark Field AAF Base Force
I Philippine Corps
301st PA Field Artillery Regiment


Reinforcements: Interesting ship.

CM Keokuk arrives at Mare Island


Here is the Keokuk, CMc-6 in 42. She carries 100 mines, and is rated for 16 knots in game, four knots faster than stated in the Wiki page at least. I'll take it.

She was used mostly as a net laying ship for ASW duties in the war in addition to minelaying.

Lokasenna -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/3/2014 5:57:51 PM)

I like that little ship, even though she's not THAT useful. Named for the little town in Iowa (my home state) at the confluence of the Des Moines and Mississippi rivers.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/3/2014 6:00:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna

I like that little ship, even though she's not THAT useful. Named for the little town in Iowa (my home state) at the confluence of the Des Moines and Mississippi rivers.

Cool name. Is it Native American?

She'll do for what she did in the war i guess, making sure bases are adequately defended. Laing 100 mines from one ship is always nice, and at least to start there aren't enough big minelayers to do that sort of thing.

Lokasenna -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/3/2014 6:37:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna

I like that little ship, even though she's not THAT useful. Named for the little town in Iowa (my home state) at the confluence of the Des Moines and Mississippi rivers.

Cool name. Is it Native American?

She'll do for what she did in the war i guess, making sure bases are adequately defended. Laing 100 mines from one ship is always nice, and at least to start there aren't enough big minelayers to do that sort of thing.

Sure is. I don't know if it's a name of a tribe, or somebody, or something else entirely. Never been to the town, even.

100 mines is the most useful thing about her, to be sure. I just don't find mines all that useful for the Allies, unfortunately. Sure, they're good for protecting your bases of operations, but.... it's not like Japan is going to be doing much more invading in predictable places by the time you get this ship.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/3/2014 7:16:56 PM)

With enough in port it's a good bombardment deterrent, or at least it was for me in some spots in my Japanese game against Jocke. Once they are known of course you have to drop more, but that can be when you catch someone thinking they can get by the mines because they've raised the DL on them. I've already had some success with sub laid mines, but of course that's a different kettle of fish entirely.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/3/2014 11:10:18 PM)


The plans for India are taking shape. Operation Chariot will commence as soon as the para-unit and some US AA units arrive through Cape Town, in about 20-25 days. After some initial recon of the area it seems most of the forward bases Japan grabbed are currently unbuilt and unoccupied. Most still have damage on the fields from earlier bombings.

1. Step one will involve a para-drop on Jubbalore, well into Japanese territory but along a rail line that doesn't pass through any other Japanese bases. It's also in +3 territory to help protect against initial bombing and later troop movements if they come. I'll move a division in after the paras with a few decent engineer units and base forces, plus some under experienced armor and some AA. This will be a holding position only behind which other units can fill in empty bases.

2. Simultaneous to the para-drop units will rail to the vacant and still Allied dot bases surrounding the Hyderabad area. At least one big engineer unit, a few base forces and a brigade will go to each base. Air fields will be built as quickly as possible.

3. Sweeps of the one Lightning group and the best of the P-40s will hit Hyderabad from Poona, which should be a sized 5 field by then, hoping to overwhelm the 60 fighters in base and make way for a raid on the fields by 4E and 2E from Bombay, which will be sized 9 by then. P-39s and Mohawks will escort the bombers. The only other decent air base nearby is Madras at level 5. There are a few level 2 bases. All others are a level 1.

4. Four good divisions will move from Poona toward Hyderabad with some armor and AA. Two Aussie divisions, a Brit and an Indian division will be involved along with the best of the armor. Another several not so experienced divisions will move in to garrison Poona and other bases in the rear.

5. Amazingly there is a base still in Allied hands deep in Japanese territory near Jamshedpure. It's not on the rail, but if possible I'll try to fly something in there, at least as a distraction.

This is the beginning, but I'll leave the rest until it gets started and see what the reaction is like. everything from the PI could move this way, or nothing, and Japanese forces could fall back as we move forward. We'll see.

SOLID ORANGE HEX - unoccupied Japanese base
OPEN ORANGE HEX - unreconned Japanese base

OPEN BLUE HEX - base still in Allied control


obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/4/2014 4:21:05 PM)

MAY 12-13, 1942

SUBS: Silversides gets to two more convoys with no results. Good boat.

INDIA: Nothing major. Still sending out recon and sifting through the results.

Pacific: Operation Palisade has gone without a hitch so far, and I'm sensing little interest from the Japanese in the area still. No big SIGINT blips or heavy radio activity at Truk or Rabaul. I'll send one more small unit to Vanua Lava to hold that, which is still in Allied hands, until a base force can arrive.

CHINA: I'm getting nervous about the poor territory SE of Changsha and what will happen when Pingsiang falls eventually. I might start reorganizing a fallback line in the +3 and send a bunch of Corps from reserves back there. Thinking of abandoning Kukong and the majority of the road there as well, then eventually giving up Pingsiang and the two bases in the clear. It opens a lot of territory to the IJA but might mean avoiding the BIG collapse that could happen when these forward lines break after he eventually brings in air power. I'll ply give it up though once the air units start pounding away, if they do come. He still might choose not to go there, especially if India looks like it needs the IJAAF more.

PI: Manila is on the ropes in a big way. There are 250 2E bombers here now pounding away daily, and the troops in base swelled to 2400AV!! They tried a DA and got a 2:1 off the bat, so only a few more days here. Hopefuly everything can retreat to Clark and stall a little bit longer.


Ground combat at Manila (79,77)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 73722 troops, 738 guns, 778 vehicles, Assault Value = 2812

Defending force 27553 troops, 307 guns, 36 vehicles, Assault Value = 654

Japanese adjusted assault: 2361

Allied adjusted defense: 801

Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 3)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2286 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 162 disabled

Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 35 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 32 disabled
Guns lost 13 (2 destroyed, 11 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
1799 casualties reported
Squads: 46 destroyed, 205 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 95 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 15 disabled
Guns lost 71 (4 destroyed, 67 disabled)

Assaulting units:
48th Division
65th Brigade
6th Tank Regiment
36th Division
3rd Ind Engineer Regiment
2nd Division
38th Division
41st Division
4th Tank Regiment
21st Ind Engineer Regiment
Guards Tank Division
14th Army
23rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
2nd RF Gun Battalion
2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
9th RF Gun Battalion

Defending units:
41st PA Infantry Division
31st Infantry Regiment
51st PA Infantry Division
91st PA Infantry Division
57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
71st PA Infantry Division
3rd/101st PA Battalion
II Philippine Corps
PAF Aviation
Asiatic Fleet
1st USMC AA Battalion
Cavite USN Base Force
Nichols Field AAF Base Force /1


These guys are starting to come faster now. Four units in the past week! That's what I need. Love that in Babes the SeaBees have combat engineers as well, for 12 AV per unit. Makes them a holding force for small islands, and I'll us them that way.


Capt. Harlock -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/4/2014 4:39:53 PM)


Sweeps of the one Lightning group and the best of the P-40s will hit Hyderabad from Poona, which should be a sized 5 field by then, hoping to overwhelm the 60 fighters in base and make way for a raid on the fields by 4E and 2E from Bombay, which will be sized 9 by then. P-39s and Mohawks will escort the bombers.

Interesting that all of the fighters in the plan are American-made. I assume the Hurricanes don't have the range?

crsutton -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/4/2014 6:57:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert


The plans for India are taking shape. Operation Chariot will commence as soon as the para-unit and some US AA units arrive through Cape Town, in about 20-25 days. After some initial recon of the area it seems most of the forward bases Japan grabbed are currently unbuilt and unoccupied. Most still have damage on the fields from earlier bombings.

1. Step one will involve a para-drop on Jubbalore, well into Japanese territory but along a rail line that doesn't pass through any other Japanese bases. It's also in +3 territory to help protect against initial bombing and later troop movements if they come. I'll move a division in after the paras with a few decent engineer units and base forces, plus some under experienced armor and some AA. This will be a holding position only behind which other units can fill in empty bases.

2. Simultaneous to the para-drop units will rail to the vacant and still Allied dot bases surrounding the Hyderabad area. At least one big engineer unit, a few base forces and a brigade will go to each base. Air fields will be built as quickly as possible.

3. Sweeps of the one Lightning group and the best of the P-40s will hit Hyderabad from Poona, which should be a sized 5 field by then, hoping to overwhelm the 60 fighters in base and make way for a raid on the fields by 4E and 2E from Bombay, which will be sized 9 by then. P-39s and Mohawks will escort the bombers. The only other decent air base nearby is Madras at level 5. There are a few level 2 bases. All others are a level 1.

4. Four good divisions will move from Poona toward Hyderabad with some armor and AA. Two Aussie divisions, a Brit and an Indian division will be involved along with the best of the armor. Another several not so experienced divisions will move in to garrison Poona and other bases in the rear.

5. Amazingly there is a base still in Allied hands deep in Japanese territory near Jamshedpure. It's not on the rail, but if possible I'll try to fly something in there, at least as a distraction.

This is the beginning, but I'll leave the rest until it gets started and see what the reaction is like. everything from the PI could move this way, or nothing, and Japanese forces could fall back as we move forward. We'll see.

SOLID ORANGE HEX - unoccupied Japanese base
OPEN ORANGE HEX - unreconned Japanese base

OPEN BLUE HEX - base still in Allied control


Have you shifted any tank units to India? This is perfect tank country.

JocMeister -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 8:13:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Capt. Harlock


Sweeps of the one Lightning group and the best of the P-40s will hit Hyderabad from Poona, which should be a sized 5 field by then, hoping to overwhelm the 60 fighters in base and make way for a raid on the fields by 4E and 2E from Bombay, which will be sized 9 by then. P-39s and Mohawks will escort the bombers.

Interesting that all of the fighters in the plan are American-made. I assume the Hurricanes don't have the range?

With the exception of the P38 pretty much all Allied fighters have a crappy range. With the distances in the Pacific India/Burma is pretty much the only place where you can do offensive missions with the USAAF.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 9:21:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Capt. Harlock


Sweeps of the one Lightning group and the best of the P-40s will hit Hyderabad from Poona, which should be a sized 5 field by then, hoping to overwhelm the 60 fighters in base and make way for a raid on the fields by 4E and 2E from Bombay, which will be sized 9 by then. P-39s and Mohawks will escort the bombers.

Interesting that all of the fighters in the plan are American-made. I assume the Hurricanes don't have the range?

Some of the Hurris do get out to 7 hexes, and will be involved, but I see them more as defensive fighters and don't want to lose the airframes or the better pilots I'm putting into them. They will mainly be trying to CAP the units moving forward and Bombay's and Poona's airfields. I also have the entire CAF in India, and just got some Lancers for them. I only upgraded one unit to using them to keep a few measly reserves. There are some good pilots developing now there.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 9:23:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton

Have you shifted any tank units to India? This is perfect tank country.

I do have two US tank units shipping over, and the Indian ones are rounding into shape (slowly). The clear makes me wary of racing tanks ahead in the North of India, but in the area around Hyderabad they should be useful to attempt to flank the base.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 12:06:36 PM)


Here is overview of the South Pacific and Southern New Guinea. It's surprising that so few bases have been built. Only Rabaul, Port Moresby and Horn Island have airfields that are level 2 or higher and could launch strikes. Gasmata has a level 1 base. That's about it.

Many bases (in blue) are still in Allied hands, likely due to very few combat troops on neighboring islands, otherwise the rowboat corps would have turned them Japanese long ago. Looks like a lot of territory the Japanese have decided not to fight in, but I'm sure the IJN will make and appearance if the Allies move in a sloppy, overconfident way, so any progress here will be considered and slow, taking advantage of LBA and cheap transport.

A lot of small xAP and xAKL were saved from the DEI and this is the perfect region for them to be effective alongside APDs and other fast transports. Of course once the LSTs start arriving it'll be even easier to move quickly and with less risk. Cover will be mainly DDs and smaller vessels, and cruisers and other larger, more valuable assets will only make appearances as needed for bombardments.

Should operation Palisade progress without hindrance I'll move on Ndeni within the month, then think of moving into the Solomons in late July or August.


obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 1:47:49 PM)

MAY 14-15, 1942

SUBS: The Tambor gets some good info on the KB indirectly. The AOs are found moving near Satawal, but don't show in the turn after, so I'm not sure which direction. In fact she tried again in the afternoon phase and launched 4 TT at one of the escorting DD, but again missed. Why only two for the AO and four for a DD?

Nice to see the actual commander, LCDR Murphy, that was on Tambor at Midway, who didn't follow through on sightings of IJN cruisers, is on the boat. Love the detail.

PI: A poor finish to the defense of Luzon as ALL of the troops in Manila surrender instead of retreating to Clark. I would have brought them together long ago if I thought this would happen. I was hoping for another few weeks here and at least some disablements of Japanese units, but this is too easy. So now I have to start wondering where all of the troops will head when this is done. My first guess is China. If it looks like India Operation Chariot might have to get going early and without the para-drop.

INDIA: If I don't use the paras here because I need to start in a week or two early with Chariot, I'll use some of the less experienced tank units to get to the empty bases to the West of Ahmedabad and Surat. This could also give them some experience, and they could be LR CAPed from Ahmedabad.

Pacific: Luganville and Efate are in Allied hands and engineers are unloading. A small xAKL, likely a picket as it's been loitering here for days, is sunk by the covering cruisers. No sightings of the enemy. Some AVPs are on their way to Luganville as is a base force coming through Suva. The two other regiments of the Americal are approaching Noumea, and the 32nd US division is between Christmas Island and Pago.

I'm sending some things to Christmas Islands to stage and prepare for the next step in the Gilberts. BBs, AOs, APDs and other support ships in port now. That op should start in about two weeks.

CHINA: Looking around at second line MLRs behind the Changsha area, and it looks feasible to start adding at least one unit from reserves to each of the necessary hexes behind the clear plains. Some started moving from Liuchow and Tuyun. I'l send one of the reserves from Chungking, and add a big Corps from Changsha. There are three +3 hexes on gray roads I'd need to hold and four +3 hexes in the woods off road I'd want to invest as well. Some units will move all of the way from the Lanchow area to get into these positions off road, but I'll have a fallback plan if anything starts up earlier than they arrive. The vulnerable hex is a +2 on the road from Changsha to Changteh. That one will need a big dug-in group of units to start soon. Holding Changsha even after the rest of the area falls wold still muck up Japanese supply and troop movement in the area.

SIGINT: I had thought Atimonan to be empty. I'l have to check this out. A small unit, but still.

1st Sasebo SNLF Coy is located at Atimonan(80,79).


Amphibious Assault at Efate (120,154)

TF 392 troops unloading over beach at Efate, 120,154

Allied ground losses:
14 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled

Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Day Time Surface Combat, near Luganville at 120,150, Range 17,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
xAKL Katsura Maru, Shell hits 7, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CA Chicago
CA Cornwall
DD Craven
DD McCall
DD Stuart
DD Voyager

Allied Ships Reported to be Approaching!
Japanese TF begins to get underway
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
xAKL Katsura Maru sunk by CA Cornwall at 9,000 yards
Combat ends with last Japanese ship sunk...

Sub attack near Satawal at 106,106

Japanese Ships
AO Ondo
AO Kyuko
AO Hayamoto
DD Numakaze
DD Yukaze

Allied Ships
SS Tambor

SS Tambor launches 2 torpedoes at AO Ondo More, please! Only two for a massive AO?
Tambor diving deep ....
DD Numakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...

Sub attack near Satawal at 106,106

Japanese Ships
DD Shiokaze
AO Kyuko
AO Hayamoto
DD Numakaze
DD Yukaze

Allied Ships
SS Tambor

SS Tambor launches 4 torpedoes at DD Shiokaze And then 4 TT for the DD??[&:]
DD Numakaze attacking submerged sub ....
DD Yukaze attacking submerged sub ....


Ground combat at Manila (79,77)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 85782 troops, 878 guns, 873 vehicles, Assault Value = 2693

Defending force 24195 troops, 300 guns, 36 vehicles, Assault Value = 401

Japanese adjusted assault: 3104

Allied adjusted defense: 193

Japanese assault odds: 16 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Manila !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
727 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 52 disabled
Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 12 disabled
Engineers: 7 destroyed, 13 disabled
Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Vehicles lost 8 (1 destroyed, 7 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
25220 casualties reported
Squads: 1025 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 1934 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 56 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 369 (369 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 36 (36 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 14

Assaulting units:
29th Ind Engineer Regiment
2nd Division
3rd Ind Engineer Regiment
41st Division
21st Ind Engineer Regiment
65th Brigade
48th Division
4th Tank Regiment
6th Tank Regiment
36th Division
38th Division
Guards Tank Division
1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
2nd RF Gun Battalion
2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
23rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
14th Army
9th RF Gun Battalion

Defending units:
91st PA Infantry Division
31st Infantry Regiment
57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
71st PA Infantry Division
51st PA Infantry Division
3rd/101st PA Battalion
PAF Aviation
41st PA Infantry Division
Cavite USN Base Force
1st USMC AA Battalion
II Philippine Corps
Asiatic Fleet
Nichols Field AAF Base Force /1


Amphibious Assault at Luganville (120,150)

TF 393 troops unloading over beach at Luganville, 120,150

Allied ground losses:
17 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled


Reinforcements: The first CVE, but of course the most useless, too! [:D]

CVE Long Island arrives at Balboa

Ships Sunk:

xAKL Katsura Maru is reported to have been sunk near Luganville on May 14, 1942

Nice to see some more US flags down here. [:)]


BBfanboy -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 4:06:37 PM)

Long Island is not quite useless. Put her to work ferrying aircraft to contested bases.
Since the aircraft can take off from the ship, it does not have to go into the centre of the storm to deliver.
The down side is that it needs an escort, but a couple of AMs or KVs that can do 16 kts should do.

Lokasenna -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 4:19:47 PM)

Long Island can actually fly an 18-plane unit... I just tested it. That makes her a little less useless.

I like your new map style.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 5:31:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna

Long Island can actually fly an 18-plane unit... I just tested it. That makes her a little less useless.

I like your new map style.

Cool. I'll be able to throw a Marine Wildcat unit on there and send her out where I wouldn't want to put the CVs in close support of amphibs.

crsutton -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 5:56:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert


Here is overview of the South Pacific and Southern New Guinea. It's surprising that so few bases have been built. Only Rabaul, Port Moresby and Horn Island have airfields that are level 2 or higher and could launch strikes. Gasmata has a level 1 base. That's about it.

Many bases (in blue) are still in Allied hands, likely due to very few combat troops on neighboring islands, otherwise the rowboat corps would have turned them Japanese long ago. Looks like a lot of territory the Japanese have decided not to fight in, but I'm sure the IJN will make and appearance if the Allies move in a sloppy, overconfident way, so any progress here will be considered and slow, taking advantage of LBA and cheap transport.

A lot of small xAP and xAKL were saved from the DEI and this is the perfect region for them to be effective alongside APDs and other fast transports. Of course once the LSTs start arriving it'll be even easier to move quickly and with less risk. Cover will be mainly DDs and smaller vessels, and cruisers and other larger, more valuable assets will only make appearances as needed for bombardments.

Should operation Palisade progress without hindrance I'll move on Ndeni within the month, then think of moving into the Solomons in late July or August.


With commitments elsewhere there is bound to be a shortage of engineers and base units.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 6:11:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton

With commitments elsewhere there is bound to be a shortage of engineers and base units.

Yes> I'm now getting some SIGINT of construction units moving to Rabaul, so maybe there is a late effort here? Seems too easy right now though.

JocMeister -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 6:16:25 PM)

Make sure everything you do is a full commitment. If I was GJ I would be looking for a medium sized allied attack to counter attack. If he can destroy 1-2 IDs + BFs, ENGs and HQ it can set you back 6 months at this stage.

Its still early. Unless AV is a real danger donīt get over ambitious. [:)]

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 7:28:22 PM)

How did you do that screenshot?

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 10:24:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Make sure everything you do is a full commitment. If I was GJ I would be looking for a medium sized allied attack to counter attack. If he can destroy 1-2 IDs + BFs, ENGs and HQ it can set you back 6 months at this stage.

Its still early. Unless AV is a real danger donīt get over ambitious. [:)]

Yes. Thanks. I've been fighting my impatience the entire way. [:)]

Instead of medium sized moves with this kind of vulnerability I'm playing with very small sized grabs for the most part. Palisade is using the SL in So Pac to get powerful units into good positions, but far in the rear right now. I would take a two day move to get the KB in and that I can avoid. With a 30k SL Noumea would be a tough nut with a fully supported and fortified US division. Same with Suva although the SL is a bit higher, and due to the lack of interest in the area, I really can't see a big enough commitment this far away at this stage. As you've said, So Pac is the best place for the Allies to fight Japan in 42.

Now, in India I'll have to be more careful. The 2-3k AV in the PI could move in easily to Goa and attempt a move behind Operation Chariot moving on Hyderabad. I'll have to be vigilant, make sure there is an escape route and that the flank is at least managed if it can't be completely protected. Bombay and Karachi will have to continue to be garrisoned heavily, and that will happen. They're both edging toward level 7 forts now though and moving to level 9 airfields in days. Lots of US support units are on the way along with some armor and a few infantry regiments to threaten Diego if he goes for a flanking move in India.

China I can't control. This is where I'm most concerned with an all-out move. Instead of going forward I'm planning a way back to an even more stable line where air power that will soon be free to act here will not have so much influence. I'll start getting it set up and if it looks like an all-out rush, and if Pingsiang falls, i will then get everything back to the +3 and Changsha. I'll still have the inside lines, and I can keep the railroad near Kweillin/Liuchow. At Sian it's in the clear, so vulnerable to air power, but it will be level 4 forts, more than when he came last time. All areas behind already have a line set up.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 10:25:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bullwinkle58

How did you do that screenshot?

I teach photoshop for a living! [;)]

A lot of screenshots compiled together. Pretty quick once the base map is put together.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 10:35:35 PM)


Lokasenna -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 10:42:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert


ORIGINAL: Bullwinkle58

How did you do that screenshot?

I teach photoshop for a living! [;)]

A lot of screenshots compiled together. Pretty quick once the base map is put together.

I do the same. I do multiple screen captures and then, using Photoshop, crop just the mouse-over effect from the capture and cut/paste it onto the main map view that I am using.

I like the hexagons.

obvert -> RE: ::Felix, Ferdinand and FRUPAC:: obvert (A) v Greyjoy (J) (7/5/2014 10:59:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna


ORIGINAL: obvert


ORIGINAL: Bullwinkle58

How did you do that screenshot?

I teach photoshop for a living! [;)]

A lot of screenshots compiled together. Pretty quick once the base map is put together.

I do the same. I do multiple screen captures and then, using Photoshop, crop just the mouse-over effect from the capture and cut/paste it onto the main map view that I am using.

I like the hexagons.

It's the polygon tool here. This is a really useful area of the program for any kind of diagram. The custom shape tools are cool too.


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