KP AAR: Ardennes scenario (Full Version)

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e_barkmann -> KP AAR: Ardennes scenario (2/7/2003 3:45:54 AM)

Robert Gjessing and I have started an AAR of the updated Ardennes Offensive scenario in that comes with the Korsun Pocket game.

Rob has popped the turns up on his webspace :

We hope to update the page every few days.

Any questions, fire away.

Cheers, Chris

Fred98 -> (2/7/2003 5:01:56 AM)

//- your text on your web site is very small and hard to read.

“12th SS might still push directly to Elsenborn but I really should move them south to join Peiper. “

//-Any specific reason for this?

“For those who wish to play this game via email, SSG have included an automailing feature which uses MAPI to automatically invoke your email client, compress the game file for transit and attach it to an addressed new mail message, ready to send”

//-Whilst playing, I am not logged on. Its my habit to play all my PBEM turns and then log on and send them all in one go.

When you receive the your opponent's email game file……..Korsun Pocket will automatically load up the game file, ready to play. Managing multiple email games is a snap!

//- great idea!

//- in one screen shot, there is a bright green number 10+. It seems to be an indicator as to the odds of a possible battle. Is this the case?

//- generally how does the game feel compared to TAO2. I suspect that the overall strategy will be the same. Are the minor tactics different?

//- the small scenarios. Are the small scenarios that come with the game the same as those with TAO2?

Duncan Maggs -> (2/7/2003 5:09:21 AM)


Is Robert Gjessing any relation to the Mark Gjessing with whom I have played TAO2 by e-mail?


Rob Gjessing -> (2/7/2003 10:26:39 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Duncan Maggs

Is Robert Gjessing any relation to the Mark Gjessing with whom I have played TAO2 by e-mail?

Duncan [/B][/QUOTE]

Yep! Thats me.. I am Mark's brother - Rob. Hope you gave him a flogging Duncan :)

Rob Gjessing -> (2/7/2003 10:39:00 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Joe 98
[B]//- your text on your web site is very small and hard to read.

//-Whilst playing, I am not logged on. Its my habit to play all my PBEM turns and then log on and send them all in one go.

//- in one screen shot, there is a bright green number 10+. It seems to be an indicator as to the odds of a possible battle. Is this the case?

//- generally how does the game feel compared to TAO2. I suspect that the overall strategy will be the same. Are the minor tactics different?

//- the small scenarios. Are the small scenarios that come with the game the same as those with TAO2? [/B][/QUOTE]

Hey there... the type is too small on the website.. ok thanks for the feedback.. I will make it bigger.. let me know if it needs any further adjustments

My understanding of the email client is that it will just open up a new message, addressed and with the file attached. You should then be able to save the email (in draft until you are ready to send it) or send it there and then. Chris, or one of the other beta testers.. please correct me if I am wrong.. it is a neat feature though..

Yeah there is a hotkey that you can use which will tell you which units you can attack and what the combat odds will be for the attack.. this is another neat new feature which helps you plan where you want to attack.. after you launch an attack you can refresh the combat odds again so that it can take account of the units you have already used in battle.. (ie: they wont be able to attack anymore this turn..)

TAO seems quite different.. Im sure you have read about some of the new enhancements to the engine.. for example, units now with 4 steps, being able to stack up to 4 units in a hex to name a few. Even this changes make the new version TAO more interesting then the last.. and yes.. you will need to modify some of your tactics that you used previously.

Follow the AAR on the link above and see how it pans out..

As to whether any of the smaller scenarios are going to be part of the Korsen Pocket release, I am unsure. Chris do you know?

e_barkmann -> (2/7/2003 1:45:16 PM)

[QUOTE]“12th SS might still push directly to Elsenborn but I really should move them south to join Peiper. “

//-Any specific reason for this?[/QUOTE]


I think they are wasted as a mechanised asset for simply bashing themselves up against a determined dug in infantry defence turn after turn - which is what can happen at Elsenborn.

[QUOTE]//-Whilst playing, I am not logged on. Its my habit to play all my PBEM turns and then log on and send them all in one go.[/QUOTE]

Not a problem, you could save the outbound mail message and then send when online. FYI if you are on narrowband you'll be happy to know that the game files seem to be around 35-40k in size, even with Replay data.

[QUOTE]As to whether any of the smaller scenarios are going to be part of the Korsen Pocket release, I am unsure. Chris do you know?[/QUOTE]

Don't know Rob - will try and find out, or perhaps one of the Matrix guys knows.

Cheers, Chris

Fred98 -> (2/12/2003 6:21:44 AM)

I see the CRT table is now available from with in the game. Excellent.

What are the new little horizontal bars at the top right corner of the unit icons?

And vertical bars at the bottom right corner?

e_barkmann -> (2/12/2003 7:16:34 AM)

[QUOTE]What are the new little horizontal bars at the top right corner of the unit icons?[/QUOTE]

They indicate whether the unit has used its attack capability this turn. Green=yet to be used, Yellow=used. There can be up to 4 of these indicators, representing the number of units in each hex and the attack status of each unit.

[QUOTE]And vertical bars at the bottom right corner?[/QUOTE]

Unit size. From memory, I=Company, II=Battalion, III=Regiment.

Chers, Chris

Rob Gjessing -> Hotting up! (2/13/2003 5:52:04 PM)

Things are getting grim for me as the allies.. check it out..


Von Dodenburg -> (2/14/2003 5:02:12 AM)

is it just me or is there something wrong with the link???

Fred98 -> (2/14/2003 5:48:52 AM)

The link works OK for me.

Keep those reports coming!

The strategy of both players and the new features are all very interesting.

Von Dodenburg -> (2/14/2003 5:50:49 AM)

well, I guess it´s me then... :(
Any idea on what I should do to get the link to work??

e_barkmann -> (2/14/2003 1:39:05 PM)

[QUOTE]Any idea on what I should do to get the link to work??[/QUOTE]

Do a traceroute to the url and you should be able to see at what point the connection is timing out - if it's dropped within the first couple of hops from your machine, you should be able to ask your ISP about it.

Is anyone else having problems seeing the url?

Cheers, Chris

Mac_MatrixForum -> (2/14/2003 2:57:39 PM)

No problems here.

Fred98 -> (2/19/2003 6:52:03 AM)

Do the Germans now have air interdiction markers?

Are the names of the rivers marked on the map?

e_barkmann -> (2/19/2003 7:35:30 AM)

[QUOTE]Do the Germans now have air interdiction markers?[/QUOTE]

yes, they are the blue plane symbols. The Allied interdiction markers are orange.

[QUOTE]Are the names of the rivers marked on the map?[/QUOTE]

no, you need to have a decent map of the area for identification :->

Cheers Chris

ps I recently bought Hell's Gate by Douglas Nash, it's a very readable account of the KP campaign and has maps and quite a number of photographs.

[URL=]Amazon Link[/URL]

Fred98 -> (2/19/2003 8:02:07 AM)

I too have the book. I am trying to read it quickly to get a jump on future PBEM opponents :)

Von Dodenburg -> (2/19/2003 8:35:48 PM)

Hey!! That´s cheating!!!


Rob Gjessing -> (2/22/2003 9:16:20 AM)

For those that are interested.. the Adrennes AAR has been updated at

BowdenRussell -> (2/23/2003 7:36:52 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by arena
[B]For those that are interested.. the Adrennes AAR has been updated at [/B][/QUOTE]

Keep these AARs coming. I always enjoy watching 1st SS romp over the hapless Americans.

Fred98 -> (2/23/2003 6:44:22 PM)

What is the current score?

Perhaps record the score with each game turn report.

Rob Gjessing -> (2/24/2003 2:29:25 PM)

Glad you asked.. I did post the score in the latest thread on the site.. Chris is leading by 1200 points (I think).. I dont know if the version of the game we are playing has been play balanced though.

BrubakerII -> (3/1/2003 6:20:51 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by arena
[B]Glad you asked.. I did post the score in the latest thread on the site.. Chris is leading by 1200 points (I think).. I dont know if the version of the game we are playing has been play balanced though. [/B][/QUOTE]

Hi Arena

I thought it was just you :p


Rob Gjessing -> (3/1/2003 7:39:47 PM)

Mate Im going to blame everything I can for losing this game :) Game is still being play balanced, havent put all of the allied units in yet.. put too many german units in.. whatever :)

Fred98 -> (3/3/2003 5:59:55 AM)

What am I missing?

I am currently playing TAO2 by PBEM. I am playing the German side and we are up to turn 12.

I own half the map and the score is U.S. 400 points to my 200 points (or thereabouts)

We are both spread out all over the map and neither of us can advance or attack much anywhere.

So how is it possible for me to win? I have 52 turns ahead of me of a defensive nature.

I note in your game, admittedly played within the new Korsun Pocket, the Germans are leading by 1,200 points at turn 8!

I have been playing this game for 6 months and thoroughly enjoy it. But:

I can have a strong defense behind a river and my opponent crosses the river easily. In the reversed situation I cannot cross a defended river.

My opponent can hit me with 2 seemingly weak units and push back a unit but reverse the situation and I can attack with an overwhelming force but I cannot damage the enemy.

What am I doing wrong?

e_barkmann -> (3/3/2003 6:09:51 AM)

Do you have a screen capture of the tactical map you could mail me so I could review the overall situation?

Cheers Chris

[edit: poorly worded statement removed]

BrubakerII -> (3/3/2003 2:11:11 PM)

Agree with Chris Joe - I would like to see a sav game file or pic before comment.

Add me to your list.


Rob Gjessing -> (3/3/2003 2:34:29 PM)

Yeah throw me a copy of the save game or a few maps.. overall the germans will find it extremely hard to win in TAO2 unless they get the rich VP towns over the Meuse..

I wouldnt read too much into the points system of the KP version of the game Chris and I are playing.. Im not sure the version we are playing has been play balanced.

Eitherway, all you need to know is that Chris is killing me :)

Wallenstein -> (3/4/2003 12:23:57 AM)

Maybe somebody can put the screenshot on the board.
I really enjoy watching other player´s games.

Btw, as a mediocre player like me, I must admit, as the Germans in the Blitzkrieg scenario, I can only achieve a small victory with steps+1 and +25% on supply and attacks. And even with those powerful divisions, I need very, very friendly dices...:(

Fred98 -> (3/4/2003 4:47:20 AM)

The mention of dice is interesting.

The 6 sided virtual dice is a throw back to the old board games of yore.

Now that we have computer games, the dice should be 10 sided, or 20 sided or 100 sided. I hate to see a good move destroyed by a bad dice roll. But its OK if a good move is slightly damaged by a bad dice roll.

And rather than 3 steps, how about units that have 20 steps? If this were the case replacements would need to be eliminated. It would mean that a unit would steadily weaken over time.

I have the view that we must take advantage of computing power to make better games.

As soon as my opponent sends back the turn I’ll post some screen shots. I played the turn before reading the posts so I couldn’t take screen shots last night.

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