Billy Yank -> Weird idea for modders (3/17/2001 5:28:00 AM)
OK, this is going to sound strange, but how about a fantasy version of SPW@W?
I'm reading the second book of Harry Turtledove's "Derlivai" (spelled wrong I'm sure) series. For those unfamiliar with it, Turtledove is following the basic storyline of WWII in a world where magic takes the place of technology. All the major players and technolgies have their analogs in the story. Instead of airplanes, there's trained dragons; armored behemoths in place of tanks, etc.
As I was reading the latest installment, it hit me that SPW@W could probably handle this world with a simple OOB/SHP mod. If any artistically talented Turtledove fan would like to give this a try, contact me. I could do the OOBs, but I don't have the skills to paint icons.