Hanging onto Kiska and Attu (Full Version)

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SierraJuliet -> Hanging onto Kiska and Attu (7/30/2014 6:27:16 AM)

Why thank you. Risk taking is fun when it pays off. These scenarios are such that if you want to get somewhere you have to be prepared to take some risks and accept the rewards or disasters which ever way they come.

Ok then I shall carry on with the AAR and as I am playing the Japanese side again there will no doubt be some risky business going on. Not sure yet how I'm meant to hang onto Attu and Kiska but the first turn is away and as it is only an 8 week scenario things should happen fairly quickly.

Cribtop -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu (7/30/2014 7:10:59 PM)

Very fun stuff, SJ. IMHO the IJN surface cover task force was not optimized under "Nemo's rules" - it was too large and mixed varying speeds and main gun ranges. Three or four smaller TFs with similar classed ships would have done better as surely one of them, probably two, gets the intercept. Make sure all surface TFs follow Mr. Nemo for better results. For example, your TFs were much closer to a good composition, whether by luck or design I don't know.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu (7/30/2014 9:26:34 PM)

Design for this one. I had a couple of TFs at PM and gave a bit of thought to how they should be recomposed for their visitation to Milne Bay and decided that the CLs should stay together and Chicago would have to go it alone with her destroyer escort. Worked a treat in the end and the CLs put up a brave show against all that heavy metal coming their way. I've read Nemo's rules and I'm sure I've managed to keep some of his work inside my brain. Must have worked as I was conscious of keeping classes of warship together when composing those TFs.

SierraJuliet -> Hanging onto Kiska and Attu (8/1/2014 2:14:41 AM)

Attu and Kiska

Several turns have past on by but little to report. I think I replaced nearly every sub commander with a commander who had far better naval qualities and was generally more aggressive. It cost some PP points but I doubt lack of PP will be a problem in this scenario.

I don’t think there is much I can do to hold onto Kiska other than hope that the defenders can hold out for as long a time as they can. Forts are ordered to be built up from level 2 to 3 but I doubt this will be achieved before the Allies arrive. Kind of placing all my eggs in one basket but Attu is the island I want to hang onto. 5th JNAF AF Unit is on the way so both fighter units can be stationed there. Not much to protect the convoy especially if the Allied cruisers make an early appearance.

The Liberators have started the bombing of Kiska and so it begins.

April 18 1943

20 Liberator bomb Kiska. Airbase hits 2 and runway hits 1. Followed by 8 Liberator and runway hits 2. No damage to the base and forts at 10%... Such a long way to go until completion and no time to finish them.

TF sighted at Adak (5 ships reported). 5th JNAF AF Unit has arrived at Attu and will start unloading overnight. There is about 3000 supply to get off as well. This could go well if I’m left alone or we shall soon see ships and equipment strewn across the seas at Attu.

April 19

23 Liberator bomb Kiska for runway hits 2. No damage to the base.

The AF unit is on the ground at Attu and only 939 supply to get off the ships. Forts are at 25% and I can fly in the Zeros now.

April 20

The Liberators are improving very quickly.

14 bomb Kiska for airbase hits 1, airbase supply hits 1 and runway hits 10. 6 more come in and score airbase hits 1, airbase supply hits 1 and runway hits 1. 1 bomber is claimed by flak but the base is left with AF Service Damage 10 and runway damage 01. Time to fly out the Rufes (which have been hitting heavy flak over Adak) and try out the fighters for a bit and see if they can’t shake up the bombers now and then.

SierraJuliet -> Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 21 April (8/1/2014 4:51:08 AM)

April 21

Submarine success. On the previous turn I noted a TF tracking toward Adak right near a host of Japanese subs. New orders for all available sea devils to congregate in the vicinity of Adak. SS I-24 finds CA Louisville and strikes with 2 torpedoes (heavy damage). She keeps sniffing around and fires on DD Gansevoort for a miss and 1 hit in return. A determined captain this one as he lines up again on the stricken Louisville and this time 4 torpedoes strike home (including reports of a massive explosion)…. 1 hit in retaliation to leave her at 08 00 00 00 and out of torpedoes and back to home base for re supply….. Hang on a minute. This sub has SSX Ha-28 tethered to her and she is enroute to a position off of Dutch Harbour. Better let her finish that little operation first.

18 Liberators find 6 Oscar and 9 A6M2 Zero waiting for them. Combat report has 1 bomber shot down but intel puts it at 3. 1 Zero pilot and 1 Oscar pilot get credit for a bomber each so something went right in the skies above Kiska. Another bomber is claimed by flak. 1 airbase supply hit from this raid. No new damage and all previous damage has been repaired.

Well that should have shaken things up a bit… What reaction should I expect!

Cribtop -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 21 April (8/2/2014 3:41:37 PM)

Man that sub skipper was aggressive. All those attacks while on a mini sub carrier mission!

In this scenario I found that the most useful IJN ships are the 4 APDs. Most of the troops you want to move early one will fit in them in one or two trips and the fast transport mission really cuts down on the risk.

SierraJuliet -> Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 22 - 29 April (8/3/2014 12:53:52 PM)

It was an impressive effort... sadly the midget mission came to naught.

April 22

And the response comes in the form of 16 P-38G Lightnings sweeping Kiska. A CAP of 9 Zero and 7 Oscar meet the, 4 Zero destroyed and 1 Oscar destroyed for 1 Lightning destroyed.

2 late P-38s take on 3 Oscar and destroy 1.

Intel is a sorrier picture reporting 6 Zero and 3 Oscar lost in aerial combat for 1 P-38. 5 pilots reported KIA. This twin tailed devil is going to be a nightmare to confront.

April 23

Nothing to report other than moving subs around to try and deal with these allied ships.

April 24

SS I-21, near Adak, attacks DD Bancroft and misses as does the ASW response.

More supply about to come ashore at Attu and forts here are now at 61% on the way to 3.

43rd Engineer Battalion is onboard ships and about to leave Paramushiro- jima bound for Attu….. Would be good to get them to Kiska to help with fort building but that would probably be throwing them away.

April 25

The Allies try some bombardment at Kiska.

SSX Ha-32 got the first shot in a launches 2 torpedoes at DD Bancroft but misses. The midget also escapes.

SS I-36 wanders into the shallows of Kiska and is attacked by the Allied destroyers. Fortunately DD Frazier quickly runs out of ammo from her previous days sub hunting. 2 hits on I-36 for damage of 06 00 00 00 and she will be going back for repair so that I will be able to keep her in the fight.

The bombardment is carried out by CA Indianapolis and CL Santa Fe and obtains 105 casualties (no squads destroyed 10 squads of all types disabled), airbase supply hits 2, runway hits 5 and port hits 4. By morning all damage has been repaired. Supply is at 4489 so I’ve lost some and will start doing fast transport runs from Attu to redress this… Trick is to avoid Allied surface TFs when I am doing this.

11 Lightnings visit Kiska and meet 7 Oscar. 1 Oscar lost. 2 straggler Lightnings meet 2 Oscar and another Oscar reported lost. Intel reports 3 Oscar lost on A to A and 1 Lightning lost too.

96th Ind Mixed Brigade has arrived at Para. My only reinforcement on the ground. When the ships return I guess she will be bound for Attu under the cover of a couple of heavy cruisers… They arrive in a couple of days.

April 26

The Liberators (15) are back. I have 12 zero on hand to meet them. We trade 1 for 1, although Intel reports suggest 2 bombers shot down. 1 Rufe destroyed on the ground plus runway hits 4 and airbase hits 4. AF Service damage is 03 and supply now at 4369. Forts are progressing slowly now at 26%.

April 27

12 Mitchell bombers visit Kiska today. 6 Zero make up the greeting party. The Mitchell's do better against the Zeros than the Liberators and they break through without loosing numbers to bomb the port – port hits 1 and port fuel hits 1. SSX Ha-32 which is docked is hit by a single bomb. Massive damage, of course 46 75(28) 11(03) 00. Just have to leave it there to soak up some more bombs. Port damage at the end of the day is only 2 so all good here for the time being but it is stopping the building of the forts.

A second Mitchell raid (12 bombers) meets 1 Zero. 1 bomber destroyed and port hits 1 and port fuel hits 1.

The Zeros are spent for the day so the sweep by 18 Warhawk meets no opposition.

This attrition is not good so a priority now is to get supply at Attu above 20 000 so some replacement aircraft can turn up.

April 28

Nil to report today.

April 29

SS Narwhal pops up at Attu and launches 4 torpedoes at xAK Awazisan Maru. Thankfully the Americans are still using dud torpedoes.

Forts at Attu go to level 3.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 30 April - 5 May (8/9/2014 10:05:23 PM)

April 30

Not too much happening other than SS I-34 launching 6 torpedoes against DD Monaghan near Dutch Harbour and getting 3 hits!

I have 2 subs and 1 midget at Para undergoing repair. I-36 will be back in service in 1 day and I-24 in a week.

There has been little air activity over Kiska and I expect an invasion preceded by an all out air offensive is not far away.

May 1

No action to report.

May 2

No action to report.

May 3

An Allied sub has slipped mines into Attu and the latest arriving convoy finds the field with E Hachijo hitting one and sinking.

SS S-33 shoots at DD shirakumo as the convoy approaches Attu and the destroyers avoid the dangerous fish.

At Kiska 15 Lightning play with 11 Zero. 2 Zero lost for 1 Lightning. They are followed at regular interval by individual groups of bombers. 8 Ventura – 1 lost to flak and another to the fighters with 2 port hits achieved. 11 Liberator – 1 shot down and no land damage. 7 Liberator and no damage (all Liberators bombing from 15000 though). 16 Mitchell – SS Ha-32 sucks up 2 bombs and is sunk. On the ground 5 casualties and port hits 3. At the end of the turn port damage is at 4 and forts are at 44% on their way to 3… Still too far away to be useful when the Allies land.

May 4

All the action is in the air over Kiska.

11 Zero against 3 Ventura. After action report has 1 bomber shot down but intel is showing 3 downed.

10 Zero against 4 Liberator. We trade one apiece. CL Abukuma is targeted from 15000’ and she evades.

4 Zero against 6 Liberator. No losses and CA Maya is targeted from very high and evades.

3 Zero against 6 Liberator. No reported losses and DD Hatsushima is the target and evades.

16 Warhawk do a sweep against 3 Zero and shot down 1 Zero.

Now that Todd knows my cruisers are at Kiska time to move them out before the B-24s show up.

Adak has the port built up to level 3.

May 5

Nil to report. Todd has gone quiet before his invasion.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 6 May - 13 May (8/17/2014 12:28:22 PM)

May 6


May 7

More quiet.

May 8

12 lightning sweep Kiska against 7 Zero. 1 zero downed.

AF at Attu expands to level 2.

Something is afoot. Warships are sighted south west of Dutch Harbour. Battleships and cruisers reported in the TFs. No sign of transports… They will at sea somewhere.

May 9

3 Betty take on 6 Lightning and 9 Warhawk at Adak and never get to sniff out the warships reported to be there. I pull back the Betty range as I want them attacking ships not CAPed ships near a base protected by fighters.

Fort building at Kiska has reached a tantalising 70%. The Allies are on the way and I still believe they will get here before the forts move on up to level 3.

May 10

Nothing to report.

May 11

Nothing to report.

May 12

Again not much happening. I loose SSX Ha-28 to a mine as she attempts to penetrate Dutch Harbour.

May 13

For several days now Todd has had several TFs to the south of Adak Island. They have been sailing westward at an agonisingly slow place. So slowly that I have anticipated that they would be further than they turned out to be and my subs have failed to make any intercepts.

Tonight would be different.

SS I-7 starts proceedings with a launch of 6 fish at CVE Nasau. They all miss and she takes 1 hit from the escort. She hangs around and the escort finds her but don’t register a hit. A little more hanging around and now she lines up on CA Indianapolis. Another 6 fish away and this time 1 strikes home and there are reports of fires and heavy damage. 5 hits suffered by way of retribution.

SS I-21 takes over and launches 6 against CVE Nasau and is rewarded with 1 hit and reports of the Escort Carrier on fire and suffering heavy damage. The surface escorts report 5 hits on the sub.

SS I-36 chimes in and from a launch of 6 scores 2 hits and a dud on CA Indianapolis. 1 penetrating hit in response.

Indianapolis is a goner and her planes are on the aerial ground loss list. I don’t mind if Nasau escapes… I expect she has some reasonably significant damage and I wonder if Todd is prepared to further risk his only carrier asset for this scenario.

My scouts haven’t reported any transports and I am keen to find their location. The American battleships are also missing in action. Indianapolis was reported to be accompanied by CA Wichita and San Francisco plus CL Santa Fe.

The slow advance of the enemy fleets means that the forts at Kiska are likely to make the jump to 3. They are now sitting at 93% and are a good chance of going up in the next turn as they have been progressing around 6 or 7 each day lately.

As for my subs they did take damage. I-7 is at 15 04 00 00. I-21 is at 18 07 00 00 and I-36 is at 14 25(12) 10(7) 00. Very satisfactory with only one of the subs suffering any major damage.

18 Lightning scoot over Kiska but I have withdrawn the fighters so they have no pickings today.

Cribtop -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 6 May - 13 May (8/17/2014 4:10:09 PM)

Hitting Nassau like that is very critical. Tough to have good LBA LRCAP to cover a landing in this scenario and Nassau is all the Allies get.

SierraJuliet -> Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 14 May (8/17/2014 10:16:49 PM)

Getting that CVE was a very good thing. Lucky too as the subs could have gone for any ship but I guess her high value and slow speed make her a prime sub target.

May 14

I-7 has a go at DMS Long and misses. No damage from the escorts. She has enough torpedoes left for 1 more shot and then she is out.

SS I-175 shoots at DD Farragut and misses. So does the escort.

The American fleet comes into range of my Attu bombers. 3 Betty escorted by 6 Zero find a TF with BB Idaho in it. The escort loses 2 Zero and the bombers leave without causing any damage. A second flight of 4 Betty avoids the CAP of 3 Lightnings but miss on their attempt against BB Nevada.

The American TFs are 3 hexes south east of Kiska so the bombardment must be coming in tonight. AO Platte and xAK Vega were also identified in a TF in the same hex so it would appear that the invasion transports are close by too.

Kiska requires 1% more to bring forts up to level 3.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 15 May (8/23/2014 5:54:41 AM)

May 15

Todd has been away for this week so I have sat on the results of this turn for some days. I strongly suspect that it will result in Todd conceding the game.

Everything starts out normally enough….. SS I-7 attacks KV Dawson near Adak for no result.

At Kiska SS I-9 finds the invasion fleet and gets hunted before she can line up a target. She suffers 8 hits for 31 36(18) 00 00 damage before making her escape. She gets a good look though at what is around… At least 2 APA and 2 xAP along with escorts and CL Detroit.

SSX Ha-31 lurking around Kiska is also spotted and escapes the attention of escorts looking out for AO Platte and xAK Vega.

SS I-24 shots at DMS Chandler and misses… Takes 2 hits in return.

Then with the coming of daylight (guess that could be very early given the time of year) Tanaka appears at Kiska. If there is a heavy covering force assigned duty to cover the precious transports it is nowhere to be seen. A lopsided encounter ensues.

Day Time Surface Combat, near Kiska Island at 157,51, Range 27,000 Yards

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
SOC-1 Seagull: 1 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CA Maya, Shell hits 1
CA Nachi, Shell hits 3
CL Abukuma, Shell hits 3
CL Kiso, Shell hits 1
DD Hatsushima, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Wakaba, Shell hits 3
DD Usugumo
DD Shirakumo, Shell hits 1

Allied Ships
CL Detroit, Shell hits 33, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
DD Meade, Shell hits 4, on fire
DD Edwards, Shell hits 3, heavy fires
DD Mustin, Shell hits 6, heavy fires
DD Balch, Shell hits 11, heavy fires, heavy damage
AM Oriole, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
APA Harris, Shell hits 21, heavy fires, heavy damage
APA Zeilin, Shell hits 18, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
APA J. Franklin Bell, Shell hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
APA Heywood, Shell hits 10, heavy fires, heavy damage
APA U.S. Grant, Shell hits 20, and is sunk
xAP Flavel, Shell hits 22, and is sunk
xAP Henry Failing, Shell hits 14, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP North Coast, Shell hits 20, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
7729 casualties reported
Squads: 67 destroyed, 166 disabled
Non Combat: 188 destroyed, 249 disabled
Engineers: 40 destroyed, 39 disabled
Guns lost 108 (85 destroyed, 23 disabled)
Vehicles lost 47 (38 destroyed, 9 disabled)

Upon the withdrawal of Tanaka 8 Betty escorted by 21 Zero find APA Heywood and finish her off with 2 torpedo hits.

Forts at Kiska finally make it to level 3.

A stunning result and much unexpected. I didn't want Tanaka to hit the anchorage as I expected it would be very well screened by heavy warships. The plan was to head east and try to intercept lightly defended shipping behind the front line. I guess that the detection level of the transports was sufficient to give Tanaka cause to react and go hunting the prize. I expected the battleships to be present but is seems they have withdrawn…. Very puzzled. Could fuel be the issue?


Richard III -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 15 May (8/23/2014 12:50:09 PM)

Just read the whole Guadalcanal AAR, ( which you suggested in my query post in TWR ) Great reading, we are at 21 August so at last I get to do something brave with the Mobile Striking Force CV`s. It`s a fun training scenario, more so for the Allies [8D]

Great turn above for you. IMO, there is a lot to said for embedding the BB`s and CA`s within an invasion TF.
I wonder what the allied transports leadership level and routing orders were.

KenchiSulla -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 15 May (8/23/2014 1:26:13 PM)



Just read the whole Guadalcanal AAR, ( which you suggested in my query post in TWR ) Great reading, we are at 21 August so at last I get to do something brave with the Mobile Striking Force CV`s. It`s a fun training scenario, more so for the Allies [8D]

Great turn above for you. IMO, there is a lot to said for embedding the BB`s and CA`s within an invasion TF.
I wonder what the allied transports leadership level and routing orders were.

Embedding warships with transports is only useful for bombarding duty... This seems to be a mistake by your foe. If he had used one or two surface groups with decent leaders set to react 2 or 3 this wouldn't have happened...

Richard III -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 15 May (8/23/2014 1:37:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cannonfodder



Just read the whole Guadalcanal AAR, ( which you suggested in my query post in TWR ) Great reading, we are at 21 August so at last I get to do something brave with the Mobile Striking Force CV`s. It`s a fun training scenario, more so for the Allies [8D]

Great turn above for you. IMO, there is a lot to said for embedding the BB`s and CA`s within an invasion TF.
I wonder what the allied transports leadership level and routing orders were.

Embedding warships with transports is only useful for bombarding duty... This seems to be a mistake by your foe. If he had used one or two surface groups with decent leaders this wouldn't have happened...

You sure the BB`s and CA`s in a Amphib/Transport TF won`t engage the surface attackers..?? I didn`t know that.

They certainly will "screen" a CV TF, in fact the PBEM combat report actually said that when Tanaka overran a US CV TF near Rabual in last game turn.

I agree that it looks like a leadership/SAG support routing issue...

Cribtop -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 15 May (8/23/2014 2:45:06 PM)

Oof. Second game in a row Tanaka evades the cover and makes a hash of it for your opponent. Well done!

BBfanboy -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 15 May (8/23/2014 3:08:25 PM)




ORIGINAL: Cannonfodder



Just read the whole Guadalcanal AAR, ( which you suggested in my query post in TWR ) Great reading, we are at 21 August so at last I get to do something brave with the Mobile Striking Force CV`s. It`s a fun training scenario, more so for the Allies [8D]

Great turn above for you. IMO, there is a lot to said for embedding the BB`s and CA`s within an invasion TF.
I wonder what the allied transports leadership level and routing orders were.

Embedding warships with transports is only useful for bombarding duty... This seems to be a mistake by your foe. If he had used one or two surface groups with decent leaders this wouldn't have happened...

You sure the BB`s and CA`s in a Amphib/Transport TF won`t engage the surface attackers..?? I didn`t know that.

They certainly will "screen" a CV TF, in fact the PBEM combat report actually said that when Tanaka overran a US CV TF near Rabual in last game turn.

I agree that it looks like a leadership/SAG support routing issue...

He may have given the correct routing orders to the cover force, but it is possible some of the shorter ranged ships had to refuel at sea and delayed the cover while the transports went ahead.

An inexperienced player will often not monitor fuel levels sufficiently to ensure this does not happen.

It is also possible the cover force was set to "normal" threat tolerance and if you have been flying bombers in the area they could react away from the threat at Attu. Gotta set "Absolute" for critical moves!
And finally, some players make the mistake of setting the cover force to follow the Amphib one, instead of the other way around. Even if the follow range is 0, there is lots of room in a 40nm hex for an intercept to happen.

Re: embedding warships in the Amphib force, yes they will try to defend but they are handicapped severely by being tied to the max speed of the TF and its poor maneuver rating. Like fighters escorting bombers, they are easy targets.

A great result for the Japanese side, but a pity that it will kill any chance the scenario can continue. Hopefully you can switch sides and do another?

Mike McCreery -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 15 May (8/23/2014 7:39:04 PM)

You forgot some of the more basic blunders like not setting a TF to remain on station...

SierraJuliet -> RE: Hanging onto Kiska and Attu 15 May (8/28/2014 8:10:29 AM)

Todd has conceded. We had a mix up with turns and we ran a new version of the last turn. More or less the same result with Tanaka running riot but this time against 3 separate supporting TFs. More sunk American ships and the main invasion TF turned tail and retreated. Once again the heavy covering force also took off.

Todd was kind enough to allow me to take a peek at his side at the conclusion. I noted that his TFs were set to normal for threat tolerance so I think you were right on the money there BBfanboy. Certainly is a good reason why the heavies would leave the transports to the mercy of Tanaka. Todd also said that threat tolerance was something about AE that had escaped his attention up until now…. Probably explains my run of good surface actions against his shipping. Without a doubt I now have a tougher opponent to deal with now that Todd has taken this on board.

No fuel issues either from what I could see.

Todd has also taken on the challenge of this scenario from the Japanese side. So once again we shall brawl in very cold water.

SierraJuliet -> Taking Kiska and Attu 19 - 22 April (9/2/2014 10:17:04 PM)

April 19

After several days of setting up action has returned to the Aleutians.

I sent 2 surface TFs out west of Attu to see what they could sniff out. SS I-34 sniffed them out first and despatches DD MacDonough with a single torpedo hit. DD Dale responds in kind scoring 8 hits (1 penetrating) on the sub.

Kiska also sees action with 12 Lightning performing sweep against 1 Zero and 18 Rufe. 2 Rufes claimed for 1 lightning. 3 Liberator follow, escorted by 6 Warhawks. CAP is made up of 1 Zero and 7 Rufe. 1 Rufe is claimed as destroyed and the runway receives 1 hit.

April 20

17 liberator on the long hop from Dutch Harbour are met by 1 Zero and 12 Rufe over Kiska. Some damaged bombers for 1 Rufe destroyed on the ground plus 10 casualties, airbase hits 1, Airbase Supply hits 3 and runway hits 3.

April 21

Indianapolis, Louisville and CL Richmond bombard Attu for 11 casualties, airbase supply hits 1, runway hits 3 and port hits 2. On their return to Dutch Harbour they are located by SS I-21. DD Frazier evades the torpedoes and the sub is reported to have been hit twice with one being a penetrating hit. That is hopefully 2 Japanese subs too badly damaged to be properly repaired in this scenario.

A sweep of Kiska by 11 Warhawk against 1 Zero results in the loss of 1 Warhawk. A second sweep by 3 Warhawk against the same Zero is inconclusive.

April 22

SS S-32 attempts a surface attack at Attu on xAK Sanko Maru only to suffer the indignity of 4 hits from the merchant ship. M.G. Schmidt decides (and rightly so) to submerge due to damage! Damage is only 04 02 00 00 but still very embarrassing.

Over at Kiska 9 Warhawk take on 1 Zero and 3 Rufe and lose 1 Warhawk for their trouble.

SierraJuliet -> Sanko Maru (9/2/2014 10:21:31 PM)

Captain Akatsuka had not long returned to his ship Sanko Maru. For a second night the 4 and a half thousand ton freighter was tied to the rudimentary structure which passed for a wharf on Attu Island. Men from the ship and those souls ordered to turn this American outpost into a stronghold of the empire laboured to unload supplies from his ship. Everything, that is, which would keep them alive, and hostile to the enemy, in this lonely corner of the world. As important as their mission was Akatsuka was of a mind that as soon as the anchor was raised and Sanko was on course for a less exposed position the better!

The evening had been a pleasurable one, none the less, as the Captain had been able to regale his land based colleagues with the tale of the daring do action by none other than his little Sanko Maru the night before. With land fall at Attu imminent lookouts, taking advantage of the good moonlight, had excitedly reported an American submarine approaching… Not submerged but running on the surface and looking to shell Sanko out of existence. Sanko had 2 8cm guns at her disposal and orders quickly went out to return fire on the impudent American. The audience marvelled at the ships accuracy and Akatsuka still found it hard to believe himself for not 1, 2 or even 3 shells would be seen hitting that submarine. Four! Four shells had been sent unerringly towards the target and announced their impact with a satisfying red burst. With that the sub dived beneath the waves and was not heard of again. A truly magnificent tale for the Captain of a lowly merchant vessel to regale at any gathering.

But that was last night. Tonight the business of unloading was the order of the day. Akatsuka took comfort in the knowledge that a couple of light cruisers and their fearsome escort of destroyers were not far away. On the prowl and looking out for American intruders.

Just over the horizon from the contemplative Akatsuka three destroyers ran straight and true for the anchorage at Attu. On board Monaghan the tension had been rising. The brass had seen fit to send them into harm’s way with scant knowledge of what might lay in wait. Their orders were to seek out Japanese merchant shipping believed to be unloading supplies at the base and destroy any such shipping located. No one needed to add the obvious that supporting warships, including heavy cruisers, should be expected. So far not a sniff of enemy ships at sea. With the Island now well in view all that remained was to find out what was contained at the anchorage. Gun crews closed up, know they are close, anxiously awaiting the command to commence action. One ship, docked, a cargo ship and no protectors in sight. Anxiety gives way to anticipation. The order is relayed…. Open Fire!

Akatsuka’s thoughts are rudely interrupted by the shrill warning from a look out. Enemy ships approaching at high speed. Swiftly training a set of binoculars on the bearing Akatsuka, assisted by the moonlight, finds the low down shapes of three sleek ships majestically cutting their way through the water. Sleek and deadly. The unloading abruptly stops. Before the command to get away from the pier is ordered the crew is already making haste to do just that. Where are our escorts Akatsuka wonders? Feverishly searching in the vain hope of seeing them burst forth to deal with the Americans he finds nothing; just fast approaching American wrath.

The wait is not long before red flashes ripple amongst the shapes of the destroyers. The shriek of the shells passing over head and soon, all too soon, the din of a shell piercing the hull and exploding in the bowels of his ship. Sanko shudders. Akatsuka feels her pain as another shell hits home. Fire has already taken hold within the ship. Another desperate cry from a lookout and his attention is drawn to the phosphorescent wake of an incoming torpedo. There was no doubting it was on target. Brace for the impact. Feel Sanko being lifted out of the water by the explosion and then slammed back down. Akatsuka knew it now. His ship was dying. Her steel barrier against the sea had been breached. The ocean was rushing into her innards to claim her for its own. And the shells. They continued to score their mark. Abandon ship. An awful order but give he must. His crew did not to deserve to go down with their ship. The captain though… The honourable thing to do was to go down with your ship, was it not? The thought raced through his mind and he contemplated doing just that. Hard man that he was, and proud too, he was also a thoughtful man with family and a yearning to continue living. Make a decision… quickly. Get off this wreck he would. Move fast and keep a level head. There were perils aplenty to negotiate. Oil burning on the water. Gods! The water itself would take you in no time with its icy grip. Off the slanting deck and into the water. Icy shock. Stay calm. Look for a lifeboat. Anything that would take him out of this piercing cold. A boat. At least it looked like a boat. Akatsuka began swimming towards safety.


SierraJuliet -> Taking Kiska and Attu 23 - 25 April (9/2/2014 10:33:17 PM)

April 23

DDs Monaghan, Aylwin and King visit Attu at night and surprise xAK Sanko Maru in the middle of unloading. The freighter is hit by 1 torpedo and 10 shells and promptly sinks.

Same night and same location. DDs Gansevoort, Meade and Edwards find the surface action group tasked with protecting Sanko Maru. 1 shell hit on Gansevoort and 1 hit on CL Kiso and DD Shirakumo before both sides break off.

Later on during daylight, still at Attu, the destroyers that dispatched Sanko Maru tangle with the Japanese surface combat TF. Aylwin and King take 1 shell each and Monaghan is hit by 2 shells. On the Japanese side CL Abukuma is hit twice and DD Wakaba is hit by 3 shells. Damage to the allied destroyers is Gansevoort 15 13(09) 01 00, Monaghan 12 10(6) 03 00, King 02 00 00 00 and Aylwin 11 00 01 00.

All in all a reasonably good result and a 9 VP Japanese ship in the bag and maybe one or two of the destroyers badly knocked around.

April 24

5 lone Liberators bomb Kiska, after they have evaded the 1 zero CAP. 2 runway hits achieved.

April 25

My cargo ships which had been taking an age to disgorge their supplies at Adak suddenly unload and set sail. I expect this must be as a result of the extra naval support being rendered by 103rd USN Base Force which recently shipped in to bolster the base aviation support. Found the section on port load adjustments and see that naval support can add 10 points to load ability for each naval squad present. The 103rd has 100 naval support so quite the big multiplier effect. It is one thing to read and understand the concepts but quite another to see it in action

Sadly the ships run straight into the path of SS I-36 and 3 of the 6 launches find their mark and I lose the valuable 13 VP xAK George W. Julian. At least she wasn’t laden with supply.

Kiska is visited by a sweep of 16 Lightning and the 1 CAP Zero is shot down.


SierraJuliet -> Taking Kiska and Attu 26 - 30 April (9/4/2014 1:03:56 PM)

April 26

Nothing to report.

April 27

Nothing to report.

April 28

South of Adak SS I-31 launches 6 torpedoes at DD Edwards and misses. The destroyers hunt but can’t pick up her scent.

April 29

16 Lightning sweep Kiska against 1 Zero and the Zero is destroyed.

4 Mictchell with 9 escorting Warhawk bomb Kiska. 4 Casualties reported along with airbase supply hits 1 and runway hits 2.

April 30

Nothing to report, however, both Todd and I had surface TFs dancing around each other in the ocean west of Attu. I attached a map of the planned course for Lee to attempt an intercept.


SierraJuliet -> Taking Kiska and Attu 1 May (9/4/2014 1:09:09 PM)

May 1

Lee pulls off an intercept against Tanaka. Wichita is in the thick of it and lands the best blows on the Japanese vessels.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Paramushiro-jima at 144,51, Range 7,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Maya, Shell hits 2, on fire
CA Nachi, Shell hits 8, heavy fires
CL Abukuma, Shell hits 3
CL Kiso, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Hatsushima

Allied Ships
CA Indianapolis, Shell hits 1
CA Wichita, Shell hits 1
CL Richmond
CL Santa Fe, Shell hits 2
DD Bancroft, Shell hits 1
DD Caldwell, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Mustin
DD Dale

Reduced sighting due to 3% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 3% moonlight: 7,000 yards
Range closes to 23,000 yards...
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 23,000 yards
Range closes to 17,000 yards...
Range closes to 11,000 yards...
Range closes to 7,000 yards...
After the battle DD Usugumo in a daring action sneaks up on the Allied TF and offloads 2 torpedoes into Wichita. It is a sad twist after such a good intercept. I expect to loose Wichita but I shall have a go at nursing her home.

Damage from the battle is

Wichita 48 84(63) 16 00
Caldwell 13 16(09) 16 00
Santa Fe 11 00 02(01) 00

Fairly respectable and I expect that Nachi, at least, is fairly well banged up as well. Hopefully the ability of the IJN to pose a serious threat to Allied landings has been nullified.

16 Lightning are sent on a long range sweep to Attu. 10 Zero meet them and 7 are claimed as shot down.

12 Mitchell bomb Kiska for runway hits 2.


SierraJuliet -> Sting in the tail (9/4/2014 1:12:18 PM)

And to be fair to the IJN here is Usugumo having her moment sending torpedoes inward bound for Wichita.


Cribtop -> RE: Sting in the tail (9/4/2014 4:16:58 PM)

Cool first person account! Poor Sanko Maru.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Sting in the tail (9/4/2014 8:41:44 PM)

Thank you Cribtop. I wanted to spice this AAR up a bit and Sanko M seemed to be a good opportunity to try a little story telling. Now I've gone and developed an interest in Sanko and her Captain I shall keep a look out for their activities when Todd and I make it to the GC.

SierraJuliet -> Taking Kiska and Attu 2 - 4 May (9/6/2014 8:50:56 AM)

May 2

12 Mitchell make an uncontested bombing run on Kiska and report airbase hits 4 and runway hits 7 for the lose of 1 of their number to flak.

May 3

Nothing to report.

May 4

On the previous turn I noted Japanese shipping at Attu. I was in the final stages of ordering my battleships in for a bombardment of Attu. I had Lee and his victorious ships from their encounter with Tanaka on hand and decided to split the battle wagons from their TF so that I could send in 2 surface action TFs before the heavy ships came in to do their work. I wasn’t sure what kind of offensive assets would be in place so I wanted to ensure that the bombardment TF was as best protected as I could make them. The results were most unexpected and welcome.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Attu Island at 153,49, Range 6,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Hatsushima, Shell hits 1
APD Nokaze, Shell hits 28, and is sunk
APD Namikaze
APD Numakaze, Shell hits 6, and is sunk
E Hachijo, Shell hits 1
E Ishigaki
xAK Sasako Maru
AMC Asaka Maru, Shell hits 35, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP Taizan Maru, Shell hits 8, heavy fires, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CA Louisville
CA San Francisco
DD Lansdowne
DD Meade
DD Edwards, Shell hits 1

Japanese ground losses:
550 casualties reported
Squads: 33 destroyed, 24 disabled
Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 14 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 24 (12 destroyed, 12 disabled)

Allied Ships Reported to be Approaching!
Japanese TF suspends unloading operations and begins to get underway
Reduced sighting due to 0% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 0% moonlight: 8,000 yards
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 19,000 yards...
Range closes to 14,000 yards...
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 14,000 yards
Range closes to 9,000 yards...
Range closes to 6,000 yards...
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 6,000 yards
Allies open fire on surprised Japanese ships at 6,000 yards……

Japanese Task Force Manages to Escape
Task forces break off...

8’ shells flying everywhere at point blank range. The heavy cruisers were having a time of it.

The fleeing Japanese ships ran straight into Lee and received more punishing fire.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Attu Island at 153,49, Range 9,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Hatsushima
APD Namikaze, Shell hits 16, heavy fires, heavy damage
E Hachijo, Shell hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
E Ishigaki, Shell hits 2
xAK Sasako Maru, Shell hits 5, heavy fires
AMC Asaka Maru, and is sunk
xAP Taizan Maru, Shell hits 12, heavy fires, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CA Indianapolis
CL Richmond
CL Santa Fe
DD Bancroft
DD Mustin
DD Dale, Shell hits 1, on fire (damage is 19 00 08 00)

Japanese ground losses:
1716 casualties reported
Squads: 94 destroyed, 32 disabled
Non Combat: 51 destroyed, 36 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Guns lost 45 (43 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Reduced sighting due to 0% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 0% moonlight: 8,000 yards
Range closes to 27,000 yards...
Range closes to 25,000 yards...
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 25,000 yards
Range closes to 23,000 yards...
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 23,000 yards
Range closes to 21,000 yards...
Range closes to 19,000 yards...
Range closes to 17,000 yards...
Range closes to 15,000 yards...
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 15,000 yards
Range closes to 13,000 yards...
Range closes to 11,000 yards...
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 11,000 yards
Range closes to 10,000 yards...
Range closes to 9,000 yards...
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 9,000 yards
Allies open fire on surprised Japanese ships at 9,000 yards……..

Japanese Task Force Manages to Escape
Task forces break off...

To rub in salt Lee finds another, smaller, Japanese TF and has some more target practice.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Attu Island at 153,49, Range 4,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
APD Kamikaze, Shell hits 17, and is sunk
xAP Buenos Aires Maru, Shell hits 3, on fire
xAP Dairen Maru, Shell hits 11, heavy fires, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CA Indianapolis
CL Richmond
CL Santa Fe
DD Bancroft
DD Mustin
DD Dale, on fire

Japanese ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied Ships Reported to be Approaching!
Japanese TF suspends unloading operations and begins to get underway
Reduced sighting due to 0% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 0% moonlight: 5,000 yards
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 19,000 yards...
Range closes to 14,000 yards...
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 14,000 yards
Range closes to 9,000 yards...
Range closes to 6,000 yards...
Range closes to 4,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 4,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 4,000 yards……

Japanese Task Force Manages to Escape
Task forces break off...

SS S-35 finds the damaged Buenos Aires Maru but can’t get the torpedoes to hit what must have been a sitting target.

Idaho, Pennsylvania and Nevada go about their destructive ways unmolested and report 103 casualties (1 non combat squad, 2 engineer squads and 7 guns destroyed) plus airbase hits 1, runway hits 4 and port hits 3.

SS Nautilus shots at E Ishigaki and misses.

SS S-41 also shots at Ishigaki and misses.

SS I-169 takes a shot at DD Lansdowne as the American ships head for home and skirt Kiska. The Japanese sub also misses.

What a day. The only thing for my invasion fleet left to fear is the Bettys which should have arrived about now. My transports have arrived at Dutch Harbour so the invasion can get underway once the ships are loaded and the warships have returned to Dutch Harbour and replenished their stores.

I’m uncertain how far we shall continue with this scenario. Todd reported that he lost his best land unit in this action and his morale is shattered after I bested him playing both sides.

VPs now stand at Allies 183 to Japan 136.

Wichita still struggles gamily on… flotation is currently at 83 which is fairly steady but I have started getting those ‘temporary repairs are failing’ messages.


SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu 2 - 4 May (9/6/2014 10:39:28 AM)

Just heard back from Todd and the game is live until I clean up those islands or a couple of legendary Japanese carriers turn up and put paid to my efforts to reclaim the islands!

SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu 2 - 4 May (9/6/2014 10:41:57 AM)

And also found out why all those ships were so nicely laid on for my ships at Attu. Japanese recon had reported a sub lurking instead of a couple of TFs full of surface warships. I would have fallen into the same sense of false security too.

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