RE: Taking Kiska and Attu 2 - 4 May (Full Version)

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Cribtop -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu 2 - 4 May (9/6/2014 1:37:32 PM)

Oh, the humanity! [&o]

SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu 5 - 9 May (9/9/2014 10:17:02 PM)

May 5

SS I-36 is attacked by escorts near Dutch harbour and her captain avoids the onslaught. I-36 then shots and misses on DD Mustin and again avoids the response.

May 6

12 Lightning sweep Attu and destroy the lone Zero on patrol.

8 Liberator follow up, avoiding another lone Zero, and bomb the AF for 20 casualties, airbase hits 3, airbase supply hits 1 and runway hits 13.

May 7

9 Mitchell, unescorted over Attu, are met by 12 Zero. 2 Mitchell are lost and reports come in of airbase hits 1 and runway hits 3.

2 Lightning then take on 7 Zero and 1 Lightning is lost.

16 Lightning then turn on and destroy 2 of the Zero that meet them.

5 Liberator bomb Kiska and report airbase hits 1 and runway hits 5.

May 8

No action to report.

May 9

16 Zero sweep Attu and destroy 3 Zero. The intell screen reports 6 zero shot down and Todd mentioned that the Lightnings were very effective so 6 might be closer to the real figure.

The flooding on Witchta shot up to 91, plus reports came in that damage control parties were trapped in flooded compartments (very nasty), so I reluctantly give the order to scuttle.

The Attu invasion fleet is 2 turns away from a landing.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu 10 - 14 May (9/15/2014 12:26:36 AM)

May 10

Nothing to report.

May 11

Near Attu SS I-21 attacks and misses DD Mustin. She takes 2 hits in return. After the search for the sub is abandoned Farragut finds her but can inflict no further damage. I-21 then pops up and shots off 6 torpedoes at DD Aylwin. The torpedoes miss and the submarine sneaks away.

At Attu 10 Liberator take on 9 Zero. They get through and report airbase supply hits 1 and runway hits 1.

The next raid by 7 Mitchell meets 8 Zero and avoids loss before reporting airbase hits 1 and runway hits 1.

May 12

The invasion of Attu is underway with a bombardment by Idaho, Pennsylvania and Nevada reporting 312 casualties. On the whole no damage caused from the CD guns and many Allied troops and equipment ashore.

At Attu 9 Liberator escorted by 12 Wildcat, from the CVE, take on 10 Zero. 2 Zero are reported downed for 2 Woldcat destroyed. The bombers report airbase hits 2 and runway hits 6.

8 Mitchell, escorted by 3 Wildcat, take on 3 Zero. 1 Zero is destroyed and the bombers report airbase hits 1, airbase supply hits 2 and runway hits 3.

The Japanese counter the Allied landings with a bombardment which nets 52 Japanese casualties and 37 Allied casualties.

May 13

More troops continue to make it off the ships and onto the beach at Attu. SS I-175 shoots at DD King and misses.

Overhead at Attu 10 Liberator are escorted by 4 Wildcat. There is no CAP and the bombers report 12 Japanese casualties, airbase hits 3, airbase supply hits 1 and runway hits 2.

8 Mitchell, escorted by 6 Wildcat, bomb Attu and report airbase hits 1 and runway hits 2

SS I-175 is still hanging around near Attu. She shoots and misses against DD Meade and suffers 4 hits hits by way of retribution.

The Japanese continue their bombardment and report come in of 59 Japanese casualties and 7 Allied casualties.

The Allied force bombards but no casualties are reported from eith side.

May 14

The landings continue.

In the skies over Attu 17 Betty roar in intent on delivery a blow to the ships massed about the anchorage. 4 Wildcat meet them and whilst 1 Betty is lost to flack the rest commence their runs. One plane is successful with a torpedo hitting CA Loisville. Damage is enough to keep Louisville out of the fray for while.

8 more Betty turn up. Santa Fe is targeted and she avoids the threat made by 4 Wildcat fail to make an impression and then they are through to start their torpedo runs. CL Santa avoids the tin fish.

4 Liberator escorted by 3 Wildcat bomb Attu and report airbase hits 2, airbase supply hits 2 and runway hits 5. 3 Mitchell follow up for airbase hits 1 and runway hits 1.

On the ground the Japanese bombardment attack nets 97 Japanese casualties for 17 Allied casualties.

Deliberate attack by the Allies (1 to 1 odds) nets 1006 Japanese casualties for 762 Allied casualties and forts reduced to 2.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu 15 - 19 May (9/21/2014 8:18:31 AM)

May 15

At Attu SS I-24 scores 1 torpedo hit on CL Raleigh. She then goes onto to record 2 hits on BB Pennsylvania. 7 hits on the sub from the escort.

Pennsylvania moves away from the Island only to be located by SS I-35 which scores a further torpedo strike on the stricken battleship.

On Attu a Japanese bombardment causes 21 Japanese casualties to 88 Allied casualties. The Allied bombardment destroys 1 vehicle.

Pennsylvania is mortally wounded and she will succumb and be lost to the ocean. We are a few weeks down the track in game time and those lost VPs will become quite insurmountable in terms of the ultimate scenario outcome.

May 16

My two remaining battleships were withdrawn overnight. Very stupidly I allowed the return course to Dutch Harbour to stray too close to Kiska. SSX Ha-28 operating in deep water 2 hexes away from Kiska scores a single torpedo hit on BB Nevada. The midget gets 1 hit in return. I recall the message sub is obliterated flashing up… A large oil slick was also reported. A good result for the little vessel before her demise.

Near Dutch Harbour my returning transports run into SS I-7 and APA Zeilin suffers 2 torpedo hits. She will make harbour but she is done for the scenario.

More troops filter ashore at Attu. The Japanese bombardment nets 43 Japanese and 21 Allied casualties. The deliberate Allied attack scores 1 to 1 assault odds (just… allied adjusted AS 292 versus Japanese AS 251) and forts are dropped to 1. 1028 Japanese casualties to 500 Allied casualties.

May 17

Near Dutch Harbour SS I-36 runs afoul of escorts and suffers 16 hits.

5 Liberators attack Attu and report 7 casualties. The next raid by 6 Liberators reports 87 ground casualties. The Japanese bombardment scores 28 casualties on both sides.

The Allied forces carry out a deliberate attack for the second day running and gain assault odds of 3 to 1. The base is taken and in the process Det/45th Tank Regiment, 15th/16th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment, 43rd Engineer Battalion, Attu Air Defense AA Division, 1st Engineer Coy, 301st Ind. Infantry Battalion, 35th RF Gun Battalion, 38th Construction Coy, North Chichijima Naval Guard Unit and 57th JNAF AF Unit are wiped out by attrition after being surrounded. A resounding victory in very short order for the Allied force.

Checking through the operations reports I note that this is the day that Pennsylvania finally foundered. She struggled gamely on for a couple of days but the message ‘engine room open to sea’ must surely encapsulate a chilling account of a great vessel finally surrendering to the ceaseless demands from the ocean to gain admittance.

May 18

Miss Betty puts in an appearance at the newly won Attu. My inability to provide CAP allows an easy run in for the bombers and DM Pruit is hit by a torpedo and sinks. xAK Sacajewa is hit by a torpedo and has heavy fires raging as well as heavy damage.

May 19

I start preparing for Kiska by sending destroyers in to clear the midgets. Balch and Dale deal with SSX Ha-34 and are rewarded with the sounds of the midget breaking up.

Miss Betty returns at Attu and claims DM Sicard.

7 Liberators hit Kiska and score airbase hits 1, airbase supply hits 1 and runway hits 3.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu 20 - 25 May (9/21/2014 10:35:40 PM)

May 20

Dale, Balch and Phelps bombard Kiska and report airbase hits 4, airbase supply hits 1 and runway hits 5. SSX Ha-31 takes on DD Dale and misses. She is hit 7 times and reports of breaking up sounds is not surprising. The destroyers hang around and continue their shore bombardment during the day… Nice results; airbase hits 1, airbase supply hits 2, runway hits 1, port hits 2, port fuel hits 1 and port supply hits 1. For a final dash of cream… 1 hit scored on SSX Ha-33. Guess she must have been docked and took a round during the onslaught. A very satisfactory outing by these 3 destroyers.

8 Liberator bomb Kiska and score runway hits 4.

AF at Adak goes to level 3.

May 21

6 Liberator bomb Kiska and report airbase hits 3, airbase supply hits 1 and runway hits 6.

May 22

At Kiska SSX Ha-32 is hit 6 times by Dale and debris and an oil slick are seen after an underwater explosion.

4 Liberator bomb Kiska for runway hits 1.

May 23

Near Kiska SSX Ha-33 shoots at a surface action TF and misses.

5 Liberator bomb Kiska and record airbase hits 2, airbase supply hits 2 and runway hits 9.

The Kiska invasion TF arrives and begins unloading.

The Japanese bombardment causes 9 Japanese casualties.

Todd comments on the quick turn around from invading Attu to Kiska. The time frames in this scenario are tight. I could have done with getting here one day earlier as the Japanese CV TF has turned up to the south west of Kiska. No time to muck about and all transports are ordered out of the area. I have just sufficient troops on the ground but not masses of supply.

May 24

SS S-30 intercepts the Japanese TF. Sights Mogami but can’t get a bearing and takes 1 hit for her troubles.

Japanese bombardment at Kiska scores 7 casualties.

The Allies try a deliberate assault at Kiska. Raw AS is not too bad at 189A to 124J. But with forts at level 3 and defenders getting + terrain and the attackers – on supply and fatigue things do not go well and assault odds work out to 1 to 3 in favour of the defenders…. 303 Japanese casualties to 133 Allied casualties.

May 25

SS I-9 shoots at DD Bancroft in my surface TF and misses. She takes 5 hits in response.

Near Adak Island 2 Mitchell escorted by 9 Warhawk locate the Japanese TF and identify BB Musashi. A CAP of 10 A6M2 and 26 A6M3 greet them. 1 bomber lost to flak and 4 of the escort downed by the CAP.

The day is about to become a Japanese day as the Japanese carriers go raiding; on the hunt for my fleeing transports.

Near Dutch Harbour 18 Kate and 26 Val escorted by 14 zero fall upon the first transport TF. The bill by the end is AMC Prince David 2 bomb hits, AMC Prince Robert 1 bomb hit, APA Harris 1 torpedo and LST-20 3 bombs (sunk) + 42 casualties for 1 Kate and 1 Val lost to flak.

9 Kate and 8 Zero then find by battleship TF shy of Dutch Harbour. Idaho is hit by 2 torpedoes and 1 Kate lost to flak. 7 Warhawk made up the CAP and 1 of those planes was also lost.

3 unescorted Mitchell make look for the Japanese fleet. They don’t find it but do locate the 31 strong CAP and 2 Mitchell are claimed by the sea.

Afternoon and the Japanese return… And locate the same transport TF. 18 Kate + 42 Val escorted by 15 Zero manage this; APA U.S. Grant 3 bombs, AMC Prince David 2 bombs, APA Harris 2 bombs, DD Meade 1 bomb and APA J. Franklin Bell 3 bombs + 51 casualties for 1 Val lost to flak.

Icing on the cake at the end of the day. 18 Kate escorted by 7 Zero brush aside the CAP of 5 Warhawk and land 1 fish into Nevada and 4 fish into Idaho. 6 fish into Idaho during the day but at days end she is still afloat and safely tucked away at Dutch Harbour.

All in all a very sorry showing and a great raid day for the Japanese. Well done Todd.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu 26 May - 12 June (9/23/2014 5:35:49 AM)

May 26

My little surface action TF that was angling to make a northern approach towards Kiska and mess with Japanese shipping spotted there runs afoul of the Japanese carriers which have raced north and turned up in a very inconvenient location. 24 Kate and 26 Val swoop and score 2 bombs on CL Detroit and 1 bomb on CL Richmond. 2 bombers shot down by flak. A splinter group of 9 Kate turn up and have target practice. 3 torpedoes into Richmond and she sinks + 2 torpedoes into Detroit. 1 bomber shot down.

The bombers return in the afternoon and score 1 bomb hit on DD Balch. 1 Kate destroyed from the force of 18 Kate and 33 Val.

Near Kiska 9 Kate turn up and put one torpedo into AVD Gillis to sink her.

The Japanese on Kiska bombard with no effect.

May 27

Japanese on Kiska again bombard for no effect. My troops are staying quiet as I want to conserve supplies. I’ve pressed most of the bombers into transport planes to maintain the supply for the troops at Kiska. Would like to be bombing the the other side but keeping supply coming in seems to be more important to me.

May 28

Near Adak SS I-7 shoots and misses against DD Bancroft and then sneaks away.

Japanese continue to bombard without effect.

May 29

As the Japanese carriers appear to have withdrawn I look to get supply into Kiska. I have a 3 ship surface TF at Kiska when Tanaka in command of CAs Myoko and Haguro in party with CL Agano and CL Abukuma surprise the Allied ships. DD Coghlan 2 hits, DD Bancroft 14 hits and sunk and DD Phelps 8 hits and a torpedo is sunk. A single non penetrating hit on Agano in response.

The Japanese on Kiska continue to bombard without effect.

May 30

Near Kiska SS I-2 launches at DD Mustin and takes 5 hits in reply.

At Kiska itself I have 7xAP and an AK madly disgorging onto the beach head when Tanaka and his four ships crash the party. Fortunately I have some warships embedded in the TF. Indianapolis and Santa Fe sacrifice themselves to protect the transports. Indianapolis 17 hits but two torpedoes as well is too much to absorb and she sinks. Santa Fe (still sporting damage from a previous battle) 3 shell hits and a late torpedo and she is out for the rest of this scenario. PG Charleston took 4 shell hits and of the transports only xAP Henry Failing took 1 shell hit. In the end happy to save the transports as Tanaka’s ships received scratches only; Myoko 1 hit, Agano 3 hits and Abukuma 1 hit (she at least was seen to be on fire).

SS I-2 has another go at Mustin and takes 2 hits this time as well as again missing.

SS I-7 attempts to hit DD Dewey and misses and receives 4 hits herself.

Japanese bombardment…. Again no effect.

May 31

AMC Awata Maru is hit with 1 torpedo fired from SS S-32 as she approaches Kiska.

Awata makes it to Kiska only to meet CA San Francisco and destroyer escorts and Awata is duly blown from the water by 15 shell hits and another torpedo. Todd confides that this was an attempt to get supply into Kiska for his troops.

San Francisco’s group then deals with SSX Ha-29…. 3 hits.

The transport TF at Kiska then deals with SSX Ha-33…. 5 hits.

SS I-169 misses CVE Nassau near Adak.

During this turn manage to get more troops and supply onto Kiska.

Japanese bombardment claims 10 Allied casualties.

June 1

And the clock is starting to wind down on my attempt to claim Kiska.

Japanese bombardment… No effect.

Allied deliberate attack scores a very disappointing 1:6 odds. Forts remain intact at level 2. 377 Japanese casualties to 296 Allied casualties.

June 2

SS I-5 snoops Dutch Harbour and is driven off.

Japanese bombardment scores 9 Allied casualties.

June 3

Allied deliberate attack gets 1:3 odds. 198 Japanese casualties to 540 Allied casualties. Beginning to doubt that I will take Kiska before the end of the scenario.

June 4

Near Kiska SS S-33 launches at SS I-156 and misses.

The Japanese fleet has returned and is located south of Kiska by SS Narwhal. The Japanese locate her first and depth charge her to the surface where she is finished off…. 17 hits and sunk.

June 5

Near Adak SS I-31 shoots and misses at DMS Long. 2 hits in response.

APD Kane is sunk near Attu (6 bombs) when located by 22 Val.

Japanese bombardment score 11 Allied casualties.

June 6

With the Japanese carriers around I order all TFs to Adak to hide out under the local CAP. The Japanese take the bait and launch 48 Kate escorted by 28 Zeros. I manage to have 28 Kittyhawk, 16 Warhawk and 18 Lightning on hand for the CAP. After action reports show 9 Zero and 7 Kate destroyed in air to air combat for 1 Lightning destroyed plus a couple of Kate lost to flak. Intel report suggested to count of Japanese planes may have been higher. 34 Kate ended up launching torpedoes for no hits on my ships. A nice haul of Japanese planes.

June 7

Another deliberate attack gains 1:3 odds. Japanese casualties 176 to Allied casualties 343. Forts still at level 2 and with the scenario end fast approaching I’m getting ready for the prospect of Kiska still being in enemy hands come the end.

Adak Island AF goes to level 4.

June 8

Near Kiska SS I-34 shoots at DD Bachelor and misses. She is hit 15 times by the escort.

The Japanese carriers have retired again and I feel that as of this turn (with the transports returning to Kiska) there is now sufficient supply oat Kiska for by bombers to return to their primary role…..bombing the enemy. The ground troops are ordered to be the targets from here on in.

16 Mitchell report 72 casualties.

June 9

13 Liberator and 30 Ventura report 67 casualties.

21 Mitchell report 172 casualties.

Japanese bombardment attack gets 9 Allied casualties.

June 10

CA San Francisco bombards and reports 24 casualties.

Troops and supplies continue to roll ashore.

12 Liberator and 15 Ventura report 120 casualties.

7 Ventura report 9 casualties.

6 Ventura report 9 casualties.

9 Mitchell report 30 casualties.

9 Mitchell report 30 casualties (not a typo).

Near Kiska SS I-157 manages to put a single torpedo into CVE Nassau. The resulting ammo storage explosion gives Todd hope that she is done for but she will make it back to Adak under the guidance of Buckmaster. She has flooding around 30 so will see it out to the end of the scenario.

Japanese bombardment attack reports 9 Allied casualties.

Allied deliberate attack gets odds of 1:2. Japanese casualties 328 to Allied 249. Best land result so far on Kiska.

Attu expands AF to level 2.

June 11

More troops and supply coming ashore.

Near Adak SS I-157 shoots and misses at DMS Long. 10 hits on the sub in response.

19 Liberator and 12 Ventura report 66 casualties.

6 Ventura report 14 casualties.

3 Mitchell and 6 Liberator report 58 casualties.

13 Mitchell report 13 casualties.

11 Lightning bomb the AF and report 5 casualties, airbase hits 2, airbase supply hits 1 and runway hits 13.

With the end of the scenario in sight I am running the bombers into the ground. Every day they are ordered aloft regardless of the fatigue issues and losses.

The Japanese carriers have returned. 24 Kate escorted by 22 Zero turn up at Kiska. I manage a CAP of 5 Kittyhawk and 5 Warhawk. 4 zero destroyed and 2 Kate lost to flak. 22 Kate make their torpedo runs and not a single hit.

A second raid by 32 Kate also fails to score a single hit. Todd is understandably unimpressed.

Allied deliberate attack gets 1:2 odds. The defenders AV is dropping dramatically but the terrain and forts of 2 are keeping him in the game. He is getting – for experience and supply so hopefully he is on the brink. Japanese casualties 207 to Allied casualties 53.

June 12

Final turn and it is do or die as far as taking Kiska is concerned. All shipping has been ordered back to the safety of Adak.

SS I-156 launches at DD Morris near Kiska. She misses and is swamped by 20 hits after being forced to the surface by the depth charge attack.

10 Liberator and 28 Ventura report 88 casualties.

16 Liberator and 3 Mitchell report 43 casualties.

14 Mitchell report 46 casualties.

Japanese bombardment records 23 Japanese casualties.

Deliberate Allied attack achieves odds of 4:1 and the base is captured! In the nick of time in game terms. Japanese losses 602 to Allied losses 75.

So ends this version of the thousand mile war.

As for the final result. Since around the time that Pennsylvania went under a minor Japanese victory was showing on the intel screen. Japanese VP points are still in front but it would appear that the change of islands and a couple of late Japanese sub losses may have swung the counter back to a draw.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu Final Scores (9/23/2014 5:38:52 AM)

Here is a shot of the Intel Screen at the end of the scenario. VPs still favour the Japanese and shows how important it is for the Allies to avoid the loss of battleships.


SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu All Ships Lost (9/23/2014 5:41:45 AM)

First page of all the ships lost in the scenario.


SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu All Ships Lost page 2 (9/23/2014 5:43:05 AM)

Second and final page of all ships lost.


SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu Leading Allied Pilots (9/23/2014 5:48:11 AM)

Boyington leads the list by virtue of having a name at the beginning of the alphabet.


SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu Damaged Allied Ships (9/23/2014 5:50:08 AM)

Plenty of damaged ships on my side.


SierraJuliet -> RE: Taking Kiska and Attu More Damaged Allied Ships (9/23/2014 5:53:27 AM)

Here are 3 ships at pier side licking their wounds. Proud Santa Fe and Idaho.... ate 6 fish and ready for some yard time but still kicking.


SierraJuliet -> Kisa and Attu reclaimed. (9/23/2014 5:56:03 AM)

Nothing more than a map with American flags. I had to work hard to get this so a little flag waving doesn't go astray.


SierraJuliet -> The Thousand Mile War in Retrospect (9/23/2014 6:21:41 AM)

This scenario certainly has plenty going for it. It a quick 8ish weeks with plenty of action.

On the Allied side of things they have to work very quickly if they want to take both islands. One island is certainly within their capabilities. Both… well that is a tall order but it can be achieved but be prepared to accept losses.

On the Japanese side it is all about denying those islands to the Americans. Very hard not to lose one island but if you are very diligent there is time to build one island (Attu is my choice) up into a very strong fortress. The Allies are hamstrung in the air department so get those nasty Japanese cruisers out and about causing havoc.

The lack of air power during the first half of the scenario certainly lends itself to surface action aplenty from both sides.

As for the game just finished… highlights aplenty for me.

There was the lonely and swift demise of Sanko Maru after her victory against the impudent American sub, Lee’s triumphant mid ocean intercept of Tanaka (ask Todd; he will tell you how much I love a mid ocean intercept), the destruction of the Japanese supply ships at Attu (the early neutering of Tanaka’s surface fleet and the destruction of the Japanese supply ships opened the way to an easy conquest of Attu before the Japanese carriers arrived), the brave but ultimately futile fight by Wichita to make the long voyage to safety, the loss of Pennsylvania to submarines, Miss Betty making herself known and felt at Attu, the Japanese carriers marauding at Dutch Harbour, Idaho famously taking multiple torpedoes and living to tell the tale and finally the long hard slug to reclaim Kiska before the clock wound down.

If you are new to the game get yourself a good non AI opponent (Todd fits the bill nicely) and get stuck into the scenarios before jumping on into the GC.

And from here…. Well it is the Marianas. Todd has elected to take control of the Red side.

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