SteveMcClaire -> RE: Hopefull fixes for next patch (1/13/2015 8:03:45 PM)
ORIGINAL: STIENER for sure the airstrike crash shows up in the LSA GJS mod. it appears to be map related tho...crewman contacted you about this or at least posted this awhile ago i believe. If an air strike crash is occurring in LSA GJS mod, it isn't this specific bug. The code is different. So it isn't just a matter of back porting changes. H2H air strike crashes have been reported in earlier versions, but the reasons for them vary. Way back (CC4/5?) there was a bug where air strike weapons could hit off the map if you targeted near the edge. This was fixed, I think in TLD? Perhaps LSA. At other times there have been 'end of battle' crashes that have occurred because someone ended the battle with an air strike, which they reported as an air strike crash when that wasn't the root problem. Steve