Symon -> RE: Between the Storms (3/9/2015 10:02:52 PM)
Hi ya John. I know it's OT, but if ya think about it it really isn't, is it? JWE’s own chicken teriyaki. Yum. Recipe calls for skin-on, boneless thighs, but they’re hard to find. You want the skin, you need the skin. Get 4 bone-in thighs. If you have any kind of sharp filleting knife in the box, it’s literally 2 minutes and you are good to go. Marinate in 1 tbs of grated fresh ginger, 1 tbs lemon juice, 2 tbs sake (unabashed plug for Gekkaikan). 30 minutes gets it done, but I like 1 hour; room temp. Drain and reserve on a plate. Heat a large area dry pan to medium (medium-low, depending). The chicken will render, so no oil is necessary, but I like to put three teaspoons of sesame oil in there for flavor. Slowly fry the chicken, skin side down, for 10 minutes (till nicely golden brown), flip and do 3 more minutes. Idea is to get the skin side crispy, but still have it a touch under-done. Meanwhile, combine 1 tbs, sake, 1 tbs mirin, 1 tbs soy, 1 tbs honey. You can use more or less, but 1:1:1:1 seems a good, tasty ratio. I think 1 tbs, for each, is good for each pound of thighs. Bring to a low boil. Meanwhile steam some veggies. Asparagus and broccoli done al dente, i.e., bring water to a boil, throw the greens into the steamer, cover and cook five minutes. If you are an oriental perfectionist, use bok-choi. When the sauce has rendered so it coats the back of a spoon, add the chicken and the veggies. Then Stir. Did I mention stir? Oh, yes, stir. You will get a beautiful, flavorful, glistening coating on you chicken and veggies; stuff that will make your eyes go epicanthic. Traditionally served over sushi rice, but Thai Jasmine, or Indian Basmati work really well. Just put a tbs or 2 of sake into the rice water. You’ll be glad you did. Ciao. JWE