[A.62] {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe (DW:U (Full Version)

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Blackstork -> [A.62] {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe (DW:U (7/17/2014 8:38:52 AM)

This mod add changes into the game. In order to adapt to those changes, find them and experience them at fullest its hightly reccomended to read the wall of text below, or at least "guide" part of it.


Hello and Welcome to Beyond Project! Beyond project is ultimate attempt to take DW:U world’s depth, race difference, character of each race onto next level , adding and merging a lot of great mods, features, races, and creating very deep and complex “Character System” which features serious influence on race difference, gameplay, specialization, and add a lot of flavor, lore, special groups, houses and castes, and aim for creating unique character portrait for each single character among 20000 + planned using extensive art work and programming.

Table Of Contents:
1. Download and Instalation instructions

2. Patch notes.

3. Final Aim.

4. Dev notes on gameplay difference.

5. Alliances.

6. Race-specific Character systems showcase / guide with “Leadership Portfolio” Charts and Dev notes.

1. Download and Installation

1. Base Package
(changes rarely; current version: A.6, next version A.7)
http://www.mediafire.com/download/5moca25tj8uuwv4/Beyond_Extended_Universe_Alpha.zip (1.72 GB)
2. Update Package
(changes frequently; current version: A.62, released 03.10.2014)

Soundtracks Package

Alliances: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4ajdt06583t7wln/Alliances.rar (361 MB)
Races - Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/download/oaaplkba2ewwbiv/Races_-_Part_1.rar (1.55GB)
Races - Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/download/lh4ovp3zu9b0v0i/Races_-_Part_2.zip (1.16GB)
After download combine Races folder from parts 1 and 2.

full package is 5 downloads = Main release base, update, 3 soundtrack volumes.

Installation order:

1. Download Base Package and extract folder "Beyond Extended Universe Alpha" →into→ [your DW:U installation path]/Customization/

2. Download Updage Package and extract contents →into→ DW:U/Customization/Beyond Extended Universe Alpha/

3(optional). Download Soundtracks Packages and combine part 1 and 2 of Races folder
1) Extract folder Soundtracks Package/Alliances/[YourRaceAlliance]/Sounds →into→ [your DW:U installation path]/Customization/Beyond Extended Universe [Version]/
2) Extract folder Soundtracks Package/Races/[YourRace]/Sounds →into→ [your DW:U installation path]/Customization/Beyond Extended Universe Alpha/
(Repeat this if you change race you play)

4. Game->Change Theme->Beyond Extended Universe

5. Play

PARTIAL DOWNLOAD AND UPGRADE FROM VERSIONS A.5 and above METHOD: (for those who had Beyond version A.5 - A.53 only)

A.5 to A.6 UPGRADE (INCLUDES EVERYTHING BETWEEN A.5 AND A.6): http://www.mediafire.com/download/5tklxhq0e5ry98x/a.60.zip
Copy with overwrite into your old Beyond mod folder.

DIPLOMATIC MUSIC PACK : http://www.mediafire.com/download/gc9zrzr90bs6igg/Sounds.zip
Copy folder Sounds in it into Beyond theme folder if you have version and above, and into default DW:U game folder if you still play

Version A.62 (UPDATE) Patch Notes:
1. New Design of Race Pedias implemeneted. Now it featuring art icons resembling race's alliance allegiance, design and weapon focus, and contain remade and expanded by SirFinbar lore texts which include now detailed Character system Groups Lore articles, which have art headers with their logos attached (so player can also recognize and learn groups of race he plays/he recieved character from. Expanded PEdia added for: Gizurean, Archei, Caleph, Wekkarus, Ketarov. Each offers pleasing art and rich lore texts and group's story for you.

Note! There is some art glitch in Wekkarus pedia. It been released due its huge informative, lore and immersion value, its glitch will be corrected in close future.

2. OP of main mod post will have some reogranization becaming mini-pedia online, it will have things ordered and added eventually.

3. MILESTONE! All playable races soundtracks complete and released in final version of soundtrack package. In order to ease its download , especially for people with bad connection, it been separated into 3 parts, which just need to be downloaded and combined. Installation instructions updated in relevant section.

4. Some small fixes and tunes, mainly Archei race.

5. Archei UI released.

6. 3 new Character systems (please note that their GALs will follow soon and will be added to informative part of OP post):

Mortalen, featuring 6 tribes which united after ages of bloodeshed in order to deal with external dangers and threats. They have complex and complementing CS.

Zenox, featuring technocratic, well-ordered society where leadership separated into 4 instances, which take different approach on things due their assignemnt. They have Simple and complementing CS.

Teekan, featuring 4 distinct powers/factions within its population (in additional to rich no-group generic pool), 1 is neutral, compatible and flexible which with normal generic pool of race leadership/populacy represents the main body of Teekan's Mercantile Guild interrior, other 3 are very extreme standding out groups, which are conflicting and negating each other. They have complex and conflicting CS.

Patch notes A.61:
1. Number of small fixes and tweaks with different races and goverments (Alot of them).

2. Naxxilian and Ketarov UI.

3. Ketarovs overhauled now they are competetive and playable, Corporate Nationalism changed alot. Their corporations expanded on more roles.

4. Problem when some games would not start due some pirate bug is solved now all should work smoothly.

5. 2 character systems: Sluken, Securan

To see earlier history of patch notes please check this post: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/fb.asp?m=3657672

3. Final Aim.

Mod aims to create ultimate, immersive experience.Final aim is complete rebalance, remake of the game with at least 50 races, much more difference between races, epic feel and story even in random game, immersion, visualisation, flavor. At end each race will have own charatcer system which mirrors its society, and any groups/castes/politic blocks within it. Each charatcer will have unique portrait art. As example of unique portrait art please see race "Ergreagd"

1. 50 races (56). Each race should be very different to play. This is easier task for Beyond because of alot of tools to differ the race coming from Character systems.

2. Creating Character System for each race, this includes creation of informative Leadership Portfolio Graphs.

3. Creating UI/Immersion stuff for each race.

4. Balance All races with CS implemented.

5. Integrate good top-priority mods. Next big project i think will be integration of Research Reloaded with lurchi.

6. Creation unique character face art (as example race Ergreagd) for each race.

7. Add some stuff which i have in mind, but there are no modding tools implemented yet.

4. Dev notes on game difference.

In addition to new races, art and minor features, and improved AI coming from awesome AI mod integrated into this mod, made by Icemania, it overhauls and completely remakes certain parts of the game.

a.Character system is completely redone, and each race have own, race-specific character set.

b.Race-specific character system explains social structure of race, and is another race-defining veriable which affects heavilly race balance and abilities.

c.Each race have certain "groups" - castes, tribes, polotocal blocks, departments. Each of them add more flavor, lore and also heavy game influence, and possible strategies to win the game with certain race. Understanding your race character system, and its groups is neccesary for all races in future of Beyond .

d.At start of each game same race will start with same characters (leader and spies). Other characters will follow in random order, from the pool assigned and pre-made for this race, which outlining the race populacy, society and their and their leadership skills.

e.Now Dismiss button have more use as well as character generating buildings. Dismiss button could and should be used at times in order to swap characters, and is common tool to change leaders (if you have 100% original leader appearance).
Dismissing leaders is vital thing of character micromanagement, and game will provide you other leader immideately. After that dismissing will be put on cooldown, and some time will need to pass before you can gample/swap again.

f. some races have complex character systems, which extend the character pool and linked to their goverments.
h. its heavilyy recommended to build your strategy play towards acquiring complementing type of populacy (if your race donw know and bad at something - get other race in your empire to perform that role.

i. character system info is aviable , in compact but complex form in infographic "Leadership Portfolio" Charts below.

Tips for extra complexity/challenge

• No Homeworld Invasions are permitted until the 30 year mark and no use of sneaky fast troop transports.

• Diplomacy may not be used to farm cash in any way (i.e. technology trading, selling stations/bases or sanctions/war).

• Set less Ally races and more enemy Alliance races when you setup the game, playing in determined hostile environment with less ally cover adds alot of complexity and challenge.

• Recovered ships must be retired
• Debris field ships may not be recovered until they are within my territorial influence
• Ship and Base Design is on Automatic almost always
• Exploration ships must be on Automatic, no micro
• Research is on Automatic (although there is a trick if anyone can pick it)
• Cannot attack the Eruktah Refugees until they reveal themselves as the Shakturi

5. Alliances.


6. Race-specific comments.


Wekkarus featuring multilayered society which layers have different impacts on it, both positive and negative. They struggle over influence on Wekkarus gameplay, and there some interaction between government and leaders. Wekkies got wide spectrum of awful to amazing leaders, and they are race which could have a reason to switch from one government to other just because of leader . They are race where dismissing leaders is part of the game, and is gamble. It will require precise selection and tuning of your personnel staff, but you can specialize your empire with your characters into different kind of tasks, so different games could be very different, even if you play with same government. There famous Order of Sea Monster Killers Karwur, There rich influential Merchant Guild Rakkau, and there is labor-oriented, dusty Miners guild Wuswok. They may pull your empire into different dirrections so grab your tentacles, and manage them into leading empire to only one direction – victory! Another thing that you should be aware – normal, non order-guild leaders are often or oppressive, or unfavored by the people. Your colonies might have happiness issues. Give them cookies!

They have their Hive Mind divided into 2 parts, which like right and left parts of brain, different, sometimes opposing each other, but mainly complementing.
They are yin and yang of their Hive society. They called Rispaa (Riss’Poaa`a)
Sytppra – “Yin”, Introvert, Left brain part of hive mind society, more creative, introverted, defensive, caring about interior well-being
Istyppar - “Yang”, Extrovert, Right brain part of hive mind society, more open, active, extroverted.
They complement each other well.
Paratis featuring strong Interior-Exterior apparatus, which devided into “right” and “left” wings , Rispaa, two dirrections of Hive, which while opposing each other some, are actually one part of same, and complementing each other. They are yin and yang of their society, and Paratis Character system is manipulating scales of balance between those two. Dismissing leaders could be useful in case if you need complementing side bonuses leader. Understanding of specialization of each Rispaa is important

Calephs have militaristic society, where skill, deeds and power are honored. Their character system featuring 3 nation-wide, legendary, prestigious, ancient military schools, which are honored by Caleph society, and viewed with high regard and respect, and even fear. Only best can be accepted to one of them from childhood age, and once accepted, Caleph child will be solely dedicated only to combat, military discipline and piloting studies. Each of schools have own approach. Each school respected by its counterparts, and national navies have high command combined from adepts and elders of those schools. As player you have some options to tune your race military and navy (which are very powerful), and also research. Research is something that is exclusive to the Schools, since normal, not-trained and educated Calephs cant have access to secret nation technologies... and there is the secret tip (tsss don't tell to anyone).... elite schools scientiests so powerful compared to normal ones, there are alot of reasons to dismiss normal sceintiests because you may pop your scientiest capacity, while doing this you may open oportunity for one of school-bound scientiests to emerge to aid you. Or lizard in hands , or dragon in the sky, your choice. Keeping normal wanna-be scientiests is also option, if you want it sure but slow way :) .

Quameno are simply less universal race than it in vanilla game. Its havilly specialized, narrowed, and research focus was emphasized, but narrowed as well into preferred by Quamenos research fields. Their characters require close watch in order to maximize your empire performance, and character system featuring selective technocratic society, where ruling power must go through careful selection of most talented individuals from the “gray mass” in order to educate, promote and give them more power, and by this promote all the society. Quameno player faces need of careful selection and playing towards gathering most talented individuals, called Quenun and Quotan under his leadership. They are powerful and talented, and could lead government and research teams towads progress, while the majority wont have great leadership possibilities, is “the average gray mass”, and wont lead vital to nation projects as well as talented individuals will.

Gizurean in Beyond is wild horse, which can ride far, and can stumble. It been balanced that way that it needs constant control of what kind of characters come to their leadership - there are many which can only harm, and there alot of danger of mismanagement. Gizzies leadership can bring really powerful specialized tribal leaders which will can take certain aspects of development / military to better levels, and there could be some really awful leaders , who mismanage, and actually harm more than do good. Waiting those to learn some is option, but not necessary effective.
Certain roles of characters are represented by rivaling 5 tribes, each of them represents certain flavor, often opposite to one of rival tribes. They simple create some variety, as well, when collected in numbers (as anything gizurean) they can bring some power and versatility.

Ergreagds are race that demand heavy character micromanagement, it is core of its gameplay. Unwatched personnel management can bring to race underperformance on extreme complexity levels, and watched one could provide serious rewards. Their rivaling houses system affecting their race performance heavily, especially on earlier stages/starts. They have very high rate of character generation, movement and replacement, as well extended character pool. The thing that player should know additionally to race, House and their governments mechanic and their Leadership Portfolio chart is that all 3 houses have different, but high level of leader replacement. Each government will provide serious specialization bonuses but allow certain, related to that government/house type of character to usurp the rule and replace Nagongds, which are weak to mediocre leaders. Replacement is Russian roulette thing, as your good specialist leaves his intended task and become Leader for some time (till next replacement will happen) switching some of his skills to leader ones. Such replacement events need to be watched carefully, and in case you find that returning rule to Nagongds will be better you should force such change with dismissing your newly-cooked house ruler , in case your Dismiss ability is off-cooldown. The Kerengds provide most wild Russian roulette and often mini-revolutions, while Urgegds specialize on governing so newly cooked leaders might match some high expectations, and Margagds are less prone to mini-revolutions.
Goverment: House Margagd Dominion
The Margagd Dominion House is an autocratic, conservative government with a keen focus both on martial law and military exercise. The most militant government available to the Ergreagd, they are also by far the least corrupt and most stable. If chosen to lead their race over their competitors, only troop generals will be able to usurp the throne and become leader.

Goverment: House Kerengd Supermacy
The Kerengd Supremacy is a technocratic noble family which rules through deceit and manipulation above all else, striking terror both into the hearts of their enemies abroad and at home. They get massive boosts to their ability to research and spy, but at the cost of approval and rampant corruption

Goverment: House Urgegd Commonwealth
The Urgegd Commonwealth is the closest thing to a benevolent dictatorship the Ergreagd have, with the affluent royal family pouring gifts onto the common people in return for service. They prioritize the social development of their race and diplomacy in a fashion similar to a democracy or republic, and get bonuses to approval and population growth at the expense of military upkeep.

Iocho – Elitist crazy scientists, which invented Matter Compressors, and accounted for being both ones who are guilty for great Oosia catastrophe, and for being saviors of Such-Oos nation from its consequences. Tech-Geek-Crazy, Elitist inventors.
Chuso – community of famous “Explorers, Travellers and Storytellers” , are well known community which value trill of exploring depths of galaxy, good stories, tales and conversations, especially with alien forms of life. They are normally very charismatic, outgoing, and known as being one of best diplomats and negotiators in the galaxy.
Such-Oos is physically weak race which must to engage in diplomacy in order to survive. They are very manipulative, and their diplomats have enough cuteness, charisma and brains to manipulate and engage in negotiations, and precise placing them could bring you wornders. They have very potent hi-tech research, and are played towards nurturing huge monster private sector, while engaging in heavy diplomacy/manipulation game, using allies as shields, watching very carefully their colonies because their colonies are prone to ground invasions, and grinding colonization techs which could be unlocked by Such-Oos faster than by other races because of their strong hi-tech research focus which ends with x2+ rate of hi-tech research compared to other fields.

LPG : http://i.imgur.com/Kjl7WTj.png
Yereni are race with "grass is greener" symptome, where you may consider to gample for something, which is not necesarily better, but can fit to your situation/needs more, or to be direct downgrade.
Their 3 governing religious schools differ by their approach, one provide more "mundane" , physical ways of development and preservation of continuous life, others nurture inner acceptance, harmony and nurture spirit, and thrid school focuses on mind development, engaging into riddles, research, mental exercizes and basic psionics.
Yereni start with IR NANI (purity of body school) ruler, who is quite powerful, but if they feel will to gamble and switch to more "happy" type of Yereni, or more "scientist" play of Yereni, they can do that by Dismissing leaders till they get desired school ruler with sufficient skills.
Yereni navy focuses on navigation and kiting with their fast, long range missiles, and their generals trained towards manipulation of huge battle mechs which are preffered type of soldiers on the planet suface, since no Yereni life in risk of being stripped from its immortality.

Dhayut have quite straightforward social structure and gameplay, having strong leaders, and focusing on stacking weapon and energy science bonuses creating quite sustainable research boost and their game play is very strategic warfare oriented, since their fleets able to stack hyper-space navigation bonuses and create most mobile fleets in the galaxy. They side with Dark Alliance.

Eywe – Special assigned species within the network, which nurture their ability to work in communion, and release and control more powerful and focused charges of electromagnetic and gravitic powers. They are normally spearhead Veey attack wings and should be feared by any cluttered fleet formations.
Ywwa – Expansionist segment of the network, consisting of species tuned and augmented by abilities and powers to intensify and speed up network growth and expansion.
Veey leadership reflects and deepens Veey theme and design – which is quite straightforward - rapid expansion and late game massive aoe damage. They have serious advantages on using planetary defenses (artilleries) and while quite defensive. Micromanagement of leadership towards fitting current needs of empire via Dismiss button might be required in order to maximize empire welfare. They side with Blue alliance.

Dlakar is about rapid conquest with Kalars, expansion and nurturing certain Dlakar population colonies with Ralaoks, who are kind of powerful males focused on reproduction process (yea, space worm machos). They have most powerful troops and possible high recruitment rate in the galaxy and quite big ships with a lot of fighters, and could be menacing foe. Micromanagement of leadership towards fitting current needs of empire via Dismiss button might be required in order to maximize empire welfare. They have weak economy, hence their leaders focused on more mundane tasks as hunting, killing and reproducing. They are hightly intelligent and have potent , but separated and specialized research. They side with Dark Alliance.

Laarans are quite unique race with wide character system possibilities, that also influences the layout and geo-politic of Laaran empire. They are about unquestioned control and loyality, brainwashed, controlled, utilitarian society focused on effectiveness and subjugation and expanding own control, and ability to maintain that control over numerous captured colonies while having one huge and very developed homeworld which serves as Oronus residence, where their leadership inspires people like Mao Tze Dung or Stalin inspired masses in early communist China and Russia. They are take on extreme agressive utilitarian communist state. They have very potent leadership which have Inspiring presence trait, and they are played as snowball – starting low, building for long-time investment, nurturing own characters, and using 4 comitee departments, which are very specialized, in proper places in order maximize empire expansion and development. Understanding of their character system is necessary to optimize empire performance. Their government never change leaders, and their Oronus “Chief” leaders are about same with some slight difference, and could be gambled with Dismiss button, more on start of the game, because their snowballing effect could remove any reason for swapping them at later stages of the game. They ally with Dark Alliance.

LPG: http://i.imgur.com/DvFDkiv.png
Archei are mechanoids which built of micro mechanical nano-particles which serve at same way as cells for most of organic beings. Their nature and their architecture provide to them abilities of rapid regeneration, stealth and mimicry, and rapid construction. They are very picky on their habitat, and they are played around balance and manipulation of two major benefits their nano-nature provides - mimicry and rapid regeneration and construction. Their modified sub-breed versions are more exclusive and specialized manipulators of those powers. They are are race with great intelligence and tools to see enemy moves and predict attacks, while being covert and hardest target to pinpoint, which have great powers of regeneration and reconstruction.
They have simple and straightforward character system

LPG : http://i.imgur.com/bB4D73H.png
Zadaj are lawful, straightforward creatures, and their caste society is reflects that. They have immortal queen Ajaz (which have much longer Zadaji name in fact, Great Sacred Queen Matriarch). She posses unique ability to clone herself and activate clone upon her death. If she been replaced/killed, she been replaced by younger, un-experienced copy of herself. She is powerful, and there been rumors that Dark alliance hire Ergreagd assasins from house Kerengd to make her less powerful.
Zadaj caste structure is simple – there are Lazy Drone bees which favored by the queen, very powerful and can boost population growth of colonies by high measure, there zealous, committed, codex-driven warriors bees, and there are thinkers which research things and talk with other races. Those 3 major castes are allowed to territorial government, and placed by queen in fitting places. Their naval doctrine emphasizes Defence.

They been made into player race, stripped from their start-game super laser, and now are race with big ships, good weapon research, early super-laser tech which provide range and power variation of super laser. combined with extremely powerful education their Admirals receive their fleets can mount alot of punch with much lesser number quantities of the ships. They are lions of the space, and have opposite feel/approach to Gizureans game wise. Their Character system features 2 special groups. One, Eme, is common and protective, providing the Lemeresh with more security/counterespionage power, while second, Leeresh, is rare and powerful, and will help the player to rain the death on those who oppose their Lemeresh empire.

Easy going, relaxed Shandars have matching their lore character system, always easy-going, relaxed, drunk and lazy, they posses powerful skills and awareness due their stabile, happy and undemanding mind state. They have 3 groups which are available only as Governors, special role of Utopian colony overseer - and they are very powerful, managing their assigned colonies into being different kinds of Utopias through different approaches and visions – Nos-Iss through providing and developing entertainment, creating attractions and promoting body pleasures, Iss-Ssa through spiritual activities, meditation and education, and Sha-Doon through unity with Environment, nature and world surrounding them and harmony with space's eternity. Their CS have some slight learning curve due some innate negative trait patterns which are common for majority of their characters.

This race had quite drastic change in Beyond, they been tied to overhauled Corporate Nationalism goverment, with improved synergy to it, and featuring 5 special groups which compete for leading and governing factions Interior politics and colonies. They are 5 very competitive Mega-Corporations, each one is "state within state", and each one have own specialization (as each of them ate/assimilated smaller corporations of same industry/market segment) : Reta Verok - Conservative Construction/Real Estate corporation, Sorotvan - Shady and Manipulative Enertaiment/Broadcasting/Information technologies megacorp, Orover Korate- Huge freighter Company, Vorvotor - Arms Manufacturer and Security services mega-corp known for its aggressive and violent methods of solving competition issues, Terevek - huge Drug/Chemal Tech/Mining Concern. They offer very different approach on management of Ketarovs development, and each one is powerful but have serious drawbacks to be dealt with (except social-oriented , most moderate freighter mega-corporation Orover Korate which simply offers small benefit of covering certain Corporate Nationalism goverment drawbacks and provide only good antidonte/relief to rampant Ketarov’s corruption )
Ketarovs may seem hard (its payment for being spy race), and i may ease the things later, we will see, any testing appreciated. My tips are do not change leaders without reason for a gamble, unless you desperately need so or know the consequences and ready for them. At least do not hurry to do so at very start of the game, its Corporate Nationalism baby (the new one)
Ah! and they been built towards focus on Sabotage

They been remastered abit, with Way of Darkness goverment being tuned down, as race they been tuned slightly up, and their character system featuring 4 special groups - Slave traders and Slave-catchers Vorsuk, Seer Technologists Seska , Vicious Blood-Lust commanders of Doskunuk and highborn oligarchs Trunosk which represent different powerful segments of their society which compete for the Keskudon Empire rule and offer different directions of development/Gameplay

Humans - complex CS featuring 6 races/nations/bloodlines of humanity , which have different linguistics, gene code and educational background : White Human (America/West Europe themed), Black Human(Africa Themed), Semite Human(Arabic/Hebrew themed), Slavic Human (East Europe/Russia Slavic etniciy themed), Hindu Human (Hind family themed), Zhong-Ri Human (Far East Asia - themed). They made as diverce, linguistic , very diverce and versatile, diplomacy focused race, which have some slight specialization/education differencies between bloodlines. They have own unique portrait art for each bloodline's male and female (using "Average Portrait" project)

Straightforward race with 2 special group character systems. They have 2 influential groups - Shuxil (Quite aggressive, militaristic and expansive cold-hearted shamans), other is Todosht, famous Todash ultimate game survivor champions, which been glorified, and viewed as example of strength and courage. Those groups are pretty exclusive, so watch well and have good luck.



4 great tribes:
Morcha, Ortacha, Ratalira, Tarleren
1 union of minor tribes-survivors which survived and reached "Maturing" : Rachtan
1 "New" tribe created by all tribes as separate body to deal with external threats : Amtarin

Toonix - Controllers (brown logo)
Enax - Archievers (mint green logo)
Noriox - Implementors (light brown logo)
Onotrix - Inventors (pink logo)

Ekenee (orange logo) - Trade Guild, together with regular non-group pool represent main body of Mercantile guild goverment and acting as elite MG characters among regular pool. Neutra, compatible with others, trade focused.
3 conflicting , non MG factions. They oppose each other, and cons of one negate bonuses of others , so they are not compatible for stacking puproses
Aikena (tan/yellow logo) - Pacifict, Manipulative Philosophic school dabbling in neuoprogramming
Kineaki (red orange logo) - Lawfull Formation, acts as semi-official, or un-oficcial police and combat crime. Militant, but not so organized.
Neek Neek (gray logo)- Thief Guild, Organized Crime. Corrupt, well organized and shady.

Original art of race picture: Gau Ke Yang, Ben Mauro, Carl Forsberg, Joel Sundberg, JoBeSu

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/17/2014 8:39:09 AM)


All races devided into 4 allainces.
Light Alliance - Good - Sanguinic - Gondorish
Dark Forces - Evil - Choleric - Mordorish
Red Coalition - Neutral - Melancholic, Extraverted, Ideological - Reptiles, Neutral Insectoids, Neutral Rodents, Xhuman, Banoserit
Blue Pact - Neutral - Phlegmatic, Introverted, Arrogant, Pragmatical - Neutral Amphibious races, Greedy & Modest Ursidians, Yl'ta, Veey



Prior to instalation , if you install 1st time please remove all contents of folder Sounds/Music in your active theme directory.

Download and unpack the package.

The soundtrack consist of 2 parts - Alliance tracks & Race-specific tracks.
In order to get full immersion please install both race-specific set and specific race's alliance set into your theme folder..

Each of alliance packs meant to be the main body soundtrack for all races that belong to certain alliance. Due lack of any mechanic that allow automatic soundtrack recognizing, there is need to swap them manually. Find your race alliance according chart given in this post (and in OP) and copy contents of that alliance folder from Alliance folder into your active theme folder.
Contents of Beyond Soundtrack/Alliances/Your alliance folder ---into---> Distant Worlds Universe/Customization/Beyond Extended Universe Alpha folder

Go to Race folder, and copy contents of your race-specific folder into Beyond theme folder.
Contents of Beyond Soundtrack/Races/Your race folder ---into---> Distant Worlds Universe/Customization/Beyond Extended Universe Alpha folder

(Sounds folder from race(Races/YourRace folder) and Sounds folder from Alliance(Alliances/YourRacesAlliance folder), into Beyond Extended Universe Alpha.)

note that not all racial soundtracks are done, and will be provided in next update.

Alliance Chart:

Track Lists:
(All rights reserved by music artists, see "RIGHTS" part of Alien Immersion thread)

Light Alliance
Subheim - Streets
Biosphere - Oi-1
Steve Roach - Living The Dream
Kangding Ray - Palisades
Galaxy - Everlasting Tone
Global Communication - Maiden Voyage (8'07")
Global Communication - 4'14"

Dark Alliance
Lustmord - Black Star
Murcof - Camino
Empusae - Sphre Des Bois
Halgrath - Consecreation
Halgrath - Epic Journey and Oblivion
Sephiroth - The Clock of Distant Dreams
Steve Roach & Vir Unis -Neurotropic

Red Alliance
Isan - Calf
Arovane - Ambielo
Astropilot - Hidden Planet
Atom Heart - I See More Than You Do
Kanding Ray - OR
Kanding Ray - Blank Empire
Brothomstates - I'm a Ram

Blue Alliance
Seefeel - Gatha
Electric Universe - Longing
Bauri - Abyss
Biosphere - Gravity Assist
Funckarma - Nuncas
Sabled Sun - Shattered
Sabled Sun - Singularity

RACE SETS (only 1.02 ver should be used with alliance sets together):

Access to Arasaka - Cursa
Access To Arasaka - bpf_u_int32
Mika Vainio - Cargo
Solaris Sound System - Lemuria
Access To Arasaka - syslog_ident
Ø - Set the Controls to the Heart of the Sun

Autechre - Cfern
Autechre - VL AL 5
Worms of the Earth - 2nd Jhāna (Dimension of Consciousness)
Vas - Moksha
Sephiroth - A Map of Eden Before the Storms
Lustmord & Rober Rich - Elemental Trigger

Empusae - Cadence Chamanique
Bola - Rectangle
Vas - Moksha
Sephiroth - A Map of Eden Before the Storms
Bola - Triangle
Freeform - Ect

Isnaj Dui - Duelol
Jannick Schou - Fasjil-1
Mira Calix - Sparrow
Phase - Set The Controls To The Heart Of The Sun
Worms of the Earth - 2nd Jhna (Dimension of Consciousness )

Empusae - Cadence Chamanique
Sephiroth - A Map of Eden Before the Storms
Sephinroth - Wolftribes
SaffronKeira - Ethan
Empusae - knowledge
N.A.O.S - Foetus of a Lunar Dimension

Worms of the Earth - Sammā-Sati
Kraig Grady - Bima
B12 - Radiophonic Workshop
Duane Pitre - Feel Free
Subheim - Space Corridor
Lackluster - Wash

Mika Vainio - Cargo
Solaris Sound System - Lemuria
Beaumont Hannant - T-gh6493
Lackluster - Onecycle more
Vas - Moksha
Lackluster - 0today8


Isnaj Dui - Duelol
Suero - Wire Fence
Dadavistic Orchestra - Petrichore
Access to Arasaka - Cursa
Access To Arasaka - bpf_u_int32
Sankt Otten - Thom Yorkes Letzte Grosse Liebe

B12 - The Radiophonic Workshop
Duane Pitre- Feel Free Section II
Empusae - Cadence Chamanique
The Black Dog - Psyl-Cosyin
Phase - Take controls for Heart of the Sun
Lackluster - 100102

SaffronKeira - Ethan
Phase - Set The Controls To The Heart Of The Sun
Worms of the Earth - 2nd Jhna (Dimension of Consciousness )
The Black Dog - Truth Benders D.I.E
Funckarma - Bent
Gescom - Tangle Ill

Mira Calix - Sparrow
Worms of the Earth - 2nd Jhna (Dimension of Consciousness )
Mr Pips - W80
B12- Radiophonic Workshop
Phase - Set The Controls To The Heart Of The Sun

Empusae - Cadence Chamanique
Vas - Moksha
Sephiroth - A Map of Eden Before the Storms
SaffronKeira - Ethan
23 Skidoo - Gregouka
Lustmord - End Titles

B12 - The Radiophonic Workshop
The Black Dog - Barbola Work
DW:U OST - Frustrated
Funckarma - Loaded
Lackluster - Wash
Lackluster - Meyouit

Autechre - SYptixed
Vas - Moksha
Sephiroth - A Map of Eden Before the Storms
Sephiroth - Wolftribes
Mira Calix - Sparrow
SANKT OTTEN - Sequencer Liebe


SANKT OTTEN - Sequencer Liebe
Duane Pitre- Feel Free Section II
Phase - Set The Controls To The Heart Of The Sun
Foehn - Funeral in Space
Autechre - VI Scose Poise
Autechre - known(1)

Sephiroth - A Map Of Eden Before The Storms
Sephiroth - Wolftribes
Worms of the Earth - 2nd Jhna (Dimension of Consciousness )
Gescom - Slow Acid
Autechre - Iera

Subheim - Space Corridor
Mira Calix - Sparrow
Suero - Wire Fence
Ryoji Ikeda - Data.Matrix
Subheim - Mir50
Philip Glass - Mad Rush

Sack und Blumm - Baby Bass Box
Lackluster - Wash
Lackluster - Zithertrack2
Funckarma - Loaded
Solaris Sound System - Lemuria
Plone - Top & Low Rent

Lustmord - Atoll
Autechre - Bronchusevenmx24
Cryobiosis – Condensation
The Black Dog - Truth Benders D.I.E
Drexciya - Aquarazorda
TeHÔM - Abyss

Autechre - Reniform Puls
Worms of the Earth - 2nd Jhna (Dimension of Consciousness )
Suero - Wire Fence
Sephiroth - A Map Of Eden Before The Storms
Vas - Moksha

Subheim - Space Corridor
Coil - Theme from Blue pt I
Coil - Theme from Blue Pt II
Coil - Hills are alive
B12 - The Radiophonic Workshop
Vas - Moksha
Sephiroth - Wolftribes

Autechre - Bronchusevenmx24
Mika Vainio - Cargo
Errisoma - Adejj
Pan Sonic - Ulottvuus
SaffronKeira - Ethan
Suero Wire - Fence

Access To Arasaka - bpf_u_int32
Suero Wire - Fence
Access To Arasaka - Cursa
Isnaj Dui - Duelol
Solar Fields - Dust
Phase - Set The Controls To The Heart Of The Sun

Sephiroth – Wolftribes
Sephiroth – Moongate
Empusae – Cadence Chamanique
Coil – No New World
Phase - Set The Controls To The Heart Of The Sun
Lustmord – End Titles

Suero – Wire Fence
Phase - Set The Controls To The Heart Of The Sun
Mira Calix – Sparrow
Empusae – Fragments of Cerebral Dimensions
Coil – No New World
B12 – Radiophonic Workshop

Saffronkeira – Ethan
Bola – Whoblo
Access to Arasaka - Cursa
Access To Arasaka - bpf_u_int32
Sankt Otten - Thom Yorkes Letzte Grosse Liebe
Phase – Set Controls for Heart of The Sun

Suero – Wire Fence
Autechre – Second Peng
Mira Calix – Sparrow
Black Dog –Truth Benders D.I.E.
Gescom – Key Nell 3
Ryoji Ikeda – Data.Matrix

Sephiroth - A Map Of Eden Before The Storms
Sephiroth - Wolftribes
Worms of the Earth - 2nd Jhna (Dimension of Consciousness )
Vas – Moksha
Empusae - Urficae

Subheim - Space Corridor
Phase – Set Controls for Heart of the Sun
Mira Calix – Sparrow
Biosphere – Genkai-1
Autechre - Garbagemx
Sankt Otten - Thom Yorkes Letzte Grosse Liebe

The Black Dog – Truth Benders D.I.E.
Phase - Set The Controls To The Heart Of The Sun
Mira Calix – Sparrow
Empusae – Cadence Chamanique
Plastikman – Pakard
Plastikman - Korridor

Subheim - Space Corridor
Saffronkeira – Ethan
Phase – Set Controls for Heart of The Sun
Sephiroth - Wolftribes
Lackluster – Wash
Autechre – Second Scout

Sephiroth - A Map of Eden Before the Storms
Vas - Moksha
DWU OST - Frustrated
Freeform - Tin
Autechre - Garbagemx
Phoenecia - Can

Subheim - Space Corridor
Isnaj Dui - Duelol
Subheim – Mir51
Beaumont Hannant – Mind Colours
The Black Dog – Truth Benders D.I.E
Sankt Otten - Thom Yorkes Letzte Grosse Liebe

The Black Dog – Truth Benders D.I.E
B12 – Radiophonic Workshop
Isnaj Dui - Duelol
Autechre – Key Nell 3
Autechre – Maphive 6.1
Autechre - Garbagemx

Isnaj Dui – Duelol
Sephiroth - Wolftribes
Autechre – Key Nell 3
Autechre – Arch Carrier
Sephiroth - A Map Of Eden Before The Storms
Ryoji Ikeda – Data.Matrix

Sephiroth - A Map Of Eden Before The Storms
Sephiroth - Wolftribes
Worms of the Earth - 2nd Jhna (Dimension of Consciousness )
Phase – Set Controls for Heat of the Sun
Autechre - Uviol

Access to Arasaka - Cursa
Access To Arasaka - bpf_u_int32
Ghostfriend – Moist
B12 – Radiophonic Workshop
Lackluster – Wash
Vas - Moksha

Access to Arasaka - Cursa
Access To Arasaka - bpf_u_int32
Coil – Baby Food
B12 – Radiophonic Workshop
Lackluster – Wash
Isnaj Dui - Duelol

Vas - Moksha
DWU OST - Frustrated
Polygon Window – Redruth School
B12 – Radiophonic Workshop
Mika Vainio - Cargo
Phoenecia - Can

Multiplex - Aod
Suero - Wire Fence
Phase – Set Controls for Heart of The Sun
Saffronkeira – Ethan
The Black Dog – Truth Benders D.I.E
Worms of The Earth – Of Statues And The Sacred Gardens

Isnaj Dui - Duelol
Access to Arasaka - Cursa
Access To Arasaka - bpf_u_int32
Sankt Otten - Thom Yorkes Letzte Grosse Liebe
Biosphere – Chuckhung
Biosphere - Antennaria

Isnaj Dui - Duelol
Suero - Wire Fence
Mika Vainio - Cargo
Sankt Otten - Sequencer Liebe
Sephiroth - Wolftribes
Empusae – Ekro-Alakin

Sephiroth - A Map Of Eden Before The Storms
B12 – Radiophonic Workshop
Worms of the Earth - 2nd Jhna (Dimension of Consciousness )
Vas – Moksha
Funckarma - Lawk

Amon Tobin - Keep Your Distance
Amon Tobin - Theme from Battery
Multiplex - Aob
Mika Vainio - Cargo
HIA & Biosphere - Tortoise
Vas - Moksha

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/17/2014 8:40:33 AM)


Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/17/2014 8:40:53 AM)


Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/17/2014 9:32:26 AM)

Version History

2. Release ALPHA.6 patch notes
A.6 Release Patchnotes - "What's new?" (as difference from A.53):

- Minor fixes and tweaks into various aspects of the game. Races tweaked, policies adjusted, character systems polished and tuned.

- Zadaj and Archei pedia entry by ParagonExile.
- Unique goverments pedia entries by ParagonExile.

- In MOD op post added comments about how to maximize complexity of the game if you want to raise complexity/challenge. (Modified Icemania list, with soem changes which more relevant towards Beyond gameset/gameplay).

- Remake for Lameresh race, now it will be playable race (they will not have super beam from start of the game) for players with unique super laser available earlier, shooting further, and dealing more damage. Together with their nature (character system) they still will be viable to compete for "Destroy x2 (changed from x3) times ships than you lose" victory condition, but with much more effort, and with need of precise target selection.

- Veey and Lameresh and partial Naxxilian UI Included (advance from Alien Immersion Project). Last 3 buttons from Naxxilian UI and Ketarov UI will be released in .61

- Consolidated soundtrack download - comes as big music asset download and provides 4 alliances soundtrack (9 track playlist each one) and 26 (more than half of all races covered) race-specific 6 race tracks. This part represented in 2nd post of Beyond thread. Read details below and check #2 post of this thread.

- Alliance chart showcasing alliance allegiance for all races and making it easier to match your race's alliance soundtrack. Alliances been renamed into more immersive names, while their old names will be kept marked by “(“ and “)”.

- Pedia Updates with weapon focus (semi merge from AI Mod by Icemania with all corrections made in adaptation into Beyond). Additionally to AI mod Pedia entries all races been given correct updated picture, all new races added, focus string marked with brighter color, and race alliance allegiance added.

- Remake of Corporate Nationalism government (changed completely) & Remake for Way of Ancients and Darkness governments (been tuned down) - New , Beyond, (nice version in-between vanilla and extended styles) race art picture for Naxxilians.

- Alliance-based color tints for rest, non-top pannel UI designs *coming from Das chrome mod, which will reflect the alliance your race belongs to (Turquoise/Cyan for (Light) Alliance, Deep Royal Blue for (Blue) Pact, Dark Purple for (Dark) Forces, and Red for (Red) Coalition).

- More lore influence on race/alliance diplomacy in raceBiases.txt file.

- Complete adaptation and integration of Icemania's AI Mod version 1.02 including it's bug fix with wrong construction times

- 6 Character Systems :

1. Humans - complex project featuring 6 races/nations/bloodlines of humanity , which have different linguistics, gene code and educational background : White Human (America/West Europe themed), Black Human(Africa Themed), Semite Human(Arabic/Hebrew themed), Slavic Human (East Europe/Russia Slavic etniciy themed), Hindu Human (Hind family themed), Zhong-Ri Human (Far East Asia - themed). They made as diverce, linguistic , very diverce and versatile, diplomacy focused race, which have some slight specialization/education differencies between bloodlines. They have own unique portrait art for each bloodline's male and female (using "Average Portrait" project) and is alpha base for unique portrait art which will come after final release of mechanic part of the mod (eta around NYE).

2. Lemeresh - they been made into player race, stripped from their start-game super laser, and now are race with big ships, good weapon research, early super-laser tech which provide range and power variation of super laser. combined with extremely powerful education their Admirals receive their fleets can mount alot of punch with much lesser number quantities of the ships. They are lions of the space, and have opposite feel/approach to Gizureans game wise. Their Character system features 2 special groups. One, Eme, is common and protective, providing the Lemeresh with more security/counterespionage power, while second, Leeresh, is rare and powerful, and will help the player to rain the death on those who oppose their Lemeresh empire.

3. Keskudon - they been remastered abit, with Way of Darkness goverment being tuned down, as race they been tuned slightly up, and their character system featuring 4 special groups - Slave traders and Slave-catchers Vorsuk, Seer Technologists Seska , Vicious Blood-Lust commanders of Doskunuk and highborn oligarchs Trunosk which represent different powerful segments of their society which compete for the Keskudon Empire rule and offer different directions of development/Gameplay.

4. Shandar - Easy going, relaxed Shandars have matching their lore character system, always easy-going, relaxed, drunk and lazy, they posses powerful skills and awareness due their stabile, happy and undemanding mind state. They have 3 groups which are available only as Governors, special role of Utopian colony overseer - and they are very powerful, managing their assigned colonies into being different kinds of Utopias through different approaches and visions – Nos-Iss through providing and developing entertainment, creating attractions and promoting body pleasures, Iss-Ssa through spiritual activities, meditation and education, and Sha-Doon through unity with Environment, nature and world surrounding them and harmony with space's eternity. Their CS have some slight learning curve due some innate negative trait patterns which are common for majority of their characters.

5. Naxxilians - Straightforward race with 2 special group character systems. They have 2 influential groups - Shuxil (Quite aggressive, militaristic and expansive cold-hearted shamans), other is Todosht, famous Todash ultimate game survivor champions, which been glorified, and viewed as example of strength and courage. Those groups are pretty exclusive, so watch well and have good luck.

6. Ketarov - this race had quite drastic change, they been tied to overhauled Corporate Nationalism goverment, with improved synergy to it, and featuring 5 special groups which compete for leading and governing factions Interior politics and colonies. They are 5 very competitive Mega-Corporations, each one is "state within state", and each one have own specialization (as each of them ate/assimilated smaller corporations of same industry/market segment) : Reta Verok - Conservative Construction/Real Estate corporation, Sorotvan - Shady and Manipulative Enertaiment/Broadcasting/Information technologies megacorp, Orover Korate- Huge freighter Company, Vorvotor - Arms Manufacturer and Security services mega-corp known for its aggressive and violent methods of solving competition issues, Terevek - huge Drug/Chemal Tech/Mining Concern. They offer very different approach on management of Ketarovs development, and each one is powerful but have serious drawbacks to be dealt with (except social-oriented , most moderate freighter mega-corporation Orover Korate which simply offers small benefit of covering certain Corporate Nationalism goverment drawbacks and provide only good antidonte/relief to rampant Ketarov's corruption )

Release ALPHA.53 patch notes

- Temporary fix to randomization process. All is working as intened it seems but character systems are x2 in size now and we have some other issues. Now you can dismiss your leaders and pray for roulette even with most unpredictable races. Seems all races CS working as intended.
- Fix to Laaran Ship designs.
- Some race fixes and balancing to Wekkarus and Paratis and Caleph.

Release ALPHA.52 patch notes

1. Added 3 charatcer systems : Wekkarus, Paratis and Caleph. They are not final and mayh be tuned in close future.
2. alot of minor tunes and fixes.
3. Laaran ui added.
4. in order to see races specialization, alliance allegiance and much more detail - please check this link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MxPi8qKWKnJpyd3BJog9HRsv7w8osy9366LKooxwR0A/edit?usp=sharing
This is heavy remaded, extended version of AI mod excel file, which have more info on races, adds Beyond races, and Alliances sorted by lore-viable allegiance, and biases set in order to match races lore (ie XHuman vs Human relationship and more)

Release ALPHA.51 patch notes

1. Hotfix on race Archei Released.
2. Archei graph been updated, added Such-Oos graph.

Release ALPHA.5 patch notes

1. Added 2 more races, details and descruptions at bottom of this post.
2. Huge amount of small and wide tweaks. (Really alot)
3. Added more 7 character systems, approx 400 characters for each race. About what is it please read in this thread or in this post below.
4. Added new informative feature - leadership portfolio graphic chart.
5. Added placeholder Beyond themed UI which will be replaced eventually by race-specific interfaces.
6. Added all progress from Alien Immersion project.
7. Added default Beyond Soundtrack.
8. Added 48 race ,full diplomatic music pack. Now each race will play its own music on diplomatic screen.
9. Alliance system - now all races devided into 4 alliances, acoording to their lore/alignrment, additionally to lore-influenced diplomacy modifiers.

ALPHA.42 Patch notes:
- Fixed problem with Such-Oos, now they are perfectly playable
- Added Character systems (~400 characters each race) for Such-Oos and Dhayut, for now without unique faces, but this is first version of race-specific 2 races character set, featuring 2 special groups in each race's society. For details about those 2 races CS please check end of this post.
- Reverted to vanilla version racial art for Autuuk.
- Completely changed racial art (from extended mod version) for: Securan, Kiadian, Dhayut.
- Number of minor tweaks on new races, art.
- Added race specific Dialogues by ParagonExile for new races.
due some problem related supposingly to beta of or esle, its impossible to play as SuchOos. Iv'e temporarily disabled them, and boosted their pop growth and science in order to be some AI defining factor in your games.
- Tweaked Dlakar and Yereni Policies, Laaran Oronus Accord, and made world better :D
- fixed bug with tech tree
- Added more 5 races , now there 6 unique races from Beyond Pool. Each race have very unique gameplay/flavor/focus, polished and have investment of original art in either troops, ships, or both. Unique race-specific interfaces for those races will follow and will be released soon in Alien Immersion Project frame.
- 3 of 6 races use totally original , done by me shipsets, Yereni use recolored and retweaked Taiidan set from HW pack, Such-Oos and Laaran use Kadeshi and Turanic shipsets from HW , Credits will mount DeadlyShoe name for his awesome ship models. Ive deicided to design only 50% of ships myself for the pool because it takes alot of time from me.
- added planet, surface and landscape art from Stuff&Bits mod by KEWB1144
- Added alot of race/concept pedia entries by ParagonExile, Ergreagd dialogue by ParagonExile, Ergreagd small tweaks.
- Added new goveremnts - mainly for new races, which will ensure uniquiness of their play.
- Next releases will focus on tweaks and implementing rest race character systems without art firstly - art will follow later.
- Merged all modpack with Icemania AI Extended mod version ALPHA - to prevent complex integration in future and allow easier modification and implementation from both sides. All changes are noted.
- Updated many things for Ergreagds in correlation with Icemania's mod.
- For easier implementation and for lack of conflict between mods Yereni will use faster engines as their tehcnology which allow effective kiting as its part of their design.
- For same reason Veey use Gravitic weapons with some area inside, and their spec tech changed.
- Laaran experiementally bullt towards Beams/Point blank/Assault Pods.
- Updated Race Biases according to Icemanias mod.
- Changed naming files that way that Earth city names will be no longer used as ship names for the game. That was nasty immersion breaker. (No more ships named Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo and London!)
- Added Sirian's EVE components art mod, v 1.2, and augmented it with few new pictures for new race's unique components from stock he kindly provided with the mod.

- Added Ergreagd character system with 490 UNIQUE characters!
- Added diplo talk to Ergreagd
- Tweaked Ergreagd constructor engines art.
- Added Theme Pedia entry about Character System concept by ParagonExile

ergie -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/17/2014 2:38:42 PM)

Ive sent you a pm

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/17/2014 2:41:21 PM)

Ye, cool things, will test once i arrive to home, i smell mega hyper awesome character portraits in distant future, hehe
I will also do some graphic lego tests today , i have already 8 race templates built, so we can do some funny stuff already :P

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/18/2014 10:06:52 PM)

Updated Project 1 info. (Races) - there some fresh concepts which will still create unique to play/experience/flavor racs even in addition to 40 existing ones.

For project 2 - i will try to use "few letter replacement" method, so for example for Shandar "Toreodor" will be :
or replaced by cha
D replaces by S
T replaed by Qu =

I am going to play with such generation method.
Anyone know existing programs for doing this kind of shuffle/replacement?

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/21/2014 8:29:06 AM)

Added :
PROJECT 2 - racial language research

Shandar main pool - Shsi , Shu, Ra, Ron, Nas, U, Ar, As, Is, His, So, Ro, Ni, Si, Se, Re, Os.

Ship Names: Shu-Ra, Ron-Si , Si-Se-Ra, Re-Os.

Character names: Admiral - Su, Agent - Ressa, Governor - Niser, Tropp General - Usr, Scientist - Irs.
Name suffix - Sha.
Name formula : [title] [ shandar pool word 1]-[shandar pool word 2]-[name suffix]
Admiral character name example: Su Is-Ar-Sha.

some brainstorm on how we could build original racial ship names and character names, to preserve logic system, readability and immersion.
Logic could be different for different races.

Dhayut - Hku, Rhk, Hye, Drh, Ey, Ay, Uer, Trrh, Krt, Kehr, Yhr, Ahr, Her, Eh, Ryh, Dah, Dye, Kye, Yeth, Ath, Akh
Ship military suffix : Dhe
Private: Uyet
Ship name logic : [dhayut 1]([dhayut2]) + suffix
Ship name example: EyUer Dhe, KehrHer Uyet

NAme logic : [dhayut 1]([dhayut2])+[dhayut 1]([dhayut2])
Name example: Uer RyhEh

Also naming of characters could be done by old system, but since mod moving towards pre-set characters, those rules are necessary.

Existing character name pools will be assigned to vanilla races, 1 list per race, and those races ship name pool will be based on fonetics from name pool lists.

Unforeseen -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/21/2014 6:36:26 PM)

Chrome Blue is an actual requirement?

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/21/2014 7:11:30 PM)

No... its just graphic upgrade, but Alien Immersion mod synergises with it, keeping same sign language.
Extended mod by Haree78 is necessary.

Btw , we got into advanced alpha stage with assorted different character art and naming.
First alpha will be just project 2 and project 3 advance on Dhayut.
Something revolutional, and brand new, but require alot of work.

Also this mod will integrate combined Science mod done by you and lurchi , and AI mod of Icemania after he comes out from Beta for extended .

You also invited to take part of combining and developing. Project 6 - Goverments overhaul would gladly accept you as dev ;) :P

Other parts are also open for taking part in them :)

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/21/2014 7:21:58 PM)

Some hilight on
Ergreagd - Avian race from lava planet.
Art by Carl Forsberg.
Art require some adjustments with PS.
Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil.
Lava planets. Unique Mix of warfare and espionage (there no race that combines espionage and warfare)
Evil avian race, historically ruled by separate 3 competing clans, which are sort of feudal kingdoms. They have very special characters broken into 3 camps (very strong bonuses, but negating each other, so main goal is to complete collection of certain house characters), special goverment, and due their history of coups and non-ending rivalry till this day they are skilled in espionage and warfare.

They will have very unique mechanic.
They have 3 rivaling houses in their society, and they have 3 different techs in mid game unlocking 3 different goverments, one per house rule. Adding to that, they will have unique alleged characters pool, which will synergize and impact somehow effectiveness under certain house rule. I checking if i could make this work : Once house goverment assigned, the ruler could be replaced by very potebt but very spcialised pre-set house ruler as ruler of empire.

Unforeseen -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/21/2014 7:43:16 PM)

I'd be happy to help :), (Btw Lurchi is doing most of the work :D, he switched over his mod to extended and incorporated most of my ideas into it. Will be testing it soon but i have a friend i haven't seen in months coming to visit today)

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/21/2014 7:56:51 PM)


The state of projects:
Project 1 - Races -ideas are up , need to create proper files, incorporating findings of Icemania and adapting races to Project 5 (your research mod)

Project 2 and Project 3 - those are ones i am focused now with ergie - He developed maga-ultra tool which will take pieces of art i create for different body parts of creature, and combine 5-6 different features into one unique charazcter portrait. I am working on art here, but we could have some help with inventing naming conventions for each race. (as few posts above - there is example)
50 races need to be covered :V

Project 4 - flags will do later, ists easiest, and least urgent part.

Project 5, as mentioned above, will need incorporation of your Science mod and Icemania AI mod once it goes out as beta for extended.

Project 6 - Goverments, as tech tree, will need complete overhaul. The prpblem that we need more flavor and viable ways to play , and aside from race bonuses, tech differencies and flavor, increasing a impact, balancing goverments , as well as limiting some of them , after overhaul, to certain races to create huge variety of viable ways to play with 50 races.
This could already have brainstorm. Currently i am busy abit with Immersion packages (Immersion mod) and Project 2 and Project 3 combined. This will be something amazing, i am exited. This is truth :V

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/21/2014 11:37:24 PM)

Well , small glimpse preview time!
Something nasty is brewing, hoho
Huge props to Ergie and his awesome tool!

Instroducing cozy Dhayut Admiral family!

Atm we can generate around 200 uniques of those.... will need some profession-bound bodies, scaling, polishing.... and more 49 races... well , we got some lil job to do! [:D][8D]


Unforeseen -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/22/2014 2:36:39 AM)

A xenophobic militant religious race. There's two ways to place this out. One, their government is basically the church. They know that their religion is false, but they don't want the general population to know this so they go out of their way to exterminate other races. The other being that the race views other races as either the "evil" that their religious texts speak of, or that the other races need to be subjugated and forced to accept their true "creator". The first option suggests a race that has practically no ability to make friends and would declare war on everyone they meet. (Wouldn't last long for obvious reasons). The other would be weary of friendly interactions, but it wouldn't be unheard of. Both would probably need a custom government type.

mensrea -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/22/2014 2:52:57 AM)

Unforeseen, the distinction your making between those two essentially theocratic governments sounds the same as the distinction I make between "Imperial" and "Theocratic" in my WH40k mod. I would gladly volunteer the work I have done on that and try to balance it more, as it is new and needs it. Since it is not necessarily based on the warhammer universe it could easily be adapted to vanilla.

I also have a realistic resources mod of sorts that is relatively balanced if there is any interest.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/22/2014 4:43:58 AM)

@mensrea - you are wellcome to join and help :)

@Unforeseen - yes Yereni , again, should offer new/unique approach to the game, as any other race, or t least new mix of base approaches.
First of all , yes, they do have their religion as their special goverment. Secondly, they dont die from natural death, only from diceases/violent death. This means , they achieve some kind of immortality with their religion/genetics, or just created like that and learned to control and use their potential immmortality. Their xenophoby could come from 2 things- one from religion, other from fear to get alien diceases from alien life forms. 2nd is the main reason. They are Slightly agressive, Very Cautious, Extremely Dependable, Quite Intelligent, and Extremely Unfriendly race, as i see them as summary.
The thing that their govement is the thing that could provide pop growth (mortality denial) factor, not the race itself, because its one of requirements to stick to itspeciality for combat gameplay their flavor is "snipe/kite/evade" fleet - smaller than usual (penalised volume), but very agile and fast ships, with spcial technology for long range guns.
Now what actual (exact numbers) bonuses they will have? What is final summary on their govemeent? And what actual combo of ship buuilding tehs/penalties they have? - there need to be some check for balance. We need to assemble alpha now and test it.... and, again, they must have own, special way to approach the game, so thats a main direction of tweaking/tuning we would require

another point is new races with addition to new mechanics - is quite a package. So race wise, lets model 1 race with all extended features:
1. Full race design with ship set, and galactopedia .
2. Any additional techs/goverments
3. Ship designs templates.
4. Full Alien Immersion package (must be done by me)
5. Full pre-set characters, will be doen by me+ergie and ergie's tool.

Its quite alot, so lets pick one - 2 races and polish them? What races you would take as first focus? Yereni? I have some passion to finish 3 houses of Ergreagd. This will require alot project 2/3 work for them, because they have bit more focus on characters than Dhayut. We could focus on those 2 as first alpha package.

lurchi -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/22/2014 2:06:23 PM)

Interesting. Seems like the primordial soup of a megamod. [:)]

Edit: BTW, there are several race extension mods for Extended Universe. Did you take a look at those?

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/22/2014 2:18:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: lurchi

Interesting. Seems like the primordial soup of a megamod. [:)]

Edit: BTW, there are several race extension mods for Extended Universe. Did you take a look at those?

nope, dint looked/knew they are there....
I looking to create very unique flavor/gameplay / techs/features for each one.. Each race above are justified by unique game play idea, based on other ambitions included in this mod.
I dont mind to check them up, and if there is something i will like/will fit to creiteria/will not conflict with existing 40+10 i may add... I warn for few races i planning to create unique ship art, aside from all mentioned features

I just made even more depth research on characters modding and on events modding
Wow, only 2 those features could create huge difference between different races gameplay.
Just those hidden features can impact race play ALOT.

We going for alpha release , which is still far from being done, which include complete unique character /naming/feature system for shandar/dhayut, and 1-2 new races, with all features added .

I would be happy to try and integrate your mod from this point. I really like the approach, does it even interfere with things i playing? It changes racial files? Also new civs use some unique techs or will prefer existing techs from your mod tech tree, so i need to know where/how to adjust them. Seems that for now races focus is on Yereni/Ergreagd. Yereni use small ships, faster speeds (preference 1), mount alot of agility, and have unique long range gun tree.
Ergreagd focus on troops/espionage, will have 3!!! special goverments, and alot of hi-impact characters which will coup etat alot.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/22/2014 2:51:42 PM)

More material on Ergreagd:
-30% Troop Maintenance
+30% Intelligence Effectivity
Extra Inteligence Agent : 1
+50 chance of generation Intelligence Agents, Troops Generals and Governors.
-50% chance of scientist generation.
Agressivness: 117
Caution: 89
Intelligence: 101
Friendliness: 86
Dependability: 74
population growth : 14%

Unique 3 house system : with unique 3 goverments.
Each goverment named after house. Houses are major political feudal monarchy ancestral line aligned factions, which have long tradition of very fierce rivalry. Even united, the Ergreagds keep this as part of their tradition. Poisoning, assasinations, coup'd'etats - are common progress tools and refined art of their society.
Houses have certain sphere preference.
House of Margagd - House which comes from ancestral line with strong military history, tradition , which prefer more frontal assault and strict military control. If they are chosen to rule the exterrior politics, all leaders will come from Troop Generals, the niche sphere for Margagd within Ergreagd society. Have lowest replacement ratio, Hightest approval, Lowest war weariness, lowest population bonus, lowest research, Mediocre corruption, Medicore tax.
House of Kerengd - Tricky house which rules by art of assasination, blackmailing, intrigues, and any other covert doings. Leaders during their rule taken from Intelligence agents pool. Have hightest replacement ratio, lowest approval, mediocre war weariness, mediocre population bonus, best research, lowest corruption, lowest trade/tax.
House of Urgegd - Rich house with alot of influence, are the most social-oriented house . Their leaders taken from Governor pool, Have mediocre replacement ratio, mediocre approval, worst/highest war weariness, best population bonus, mediocre research, hightest corruption, immense trade/tax.

Things will be polished later, and balanced if needed

Also! HELP needed... i am not native english speaker.. my grammar sucks and those galactopedia entries wait for native english writer :)

lurchi -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/22/2014 4:04:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Blackstork


ORIGINAL: lurchi

Interesting. Seems like the primordial soup of a megamod. [:)]

Edit: BTW, there are several race extension mods for Extended Universe. Did you take a look at those?

nope, dint looked/knew they are there....
I looking to create very unique flavor/gameplay / techs/features for each one.. Each race above are justified by unique game play idea, based on other ambitions included in this mod.

There is some interesting stuff, you really should check those.
DW Universa looks quite promising:
Distant Races has some unique race ideas:


ORIGINAL: Blackstork

I just made even more depth research on characters modding and on events modding
Wow, only 2 those features could create huge difference between different races gameplay.
Just those hidden features can impact race play ALOT.

Oh yes.


ORIGINAL: Blackstork

I would be happy to try and integrate your mod from this point. I really like the approach, does it even interfere with things i playing? It changes racial files?

You're free to use it. Yes, I guess it might interfere with a lot of things. I do change racial files, it's needed for the new colonisation system.


ORIGINAL: Blackstork

Also new civs use some unique techs or will prefer existing techs from your mod tech tree, so i need to know where/how to adjust them.

You'll have to wait a bit more for details, Research Reloaded is far from being done. There will be a lot more tech for your races to use, weapons, hyper drives, reactors, but racial tech can of course be added as well.


ORIGINAL: Blackstork

Seems that for now races focus is on Yereni/Ergreagd. Yereni use small ships, faster speeds (preference 1), mount alot of agility, and have unique long range gun tree.
Ergreagd focus on troops/espionage, will have 3!!! special goverments, and alot of hi-impact characters which will coup etat alot.

Sounds cool. [8D]

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/22/2014 4:21:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: lurchi


ORIGINAL: Blackstork


ORIGINAL: lurchi

Interesting. Seems like the primordial soup of a megamod. [:)]

Edit: BTW, there are several race extension mods for Extended Universe. Did you take a look at those?

nope, dint looked/knew they are there....
I looking to create very unique flavor/gameplay / techs/features for each one.. Each race above are justified by unique game play idea, based on other ambitions included in this mod.

There is some interesting stuff, you really should check those.
DW Universa looks quite promising:
Distant Races has some unique race ideas:


ORIGINAL: Blackstork

I just made even more depth research on characters modding and on events modding
Wow, only 2 those features could create huge difference between different races gameplay.
Just those hidden features can impact race play ALOT.

Oh yes.


ORIGINAL: Blackstork

I would be happy to try and integrate your mod from this point. I really like the approach, does it even interfere with things i playing? It changes racial files?

You're free to use it. Yes, I guess it might interfere with a lot of things. I do change racial files, it's needed for the new colonisation system.


ORIGINAL: Blackstork

Also new civs use some unique techs or will prefer existing techs from your mod tech tree, so i need to know where/how to adjust them.

You'll have to wait a bit more for details, Research Reloaded is far from being done. There will be a lot more tech for your races to use, weapons, hyper drives, reactors, but racial tech can of course be added as well.


ORIGINAL: Blackstork

Seems that for now races focus is on Yereni/Ergreagd. Yereni use small ships, faster speeds (preference 1), mount alot of agility, and have unique long range gun tree.
Ergreagd focus on troops/espionage, will have 3!!! special goverments, and alot of hi-impact characters which will coup etat alot.

Sounds cool. [8D]

I like Distant Races ideas, but i prefer art selection/unique mechanic concepts from my 10 races set prior to taking something else - they are darker, more alien and more apealling ot me to work with. At later stages, once all hero/character/goverment/special/immersion stuff is implemented (very distant point) i may turn towards DR. I mean, if i do complete this huge project and there will be more place for adding, i am sure i will work on integrating, fully or partially, Distant Races.
DW universa is less to my liking, art/concept/unique mechanics pov.
I do emphasize on making race unique to play, dark alien , non cartoony style, and passion for making certain art content, because this project will need HUGETONS of new authentic art being done, even for vanilla races. Its a creative process, and to be creative you should work with ideas that inspiring you. I wont do easy modding. I prefer to polish every single race till it will be unique space alien candy to chew :D

This is not (ONLY) race mod. Race feature is just small part of it, work-time wise, new races are to add more flavour and play with unique mechanics/features which could be squized from character/goverment/event customisation .

I hugely like Plant family. I am sure that 1st 2 races to be implemented from DR will be those 2 planties.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/24/2014 9:34:59 AM)

Updated 2nd post with more Ergreagd info, new race that will be released in First alpha release and include immersive, deep , complex character system (see that dhayut pic preview for visuals)
Now races will be also determined and differ by pre-set pool of characters they have, and their pool will impact gameplay alot, create synergies and strategies which will be different for all races.

Added some unique tropp art preview (Preview of regular troops, House Kerengd Battle Golem (armor) and House Margagd Elite Troopers ) -
top of post 2, unique Ergreagd ships art is WIP, previews will be posted soon.
Added more info on 3 house goverments in the Ergreagd info.
Races will have more complexity, differce and flavor in BEU , than they ever had.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/24/2014 7:44:09 PM)

Added to post 2 some preview of unique ships/base and house emblems. Obcourse this will be less blurred and scaled down in the game.
Hope you like it.

ParagonExile -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/24/2014 8:18:24 PM)

Blackstork, I made a few/several grammar errors in the descriptions, I will work them out and send them to you once more.

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/24/2014 8:21:59 PM)

Cool, ship art still need some work and polishing too, effects application etc...

Also sorry, i will need to move Banoserit and Xhumans ui after Ergreagd, because i need their race ui art to develop stuff for character builder, to get something even more comples showcased on that dhayut sample.
So next Alien Immersion UI is Ergreagd one!

Once character system is done and ship art is polished we will release early Alpha with one complex and unique race, which also using new and complex racial-flavored character system + character system for Dhayut

ParagonExile -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/24/2014 8:26:22 PM)


Considering I'm helping, could you possibly make the XHumans go before the Banoserit for my sake? :3

Blackstork -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/24/2014 8:36:31 PM)

hehe sure, deal :P

ParagonExile -> RE: {WIP} Beyond Extended Universe - Mod and Mods' Mod (7/24/2014 8:44:06 PM)

Score one for emotional blackmail!

Is there anything blackmail can't do?

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