Cauldyth -> RE: AI Questions (7/25/2014 2:46:21 PM)
Let me preface this with saying that although I've been a huge DW fan for many years, I'm still pretty lousy at the game, and leave many things on automation. But for what it's worth, the game still gives me a challenge even on Hard (there are two more difficulty levels above Hard). Recent patches seem to have made significant improvements as well. Here's a story that happened to me recently where the AI caught me by surprise. How much of this happened merely by accident and how much by design, I can't say: - The neighbouring Securans declared war on me. I'm a cautious player, so I decided to sit back at first and go defensive, to see where they would attack.
- I detected several mid-sized fleets of theirs raiding my mining stations. They only had 2 colonies themselves, so I decided to see if I could hammer their homeworld while their fleets were away.
- So, I took my primary fleet which also contained my admiral and all my captains, and decided to peek in their home system. Being a cautious player, I wasn't going to warp in on their homeworld itself, I was merely warping to the star to take a peek (and then jump to their homeworld if it looked vulnerable).
- My fleet arrives at the star, so I pause and look over at their homeworld. Unfortunately, it's guarded by a very large fleet which could paste mine even without the help of the space port and defensive bases. I order my fleet out of the system and then unpause.
- Well, it seems they had a single special capital ship at their homeworld with a fast-jump engine (meaning it can jump to hyperspace on very short notice, not that it travels particularly quickly while in hyperspace). That single ship responds to my fleet's presence very quickly, dropping out of hyperspace right in the middle of them before they can get to hyperspace themselves. And then it turns on its warp inhibitor...
- I pause, frantically tell every one of my ships to KILL THAT DAMN THING and then unpause, but there's not enough time. The bulk of their fleet, which had slower firing warp engines, then warps in on my pinned fleet and proceeds to kill every last ship and character in it.