Editor queston - adding a new supply hex? (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Decisive Campaigns Series >> Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris


Ardaeshir -> Editor queston - adding a new supply hex? (8/8/2014 4:18:56 PM)

It sounds simple, but I've been unable to discover this in the editor. How do you set a new supply source hex?

ernieschwitz -> RE: Editor queston - adding a new supply hex? (8/10/2014 8:36:45 PM)

It is done via code. Canīt remember exactly how, Iīll find out for you if need be. Itīs not too hard.

Ardaeshir -> RE: Editor queston - adding a new supply hex? (8/11/2014 8:51:57 AM)

Thanks, I'd appreciate that. I was planning to make some edits to the 1939 scenario. Among others, the baltic coast part of the campaign is not really well simulated in the game (units on oth sides are missing, Hel forts are missing etc).

To this end, among other things, I was planning to add a supply hex for the Polish side in Hel, to give Germans a reason to blockade the peninsula, as they were forced to do in RL.

I was also thinking of adding polish&soviet units appearing on September 21st near Grodno, to simulate the Soviet RL attack on that city. Germany shouldn't really be required to send forces to take this city, as this was in the ribbentropp-molotov soviet-designated sphere. Again, this should require a soviet supply hex east of the city.

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