dodger -> (2/20/2003 8:25:12 PM)
The meatgrinder has crashed into splattering motion! Only the north front remains relatively quiet, but in the center, attack and counterattack are crashing together, unfortunately for the attacking Finns, the counterattack seems more productive at the moment. The main concentration of forces is in the south, though. The pesky T34 in the woods sparked a massive counterattack, which romped through ski troops on their way to the front. Undaunted, they rallied quickly and realized the enemy is moving in without infantry support. This lack of support resulted in several burning hulks on the forested hill. The T34 managed to escape behind a screen of friendly infantry, but with damage to it's suspension, it's not going to be effective in hit and run attacks. Two troops of infiltrators have met with very limited success and will be wiped out by the end of this turn. -Jani