airwinger63 -> Something’s not working right with event editor and units. (8/13/2014 12:38:31 AM)
In the attached scenario, there are three sets of Big Mesh surveillance radars in "red" country, with only the primary of each group actively radiating. In the event editor, the second radar is set to have its assigned mission go active from inactive once the primary radar is either damage (as little as 1 DP) or destroyed in that order. The "blue" force's A-6s, dropping LGBs do damage or destroy the primaries (either will work), the log shows the damage or destruction, the scrolling text will show mission event firing off, yet the secondary radars for the primary radar that have been damaged or destroyed will not start radiating. I’ve tried several different ways with EMCON and F9 or Group unit doctrine. I have set up other similar events via the event editor to launch CAPS with inbound enemy aircraft and they work fine. Not sure what I'm missing or do not understand, thanks. File was written under ver. 551 and rebuilt with ver. 554 Airwinger63