2.02: misaligned outlines (Full Version)

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e_barkmann -> 2.02: misaligned outlines (8/30/2014 8:28:18 AM)

perhaps this can be added to the list for the next UPDATE in 2025 :-)


Warhorse -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (8/30/2014 11:27:07 AM)

What vehicle?? Looks like PzIVH?

e_barkmann -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (8/30/2014 1:15:36 PM)

yes indeed - Pz IVH.


Warhorse -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (8/30/2014 8:49:35 PM)

Chris, which game, EF, WF?[:D]

e_barkmann -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (8/30/2014 10:38:31 PM)

Seen in EF - have not checked WF.


Big Ivan -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (8/31/2014 9:00:18 AM)

Chris & Mike

That is weird, because I don't see this in my EF or WF when looking through the scenario editor. Checked about 3 files in each.

Which scenario in EF did you see this?



e_barkmann -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (8/31/2014 11:13:56 AM)

A deadly meet. I checked Red Steel at Fedorovka and the pziv's are fine in that scen, and then just for kicks tried a scen in WF and the outlines are fine too. Perhaps it is scenario specific or possibly related to the pz iv graphic, this one is just green whereas the others I have looked have brown in the camo graphic as well.


Big Ivan -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (8/31/2014 12:01:43 PM)

Yes I see it now.

I was looking at 4 full strength point platoons. These are 3 full strength point platoons in "A Deadly Meet".

Odd that it would be strength point based!? I thought the graphic was the same, maybe its not.
Good catch Chris!

Jason Petho -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (8/31/2014 3:52:59 PM)

One thing we did for 1.03 was to incorporate unique graphics for different SP's, to add some flavour.

Only in a few cases, as the Panzer IV above.

Jason Petho

Crossroads -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (8/31/2014 4:10:26 PM)

There's a separate entry for each of a SP1-6 PzIVH platoons:


P01967 1 7 7 35 0 0 38 16 25 2 4 1 11 0 1 6 8 P01967 6 33 16 1 0 15 42 8 53 12 7 3 3 PzKpfw IVH Medium Tanks , Pz IVH ,
P01664 2 7 7 35 0 0 38 16 25 2 4 1 11 0 1 6 8 P01664 6 33 16 1 0 15 42 8 53 12 7 3 3 PzKpfw IVH Medium Tanks , Pz IVH ,
P01973 3 7 7 35 0 0 38 16 25 2 4 1 11 0 1 6 8 P01973 6 33 16 1 0 15 42 8 53 12 7 3 3 PzKpfw IVH Medium Tanks , Pz IVH ,
P01017 4 7 7 35 0 0 38 16 25 2 4 1 11 0 1 6 8 P01017 6 33 16 1 0 15 42 8 53 12 7 3 3 PzKpfw IVH Medium Tanks , Pz IVH ,
P01665 5 7 7 35 0 0 38 16 25 2 4 1 11 0 1 6 8 P01665 6 33 16 1 0 15 42 8 53 12 7 3 3 PzKpfw IVH Medium Tanks , Pz IVH ,

The Unit ID entry in the middle specifies the respective bitmap for that unit, so for the SP3 PzIVH it is Up01973.bmp (3d graphics) and *.bit (outline file).

We will put a proper outline file to 2.1 UPDATE but since that is not coming for a while we'll think of alternative ways of patching up these little things. Good catch, thank you!

e_barkmann -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/1/2014 8:46:23 AM)

thanks chaps; appreciate the attention you're giving to the game!

Tidavis -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/6/2014 1:19:36 PM)

Speaking of outlines, here is another. East Front E-UP01054. Flak panzer IV/37 Möbelwagen.


Tidavis -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/6/2014 2:05:52 PM)

It also appears in game that the movement animation for E-UP01054 is messed up a bit corresponding with the outline problem.

Crossroads -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/6/2014 3:04:08 PM)

I am not seeing this on my install. I tried EF. Is it EF or WF where you're seeing the Flakpanzer glitch?

I was able to reproduce the SP3 PzIVH glitch though as below. All other PzIVHs were OK.


Tidavis -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/6/2014 7:32:44 PM)

That's the normal UP01054. The messed up one is E-UP01054. It's the early version that's not used before 0743 I think.

Notice mine is in Panzer Gray and yours is in Panzer Yellow.

Crossroads -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/7/2014 5:33:18 AM)

Thanks Tidavis. I believe there should not be any outline BIT files in the /Specials folder though, the Early/Late/Winter camo versions of the bitmap should be the same graphic as such, as they all share the one BIT file. Only colours should differ.

Interesting, will check later today.

Tidavis -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/7/2014 11:04:44 AM)

It's not the bit file and thanks for the confirmation that the bit file is the outline. A question I have been meaning to ask but haven't gotten around to yet.[:)]

It's the actual bmp file that is messed up a bit(Hey I made a pun)[:D] The sw and nw facings of the early versions are mirrored giving the impression of an outline problem.


Crossroads -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/7/2014 11:19:32 AM)

Ah OK, well there we go! Good catch!

Tidavis -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/7/2014 12:11:06 PM)

I have a fixed E-Up01054 available for anyone who is interested.[:)] Just let me know. Would it be possible to get .bmp or zip files supported for upload?

Crossroads -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/7/2014 3:43:02 PM)



I have a fixed E-Up01054 available for anyone who is interested.[:)] Just let me know. Would it be possible to get .bmp or zip files supported for upload?

I am afraid the forum is a bit restrictive on that. You can rename the file from *.bmp into *.jpg (not saving into jpeg mind you, just renaming the file), then upload it here. Then put the reminder into your post saying the downloaded *.jpg needs to be renamed into *.bmp.

Tidavis -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/7/2014 6:03:41 PM)

Doesn't work for me. I can rename it then it just goes to *.*.bmp.jpg. Still won't upload. No biggie.

Crossroads -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/7/2014 6:58:20 PM)

I am old school so doing the renaming on a DOS prompt never fails me [:D]

Tidavis -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/8/2014 12:10:53 AM)

And here is the file. Been so long since I played with a command line I had to look up the exact command to rename a file.

Nach die Kreuzbahnnen [&o]

By the way remane the file back to .bmp



Crossroads -> RE: 2.02: misaligned outlines (9/8/2014 7:02:51 PM)

Thanks Tim! [:)]

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