jadthegrey -> RE: A Couple questions (11/2/2014 4:24:09 AM)
These are all in the manual(s) provide: 1. Depots - a. it supplies units anywhere otherwise the units need to forage (even at home). In winter, you can start losing a lot of troops if they are stacked in the same area. b. It allows reinforcements to reach unit that are not at home. c. It provide supply caissons to detailed battles (if chosen). 2. Reinforcement - a. as stated earlier, depots increase the chance of reinforcements. b. Being inside the borders of your home country c. If you reduce war readiness, your reinforcements may not get to your troops (if you are not ready for war, why have any troops) d. your draft age and size may the issue, increase the draft range and increase draft size (will increase incrementally). 3. Empire gives you lots of advantages - better morale (+.5), increase of glory that you are an empire (+2 a turn. glory is how we win; but losing empire status costs you 24 glory - which also means that other countries may target you with DOWs before you get too far ahead in glory); +1 diplomatic action (people listen to Empires better than ordinary countries), extra points when empire wins wars against other countries; Flag gains an imperial symbol (totally decorative), increase national morale (+25) 4. depends on what you choose - if simple economy the simple one works most of the time if you choose advanced economy, then the horses and others are included. 5. Sorry I don't know if there is. If u find one for this and other games, please inform me. jadthegrey@yahoo.com