Feinder -> (2/27/2003 3:12:02 AM)
And another thing... You can increase the size of the AF (by construction using Eng units), by 3 more than the listed max size (the number in parenthesis). So if you have an AF that has a max size of (1), you can actually build it up to a size 4. However, building the AF past it's max size (in this case 1), takes considerabe extra resources and time. An AF that has a max size of (0), takes ALOT of extra time and materials to even get to a size 1, on the order of 20x the amount of time and supplies that would normally be required (the terrain is -very- unsuitable). You -can- build it up however, if you REALLY want an AF there. Let's take an example: Russel Island starts like 0(1). At start there is no AF, you can't put much there. At a level 0 AF, you can actually base patrol and float fighters, if there are supplies (it doesn't take much) and an AV or CS type ship present (or you could use a baseforce I suppose, but that's overkill). Nothing besides patrol or float fighters are going to fly off of this AF tho. You dump some engineers and supplies, and they start digging. Time passes, you PBYs are happily running patrol missions, and you raise the base size up to 1(1). You also drop a base force unit that provides 150 air support (you have big plans for this base). Because the AF size is 1, you can base up to 50 planes without penalty. You put a squadron of fighters to provide CAP for your further digging efforts. It's still a little too early for dive-bombers and torpedo planes tho, as the AF is still a little small. The "max" size of the AF is 1, but you can actually expand by 3 beyond that. So you dig and dig, and finally the AF expands to size 2(1). At this point, you can move dive-bombers and torpedo bombers here without penalty. The total number of aircraft should not exceed 100. You expand again, the AF is now size 3(1). That doens't do you much good, except that you can base more planes (150) without penalty, and you'll suffer fewer operational losses. After some time, and consideratble effort, you finally expand your AF to size 4(1) (the "true" max, which is 3 beyond the printed number). With a size 4 AF, you can put 200 aircraft (and don't forget to put an additional baseforce unit to help support the additional aircraft; remember, your initial baseforce unit only supported 150 aircraft). Also, at a size 4, you can base level bombers, and this is always a happy thing. Regards, -F-