kgmussler -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (2/6/2015 3:56:41 PM)
JocMeister, I am really enjoying your AAR. The detail is very interesting and 'educational'. Thanks. On the VP issue....I played a complete game against the AI on Easy (yeh, I know...Easy) I wanted to get a feel for the game, its systems. One thing I learned was the VPs are misleading at Turn 15, where you are. It seemed to me while I was playing that I would never get to positive territory. I too was faced with having to focus on U-Boats for bombing targets, and the German AI loaded up to defend against me. However, there was a point where the VPs began to shift, I think at the point in which I began to capture significant territory. At the end of the game, there were two things I realized. 1) As you capture cities, you get points for them...but as time passes you get more points for the capture of cities. If city X had a base worth of 2 VP. It might be worth 8 VP if captured in December 1943, but it would be worth 36 points if it was captured in January of 1945. 2) There is a HUGE bonus for capturing Berlin earlier than the historical time. In my game, I captured it in early February of 1945. At the time I had around 1700 VP. I was given an additional 1600 (approx.) VP bonus. It shocked me, it was that large. So, while the early VP count is a struggle, it should improve with time. Be mindful of the huge number of reinforcements you will get, both in air and ground units, and in additional aircraft for the pools. LR Fighters don't really become effective until you get the P38J/L and the P51B-10s (or even P51D), and you'll have many more than just a few squadrons. Thanks again for the AAR.