Hotkey Question - Screenshot (Full Version)

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Pico2014 -> Hotkey Question - Screenshot (2/16/2015 3:41:16 PM)


i searched the forum but can't find anything about this: Exists a hotkey for taking screenshots?

In the gamefolder there is a sub called screenshots, so i think there must be such a key. But i dont know which.
unfortunately also the hotkeys from the manual dont give information about screenshots.

Thank you!!

Best Regards

Vic -> RE: Hotkey Question - Screenshot (2/16/2015 3:55:51 PM)

The regular "Print screen" key works just fine.

You can then paste inside MS Word Paint.NET or probably MS Paint as well.

best wishes,

Tac2i -> RE: Hotkey Question - Screenshot (2/16/2015 6:09:30 PM)

There is a feature in PREFS for turning on auto screenshots. The game then takes a screenshot at the beginning and end of each of your turns. These screenies go into the screenshots folder you noted. If you wish to take your own then you can do as Vic suggested. There are also any number of screenshot programs out there. I personally like FastStone Capture.

demyansk -> RE: Hotkey Question - Screenshot (12/13/2015 9:59:28 AM)

Is anything easier for taking a screenshot than ms paint?

vsadek -> RE: Hotkey Question - Screenshot (12/15/2015 6:16:01 PM)

Hello demjansk. There are numerous 3rd party screen capture utilities out on the market. They vary in capabilities and prices.

For example, here is a free Jinq. Also don’t forget Snipping Tool if you have Windows 7.


demyansk -> RE: Hotkey Question - Screenshot (12/15/2015 7:54:37 PM)

Thanks for th a t info, helpful

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