RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (Full Version)

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Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/15/2016 7:26:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: Karaganov


ORIGINAL: Kompolka


You have built an excellent map of the Crimea.
But not all guys like to play such long scenarios.
I think you need to cut the map into several parts and make two campaigns

The first campaign of the Wehrmacht 1941-1942 (Dnepr, Perekop, Simferopol, Kerch, The first assault on Sevastopol, Soviet landing force in the Kerch and Feodossiyu, Hunting the bustards, The second assault on Sevastopol)

The second campaign for the Soviets 1943-1944 (Assault Taman, Landing force in Novorossyisk, Landing force in Kerch and Eltigen, Assault Perekop, The liberation of Crimea, Attack on Kerch and Feodosia, Assault on Sevastopol)

Please think about it.

Guys, the campaign mode is not something that interests me
I do not want to upset you, but I absolutely precisely will not do it
I do not want to mess around with stupid AI, because it is useless in my opinion

I think you'd better do it yourself
You can also try to persuade H.Balck or R-35

I think you are wrong.
AI can function quite adequately, especially in defense. If it will be correctly configured.

It seems to me that you need to do two campaigns (8-10 scenarios for each). It will be very relevant for your nice map.

Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/15/2016 7:34:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Brazenman


ORIGINAL: Kompolka

The first campaign of the Wehrmacht 1941-1942 (Dnepr, Perekop, Simferopol, Kerch, The first assault on Sevastopol, Soviet landing force in the Kerch and Feodossiyu, Hunting the bustards, The second assault on Sevastopol)

I would add to Odessa and Nikolaev also

Yes, you're right

Battle for the Danube
The first assault on Sevastopol
The second assault on Sevastopol
Soviet landing force in the Kerch and Feodossiyu
Hunting the bustards
The third assault on Sevastopol

It would be a great campaign!!!

Zhenka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/16/2016 6:01:42 AM)

Karaganov any more once wrote that he would not make campaign mode.
Why continue to talk about it.
If you're so interested in this, why do not you try to do it themselves?

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/17/2016 7:46:02 PM)

What do you think about this?

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/20/2016 6:23:30 PM)

The fifth part of the map of the Western Front.
586x344, more than 4500 settlements

Svetlanka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/21/2016 8:08:47 AM)

Ohhh Karaganov!

Your maps are magnificent as always.
It looks very nice!

I understand that this is the final version is not it?

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/21/2016 2:36:28 PM)

after 120 moves

My troops bravely to repel the attacks of the enemy in the near approaches to Sevastopol.

345th Soviet Rifle Division arrived at Yalta. This happened just in time.
Italian submarines severely are battered this convoy. But the Soviet destroyers were able to sink three submarines!

Troops enemy took Theodosius.
But my troops continue to hold positions in area Ak-Monay isthmus.

After much thought, I decided to dispatch 72-th Cavalry Division to the Crimea.

Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/21/2016 5:55:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Svetlanka

Ohhh Karaganov!

Your maps are magnificent as always.
It looks very nice!

I understand that this is the final version is not it?

Yes, I agree with you. These maps is really very good.

But I would prefer it to be a campaign mode, instead of one big scenario.
But this is only my opinion.

Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/23/2016 12:38:39 PM)

Congratulations guys!


Svetlanka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/23/2016 5:18:00 PM)

With a holiday guys!!!

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/23/2016 8:41:07 PM)

I also congratulate all!

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/25/2016 11:22:34 AM)


Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/27/2016 3:02:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Svetlanka

It would be interesting to play against you, if you create a scenario with the participation of the Red Army. Guadalajara and Mlava is a good scenarios, but they did not interest me. Sorry but I want to play for the Red Army. If you make scenario about the Winter War, or about battle of Khalkhin-Gol, then many Russian guys will be happy to play against you!

By the way, the Winter War is a very good idea, in my opinion

Mannerheim Line.
Cliffs, forests, lakes and rivers of Karelia. Minefields and fortifications. I think that Karaganov can make a beautiful map.

I think you should think about it

R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/27/2016 3:25:40 PM)

Nice map! Of course, in order to make a proper Winter War scenario you need a few more Finnish units than we already have. After all, they`re one of the only two factions involved in the conflict/scenario so you can`t just ignore them.

Personally I would rename the vanilla Finnish Ski to Jaegers and have them switch between a version with skis for the winter and another one with bicycles for when there`s no snow:

Also needed in my opinion would be


T-26C - captured soviet tanks - I`m not sure if they were used in action before the Continuation War, but it would be nice to be able to capture them in the scenario.

40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun

37mm Bofors anti-tank gun:

45 PstK/37 antitank gun - Finland captured some 93 Soviet 45-mm antitank-guns during Winter War and used them too from what I understand:

Finnish Cavalry

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/27/2016 4:32:29 PM)

Good list
but I would add

Staff Car - Autokori
Finnish engineers
120mm coastal gun Vickers
152mm coastal gun Canet
203 mm Haupitsi 1917

and several aircraft from the list
Fokker СХ
Fiat G.50 Freccia
Morane-Saulnier MS-406C1
Brewster В-239
GlosterJB Gladiator I
Hawker Hart
Potez 631
Blenheim Мk.I
Blenheim Мk.IV

R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/27/2016 5:05:03 PM)

Actually, in terms of aircraft, some of those entered service too late for the Winter war. At the start you should only have the Bristol Blenheim Mk.I bomber, the Fokker D.XXI fighter (you`ve skipped this one) and the Bristol Bulldog (about 10 of them I think). The M.S.406, the Gloster Gladiator and the Brewster F2A Buffalo entered service in late January and February. The Hawker Hart I think was present in very small numbers (5?).

For the purpose of the Continuation war one could also add:

T-26E - the Vickers 6 ton with the 45mm soviet tank guns

75 K/40 - 210 Guns bought from Germany and delivered 1943 - 1944
(7.5 cm Pak 40)

105 K/29 - 54 guns bought from Germany were delivered in October of 1940
105 mm armata wz. 29

105 H/37 - 140 manufactured and delivered to Army 1943 - 1945
(105 mm howitzer model 1937)

150 H/40 - 48 howitzers bought from Germany late 1940
(150 mm howitzer model 1940)
(15 cm sFH 18)

Anyway, I`ll stop here so as not to derail Karaganov`s thread.

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/27/2016 6:05:46 PM)

It's right
But let's not forget that these planes (Gloster Gladiator and G.50 Freccia) have taken an active part in the decisive battles for the Mannerheim Line.

I think that this line of planes would be the most appropriate for Finland

Fokker D.XXI
Bristol Bulldog
Morane-Saulnier MS-406C1
GlosterJB Gladiator I
Fiat G.50 Freccia

Bristol Blenheim Mk.I

recon planes
Fokker СХ


Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/27/2016 6:07:21 PM)



Anyway, I`ll stop here so as not to derail Karaganov`s thread.

Do not worry about it
Karaganov will not grumble about this

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/27/2016 6:13:16 PM)


Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/27/2016 6:13:48 PM)


Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/27/2016 6:14:13 PM)


Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/28/2016 6:06:42 AM)

Hi guys!
The Winter War is a very good idea! I also like such scenario!

Another good map for the Winter War.

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/28/2016 11:19:30 AM)

About the Mannerheim Line
There need not very big map. Approximately 200x150.
Perhaps I could draw it. I think that it should not take much time. But after I finish map of the Western Front.

But I agree with the R-35, the current line of the Finnish units are very poor for such a big scenario.
As I see it, we need to add at least 20 new Finnish units and 2-3 new soviet units for this scenario.
In addition, we will need a few naval units for both sides.

So the ball on the party H.Balck

R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/28/2016 12:55:46 PM)

Alot of people want to play as the Finns and they`ve been asking for Finland ever since the game was released. There have been few projects that add Finnish scenarios and now that we finally have Finland in game it is there only to serve as an early adversary to the Soviets. A well done Mannerheim Line scenario, designed to be played by both sides could be a very liked scenario.

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/29/2016 7:01:34 PM)

after 132 moves

My troops valiantly fight off the enemy's attacks on the near approaches to Sevastopol.

I had to leave Gurzuf. The enemy continues to attack on Yalta.

In Yalta arrived convoy of units of 386th Division.
Perhaps it will help me to change the situation in this sector of front.

The enemy broke through my defenses on the Ak-Monay Isthmus
But the 72-th of the Kuban Cossack Cavalry Division counterattacked advance units of the enemy's
This enabled my forces create a new line of defense along the line the lake Uzunlar - Samarli river.
A new front constituted the remnants of the 106th and 276th divisions, as well as fresh 138th division, which I had took from the Caucasus.

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (2/29/2016 8:56:36 PM)

Great news guys!

H.Balck wrote:

OK - I will start to produce all wished units - 1st the Finsih packet.
1. Note - all showed UCs coming with 360° turning animations.
2. I hope Dennis can support this packet with a nice Winter map.

All new units in the next topic

Zhenka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (3/1/2016 6:48:53 AM)

Yes, this is good news!
I also like this idea!

In addition, I think that then you can expand the map to the south and a little east.
Then you can create new great scenario - Battle of Leningrad.

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (3/1/2016 5:31:55 PM)

Khalkhin-Gol, 20-31 august 1939
good map of military actions

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (3/1/2016 5:40:27 PM)

Hasan Lake, 29-31 august 1938
good map of military actions

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (3/2/2016 9:42:59 AM)

Good! We agreed.
I found the perfect map for this scenario.

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