Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (10/7/2016 1:12:18 PM)
Guys Some features that are present in the scenarios Karaganov please read this before you play 1. pay attention to multipurpose for some of units finnish jaakari (bike infantry -multipurpose- ski infantry) bunker (bunker-multipurpose-MG Infantry), but MG Infantry can not bring back bunker strongpoint (strongpoint-multipurpose-Infantry), but Infantry can not bring back strongpoint 2. if you place the infantry in fortiphication (as well as in the settlement, at the airport, on a hill, on a mountain) then your unit will get a big bonus to entrenchment on the next move! (big bonus to entrenchment!!!) 3. The speed of movement of naval units tied to weather conditions In winter, it drops sharply !!! This is not a mistake, and it was intended. 4. NKVD Infantry can use special train (armored!!!) to move by rail. Use this !!! 5. Now the infantry has the ability to move in shallow water (отмель). Use this !!! 6. Heavy artillery is unable to move on their own (only by means of transport !!!)