Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (8/16/2016 6:08:17 PM)
ORIGINAL: Karaganov As for the units, I think that it would be right to add next units: Italian 20mm AA-gun Breda Model 35 (green) Italian 75/46 AA-gun Model 34 (green) Italian Motorcycles Romanian 37mm AA-gun Rheinmetall Model 1939 Romanian 75mm AA-gun Vickers Model 31 Hungarian HW Infantry Hungarian Pioneri Suojeluskunta (Finnish Civil Guard) Karaganov It is good list But I hope that you add a couple of good units to your list Soviet 180mm Railway Gun TM-1-180 (1935) German Siebel Ferry (Siebelfähre). Two version - transport and anti-aircraft ship