Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (8/4/2016 2:26:26 PM)
ORIGINAL: Svetlanka quote:
ORIGINAL: Karaganov On the eastern front, there were all the major events in 1941-1944. And nothing prevents us to draw some new maps - Smolensk, Moscow, Kiev, Stalingrad, Kursk, Taman, Odessa... I think that you should not forget about the far eastern front (Hasan-1938, Khalkhin Goal-1939, Manchuria-1945). It seems to me that this is a very interesting topics for a good scenario. To create a scenario Battle of Lake Khasan - 1938, you will be need not very big map. I think that you are quite capable to draw it yourself. Believe me it is not as difficult as you think. Eyes are afraid, but hands are doing the job. http://encyclopedia.mil.ru/files/morf/hasan10.jpg