RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (Full Version)

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Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (5/25/2016 10:30:57 PM)


test version

we need to try to find all the bugs

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (5/26/2016 5:05:01 AM)

I have long been waiting for this!
Well, this is very good news!
Keep it up guys!

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (5/29/2016 7:46:59 AM)

The developers have released a new patch

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (5/31/2016 7:26:06 PM)


I offer the following list of airfields for the seventh part of the map
Матрёнки (15 км юго-западнее Мозыря)
Полетаевка (10 км юго-западнее Жлобина)
Бобруйск (5 км юго-западнее Бобруйска), Вороновичи, Уболотье
Кривой Крюк (10 км северо-западнее Бобруйска)
Могилёв («южная часть города, между рекой Днепр и шоссейной дорогой Орша – Довск в районе посёлка Луполово»)
Тишевка (10 км западнее Могилёва)
Быхов (1,5 км западнее станции Быхов/40 км южнее Могилёва)
Едлино (30 км восточнее Червеня)
Ломская (60 км восточнее Борисова), Ламское
Миньки (12 км юго-западнее Рогачёва)
Ново-Серебрянка (22 км восточнее Рогачёва)
Лубнище (18 км северо-западнее Могилёва)
Тумановка (10 км юго-западнее Могилёва)
Телуши (15 км юго-восточнее Бобруйска)
Тейкичи (15 км северо-восточнее Бобруйска)
Речица (5 км севернее Речицы)
Бронное (8 км юго-восточнее Речицы)
Гноево (35 км юго-восточнее Мозыря)
Бобровичи (15 км севернее Калинковичей)
Брагин (75 км юго-восточнее Мозыря)
Шклов (28 км южнее Орши)
Протасевичи (4 км западнее Осиповичей)???

I also think you need to add
Минск/Лошица (1,5 км севернее Минска)
Борисов («на северной окраине»)
Станьково (15 км юго-западнее Дзержинска-Койданово)

Svetlanka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/1/2016 8:41:34 PM)

but what about the Winter War?
what's new?

Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/5/2016 12:24:48 PM)

I think that would be right, if you will extend map a little bit to the north before line Alytus, Molodechno, Krupki, Kopys

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/9/2016 7:11:57 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/9/2016 7:16:20 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/9/2016 7:18:17 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/9/2016 7:19:10 PM)


Zhenka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/12/2016 4:47:16 PM)

Excellent skreenshots!

Do you plan to make a new version of the battle for the Crimea?

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/13/2016 11:13:32 AM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/13/2016 11:14:24 AM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/13/2016 11:43:22 AM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/13/2016 11:44:26 AM)




Do you plan to make a new version of the battle for the Crimea?

step by step...

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/14/2016 5:38:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kompolka

I think that would be right, if you will extend map a little bit to the north before line Alytus, Molodechno, Krupki, Kopys

I agree with Kompolka.
It would be good to extend the map of western front a little to the north

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/14/2016 6:04:53 PM)

I have a good idea
I think I came up with how we can improve the gameplay

At present we have the opportunity to hire new units (and to hire replenishment) in any city that is under our control.
I think we need to do that this feature was possible only in the case if there is headquarters unit within a radius of 15-20 hexes (for example) from unit!

Moreover we should to do so that we can refuel only in the case if there is unit fuel truck will be within a radius of 5-10 hexes (for example) from unit!

Moreover we should to do so that we can replenish ammunition only in the case if there is unit supply base will be within a radius of 15-20 hexes (for example) from unit!

I hope that you can implement all this
I think this is a very will complicate gameplay

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/15/2016 2:46:48 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/15/2016 2:47:37 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/15/2016 2:48:51 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/15/2016 2:50:04 PM)

Kirovsk (Startsy)

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/15/2016 2:50:47 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/15/2016 2:51:32 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/15/2016 2:56:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Brazenman

I have a good idea
I think I came up with how we can improve the gameplay

At present we have the opportunity to hire new units (and to hire replenishment) in any city that is under our control.
I think we need to do that this feature was possible only in the case if there is headquarters unit within a radius of 15-20 hexes (for example) from unit!

Moreover we should to do so that we can refuel only in the case if there is unit fuel truck will be within a radius of 5-10 hexes (for example) from unit!

Moreover we should to do so that we can replenish ammunition only in the case if there is unit supply base will be within a radius of 15-20 hexes (for example) from unit!

I hope that you can implement all this
I think this is a very will complicate gameplay

Do you know the way to implement all this?

Can you write tutorial for me?
I will be very grateful to you

Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/15/2016 7:17:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Brazenman

I have a good idea
I think I came up with how we can improve the gameplay

At present we have the opportunity to hire new units (and to hire replenishment) in any city that is under our control.
I think we need to do that this feature was possible only in the case if there is headquarters unit within a radius of 15-20 hexes (for example) from unit!

Moreover we should to do so that we can refuel only in the case if there is unit fuel truck will be within a radius of 5-10 hexes (for example) from unit!

Moreover we should to do so that we can replenish ammunition only in the case if there is unit supply base will be within a radius of 15-20 hexes (for example) from unit!

I hope that you can implement all this
I think this is a very will complicate gameplay

I like your idea. It would be cool!

Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/15/2016 7:26:43 PM)

I think that you need to correct your equipment file
movement = 0 for heavy artillery
I think that it would have been more correct

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/17/2016 7:48:27 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/17/2016 7:50:15 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/17/2016 7:50:50 PM)


Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (6/17/2016 7:51:38 PM)


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