RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (Full Version)

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R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/15/2016 11:50:39 AM)


But It needs time - actually I need 1-3 hours to produce one historical ship in 3d.

The good part is that you don`t have that many left to do and the small nations in particular generally only have a destroyer and a submarine plus the occasional cruiser. And fortunately, some of the countries involved in the conflict were landlocked so no navy. :D

I think I work again on my Order of War WW2 mod ( I can tranfer my units also in this engine now) - the graphic and features are much better like Panzer Corps - but the game supports only 120x120 map size limit.

If you actually mean OoB then that engine already appears to struggle with what it has to do. Have you tried to see what effect your very high poly models will have on the game if present in large numbers? In any case, while I do appreciate their developers attention to detail (far superior to what we have in PzC), in Blitzkrieg it resulted in a far too complicated game and rather slow gameplay (there are threads in their sub-forum about it so I know I`m not the only one who thinks so). Maybe I`ll change my mind in the future, but for now there`s a reason while I`m still here assembling new graphics for PzC.

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/16/2016 7:07:01 PM)

List of airfields of the Leningrad Front

Ленинградский фронт

Список аэродромов с присвоением условных номеров для боевой работы (Штаб ВВС ЛВО)

1. Кудом-Губа 711
2. Вяртсиля 712
3. Гирвас 713
4. Янникянниеми 714
5. Бессовец 715
6. Хелюля 716
7. Нива 717
8. Хумалайнен 718
9. Элисенваара 719
10. Видлица 720
11. Кексгольм 721
12. Нурмалицы 722
13. Суурмериоки 723
14. Хейниоки 724
15. Лодейное Поле 725
16. Саккола 726
17. Вехмайнен 727
18. Макслахти 728
19. Бабошино 729
20. Майсниеми 730
21. Яппиля 731
22. Касимово 732
23. Левашево 733
24. Горская 734
25. Углово 735
26. Комендантский 736
27. Манушкино 737
28. Шум 738
29. Шугозеро 739
30. Шоссейная 740
31. Невская Дубровка 741
32. Горелово 742
33. Ропша 743
34. Витино 744
35. Пушкин 745
36. Лезья 746
37. Зайцево 747
38. Красный бор 748
39. Торосово 749
40. Красногвардейск 750
41. Касколовка 751
42. Торма 752
43. Лисино 753
44. Сиворицы 754
45. Сиверская 755
46. Сумск 756
47. Выскатка 757
48. Б.Овсищи 758
49. Спасская полисть 759
50. Смуравьево 760
51. Чернево 761
52. Смычково 762
53. Зарудинье 763
54. Утичье 764
55. Коростовичи 765
56. Кречевицы 766
57. Хутынь 767
58. Торошковичи 768
59. Новоселицы 769
60. Городец 770
61. Н.Михайловская 771
62. Баранья Желча 772
63. Вины 773
64. Верхняя Прихонь 774
65. Крестцы 775
66. Тепляково 776
67. Сольцы 777
68. Реблицы 778
69. Мясница-вершно 779
70. Доворец 780
71. Тулебля 781
72. Старая Русса 782
73. Муры 783
74. Васцы 784
75. Подосье 785
76. Кресты 786
77. Карамышево 787
78. Малитино 788
79. Гривочки 789
80. Ивановская 790
81. Ильина Нива 791
82. Едрово 792
83. Макарово 793
84. Шлино 794
85. Веретенье 795
86. Гаврово 796
87. Заклинские Горки 797
88. Коровье село 798
89. Рожкополье 799
90. Веретье 800

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/17/2016 10:26:14 AM)

Great site!
A lot of useful information about the mechanized troops of the Second World War

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/17/2016 9:02:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Svetlanka

December 1939. Meet us, Suomi-Beauty!

I have a question
Is it possible to win the scenario, If you playing on the Soviet side?
Can anyone boast of such a result?

I managed to break through the main line of fortifications to the 66 move.
But I do not have enough time and power to take the Vyborg and Käkisalmi
At best, I will be able to capture Koivisto

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/18/2016 5:10:25 AM)

Good result

I think that we should not disperse its forces and we must concentrate the impact on one or two directions.

It seems to me that the best thing would be to attack in the direction of Vyborg, along the coast of the Gulf of Finland, with the support of artillery of the Navy.

I will try to do so in the next game

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/19/2016 7:53:52 PM)

Now we can not hire new units in the newly captured the settlement within one move.
Is it possible to extend this period up to 10 moves for example?

R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/19/2016 8:22:16 PM)

Such a setting would probably go into the gamerules.pzdat/gamerules114.pzdat file (it`s in the data folder), but looking through it I see no parameter for this. It might be hardcoded, but it`s worth asking about it over at the Slitherine. Maybe someone has experimented further. Alternatively you could try sending Rudankort a PM there and see what happens.

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/20/2016 7:22:47 PM)



Such a setting would probably go into the gamerules.pzdat/gamerules114.pzdat file (it`s in the data folder), but looking through it I see no parameter for this. It might be hardcoded, but it`s worth asking about it over at the Slitherine. Maybe someone has experimented further. Alternatively you could try sending Rudankort a PM there and see what happens.

I will try to get the answer on Slitherine
In any case, thank you

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/20/2016 7:25:19 PM)

The test version of the new equipment file
1. New parameters for all armored units
2. All transport units do not require refueling
3. All ships and planes now can have a large supply of fuel. Planes can travel long distances on the map, but planes have a smaller quantity of ammunition.

We decided that this would more realistic for big maps.

R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/20/2016 10:56:45 PM)

As I was implementing the Japanese truck mounted 20mm AA gun in my game I noticed it was facing towards the rear so it will need the portee trait. So, I was wondering, what about giving the portee trait to the bombers that fire towards the back too? I think it makes more sense that they would try to fly away from the fighter and not directly towards it (while firing in the other direction).

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/21/2016 5:15:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: Karaganov

The test version of the new equipment file
1. New parameters for all armored units
2. All transport units do not require refueling
3. All ships and planes now can have a large supply of fuel. Planes can travel long distances on the map, but planes have a smaller quantity of ammunition.

We decided that this would more realistic for big maps.

Super! I like it. This is what we need!

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/21/2016 5:52:27 AM)



As I was implementing the Japanese truck mounted 20mm AA gun in my game I noticed it was facing towards the rear so it will need the portee trait. So, I was wondering, what about giving the portee trait to the bombers that fire towards the back too? I think it makes more sense that they would try to fly away from the fighter and not directly towards it (while firing in the other direction).

portee trait = backfire??? Do I understand correctly it?

I see that only soviet tachanka has this trait in your mod
I think that we must add this trait for italian motociclisti also

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/21/2016 6:08:23 AM)

Based on the fact that H.Balck had lost interest in the work and we will not have new units, I think that we should concentrate on scenarios for 1941. Battle for Leningrad or tank battle near Brody-Dubno-Lutsk for example. I think that we have enough units for this. I believe that we should defer to better times the work on Stalingrad and Kursk.

R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/21/2016 11:12:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: Brazenman
portee trait = backfire??? Do I understand correctly it?

Yes, it makes the unit turn with the back towards the enemy when it fires. I haven`t tested to see how it looks on bombers, but it might be better to have those bombers that have the machine guns facing backwards to turn their backs on the enemy fighter when responding with fire. It also makes sense because bombers should actually fly away form the fighter, not directly towards it.


I think that we must add this trait for italian motociclisti also

Yes, the Italian motorcyclists have the gun facing backwards too, but the annoying thing is that the gun has no gunner. The two guys in the cart are standing with their backs towards the machine gun and nobody holds that. Clearly this graphic was designed as an art piece and not a functional unit card.

For what is worth here`s the assembled Soviet Churchill (I wonder if Winston realized that one day people will use the words Soviet and Churchill one after the other):

Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/21/2016 2:39:35 PM)



For what is worth here`s the assembled Soviet Churchill (I wonder if Winston realized that one day people will use the words Soviet and Churchill one after the other):

Oh! I read that Mr. Churchill long grumbled when he learned that his honor was named this tank. He believed that this tank was very slow and clumsy...

Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/21/2016 2:42:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Brazenman

Based on the fact that H.Balck had lost interest in the work and we will not have new units, I think that we should concentrate on scenarios for 1941. Battle for Leningrad or tank battle near Brody-Dubno-Lutsk for example. I think that we have enough units for this. I believe that we should defer to better times the work on Stalingrad and Kursk.

Do I understand that H.Balck stopped work on the scenario Barbarossa? In this case, please send me the latest version of the Western Front map.

Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/21/2016 2:46:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Brazenman

I understand the situation as follows:

H.Balck has the right to the first night to create a scenario on map of Karaganov - the Western Front. Summer-1941. Karaganov promised this him in exchange for a list of new units.

H.Balck is not fully complied with the terms of his agreement with Karaganov. I see that H.Balck did not make several units from list of Karaganov

Hungarian Bridge Engineers
Romanian Bridge Engineers
Italian Motorcycles
German 12.7cm Schiffskanone
Soviet 152-mm coastal artillery system Canet

I hope that Karaganov will take this into account

R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/21/2016 6:31:43 PM)

@Karaganov I`ve just realized that the Italian CR.42 that H.Balck made is actually a CR.32. If you need to use a CR.42 you`ll have to keep bebro`s.

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/24/2016 8:46:05 AM)



For what is worth here`s the assembled Soviet Churchill (I wonder if Winston realized that one day people will use the words Soviet and Churchill one after the other):

Thank you!
It is an essential units for the Battle of Kursk!

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/24/2016 5:59:49 PM)

Lida (reworked)

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/24/2016 6:02:15 PM)

Nacha, Radun (reworked)

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/24/2016 6:04:26 PM)

Zambrow fortified zone

Karaganov -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/24/2016 6:06:00 PM)

Osovets fortified zone

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/25/2016 11:34:06 AM)

I think it would be nice if we add a trait of camo for Po-2 and Fi 156 Storch

Brazenman -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/25/2016 11:36:25 AM)



I haven`t tested to see how it looks on bombers, but it might be better to have those bombers that have the machine guns facing backwards to turn their backs on the enemy fighter when responding with fire. It also makes sense because bombers should actually fly away form the fighter, not directly towards it.

I think that is a good idea

R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/25/2016 12:52:39 PM)

Unfortunately I think it`s hardcoded to land units only. I did a quick test and the portee trait just got ignored for the bombers.

Svetlanka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/26/2016 9:57:26 AM)

Oh thank Karaganov!
It's cool!
This is a great New Year gift for us!

R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/27/2016 12:45:04 PM)

Does anyone know what type of plane Rudel flew during the invasion of Poland?

Also, do we have an AT version of the German 15 cm sIG 33?

Kompolka -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/27/2016 3:11:57 PM)



Does anyone know what type of plane Rudel flew during the invasion of Poland?

Ju 87B



Also, do we have an AT version of the German 15 cm sIG 33?

Unfortunately H.Balck made only artillery version this gun

R35 -> RE: Battle for the Crimea. Autumn 1941. (12/27/2016 3:36:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kompolka
Ju 87B

Thank you, but everything I can find on the internet mentions that he was part of a reconnaissance unit during the Battle of Poland. For example:

As an air observer, Rudel flew on long-range reconnaissance missions over Poland.
I doubt he flew recon missions on a Stuka.

I`m asking because I`d like to update the vanilla DLC scenarios to be less historically inaccurate and more diverse in terms of units and transports. Apart from the big blunders (like the Italians inside Stalingrad, Romanians in Yugoslavia and so on), the general gameplay was pretty good so with relatively little work it can be made into a reasonably good campaign. It certainly won`t take years like the ambitious projects clearly do and it provides something playable while the bigger projects get underway. Personally I`d like to spend more time playing the game than working on it. :D


Unfortunately H.Balck made only artillery version this gun

That is a pity considering that he made AT versions for all the 4 self-propelled artillery units that used this gun. Seems odd that the towed piece would not be able to conduct direct fire too.

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