Williamsburg Battle Report for Brother against Brother (Full Version)

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zakblood -> Williamsburg Battle Report for Brother against Brother (4/5/2015 4:58:54 PM)

New Williamsburg battle AAR, playing both sides, using historical guides to play both sides


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zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 5:02:13 PM)

Settings used


Map shows starting positions of both sides at start of the battle, and also the VL shown as stars, red is the Confederate army with blue being the Federal army.

The arrows show the routes they use and the direction of the reinforcements...

While i have picked to play a battle with rain in it, and it's effect, i have altered my settings to not show it an have the rain displayed but the effect will still hamper both sides.

zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 5:04:20 PM)

Into for the Battle of Williamsburg


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 5:08:50 PM)

Turn one at 6am, the Federal army to go first and make it's move, with Hooker’s division making it's move on Fort Magruder.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 5:23:44 PM)

6am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army moves out of Williamsburg and takes up defences in the redoubts and rifle pits and the fort to protect the town while it later will withdraw to.

I send off my J.E.B. Stuart cavalry units to scout out to the right flank away from the fort and report back on what they find, while elsewhere i move all my units to support the fort and hold the bridges and redoubts to slow the Federal advance.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 5:41:53 PM)

6.20am and the Federal army continues it's slow moves along the Yorktown road and also up to the fort, while it keeps raining i keep out the range of the forts guns


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 5:46:36 PM)

6.20am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army makes better progress as it roads and bases are closer, so are quicker to get in to position and ready to defender before the Federal army closes on the fort.

Jefferson Davis legion almost reaches redoubt 14 on it's way to scout c creek dam.

As the first shots are fired and the first casualties are taken, the battle for Williamsburg goes in to full swing.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 5:59:39 PM)

6.40am and the Federal army approaches the fort and is now under fire from the guns held within, it changes it brigade orders from march to advance and makes for safer ground to gain some cover until more units are brought up to help it with it's assault on the fort.

Taylor's 2nd Brigade makes slow progress on the Yorktown road because of the rain and mud.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 6:21:28 PM)

6.40am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army, with most Brigades now almost in place i change brigade orders to hold and move the rest in to place next turn


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 6:31:22 PM)

7am and the Federal army near the fort goes into the ravine while it waits for it's reinforcements and changers into line formation with skirmishes out and ready itself for the assault on the fort while it's in cover, with my gun batteries opening up on the fort i get the range and keep them out of harms way but will move them up to support the assault when it goes in.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 6:37:58 PM)

7am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army now all in place and in line change all orders to brigade hold, i send out scouts and check to see where the federal army is at key locations and find most blank atm.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 6:49:17 PM)

7.20am and the Federal army in front of the fort occupies the rifle pits in an attempt to gain some protection from the forts guns while moving slightly closer and prepares for the assault while waiting for it's reinforcements to arrive and the rest of the brigade to get in to position.

While Taylor's 2nd brigade reaches summer camp on the way to reinforce the units wait to assault the fort.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 6:57:17 PM)

7.20am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army reforms it's position and moves newly arrived units in to line around the fort, while A P Hills Brigade move to hold the right flank


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 7:21:25 PM)

7.40am and the Federal army in front of the fort starts in moves into all the rifle pits and changes to attack orders by brigade and will wait one more turn for it's reinforcements to arrive before starting the assault.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 7:25:30 PM)

7.40am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army still reforms and moves a few units in to better position while the US forms up in front of the fort, my cav scout still report nothing seen, so i see out more scouts.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 7:33:55 PM)

8am and the Federal army still bogged down on the road from Yorktown makes slow progress towards to units around the fort, waiting for the attack, with the rain still coming down and having marched for a few hours now they will be in no fit state to fight a battle at the end of this march if this keeps up, as light damage is only being taken by the units around the fort, i can hold out here a while longer while my brigade arrives to reinforce the attack.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 7:38:58 PM)

8am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army moves it last few units in to place and all the preparation work is finally done as the federal forces line up in front of them.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 7:46:23 PM)

8.20am and the Federal army moves out of the rifle pits and starts it's advance towards the fort where it will change orders to assault while Taylor's brigade crosses the river and joins in the battle for the fort, all but Taylor's brigade reached where i wanted my units to go, so will spend another turn advancing them to there start position which will be late for the main assault so not as planned


The layout of the attackers are from the left flank first, Grover's 1st brigade, Wainwright 2nd artillery Division in the middle, with Patterson's 3rd brigade on the right flank.

zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 7:55:27 PM)

8.20am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army just gets it last units in place and in the right formation before the assault goes in on us as the fort, my scouts still report nothing spotted at either of our flanks as yet, so this seems the main attack and focus of the Federal army for now.

Jefferson Davis legion reaches redoubt 13 and holds, while the rest of the brigade scouts out the right flank, then hold in all the redoubts blocking the way for any attack from this direction.


With Wilcox's brigade on the left flank, and Jeb Stuart on the right flank, and left to right is Colston's brigade, then Pryor's brigade, with Anderson, Jenkins and Longstreet in the middle with A P Hill on the right.

zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 8:10:22 PM)

8.40am and the Federal army assaults the fort in force with gun batteries supporting the attack


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 8:17:58 PM)

8.40am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army waits and holds as the federal army approaches the fort and tried to assault it, next turn will either be heavy fighting or a faint or probe or change of direction so i sit and wait as all the cards have been used and played, my hands are tied and now i must wait and see my plans unfold, hopefully how i want them to be.

I send out scouts and check the flanks, and still nothing heard from my cav scouts either, mind you no reports means no action.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 8:25:23 PM)

9am and the Federal army assaults the fort with support now from Taylor's Brigade and the gun batteries move up to support in earnest.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 8:38:01 PM)

9am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army rallies it men inside the fort and holds against the next attack as it see more unit appear on the field to support the federal assault,i send out scouts again to see if any new units are coming from elsewhere,but again none are spotted as yet.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 8:45:36 PM)

9.20am and the Federal army continues to assaults the fort and moves it units right up next to it and does close quarter fighting, while it brings around Taylor's brigade to support the assault from the right flank, my gun batters move closer to the fort and change to assault brigade orders to do more damage


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 8:52:27 PM)

9.20am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army keeps up the pressure and rallies it men in the fort and holds it position against the onslaught the federal army throws it's way, i send out 3 scout units and again have nothing to report, no enemy found.

Jenkins Brigade take the brunt of the fighting in the fort, with support from the guns they hold, but there morale starts to fall.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 8:57:53 PM)

9.40am and the Federal army starts to waiver as it hits a brick wall in the fort so will try one more push then will withdraw and rally the men and reform my lines


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 9:04:40 PM)

9.40am end of CSA turn report, the Confederate army continues to keeps up the pressure on the attackers at the fort, but my morale is falling and i'm not sure how much longer i'll hold, before some of my units will rout and retreat.

seem the US army in the one to be weakening first, as i get one of there units to panic


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 9:08:21 PM)

9.40am end of CSA turn report,


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 9:09:24 PM)

10am, as one of my units rout i withdraw from the fort before more unit buckle under the pressure


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/5/2015 9:12:44 PM)

10am as my units starts to waiver i issue a withdrawal brigade order to my men at the fort and retire to rally my men until i have more reinforcements as the fort atm is too tough for the units i have, i rally my routed unit so i can move it back then rally it some more in safety


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