RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (Full Version)

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zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 3:24:31 PM)

2pm end of CSA turn report, with my cav units doing a controlled withdrawal from one redoubt to the next i hold up the attacks on the right flank, while at the defences at the fort all units go in to brigade hold orders and reform the lines and repositions taking weaker units to the sides and placing fresher units in the middle of my lines.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 3:25:31 PM)

2.20pm and one of my gun battery's rout


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 3:27:26 PM)

2.20pm as i rally the rest of my gun battery's i send the attacking in on the fort as brigade orders get altered to assault for close in attacks


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 3:28:58 PM)

2.20pm, my reinforcement arrive in two places and i quickly put them into line and straight in to the attack, Hooker brigade catches up to some cav units and attacks on the extreme right flank


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 3:36:27 PM)

2.20pm end of CSA turn report, while stuarts cav units get attacked i quickly try to withdraw them and keep them somewhat better protected and together, as the eyes of my right flank i can't loose them as cannon fodder


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 3:44:59 PM)

2.20pm as my reinforcements fight with the rain and the mud, before even getting to the battle


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 3:45:31 PM)

2.40pm, Hooker mounts a attack on a redoubt, while 4 brigades assault the fort, with 3 more close at hand for support next turn, and the rest of the army on it's way, high up near summer HQ now on the Yorktown road.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 3:57:47 PM)

2.40pm end of CSA turn report, again Stuarts cav units get attacked, so i decide to pull them back to Williamsburg and hold them up there, while i withdraw my units piecemeal from the right flank and past the fort, then the whole army shall withdraw in order as i have held up the attack long enough for my whole army to stay together and live to fight another day, the fort comes under heavy assault and won't hold much longer as the troops within are losing morale too quickly for me to recover, it's only time as i also back step Pickett's brigade as he has seen more of the brunt of the fighting in the middle and i redraw and reform my lines for new defence next turn


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 4:07:03 PM)

3pm, orders are sent out to assault the fort with maximum effort. Hooker makes good time and folds the right flank, while all reinforcement become unlocked and move on mass in to battle, as the rain comes down the men start to play as they march to the sound of the drums


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 4:20:11 PM)

3pm end of CSA turn report, i withdraw the guns from the fort and move my supply wagon back to Williamsburg as the slowest need to go first, Stuarts cav units just got out of the right flank in time as i see a flood of blue units approaching them from out of the ravines and woods on the right flank, while i need a little longer at the fort to hold out while i pull back other units, next turn i wll do a fighting withdrawal of those left in the fort as well


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 4:28:16 PM)

3.20pm as i put 3 more brigades in the assault on the fort, with now 2 divisions of artillery for support the outcome is already known, Hooker comes down from the right flank and seals of the top of the fort, while i move some brigades around the back old roads to attack redoubt 1.

With overwhelming odds now on the battlefield CSA can't hold under the pressure as i field 41k men against them.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 4:40:13 PM)

3.20pm end of CSA turn report, the shear volume of federal troops on the field now makes me order a general withdrawal order by brigade as the whole army will fall back in good order to Williamsburg, with Early's brigade as rear guard and AP Hill holding the right flank, all other units are placed in the middle, with a brigade still defending the left flank still untouched


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 4:49:12 PM)

3.40pm, with 8 brigades now attacking the fort the CSA retreat before me, all i need to do is catch them up and not let them escape this time


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 4:57:31 PM)

3.40pm and it doesn't take long for my numbers to tell on the CSA


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 4:59:31 PM)

3.40pm end of CSA turn report, i make good order in the withdraw but some units rout before i move them, so i quicken the pace somewhat and pull back as many units as i dare, all units now are in withdraw mode by brigade, while it's a slow step backwards i keep facing and firing at the Federal's in front of me, i send out my scouts in 3 direction and all i see is blue units arriving, with another unit routing and need to be quicker before it becomes a whole sale rout.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 5:07:43 PM)

4pm Hancock reaches the fort and closes the right flank down, the fort is almost empty now and i am moving forward on all fronts meeting little to light resistance


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 5:16:30 PM)

4pm end of CSA turn report, i continue my withdrawal in good order and make a stand at Williamsburg with some new reinforcements


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 5:33:30 PM)

4.20pm with my assault going in and the CSA units being pushed out of the fort i advance my units on a broad front in line


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 5:35:28 PM)

4.20pm end of CSA turn report, as i fear to be caught in a large trap, i change orders to advance for nearly all units to make as much room between me and the blue tide that is coming my way


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 5:44:37 PM)

4.40pm and all brigades advance on the retreating CSA units


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 6:00:13 PM)

4.40pm end of CSA turn report, as all units are pulled back some rout but most do it in good order, the fort has been almost abandoned now with only 2 units left in it, both couldn't move in time so are left to thee own devices as i can't help them now


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 6:01:01 PM)

5pm the force of my attacks on the fort pays off at last


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 6:11:39 PM)

5pm as i apply the pressure even more i get batter results


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 6:13:49 PM)

5pm end of CSA turn report, 4 more units rout as i continue my retreat back along the road to Williamsburg


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 6:19:30 PM)

5.20pm and as the fort falls the last guns inside surrender


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 6:25:56 PM)

5.20pm, now the chase is on to get as many CSA units before they retreat back to there next defensive position


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 6:29:22 PM)

5.20pm end of CSA turn report, with 2 more units routing i have pulled back just in time it seems and are making the distance now in advance brigade orders so will reform the line this move and wait for the rest to catch up before i fall back again to Williamsburg


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 6:37:18 PM)

5.40pm as i take my first VL or victory location or victory place or point the fort is held by me and i advance to contact


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 6:44:22 PM)

5.40pm end of CSA turn report, as i move most of my units out of harms way and back towards Williamsburg i feel good to have slowed down such a large force and lost so little in the process, with all my units in full retreat and now in safety at last, so end the battle of Williamsburg.


zakblood -> RE: Williamsburg AAR BAB_V1.0RC_b modded V2 (4/6/2015 7:02:09 PM)

6pm end of turn and game


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