RE: Wish List thread (Full Version)

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shoelessbivouac -> RE: Wish List thread (5/5/2015 8:04:31 PM)


We'd love to do a FOF2 one of these days, but that would require a completely new engine and new graphics (a year's worth of work plus a substantial investment in the artwork), and would have to come after the projects we're currently working on (and contracted to finish!). So the earliest we might even begin working on a FOF2 would be 2-3 years from now, and I can't promise that we would decide to do it instead of some other idea we might have. If we do go ahead with FOF2 we would certainly use some elements of the BAB tactical engine, and perhaps just have the randomized tactical battles take place at regimental level instead of brigade level -- it will be an interesting decision, if we get to that point.
I appreciate the prompt reply. That's certainly good enough news for now. I agree, FOF2 does sound like a natural, but for another day; so I'll hold off at least until next week before bringing it up again. ha!

marcpennington -> RE: Wish List thread (5/5/2015 11:32:28 PM)

As I learn the system, I'm starting to wish that the game included at least one small scale late war scenario, just so one can see how the system actually works with veteran armies that actually obey your orders.

I'm not saying create a new map or anything, but there must have been some combat in the Bull Run area in 1863 or '64, given how much of the other fighting occurred nearby, or at the last a reasonable hypothetical small scenario could be imagined.

It might also benefit the game long term, giving a kinda proving ground for the command and control concepts that might not be readily apparent when leading a green army.

Gil R. -> RE: Wish List thread (5/8/2015 1:17:00 AM)



As I learn the system, I'm starting to wish that the game included at least one small scale late war scenario, just so one can see how the system actually works with veteran armies that actually obey your orders.

I'm not saying create a new map or anything, but there must have been some combat in the Bull Run area in 1863 or '64, given how much of the other fighting occurred nearby, or at the last a reasonable hypothetical small scenario could be imagined.

It might also benefit the game long term, giving a kinda proving ground for the command and control concepts that might not be readily apparent when leading a green army.

Well, I have three thoughts on this. One is that later in the year I was thinking of adding a 2nd Manassas scenario that is set on the part of the battlefield currently available. (We made a Manassas map that is about 30% larger than what you see, from which the 2nd Manassas map can be carved when the time comes. Sadly, the limitations of computer processing power limits us from providing the entire map at once.) So that will meet your wishes, no doubt. The second thought is that once we release the modding guide and scenario-editor a modder could make a 2nd Manassas scenario or two before I ever get around to it, and that would be fine with me. The third is that if there were demand I could easily make an unhistorical scenario in which I boost each unit's quality/morale. (Or this can be easily done by a modder, probably in less than 20 minutes.)

EDIT: A fourth idea that I just remembered: once I am finished putting together the FULL Peninsula Campaign OOB's for the Seven Days battles I was planning on sticking those full armies onto the Williamsburg map. But that's months away. Unless a modder beats me to it.

marcpennington -> RE: Wish List thread (5/8/2015 2:53:37 AM)

Thanks for the response, and I like all those suggestions.

One suggestion of my own--- and given again I largely see a veteran scenario as a "control" kind of thing, so it might be good to have it as an "official" one so that any changes suggested based on experimentation can be easily implemented in patches--- is that Mill Springs strikes me as one that could be converted very easily into a later war meeting engagement. I have no idea what the thinking is on what kind of numbers later war units will have, but I imagine bump up the regiment stats, increase the commander rankings however much, give the occasional better rifle, and add more of the positive traits to the units. Also, take away the rain (it's just a test battle after all.) But that strikes me as a very good potential test scenario for more veteran units in a fairly "typical" kind of small battle. It might also eventually turn into a very good learning scenario, as it seems the most straight-forward of any of the mid-sized ones in the game.

kennonlightfoot -> RE: Wish List thread (5/8/2015 1:22:13 PM)





As I learn the system, I'm starting to wish that the game included at least one small scale late war scenario, just so one can see how the system actually works with veteran armies that actually obey your orders.

I'm not saying create a new map or anything, but there must have been some combat in the Bull Run area in 1863 or '64, given how much of the other fighting occurred nearby, or at the last a reasonable hypothetical small scenario could be imagined.

It might also benefit the game long term, giving a kinda proving ground for the command and control concepts that might not be readily apparent when leading a green army.

Well, I have three thoughts on this. One is that later in the year I was thinking of adding a 2nd Manassas scenario that is set on the part of the battlefield currently available. (We made a Manassas map that is about 30% larger than what you see, from which the 2nd Manassas map can be carved when the time comes. Sadly, the limitations of computer processing power limits us from providing the entire map at once.) So that will meet your wishes, no doubt. The second thought is that once we release the modding guide and scenario-editor a modder could make a 2nd Manassas scenario or two before I ever get around to it, and that would be fine with me. The third is that if there were demand I could easily make an unhistorical scenario in which I boost each unit's quality/morale. (Or this can be easily done by a modder, probably in less than 20 minutes.)

EDIT: A fourth idea that I just remembered: once I am finished putting together the FULL Peninsula Campaign OOB's for the Seven Days battles I was planning on sticking those full armies onto the Williamsburg map. But that's months away. Unless a modder beats me to it.

Actually, I have been playing around with that idea while seeing what I can do with modding. It looks like Schurz's divisional attack against A. P. Hill on the morning of the 29th might work. Have this to the point where I have placed Gregg and Branch's brigades along with Schurz's two brigades. But I decided to include the rest of A. P. Hill and Sigel's Corps so I could include most of the morning fighting on that flank. Unfortunately, I had found a web pages listing all the regimental strengths for the battle but only wrote down the numbers for four brigades. Now I can't find the blasted web page again. :(

BloodyBill76 -> RE: Wish List thread (5/8/2015 1:59:33 PM)

I would like the game to remember your game options. As it is now you have to set all your game options every time you play. So when I play mp the turn starts and the battle replay is zoomed out and I prefer it to not be. I also have to set all the options I want to use every single time.

shoelessbivouac -> RE: Wish List thread (5/8/2015 4:18:47 PM)

FWIW, I would like to see a volume slider (not just an on/off button) for at least the game music option. The music selections are excellent, but I personally prefer the music to remain considerably further back into the background 'ambience' of the far more 'appropriate' battlefield sounds. Perhaps, this is doable?

RobearGWJ -> RE: Wish List thread (5/8/2015 8:48:10 PM)

Is it possible to show the map from the four cardinal directions, instead of just one? It's easier for me to orient myself when I'm "behind" my own units, for some reason. (Let me know if I missed camera controls lol).

berto -> RE: Wish List thread (5/9/2015 6:16:41 PM)

On p. 20 of the Manual, it says: "You can right-click on a unit for more information."

But in the pop-up display, there seems to be very little added info from what one can already see on-map (when hovering the mouse over the unit), or in the Control Box.

Here are two or three things you can add to the right-click "more information" box:

  • current strength/starting strength (AFAIK, after a unit takes losses, nowhere in the game does it show the unit's original strength)
  • current morale/starting morale

    and maybe also

  • current supply/starting supply


  • ???

    In general, the right-click "more information" box seems pretty useless, shows less info in fact (than you can easily see on-map or in the Control Box), not more.

  • berto -> RE: Wish List thread (5/10/2015 2:20:48 PM)

    Apropos of the Fog of War thread, I wish also that

  • The unit more information box is unavailable for enemy units, friendly side only.
  • Or if available, presents less info for enemy units than for friendlies.

    But please, in the "more information" pop-up, give us truly more information (for friendlies!), not the same as indicated elsewhere (in a more immediate fashion), certainly not less.

  • berto -> RE: Wish List thread (5/10/2015 3:52:08 PM)

    More constructive criticism (always constructive criticism) ...

    While moving units with the Unit Roster open, the Brigade Orders controls are hidden:



    Maybe resize the Unit Roster box, so it is not so tall, so that there is no chance it will extend so low as to cover and hide the Brigade Orders boxes?

    Or maybe better still, move the Brigade Orders control boxes to the right of the Control Box, like so:


    (Making sure not to impinge on the jump map.)

    BloodyBill76 -> RE: Wish List thread (5/11/2015 2:57:48 PM)

    Is it possible to have MP battles be live with both players? Instead of PBEM have a hot seat style battle with a buddy a thousand miles away. ClinchRifles and I are playing PBEM while BSing in the same TS channel having a beer and thought it would be nice to just be able to fight head up in more real-time manner. I would also like the options I chose in one PBEM round to stay for the next I have to reset options every turn.

    Clinchrifles -> RE: Wish List thread (5/11/2015 4:23:16 PM)

    I agree Bill but i would settle for a turn replay in the meantime.

    Michael T -> RE: Wish List thread (5/11/2015 9:14:22 PM)

    i would settle for a turn replay in the meantime


    kennonlightfoot -> RE: Wish List thread (5/12/2015 1:53:16 PM)

    A nice addition would also be levels of victory. Draw, Minor, Major.

    shoelessbivouac -> RE: Wish List thread (5/23/2015 4:41:13 PM)

    It's a little thing I know, but is it still possible to add an individual volume control - a slider - that is separate from the FX sounds - for the music? (As the game currently plays, the music and FX sounds may only be raised or lowered in volume as a single group.) Thank you for this small additional touch to the game.

    VegasOZ -> RE: Wish List thread (5/23/2015 7:27:15 PM)

    REPOSTED HERE AS INSTRUCTED (from another thread). Thanks

    I just got the game and have about 4 hours into it so far.

    I have a few suggestions to propose.

    Map Graphic Clutter:

    Have the Question Marks disappear after the player clicks on them. They are a nice historical touch but do clutter the view greatly.

    Reduce the size of the Red X markers, they are way too chunky looking, ugly really.

    Reduce the size of the RED FIRING LINES. Too big, a much thinner line would be perfect and we do not need the arrows embedded in the line.

    Movement Hex indicators (the Blue Arrow Hex markers): Why not just Shade the REACHABLE HEXES with a shadow color or small light blue DOTS. The current Blue Arrow indicators with all the different directional arrows are very cluttered and in fact obscure the view of the terrain and other units that are in the area of the REACHABLE HEXES.

    Command Radius: Again, why not just a Shaded Hex effect instead of the Thick Red Line.

    Frankly I think the Smoke effects in Forge of Freedom are better and BAB should incorporate them.

    Interface: Add a Music Volume Slider or check boxes for 100/75/50/25 percent volume. I like the Music but would like to be able to turn the volume down WITHOUT losing the volume for Voice and Sound/Battle effects.

    Voice acting: I would dearly like to see somebody MOD these effects. The present ones are somewhat "cheezy" sounding, in my opinion, BUT I do like the purpose and effect of having the voice information.

    Comment: I own Forge of Freedom and if I recall correctly the player had a choice or some level of control over what targets the units could fire at. I would like to at least see that the player has the ability to direct Artillery Fire at a chosen target instead of one picked by the Friendly AI.

    Lastly, the Musket Ripple sound in Forge of Freedom is much better in my view. I think the Musket fire and Cannon Fire sounds should be improved. The firing sounds in the John Tiller Civil War games is much more effective and appealing. I'd like to hear something more like those sounds.

    VegasOZ -> RE: Wish List thread (5/23/2015 7:40:40 PM)

    As the Chairman and only member of my self appointed "Keep My Brother Against Brother Battlefield Clean" committee... I'd like to suggest/request that the RED X icon be replaced by a less intrusive icon/symbol.

    If fact, I do not see the need for the RED X icon/symbol in the first place. It would seem to me (my opinion only) that any Player would have a reasonable suspicion that to move up right next to an enemy unit would present certain problems and dangers, so the RED X icon/symbol is really pointless.

    If it is to be retained, however, then please make it less intrusive. Maybe a symbol with thin diagonal red lines or a much thinner RED X would be desired.


    berto -> RE: Wish List thread (5/23/2015 8:52:27 PM)

    Please junk the levitating casualty numbers -- the single most irritating thing I find about this game.

    Just show the numbers above the affected units for a few seconds -- stationary, no movement! -- then they vanish.

    Maybe make the seconds of delay before they vanish a configurable option.

    Maybe make these new-style casualty numbers vs. the old-style levitating numbers a configurable option, something you can toggle in the Screen Drawing Options menu.

    The levitation serves no real purpose IMO and just sucks up CPU cycles needlessly. And as if the map display is not cluttered enough already. Numbers slowly drifting upward just add to the visual busyness. Please junk them!

    VegasOZ -> RE: Wish List thread (5/24/2015 1:26:26 AM)

    Is it just me? Every time I restart the game and load a saved game the Options revert to "Zoom out on Battle".

    I prefer to watch the Battle with the Sprites showing and always set the options to "NO" on the Zoom.

    Can we get the Options to LOCK when set by the Player, Please?

    VegasOZ -> RE: Wish List thread (5/24/2015 1:29:09 AM)


    ORIGINAL: berto

    Please junk the levitating casualty numbers -- the single most irritating thing I find about this game.

    Just show the numbers above the affected units for a few seconds -- stationary, no movement! -- then they vanish.

    Maybe make the seconds of delay before they vanish a configurable option.

    Maybe make these new-style casualty numbers vs. the old-style levitating numbers a configurable option, something you can toggle in the Screen Drawing Options menu.

    The levitation serves no real purpose IMO and just sucks up CPU cycles needlessly. And as if the map display is not cluttered enough already. Numbers slowly drifting upward just add to the visual busyness. Please junk them!

    I agree, this game almost chokes on graphic map clutter.

    We do not need the little Confederate "red number souls" rising up into Heaven as the battle progresses.

    And the RED X has to go or be toned down, another EYE SORE.


    VegasOZ -> RE: Wish List thread (5/24/2015 8:01:06 AM)

    Request that the elevation contour lines be BEEFED UP in some future patch. Hard to see them IMHO.

    Nevermind, just figured out that the elevation ridge lines are embeded in each map. For future Maps maybe a more prominent line or other way to show elevations.

    Radagy -> RE: Wish List thread (5/24/2015 9:49:57 AM)

    Right now the colors in the small box displaying unit's brigade are quite difficult to discern (blue and green above all). Could you please address this issue?
    I would like an option to see the brigade commander highlighted, as I click on a unit.
    I would like to see, on chit view, if the unit's assault mode is on "may", "must" or "never".

    VegasOZ -> Choking on Graphic Clutter (5/24/2015 11:31:40 AM)

    I loaded up Forge of Freedom and played a couple of battles to compare it to BAB. Now I know I'm going to go to Hell for saying this, but, Forge of Freedom Tactical Battles are WAY cleaner, run better and more appealing than BAB.

    FOF has no RED X clutter.
    FOF has no White Cross marks all over the place.
    FOF has no White Cross with Circle marks all over the place.
    FOF has the ability to direct the fire of each unit (with some logical restrictions) and therefore the Player can coordinate his attacks better.
    FOF has no YELLOW QUESTION marks all over the place.

    I seriously think, suggest, request and beg the DEVS to clean up the Graphic Map Clutter in BAB.

    WE do NOT need the white crosses. Let it be an optional selection button when the unit is selected. If we want to see the LOS we can select the button/switch and see it.

    WE do NOT need the white crosses with the circles, same solution as stated above.

    The RED X simply should be way toned down. In FOF the HEX that contains the "danger" is simply outlined with Yellow to indicate caution. I did not see any RED hex outlines in the FOF battles that I just played. Please, please get rid of the RED X it really messes up the Map style and appeal.

    The Yellow Question Marks should be replaced with some kind of a SMALL map legend symbol that indicates a Historical Location Marker.

    In FOF the casualty numbers are simple White numbers raising up from the units. In BAB they are horrid Large Red numbers and look terrible. As one poster suggested we do not need the levitating combat loss number anyway, but at least have them work like they do in FOF.

    I have to say, and I'm not trying to be insulting, but BAB tactical combat looks like a Pepperoni Pizza that was dropped on the floor compared to FOF.

    Please seriously consider cleaning up and DE-CLUTTERING the Map.

    I am trying to be constructive but at the same time I'm a CONSUMER and I'm not really overly happy with the product because of the CLUTTER that ruins the atmosphere and immersion and flavor of the Civil War period which is MASTERFULLY captured in the basic Maps. Let the Maps shine through. Get some if not all of the clutter fixed by making buttons to show what we WANT to see when we WANT to see it.

    Thanks, if I did not think the Game was worth it I would no bother spending any time making suggestions and complaints.

    Respectfully, Thanks

    PS: Also please tone down or get rid of those terrible RED firing lines. I don't see them in FOF either, unless I'm mistaken. In any case they are ugly and should be a THIN red line at the most.

    VegasOZ -> RE: Choking on Graphic Clutter (5/24/2015 11:48:31 AM)

    I forgot, I also HATE the Red and Green Check Marks too. Are they REALLY necessary??

    Again, a simple button that would highlight "moved" units as is done in a tone of other games would be better and not so ugly.

    sherlock1 -> RE: Choking on Graphic Clutter (5/24/2015 2:21:19 PM)

    I don't know if this is a problem, but it seems to me that the units sort of blend in with the terrain making them hard to see. Would a base make it easier to see the units. Also the floating numbers should be done away with just show the number for second or two. Sounds could be better and a music slider added. BvB is enjoyable and hoping to see more addons

    Rosseau -> RE: Choking on Graphic Clutter (5/25/2015 12:36:43 AM)

    Played hundreds of computer games since the mid-1980s, so yep the eyes are getting tired. However, the historical accuracy, detailed data, dev support, historical essays, map (terrain, not units), and much more, are virtually outstanding in this game.

    The one thing that keeps me from playing it more often (and absolutely loving it) is the Graphic Map Clutter. VegasOZ makes some great points. Simple stuff like making the white crosses an option. Zoomed in on a big battle of blurry icons, the game graphics literally give me a headache. I am thankful for the levitating casualty numbers that stick out of the jumble.

    The echelon color-coding coupled with the OOB panel is entirely logical but requires too much effort for my feeble mind to quickly grasp. A hot key (similar to Tiller's) showing command structures would do (if not already implemented).

    If some of the suggestions above are not a killer to implement, I would heartily suggest them. Would I rather have a poor AI and simplified combat results over better graphics? Not ever. But the clutter is more of an issue than with any other (great) game I've owned.

    Of course, the focus has to be on future buyers. We are already sold. So if the graphics are not a hindrance to future sales, then we deal with them. In the end, whatever makes this series of games more successful must take precedence.

    marcpennington -> RE: Choking on Graphic Clutter (5/25/2015 11:49:11 PM)

    I've mentioned this elsewhere, but PBEM would be a lot smoother if you saw your own sides combat phase after you hit end turn--- i.e. before the turn is uploaded to the server. As is, the replay at the start of the turn is from a messed up version of your opponent's FOW, and gives way too much critical information that you shouldn't know otherwise, such as which of your units your opponent can see, as well as your opponent's global morale.

    The justification in the manual, that this was done to prevent cheating, makes little sense. If one were inclined to cheat, one could just as easily restart the turn after seeing your opponent's combat phase at the start of your own. OK, I can see a few more temptations for cheaters after seeing the combat phase after your own moves, but I think we got to kinda rely on the security of PBEM ++ here, and right now the FOW problems raised by the current execution model in PBEM ++ far out-weigh the justification.

    But as also elsewhere, one more vote for turn replay as well. The game really, really needs it.

    Edit--- So my last couple turns in PBEM 1.05 indicate that many of these concerns may have been already addressed, though not in the patch notes. But it seems more natural FOW. So maybe ignore me.

    sherlock1 -> RE: Choking on Graphic Clutter (5/26/2015 4:28:17 PM)

    I would like to see some stacking of units. Maybe an infantry or cavalry unit with a artillery unit

    Clinchrifles -> RE: Choking on Graphic Clutter (5/27/2015 1:16:33 AM)


    ORIGINAL: map66

    I've mentioned this elsewhere, but PBEM would be a lot smoother if you saw your own sides combat phase after you hit end turn--- i.e. before the turn is uploaded to the server. As is, the replay at the start of the turn is from a messed up version of your opponent's FOW, and gives way too much critical information that you shouldn't know otherwise, such as which of your units your opponent can see, as well as your opponent's global morale.

    The justification in the manual, that this was done to prevent cheating, makes little sense. If one were inclined to cheat, one could just as easily restart the turn after seeing your opponent's combat phase at the start of your own. OK, I can see a few more temptations for cheaters after seeing the combat phase after your own moves, but I think we got to kinda rely on the security of PBEM ++ here, and right now the FOW problems raised by the current execution model in PBEM ++ far out-weigh the justification.

    But as also elsewhere, one more vote for turn replay as well. The game really, really needs it.

    Edit--- So my last couple turns in PBEM 1.05 indicate that many of these concerns may have been already addressed, though not in the patch notes. But it seems more natural FOW. So maybe ignore me.

    The firing portion of your turn is done on opponents pc otherwise you could just crash the game and play the turn again if u didnt like the results.

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