RE: Wish List thread (Full Version)

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berto -> RE: Wish List thread (5/27/2015 7:40:20 PM)



Map Graphic Clutter:

Have the Question Marks disappear after the player clicks on them. They are a nice historical touch but do clutter the view greatly.

Reduce the size of the Red X markers, they are way too chunky looking, ugly really.

Reduce the size of the RED FIRING LINES. Too big, a much thinner line would be perfect and we do not need the arrows embedded in the line.

Less Is More Graphics Mod

We have it in our power as players/modders to adapt the game's graphics more to our liking.

Let the user modding of BaB graphics begin!

kennonlightfoot -> RE: Wish List thread (5/28/2015 1:04:40 PM)

One serious problem in 1.04b and I assume is still in 1.05 is how quickly the game handles plotting movement paths and executing the move. Right now when you select a unit and then select a hex for it to move too the game visibly hesitates. I have messed up moves a number times thinking that the destination click didn't take and clicked again only to see the move take place and then move again to my second click which is now the wrong hex because the map shifted center due to the first click. It not only slows the game play with 20-30 second lags but creates movement errors. This problem showed up I believe back in beta around release 1.36. Before that movement executed in less than a second.

Clinchrifles -> RE: Wish List thread (5/28/2015 10:48:50 PM)

Some people appreciate the original...which means your mod is perfect for both camps. Anybody know if this mod would cope well in a pbem with someone not using it?

Gil R. -> RE: Wish List thread (5/29/2015 2:25:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: kwhitehead

One serious problem in 1.04b and I assume is still in 1.05 is how quickly the game handles plotting movement paths and executing the move. Right now when you select a unit and then select a hex for it to move too the game visibly hesitates. I have messed up moves a number times thinking that the destination click didn't take and clicked again only to see the move take place and then move again to my second click which is now the wrong hex because the map shifted center due to the first click. It not only slows the game play with 20-30 second lags but creates movement errors. This problem showed up I believe back in beta around release 1.36. Before that movement executed in less than a second.

I don't remember this coming up before (but, of course, this isn't my area). Can you please report it in the support area? It sounds like a possible bug, if it changed during testing. Thanks!

zakblood -> RE: Wish List thread (5/29/2015 9:40:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: Clinchrifles

Some people appreciate the original...which means your mod is perfect for both camps. Anybody know if this mod would cope well in a pbem with someone not using it?

for a guess it wouldn't matter as it's not game altering mod, where as having the wrong version in pbem is the most common error users are having, as both side need the same version, but a odd picture file different shouldn't matter one bit imo, then again i could be wrong, i normal are [:D][;)]

i've modded sound and pics for awhile and have no errors to report, that's not to say others won't have either, just a comment[&o]

Raindog101 -> RE: Wish List thread (6/4/2015 9:03:23 AM)

I wish the game was on STEAM

barkhorn45 -> RE: Wish List thread (6/4/2015 6:00:58 PM)

I'd like to have the ability to slide the info box's along the bottom and top edges of the screen
out of view so as to open up more of the map.

Ironclad -> RE: Wish List thread (6/5/2015 5:21:20 PM)

An improved player messaging system. One that enables you to write/send the message at the end of your turn and for incoming messages at the start (as at present). Ideally also to be able to see previous messages sent/received when writing/reading new messages.

sherlock1 -> RE: Wish List thread (6/7/2015 2:50:24 PM)

Would it be possible to use only the NATO-style unit counters even when zoomed out to the max

zakblood -> RE: Wish List thread (6/7/2015 3:38:41 PM)

yes use the chit view all the time, then it will never show anything other than that view

berto -> RE: Wish List thread (6/7/2015 9:45:58 PM)



I have mixed feelings about the new counter art. It harmonizes better with the map art. But the unit echelon colors mesh better with the older, two-color counter art. Maybe reduce in size the echelon colors graphics. Show more blue & gray, less fruit salad!

Contrast the, IMO, too visually overpowering echelon colors graphics in chit view


with the more attractive, because smaller, echelon colors graphics in sprites view


It is my wish that the on-counter unit colors be as small as the off-sprites unit colors. I realize that, at an angle, on-counter echelon displays will be jaggy, the smaller the graphic, and the more zoomed-out.

Maybe therefore move the unit colors off-counter, just like sprites? Or have the unit colors always display straight up, no angling, but floating over the counters? Doing it in either of those ways has the added virtue of freeing up space on-counter for displaying other useful info.

Another suggestion: In sprites view, we have the option to toggle unit colors off. Give us that option in chit view also.

berto -> RE: Wish List thread (6/14/2015 1:07:10 AM)

A hot key, please, to Save Game.

marcpennington -> RE: Wish List thread (6/14/2015 1:16:39 AM)

Add all pop up boxes during the turn execution phase (unit rout, commander dies, division leadership check etc.) to the history file, placing the text in a different color than the current combat results (so they jump out) and make them click-able to get the full pop-up. This would be extremely helpful for PBEM, where we don't get these pop ups in most circumstances, and usually the pop-ups are what one really wants to know quickly from the previous turn.

Also, in the history file, when one clicks on the button on a combat that centers on the location of the battle, also bring up the detailed attack report.

Both of the above are pretty vital improvements needed for PBEM. I assume they would be a lot easier to implement than a turn replay function, and would give most of the info that right now in PBEM games one often doesn't have, or at least not in an easily accessible format.

bdoubled -> RE: Wish List thread (6/14/2015 12:39:42 PM)

I would like to have a non-historical beginner tutorial series of lessons that begins with the basic mechanics of movement and combat, and introduces more complex game mechanics like command, fatigue, morale and supply gradually over several scenarios.

barkhorn45 -> RE: Wish List thread (6/14/2015 5:14:12 PM)

Have it so when you select an empty hex the unit and hhq boxes disappear so screen appears
like when you start a new game and haven't selected a unit.

berto -> RE: Wish List thread (6/14/2015 11:00:30 PM)

Would it be possible, in a future patch, to label the History Graph axes? With labels for each tick. Turn/time along the horizontal, morale (or whatever) along the vertical? An accurate grid, properly scaled?

See here.

berto -> RE: Wish List thread (7/14/2015 4:27:44 PM)

A new highlight please, to highlight Routed units. While you're at it, new highlights to show Shaken & Shocked units too. All with new hot keys, of course. [;)]

npsergio -> RE: Wish List thread (12/21/2015 3:05:12 PM)

Now it's not possible to save mid-turn in a pbem. I like to spend time looking at the game details (terrain, stats, morale, options...) And I have a limited time for games. So I would like to have the option to save my turn and continue later, or even one or two days later without being forced to play a non-stop session.

Also, maybe a battle where you manage 30.000 troops you're able to play your turn in a non-stop session... But, what about battles like Gettysburg, with 3 times that number? Maybe you'll need a whole day just to look at you troops morale, decide movements, orders, etc!

Some other games have a "continuous action" option to activate/deactivate the mid turn save. Can I suggest a similar option here?

Best regards

Gil R. -> RE: Wish List thread (12/31/2015 7:02:16 PM)

Thanks for your comment, which I want to acknowledge. As the programmer, only Eric can say what is possible, and he's taking a (well-earned) break from WCS work. But in the coming year when we begin to focus more on BAB#2 and what coding changes to make he will certainly take this suggestion and the others under advisement.

bazjak -> RE: Wish List thread (1/4/2016 10:48:51 AM)

I to would love to see the same as i cant seem to get into this at all

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