Ludovic Coval -> RE: Combined Arms??????? (8/18/2016 1:01:02 PM)
Gents, Sorry for the lack of communication in last months, but I've been quite busy especially with Logistic new design. "Logistic in CA aim to portray the unseen part of WWII operations dealing with units ability to sustain combat for long period of time including replacement and attrition. Rear area are modeled through 3 abstracted levels called 'Links' : General Link : This is how Depot/Dump connect with the 'world' that is off map. Operationnal Link : This how supply flow is controlled by HQ. Tactical Link : This are flow between HQ and combat units. Although HQ, Depot and Dump use actual units, they actually represent the 'cloud' of service units present behind lines like repair shops, field hospitals, Corps and Divisional supply depots etc... Bands : Bands are used to model the loss of effectiveness of supply network. There are 4 of them : Close, Normal, Extend, Out of Range with the first 3 bands shown on map as colored hexside frame. Each HQ, Depot and Dump use their own set of Bands as defined per scenario designers. Supply, Fuel and Replacement are defined before Orders execution and resolved (Unit receiving them) after Orders execution is completed. Strategic Link : All Depot/Dump attempt to connect to a friendly border hex, a beach or port hex. Each Depot/Dump has a storing capacity, a maximum storage capacity and a resupply rate. If a Depot/Dump establish successfully a General Link it raise its storing capacity by a value equal to its resupply rate. Supply Head have only a storing capacity, they are resupplied automatically if weather allow. Bands are not used for Strategic Link. Operational Link : Each HQ will attempt to connect to a Depot and a Dump. This will yeld an Operational Link supply quality which will limit the maximum quantity of supply to be received by combat units. Link quality may be one of the four following quality : Normal : Quantity of Supply/Fuel/Replacement is not modified Limited : 66% of quantity will be made available. Restricted : 33% of quantity will be made available. None : Quantity is set to zero (0). Replacement use the supply link, that is link to a Depot. Tactical Link : Tactical Link is modeled by Supply Path (Convoys). Convoys are not actual transports with a given position but rather a supply path set for several turns with transport moving along it. Specific transport position/load is not used, only existance of the Supply Path. Convoys are set like units path, using one of the 3 transport mean as set by designer. Transport capacity used for Convoys are not available for unit transportation. Should an unit to execute a load order while order transport is unvailable will see its order delayed by 1 minute until turn end of release of transport by other units. Each unit will sent a supply query to its attached HQ. The connection is made if : Unit is within at least HQ Extend band. A convoy can be sent from HQ to Unit. If a unit fail to connect to an HQ it may attempt to link itself to a Depot/Dump/SH with a maximum distance of 3 hexes. Effective supply/fuel/replacement are received after Orders execution phase. Bands will reduce amount of supply/fuel/replacement sent to unit. This is also capped for HQ Operationnal Link. Convoy cannot trace their path through enemy controlled hexes. Would an Convoy hex to be controlled by enemy units, a new Supply Path is searched for. In order to receive Supply/Fuel an unit must : Not have any movement/combat order/load or unload transport order to execute or executing a retreat Have a valid Supply Path. In order to receive Replacement an Unit must fufill conditions to receive Supply/Fuel and not have been engaged in any of those activity during turn. An Unit unable to establish a Tactical Link is set as Isolated and may suffer from Attrition/Surrender. Surrender also include unit disintegrating as functionnal combat unit. Once set as Isolated, an unit will not suffer adverse effects for the first 3 turns. For example an unit Isolated on turn 2 will be safe until turn 5 after which Unit may suffer losses plus a surrender check. Game will use an Attrition Percentage based on number of turns of isolation : each turn increase chance of attrition by 3% per turn. This base chance is then multiplied by Terrain Attrition Modifier. Most of time this modifier is equal to 1 but some terrain may raise the modifier up to 10. A D100 is rolled against Attrition Percentage, if lower Unit suffer a 3% TOE loss. Automatic surrender is checked and happen when TOE is inferior to (10 – Unit TQ). For example an Unit with a TQ of 4 will automatically surrender if its TOE fall below 6. Surrender is then checked as following : Base surrender percentage (BSP) is equal to Unit TQ * 5. (Para and Fanatic use TQ * 8). TOE is added to the BSP and a D100 is rolled. If higher than modified percentage then unit surrender. Japanese units are immunised to surrender but do suffer from attrition."