geozero -> RE: Combined Arms??????? (12/13/2016 3:04:41 AM)
IN a WEGO system it is possible (as it did for me in the Narvik scenario which I co-designed and the actual playtest) to withdraw to avoid an assault that would have destroyed me. There is some arguments for "dancing around" in a WEGO system where the two sides avoid each other. This can be eliminated by limiting number of turns, enough victory points or occupy zones required that need to be held or occupied, and a solid system of zone of control or "friction" rules. Add to this some unit based OR random "initiative" rules, and the result will be that even when withdrawing the forces may not completely get out before the attack hits. So for example mechanized units will always move faster than infantry in open terrain (you can't out-run a tank or AFV). So even if you order a withdrawal and the attacker is attacking the hex you occupied your units may or may not entirely get out unscathed. The same could hold true for mortar/artillery barrages, naval or air attack, and even some terrain situations where the defender may get cornered. Therefore, this forces the player to think ahead several turns rather than just move/react as you would a standard IGOUGO system. It becomes more RTS but with the ability to think and plan through the turns and not be a clickfest. With CA there was always the ability to plan an entire attack along a wide front, only to discover that supplies, counter attacks, terrain or other factors created issues along the line for attacker as well as defender. I still believe that this game system will give gamers a whole new experience.