RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (Full Version)

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Centuur -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/2/2015 8:32:45 PM)

Well... This has been some interesting reading... What a total mess... [:-] [8|]

rkr1958 -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/2/2015 8:35:26 PM)



Well... This has been some interesting reading... What a total mess... [:-] [8|]


AxelNL -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/2/2015 9:43:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: CrusssDaddy

Sorry about your mom, that's a drag. Hope she at least made it to a ripe old age. Here's your cancer joke:

Doctor: "Well, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. There's no easy way to say this: You have cancer, and you have Alzheimer's."
Patient: "Oh, thank God. It could have been much worse -- at least I don't have cancer!"

Cruss - I did 8 months of Chemo. Although you deserve a lot - I do not wish you to go into that particular hell.

I do wish you would get a life. Perhaps a wife would already be a good idea for you?

bo -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/2/2015 10:03:17 PM)




ORIGINAL: CrusssDaddy

Sorry about your mom, that's a drag. Hope she at least made it to a ripe old age. Here's your cancer joke:

Doctor: "Well, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. There's no easy way to say this: You have cancer, and you have Alzheimer's."
Patient: "Oh, thank God. It could have been much worse -- at least I don't have cancer!"

Cruss - I did 8 months of Chemo. Although you deserve a lot - I do not wish you to go into that particular hell.

I do wish you would get a life. Perhaps a wife would already be a good idea for you?

Good lord AxelnL hope it is in remission or totally gone it is a terrifying word to me. {cancer]

Maybe the problem with crussdaddy is that he has a wife and she keeps beating him playing CWIF and he takes it out on you posters but he does not bother me at all. Well maybe sometimes [:(]


Missouri_Rebel -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/3/2015 1:05:19 AM)

I believe it's now time for an expert opinion. He enjoys an excellent command of the English language and is known to get to the source of many of the the worlds problems.

Please give a warm welcome to Dr. Knowitall.


Y'all are fuuucked in tha head.

Thank you Dr.

I think everyone is pretty clear on things at this point.

Is MWIF a massive undertaking- Yes
Was it released too early- Yes
Did almost every single beta tester say so before it was released- Yes
Was it Matrix's decision to release it- Yes
Is it finished- No
Is it being worked on- Yes
Is it close to being where everyone wants it to be- No
Will it ever get there- I hope so
Was it more of an undertaking than Steve thought it would be- Probably
Is he up to the task- I'd say yes
Does he deserve the scorn given by Cruss- No
Does Matrix- Possibly
Is Cruss intelligent- Yes
Does he come across as a dick- Yes
Does he have the right to express his feelings- Yes
Could they be conveyed better- Of course
Will he temper himself in the future- I hope so
Are beta testers working their butts off to better the game- Yes, some are
If Matrix didn't take on this task would the code still be the mess that CWiF was- Yes
Is the communication between Matrix and MWiF customers terrible- Yes
From Steve- No
Would everyone wish things were moving faster- Yes
Are they- At times
Have any beta testers been 'foolish' enough to buy the game- Yes, I have
Why- Because this is a once in a lifetime endeavor that I feel deserves to be supported
Are some people a little too eager to defend this situation- At times
Is their heart in the right place- Yes
Will Matrix offer a refund to those unhappy- No
Should they have sold this as a beta- Probably
Did they learn from this undertaking- I would think they did
Do they plan to continue support- I hope so
Is all this bickering childish and unnecessary- Absolutely
Are you tired of my questions- I'd bet
Can we all just put this behind us and continue to move forward- ?

mo reb

We really don't want to slum down to Jerry do we?


bo -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/3/2015 2:13:07 AM)

Good lord Reb my wife watches Dr Phil all the time I cannot stand him that arrogant boob, but this is the first time he has ever been on the ball, cannot think of one question he answered wrong [;)] good post.


joshuamnave -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/3/2015 6:48:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

Is MWIF a massive undertaking- Yes
Was it released too early- Yes
Did almost every single beta tester say so before it was released- Yes
Was it Matrix's decision to release it- Yes
Is it finished- No
Is it being worked on- Yes
Is it close to being where everyone wants it to be- No
Will it ever get there- I hope so
Was it more of an undertaking than Steve thought it would be- Probably
Is he up to the task- I'd say yes
Does he deserve the scorn given by Cruss- No
Does Matrix- Possibly
Is Cruss intelligent- Yes
Does he come across as a dick- Yes
Does he have the right to express his feelings- Yes
Could they be conveyed better- Of course
Will he temper himself in the future- I hope so
Are beta testers working their butts off to better the game- Yes, some are
If Matrix didn't take on this task would the code still be the mess that CWiF was- Yes
Is the communication between Matrix and MWiF customers terrible- Yes
From Steve- No
Would everyone wish things were moving faster- Yes
Are they- At times
Have any beta testers been 'foolish' enough to buy the game- Yes, I have
Why- Because this is a once in a lifetime endeavor that I feel deserves to be supported
Are some people a little too eager to defend this situation- At times
Is their heart in the right place- Yes
Will Matrix offer a refund to those unhappy- No
Should they have sold this as a beta- Probably
Did they learn from this undertaking- I would think they did
Do they plan to continue support- I hope so
Is all this bickering childish and unnecessary- Absolutely
Are you tired of my questions- I'd bet
Can we all just put this behind us and continue to move forward- ?

mo reb

I agree with pretty much all of this, but there are issues not addressed.

Look, let's just get the elephant in the middle of the room out of the way. Steve is not in the best of health. I don't say that to be insensitive, but because so long as Matrix is unable or unwilling to assign additional coders to this project, it's an issue. What I want to know is what happens to MWiF if Steve is unable to continue working on it due to further health declines? Is Matrix prepared to commit additional resources in that unfortunate event or will we be left with MWiF in whatever state it's in at that time? If not, will Matrix release the code so that other hobbyists can try to work through the remaining bugs?

In the last state of the game update, about a year and a half ago, Erik said that someone was coming on to help with networking issues. No mention of that has even been made since then. Did that happen, and if so what was the result? If not, why not?

The switch to a public beta for patches has meant fewer patches with just as many regression bugs and very rare changes from the beta patch to the official patch. Has there been any discussion of going back to a more frequent patch schedule with smaller updates in each patch?

Given the number of bugs still remaining and the frustration among those of us not blessed with the debug tool, has there been any more discussion of releasing the debug tool to the rest of us?

While I once supported letting the beta testers have a private forum for discussion and communication with Steve, we've reached the point where there are less than 20 or so regular posters on this forum. Having a separate forum for some of them now feels exclusionary at best and at worst fosters feelings of distrust between the few remaining beta testers and some of the rest of us. Has there been any discussion of either opening the beta forum to everyone or discontinuing the beta testing, since we're all part of the public beta now anyway?

Is there still a practical, realistic plan to release an AI? If so, are you still planning on charging us for it?

Once lost, trust is a difficult thing to get back. Does Matrix have any ideas or thoughts on how to regain the trust of its customers or are there too few of us to matter at this point?

Joseignacio -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/3/2015 9:50:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: CrusssDaddy


If MWiF is in any way a metric of your self-valuation and prestige, I must politely challenge the assertion you have either dignity or a life. We can agree to disagree, and I hope you find the courage to someday recover your lost prestige.

MWIF is not, having given my confidence to the word of a game programmer against all odds and being embarrassed publicly in forums and "physical" friends circles, being considered too naïve because of believing in someone, is.

For me MWIF is unimportant in life, that's why I dont' whine all the time or make depressing the Programmer (and eventually all the members) my personal Crusade. Instead, I play other games, study languages, work hard, and take care of my family, which doesn't usually leave me time enough or energy enough to troll a forum. [:D]

Joseignacio -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/3/2015 9:56:16 AM)




ORIGINAL: Joseignacio


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: Numdydar

Why yes they do [:)] And not just here but everywhere else too. Maybe they have a club [8|]

Anyone that has played any online games know there are people that are willing to sit and wait and wait at a spot just to kill a newbie or the first person to go through there. Many times for no gain at all.

I don't understand this at all. And as Cruss has told me several times, I do not have to. And he is right.

What I find disappointing is that Cruss HAS provided good ideas in the past that have helped me with the game. I just wished he would do that more. And while I do not have to, I really would like to know why he prefers to be critical without solutions/suggestions when he has the knowledge to be far more helpful [:(]

+ 1 [;)]


He has been asked this many times in the past.

I remember when CrusssDaddy came to the forum - and fair enough he was enthusiastic about the game and, like us all, clearly looking forward to playing the game.

Then, at some point, the unfortunate reality set in that the game wasn't going to be finished any time soon. This reality of course dawned on all who have followed the game over the years; some of us have accepted it and continue to support the project, some have dipped in and out, checking on progress from time to time, and some have given up, left the forum having tired of ever seeing this game either launched or - having been launched - of seeing it finished.

I may be wrong but the first post that I saw from him in this forum, and I think it was his first one (at MWIF's) was absolutely destructive, caustic. Don't think he ever was constructive about this game.

I might be wrong, after all I thought the same about Bo, when he started whining at the beginning, but time soon showed that that was just one post and Bo is a constructive and social person, whereas C-D is a freak with very few in his life and a sour seam that he needs to give free exit from time to time, expel the poison in order not to be poisoned himself. However he gets poisoned all the same. I made a search n the net and found some holes in his armor through which I was able to have a glance of his sad life, I guess they are closed now...

I would recommend counseling, which is another way to say "get a life".

Hi Jose the whine is returning even though I have tried to keep it to a whimper and my so called constructive and social person is starting to crumble as time goes on. But I do appreciate your comments about me.

crussdaddy does not bother me in the least, in fact I find him amusing as he pushes posters button and they get all indignant and frustrated as he sits back in his easy chair thinking hmmmm got them again. [;)]


Bo, I may not share your feelings but maybe I will, everybody's patience has a limit, ...

... however, it's not the same to come like an elephant in a china shop THEN and NOW. The difference are several years of development, many unmet deadlines, your work as a beta tester in your case and my spending more than 100 euro in the most expensive game in my life, which doesn't work.

You have earned the right to be angry.

And anyway, you whine or whimper trying to construct, suggesting what you think can help, not bashing and being negative just as a trademark.

marf -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/3/2015 2:49:05 PM)

This game has to get done soon, or I am asking for a refund. It has been over a year since release. Where's the ai and the 1/2 map scenarios. Matrix should have developed it fully before they released it.

bo -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/3/2015 4:01:46 PM)


You have earned the right to be angry.

Thank you Jose but I really do not have the right to be angry, I have the right to state my beliefs, I have the right to leave the beta testing team, I have the right to leave these forums, I have the right to feel that Matrix made many mistakes with this game, I have the right to feel that Steve bit off more than he can chew, not all of this is all of his fault.

I have the right to state these beliefs over and over but without anger, animosity and degrading the posters who take the time to post their feelings no matter what those feelings are, but you have always been fair minded and I trust your judgement. So maybe I am just a little angry [:(]


bo -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/3/2015 4:05:58 PM)



This game has to get done soon, or I am asking for a refund. It has been over a year since release. Where's the ai and the 1/2 map scenarios. Matrix should have developed it fully before they released it.

You better start asking for that refund right now and from what I hear about Matrix refunding money you have a better chance of seeing an AI and the 1/2 map scenarios someday[:(]


Erik Rutins -> RE: State of the game and future plans (?) May 2015. (6/3/2015 5:58:14 PM)

Per the forum rules, please keep discussions civil and avoid personal attacks. This thread is locked, everyone please step back and relax.


- Erik

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