Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Crash when return to base and intercept (7/12/2015 2:12:36 AM)
ORIGINAL: jimblitz 1.3.3 Try, which is an official release and can be downloaded using the Update button of the Game opening screen. ---- Here are some of the changes for Naval Operations Fixed a fatal error when emptying a sea area of combat naval units for one side (e.g., during a Return to Base phase). Added a check to avoid a possible fatal error moving naval units after some had stopped in a sea area. Enabled loading units from a coastal hex when a naval unit is moved from a higher section box to a lower section box in a sea area. Fixed a problem with initiating naval combat during the naval combat phases when the US Entry Options for US Refutes Naval War Zones and/or Unrestricted Naval Warfare have been selected. Fixed a problem with multiple digressions returning to the correct place in the sequence of play after the following series of events: multiple land combats, advance after combat with multiple units capable of advancing, overrun of multiple naval units, attempted interception of naval units fails (or is not attempted), naval units move into a friendly port. Previously the program returned to selecting the next land combat to resolve. Now it correctly returns to the advance after combat subphase so more units can advance. Corrected the code so the restrictions on which convoys can merge are fully enforced. For example, Netherlands convoys controlled by the Commonwealth can no longer be merged with United Kingdom convoys. Similarly, disorganized convoys cannot be merged with organized convoys. Fixed a problem where a damaged game might prohibit a convoy to stay at sea even though it had Sentry status.