larryfulkerson -> RE: Beta testing? (1/29/2016 10:58:56 PM)
ORIGINAL: Lobster Larry, instead of AARs and scenario design changes on old scenarios could you maybe tell us why latest long delay, what's being added that caused this delay, how the development is progressing, what has changed from the old features list that Bob posted, you know, real dev diary stuff. Heck, even some shots of the scenarios you are playing and of the editing that you are doing. We want meat not soup. OOOoooookay, okay, I'll quit with the Development Diary. You guys are bored to death of it. I can tell. You want to know why the long delay......well, there's only the one Ralph dude and he's part-time. Do the math. I heard he has a contract and they can't replace him. S'okay, he's earned what he gets. He's one of the best, IMHO. I wouldn't leave if I was him. It's no secret that there's only the one coder dude and we beta testers are finding more then enough to keep him busy, that's not the problem. It's the low-budget approach they are using where most of the workers are unpaid-volunteer people who walk in off the street, find an interest in TOAW and the next thing you know he's a beta tester. One thing leads to another in this case. One programmer means slow progress. I've been pestering Bob Cross for permission to post screenshots and his advice is that first impressions are important and the UI isn't where we want it to be yet. So no screenshots for a while at least. That's what Ralph is working on now, is my understanding. And I guess it goes without saying that we can't move the AAR's from the development forum to this one yet. I asked. I'll probably get kicked off the team for spouting off like this. That's fine. I'm so frustrated I'm ready to go.