1stSgt USMC -> (4/17/2001 1:23:00 AM)
As the one who opened up this "Pandora's box", I agree with you all. As a Marine I just did what comes natural to me, and kicked in the door so to speak. I certainly did not consider the ramifications of posting such a topic on a board that has such a "World-Wide audience". "No kidding 1stSgt, that's what WWW stands for "World Wide Web." I thought it was funny, I was not trying to start a foreign policy debate. I am not trying to appease anyone nor am I trying to be PC, I am simply doing the right thing and admitting and taking responsibility for my actions. As I stated before I have learned my lesson, and will keep my post's to the game and the game alone. It may make me stale, oh well. I sort of feel like General Patton did after he slapped that Private, my intent was honorable, it just didn't turn out that way.
To the Members of the SPWAW COMMUNITY, I ask you please accept this apology.