RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (Full Version)

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AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/25/2015 5:33:28 PM)

Early July 1941 - Mao's Adventure

Mao was happy. He took back Si'an.
He liberated Ankang ... not just from the Japanese, but also from the swines of the Chiang lackeys and lapdogs.
Adding it to the collection of his precious Cities.

But as the efforts of his big Communist Brother, Stalin, came to an alt in Manchuria, the Japanese railed fresh troops including a mechanized corp and new infantries in the sector and are mounting back a counteroffensive to get back Sian (and its precious resource).

Thus Mao requests more troops, and the Lanchow Warlord answers positively, after the last venture (successful for Mao, but tragic for the poor Warlord who lost most of its forces there), the battle for Yenan.
Mao promises grand rewards to the Warlord himself, once the war is over.

Now the question for Mao is ... to use all of his forces to defend or try to infiltrate somehow the "Japanese occupied" China and claim more cities? (I know my answer but I do not know Mao's controller one!)


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/25/2015 5:40:00 PM)

Jul / Aug 1941 - The bells toll for Stillwell.

China's on its knees, reduced to two hexes of defenders. (You see only one now, wonder why!)

Japan artilleries (Yes even the 2-3 Artillery is excellent in my eyes, since it's like ... one extra plane that cannot be crushed by a sudden partisan popping out where you moved away from once your plane helped your advance) and "naval" planes bombed Kunming defenders, and Stillwell with its entourage north-east of it (an INF-Div, and Kunming Warlord).

Umezu has the honour of dealing with Stillwell himself, but Yamamoto will be the one leading the assault on the southern industrial city of China (with the precious red factory ... that once the juicy resources of Malay, Dutch Indies ... etcetera ... you know the drill!).

IF Kunming falls the reverberations will be many. Japan suddenly having a functional army with loads of troops free to go elsewhere (Hitting India? Railing it to Sovietland? Invading Australia?).
Many IFs. Kunming has yet to fall, but this turn should give me at least 3 impulses, and if this costs me the ENG unit, be it so!


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/25/2015 5:44:02 PM)

Jul / Aug 1941 - US Entry:

I'd like to underline the fact we are "forced" to play as "single player mode" favors the Axis here - as the Axis can neatly see what the USA has as options and which % they need to declare war.

As you can see Japan has not even the marines in position to invade. And they're quite off-guard at the moment, struggling to bring their divisions in position.

On a fancy note - the US put only in May / June the 5 Essex in construction (I believe my opponent litterally "forgot" of them unless he has some devious plan in mind, like an Europe first ... but as he's repairing tons of other ships of UK... )


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/25/2015 6:18:54 PM)

Jul / Aug 1941 - Axis 2nd Impulse - Egypt

More planes arrives, and the Anzac is still alive as the Nhile is a formidable shield from the advancing Germans (Prudently it will be waited for the unit to be bombarded! But these planes were needed for Greece).

Decision Making Clarification: I could have attacked this turn with a +6, picking Assault (As I've ARM and he has not) and using the Italian GARR as sacrificial lamb for the combat. Though that would have probably disrupted way too many Germans that I need for Iraq and Greece at once. Therefore I best wait, bomb the ANZAC and then storm it with all 6 corps.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/25/2015 6:27:47 PM)

Jul / Aug 1941 - Mao's Memorial Erected in Lanchow

Mao opted to evacuate Sian, deeming it untenable, and seeks shelter into the mountains by Tianshui.

In the while commands subsidiary forces to conduct guerrilla in occupied China.
But Mao understimate Terauchi (and his scarce consideration for his troops).

With air support (disrupting only a division though) the Japanese move in for the kill, the replacements for the Chinese are way too low and it's time to press on the attack!
Mao uses defensive support, and Terauchi his own to attack. It's a low odds attack admittedly - but Japan has 2 militia units to immolate. A double kill is Mao butchered - probably for good. (In the same turn there is an almost +12 attack on Kunming - not waiting for the Engineers! Worst by worst Japan can lose MILs there too and the Chinese are short of replacements but they've an INF coming their way next turn).

Mao's attack is very low but I believe in the banzai charges with bayonet. And it goes smooth ... well "smooth" ...

The Japanese impale Mao and his communist comrades with their bayonets, but their forces are heavily disrupted and 2 units lost (the 2 MILs).

In the while the mechanized corp is left as rearguard to protect the airbases from the infiltrators; and an INF is disrupted - at the risk of being attacked - but in mountain and behind a river; to ensure that if Ankang is left vacant, the Chinese go OOS there too. The mechanized unit with its ZoC severs the supply of the infiltrators - hopefully stalling them.

These 2 units pratically are Ankang locked now, not able to do much and Lanchow is the last factory remaining to China - because no need of a screenshot for it, Kunming falls too.

Japan lose a unit in the assault (another MIL, wonders!) but the Chinese have nowhere to go. One more (red) factory to Japan, a front closed, and many units to send elsewhere. (Anyhow the Japanese had only 1 FTR2 with 1 of tactical factor, it would have hardly changed anything, ontop of the ENG. So I favored to move troops earlier - if the battle was nice to me ... But a Shatter result would have been enough to take it.).

China is pretty much toast now, with only 1 factory working and very few units operational.
The INF coming next turn is a Nationalist with 2 movement points - and it will appear in some -very- remote City.

Maybe USA will make China surrender to get more chits, who knows.

Clarification / Example of Decision Making: Why to attack Mao with such low odd? Well with Kunming fallen China is entirely out of OIL. Mao would not be able to be reorganized anymore. Even for some MILs to have the HQ eternally pinned where I wanted it to retreat could have been an achievement, and IF Mao would have elected to not give its own HQ support the attack would have been quite decent for China mountains (like a +6 / +7 of sort). It was a pretty calculated risk with the awareness of having 2 MILs of crappy quality to waste.


Subotei -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/25/2015 7:12:23 PM)

Blimey, that was an eye watering collapse in Morocco.

AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/25/2015 7:15:20 PM)

In this game once you are out Out of Supply, and the enemy has things to disrupt your units with, you're pretty much toast.
Which is pratically anywhere a side has a clear superiority except China, because China at the beginning lacks bombers and guns so Japan can leave garrisons around out of supply that still work as antipartisan unless ZoC'ed.

CanInf -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/25/2015 7:23:23 PM)

The Axis gains are huge, but the USA is nearly in. Unfortunately, The USSR is in serious danger.

As defensive priorities: The CW must protect India. At the very least Calcutta has to remain in allied hands (three units at all times). The Axis cannot be allowed to connect. The USSR must take Persia and soon. If that means slowing US entry, then surrender China (The USSR comes first). It's unfortunate that the USSR and Japan are at war. If not, surrendering China would have meant Japan could only do combined (no Pearl Harbour). Personally, I think the house rule banning USSR DOWs on Japan should include banning Japan DOWs on the USSR. That would be much more realistic given the 1936-38 conflicts, and Japan's politics.

Near term allied suggestions include: get a unit in Aden (NOW), and then a unit in all major ports between Suez and Singapore. Ensure the Indian Ocean is British. Do not fight in the Red Sea against fighters backed by NAVs. Attack Persia with the USSR. Keep losses low for the USSR as they fight Japan. Get all resources/BPs/lend lease to the USSR possible. Let China go.
UK, Top Priority: all long range fighters must be built for sea zone control. All CVs must have a full load of planes. Steady production of 4-6 convoys per turn. Infantry, and other land units as necessary. Second priority: NAVs, Extra CVP, Pilots. 1 TRS/Amph per turn. No TAC, no strat, no ships.
USA: A Germany-first build plan is a must which means TRS, AMPH, FTRs, land, plus 1st round CVs for Japan (low priority but about 2 per turn). Repair UK ships.
USSR: High volume/low cost land units for losses against Japan (MIL), INF, other land units as necessary. Not much else. and nothing fancy.

The objective is to prevent a catastrophic attack on the USSR from Persia and Poland and keep the Axis out of the Indian Ocean. The western allies must get back in Europe fast, and send everything they can to the USSR, which means a strong and long convoy system. The danger faced by the USSR is extreme. It has lost units, lost Poland and the Germans are closing in on Persia. Not good.

AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/25/2015 7:35:17 PM)

If in the MWiF map Russia can DoW Japan freely I'd probably do it -always- once I see the Germany is Barbaross'ing me in 1940.

The fact Russia can move freely all what it wants; can produce MILs and pre-position them in Europe too makes Russia much, much stronger than if not being at war at all.

I just personally don't agree to leaving Vladivostock empty and to not fight for that "part" of Asia and getting troops in Chita only. Japan lacks the strength to push in Russia AND China, as long Russia dedicates enough troops there. Actually in many other AARs I've read on the forums usually Japan is facerolled by China + Soviets that once the USA kicks in, they just walk all over the place. (Besides the Soviet DoW on Japan can be catastrophic if their submarines are lucky.)

Anyhow I've copy pasted your suggestions to my pal's skype. We should have another small session later in the evening. (in 2 hours about unless his wife leashes him for other duties.)

TeaLeaf -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 10:20:39 AM)



I just personally don't agree to leaving Vladivostock empty and to not fight for that "part" of Asia and getting troops in Chita only. Japan lacks the strength to push in Russia AND China, as long Russia dedicates enough troops there. Actually in many other AARs I've read on the forums usually Japan is facerolled by China + Soviets that once the USA kicks in, they just walk all over the place. (Besides the Soviet DoW on Japan can be catastrophic if their submarines are lucky.)

So are you saying that the fact that Russia can produce MIL (except those with 'Ge' on their back), outweighs the need to remove quite a few real units from Europe to place them in the far east for war with Japan (seems to me that in Europe more power is lost than the MIL can replace)?
To me that doesn't seem helpful for Russia (especially if Germany will launch Barbarossa '40 or '41) or am I missing something?

Being able to choose land actions also doesn't seem like an advantage in Europe to me, because Russia can get all their troops in Europe where they want them with combined actions anyway. Well, so far -I- could, that is... Care to elaborate a bit?

AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 10:50:05 AM)


So are you saying that the fact that Russia can produce MIL (except those with 'Ge' on their back), outweighs the need to remove quite a few real units from Europe to place them in the far east for war with Japan (seems to me that in Europe more power is lost than the MIL can replace)?
To me that doesn't seem helpful for Russia (especially if Germany will launch Barbarossa '40 or '41) or am I missing something?

Being able to choose land actions also doesn't seem like an advantage in Europe to me, because Russia can get all their troops in Europe where they want them with combined actions anyway. Well, so far -I- could, that is... Care to elaborate a bit?

In that case my Land Force pool has an addition of potential roadbumps and units that can back up more expensive units; that I can lose merrily through the German onslaught when it comes.

The Barbarossa '41 is a tactic that see the Allies ruling the mediterranean and invade Italy mainland pretty soon, so that is something the Axis do not really want. So pratically by declaring war to Japan in a map where Japan cannot defend itself properly - AND - push on China is a way to dictate "how Axis should play" in the Early War, when it should be the Axis to dictate the WW2 pace in the beginning (and do what they want - not having to react in accord to what the W.Allies do).

But point is I can move troops freely - which allow to man the border and pull back at once, or keep away and in 2 impulses have many units all at the Poland border for example. It allows the Soviet to be flexible in that matter for example, threaten to DoW Germany or just break the Pact and then move away with ease. The combined action limits severely the Soviet possibilities to move and operate, including as well the Com-Chinese.

And since I can buy 3 MILs instead of 2 INFs and that their fighting power is somehow similar I see this as a gain for the Soviets.

AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 10:58:45 AM)

End of Jul / Aug 1941 - Axis Victory in Middle East & Greece

Smooth and without losses the Axis has completed the conquest of Egypt and Greece.

Though their schedule has been delayed - as Egypt should have fallen in May / June but their bombers failed.
The German High Command should evaluate if a push toward Aden is doable or not at the present; whereas the Royal Navy is still in the Atlantic with their battle squadrons and carriers - having like 5 cruisers only in the Indian Ocean.

And a part of these assets are to be withdrawn from the sector in preparation for the biggest campaign ever the Axis is to enterprise - the invasion of Soviet Russia.

The Bulgarian allies will be tasked to oversee the security of Greece.

(Screenshot of start of Sept / Oct - so units have been oiled and reorganized)


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 11:01:23 AM)

End of Jul / Aug 1941 - Fatherland vs Motherland

Meanwhile still trading happily, Hitler and Stalin clearly have not much trust into each other, seeing the force build up in the zone.

(Screenshot of start of Sept / Oct - so units have been oiled and reorganized)


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 11:13:23 AM)

End of Jul / Aug 1941 - USA at War

From the Japanese side much happened.
I left you with the fall of Kunming and the annihilation of Mao's forces.

The player decided to surrender China and started low odds attacks with all the remaining Chinese forces - which thanksfully did not destroyed any Japanese unit. They got disrupted over the impulses and a Japanese Mech managed to get into Lanchow to conquer China anyhow - BUT as that was giving us a nasty bug we reloaded and had China surrender instead.

That did not changed much because Japan declared war on USA that very same impulse they'd be able to move the mech into Lanchow. Japan fired its O'Chit, no Pearl Harbour, nothing spectacular except many, many invasions with divisions.

Pointless to say, Japan was ill prepared for war, but with China surrender looming (due to their kamikaze attacks at +3 odds or so!) the chances of USA declaring war on Japan next turn would be amazingly high. On top of that the bad weather was afflicting the Japanese - which moved their marines still inland toward ports and disrupted them in rain. (Fine Weather there is 10% chance so...)

Obviously the next Axis impulse the weather is fine - everywhere -. And that is where the declaration of war happens.

With sheer luck the UK loses only 2 convoys total in 8 attacked Sea Zones, and the USA 1 convoy out of 5 sea zones attacked.
And since the sea zones where the Japan has found the UK were non relevant to the India and Australia pipeline, the UK production was not even damaged...

(We had to redo the turn because I was not aware Australia and New Zealand count as "homeland" for Commonwealth - go figure out, Japan was planning free landings all over Australia, weakened by the departure of the BEF and very weakly defended)

Japan established a foothold in the following zones, having only divisions, and 1 MIL at hand for landings.

2 invasions in Philippines.
French New Caledonia.
The 3 NEI Oil Rigs locations.

India Ocean:
Diego Suarez.

Via land they invade Singapore only, as there is no unit closeby Hong Kong presently. That can be seized later on.

The only positive thing is that the impulse ends with the Japan DoW - which means the USA fleet cannot retaliate on the raiders.

AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 11:15:47 AM)

Nov / Dec and Jan Feb Productions to come:


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 5:37:30 PM)

Sept / Oct 1941 - The Fall of Aden.

Aden lingers in a strategical position to rule the access to the Red Sea; and was manned by brave Indian troops (a MIL).

The Germans relocated strong bomber assets of the Luftwaffe in the Italian colonies; together with some airplanes of the Regia Aeronautica.

Supermarina brings its surface fleet - or better what remains of it. Over the months of september and october the Axis performs landings in Yemen and advances closer to Aden until, once Feldmarshal Von Bock arrives - the real assault is launched. (Another cursing thing is that with 6 planes having bombed Aden, none of them landed the disrupting hit - so it was attacked with the MIL at full force).

Berbera is not as important but it's a port the enemy could use in future.

More operations delaying the Barbarossa anyhow!

In the while there were British ships in Aden, a squadron of four cruisers were sent to intercept the Axis shipping, but their venture did not went too well. They were found by the airplanes of the Axis, and had to limp away (with 2 of them damaged).

The other ships that were based in Aden though conducted a victorious operation against the Japanese (in the next reply).


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 6:00:41 PM)

Sept / Oct 1941 - Indian Ocean, the first Japanese stalemate (already!).

The Imperial Command wished to conquer Ceylon, and set hands on that French submarine that is stranded and without oil.
So they issued a small task force to lift the divisions from the Seychelles and Diego Suarez, to seize these targets.

But the Royal Navy was ready for a scrubble, a "cruiser scruffle" (with UK subs too), and the Brits sunk a CP, damaged a cruiser loaded with troops and shooed the remaining Japanese forces.

Thus, De Gaulle, finally had his occasion to prove the usefulness of his forces, commanding the French detatchment in Madagascar to march toward Diego Suarez to claim it back!


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 6:07:19 PM)

Sept / Oct 1941 - Marocco's coast

The Royal Navy seeing that the Axis has shifted planes toward Aden, promptly cuts the supply to the advanced submarine base (for the last remaining Italian submarine!) of the Canaries.

Also in the sea there were the two old "Battleships" of Germany escorting a few convoys and an AMPH.
The remaining Luftwaffe Condor intervened escorted by the brave Mc200 of Regia Aeronautica, with a He115 already at the sea.
But it's rough weather - the Brits have little chances to find, and actually are found by the He115 which repels a few cruisers without inflicting any damage.

The Axis ships are promptly vacating the sea zones before a disaster happens, with the German units going into the Mediterranean except for the two relics of pre-WW1 times.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 6:11:02 PM)

Sept / Oct 1941 - NEI Secured.

The Imperial Command tasks General Yamashita of the conquest of the NEI and of the Philippines.

Grand assets are provided, even planes which are being relocated from China (since the Imperial Navy cannot provide the originally promised air support - to be seen soon).

With the enclosure of of the month of October (We're at impulse 10, Allied, to be played) Yamashita successfully seizes Batavia - with minor losses (1 INF Div).
Delegates of the Dutch Governatorate here start surrender talk of their whole sector.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 6:14:41 PM)

Sept / Oct 1941 - Pacific Situation

The USA are already well set to wage war, they brought to Pearl Harbour a marine, and carriers from the homeland - reorganizing them quickly with Mc.Arthur.

They're getting ready to invade the Marshalls - in their first real turn of war.
The Japanese are extremely weak due to their China focus, and they're ill prepared to defend themselves (even the less expecting such quick reaction from the USA).

If the USA will truly invade or not though that is another tale. For now the Imperial Navy was set to protect with their embarked airforce the islands; as the USA have only 4 carriers operational at Pearl Harbour at the very present.

In the Coral Sea the USA submarines started to raid already, destroying a convoy of the Japanese (at the cost of 1 damaged submarine. But for Japan a 1-1 ratio of losses is no good!)


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/26/2015 6:21:58 PM)

Sept / Oct 1941 - South America!

Last but not least, Roosevelt revealed himself a warmonger no less than the Axis powers.

With promises of assistance to solve the ancient feud between rivals, he backs Brazil in a war of aggression against Argentina - and in the while Cuba is seized by American forces, and so Perù is.

It seems South America is to see many nations (pratically anything with an in-game resource) soon to fall under the heel of American imperialism ... ehm I mean capitalism.

Argentina will fight, valiantly, but it is isolated and will be able to do very little for the Axis (except producing 1 or 2 BPs per turn, resources allowing.)


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/27/2015 8:46:56 AM)

End of 1941 - Argentina & Brazil

In South America the USA seized for now only Perù and Cuba, but surely they've larger aims, so the Axis secret services inform.

In the while in Brazil the Allies are preparing the invasion force for Argentina, were motorized US assets arrive after a journey across sea and rail.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/27/2015 8:50:36 AM)

End of 1941 - Coral Sea

The initial conquest of the Japanese for their perimeter were swiftly frustrated by US raids of submarines and surface forces, wrestling the control of the Coral Sea.

Japanese invasion forces were repelled before they could seize Guadalcanal and other isles of the eastern rim of the Coral Sea; whereas the US raiders damaged two cruisers (bringing along a division); and the Japanese shipping lane to New Caledonia severed (the convoy wisely fled once the escorts were mauled).

In this sector, the US reported a tactical and local victory.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/27/2015 9:02:14 AM)

End of 1941 - Battle for the Marshals

The US grew extremely bold; meanwhile the Japanese were securing their internal perimeter with ease, they were already threatening their external one.

The US navy sent a mission to destroy the convoy line supplying Kawejin - well protected by the Japanese carriers (But you know how the game works, a lucky roll can just give you what's needed to screw up that convoy!). A single, old cruiser sailed to reach the Solomons, where the might of the Combined Fleet was.

A stronger task force with US carriers, two battleships and cruisers escorted in the Marshal Sea the transport bringing forth the US Marines (the 6-4 corp), so to land in Kwalejin. But the weather was rainy, the seas rough. (Which meant a 2 strong Notional).

That is where the first air battle between US and Japan happened, over the skies of Kwalejin. Both carrier task forces lacked real fighters - or better, the US had the "real fighters" they could produce, 2*4 Air Value Wildcats. The Japanese prepared their carrier fleet as bombing support force for invasions and they had only 1 Air Value carrier plane, and 3 * 3 Air value.
The rest were all bombers. The US had a total of 6 planes out of 4 Carriers. The Japanese 8 planes total.

The air struggle went on pratically until the end, the Japanese losing a squadron (but as they were fighting over their own land, the pilot got saved); meanwhile the US lost a squadron too (along with the pilot, for the same reason above). The US snuck through a few bombers and so Japan did.

But by how the game works, that was tragic news for the US.

6 for the Marine, 6 for Shore Bombing, and 2 out of planes. That would have done nicely if the Notional was only 2 (and still risky in rain, a +13 would have been.). But as the Notional suddenly went to 4 combat value because of the Japanese planes intervention the US marines found themselves welcome by heavy defence fire and their invasion small boats bombed.

The US Marine Corp was immolated for this test of the Japan defences.

Excellent news for the Imperial High Command. 1 BPs of theirs against 8 of the USA - this was an excellent trade ratio of losses.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/27/2015 9:06:06 AM)

End of 1941 - Burma

The Japanese forces finalize the conquest of Philipines (Yamashita and an INF debark where the marines earlier on made a beachead and then stormed Manila with heavy battleship gunfire of support).

A partisan insurrection in French Indochina (The Partisan was already there, Axis, but turned into an Allied one upon conquest) was brutally quelled down by the Japan forces that finalized the conquest of the region by claiming Hanoi for themselves.

Slowly the Burma sector is reinforced, via sea and via land.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/27/2015 9:12:52 AM)

End of 1941 - Diego Suarez.

Little to say here, the Nov / Dec 1941 turn here was a matter of initiative.

If the Allied moved first, their French Territorial would have marched unopposed in Diego Suarez.
If the Axis won the initiative - as it happened - the Japanese would quickly ship in a division to ensure the ample naval base is protected somehow.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/27/2015 9:14:41 AM)

End of 1941 - British Indian Ocean Squadron.

The Axis strongly suspects this will be reinforced heavily soon, since the submarine threat is non existant at the present.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/27/2015 9:18:50 AM)

End of 1941 - Aden Italian Squadron

I would like to be able to say that the Italian Task Force would get reinforcements, like the British one.
But that is not exactly the case, Italy has no other surface ship besides a few patrolling the seas already (Stay at Sea).

Italian auxiliaries from Ethiopia attacked Berbera, after the Luftwaffe bombarded it. It was a bloodshed of colonial troops (Italy lost both Ethiopia units; and the CW lost their South Afrika MIL).


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/27/2015 9:23:06 AM)

End of 1941 - Kriegsmarine still in action.

The Kriegsmarine, with only 4 surface units total - 2 of them the old pre-WW1, pre-dreadnaught Battleships based in Lisbon - is still operational; having led with success the invasion of the (relatively useless) Maldive Islands.

There was a stranded and oil-less French submarine group there (1 unit) which the Axis hoped to get rid of. But the submarines managed to escape with the very little oil remaining, the last stock just in case of such emergency situation.

The small task force of the Germans, the CL Leipzig and some destroyers attached prepare to bring away the small invasion Kampfgruppe.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (9/27/2015 9:27:10 AM)

End of 1941 - Hitler proclaims himself the "Oil King".

Iraq and Persia willingly aligned with Germany.

Saudi Arabia was otherwise pursuaded to provide oil to the Axis. With the usualy German methods of pursuasion - as per military invasion.

The supply lane across the Arabian Peninsula and 2 HQs chained did the trick; the Iraqi cavalry unit attacked (with a 7-4 German INF and in -SNOW- weather) and marched into Rhyad; then the Germans start to move north to the railroads to relocate in Persia, at the Soviet border.


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