RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (Full Version)

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AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/2/2015 6:43:08 PM)

March / April - Destroyed Pool

Ontop of what you see - Italy lost 1 CP, USA lost 1 CP, and Germany spent 1 O-Chit.

Alas I lost track of the pilots lost!


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 9:37:14 AM)

Start of May / June 1942 - Pacific

In the end of the day the US forfeitted their velleitary wishes to have a touristic tour in Kwajalein; and landed in the less defended Eniwetok to gain a forward base.

Before the end of March / April - as the last impulse was good weather anywhere - the Japanese launched their port attack at the Fiji; with land and carrier based planes. A success, bottoming a cruiser and destroying a TRS of the USA.

Having interrupted the Australian Highway (convoy pipeline) the US proceeds into ensuring their surviving convoys return to Pago Pago. In the while the US brings in more carrier planes and land forces to prosecute their campaign in the Pacific, with Mexican forces manning the important base of Pago Pago!

In their first impulse of May / June (Allies won the initiative, they've +2 now! Playing it now, litterally writing the AAR as my opponent is doing moves where I am not needed!) the US raids various seas - with no success except than to keep busy the Japanese NAVs. Japan manages to find a submarine, in Coral Sea, and proceeds into depth bombing it.

New US maneuvers bring the USA fleet again in front of the Marshalls. Shall Kwajalein fall, or they opt for the cheaper target of Majuro? Yet the Japanese have some time to react.

(Screenshot is of the very start of the turn - so before the Allies do their moves!)


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 9:49:10 AM)

Start of May / June 1942 - Caucasus

The Axis advances, not attacks done.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 9:54:07 AM)

May / June 1942 - Ostfront.

With the end of March / April the Germans perform two attacks - one to cross the Dnepr - which is successful, destroying the ENG and an ARM of the Soviets.

The other in the north, but the Soviets manage to retreat with no losses (nor inflicting any).

Kharkov was laying just ahead, and the Germans spearheaded toward it - yet the turn end. (An extra impulse would have done marvels but ...). With the Soviet initiative the German spearhead is in trouble, attackable from well 5 hexes (Albeit strong of 21, two SS Mech and the ENG unit.).

The Soviets throw all their planes at it, 2 fighters and 3 bombers. FW190 scramble to defend, but they're repelled by the Soviet fighters, and all the bombers deliver their cargo - 2 units are disrupted.
Then comes the Soviet land attack, which annihilates the German spearhead (2 MECH destroyed and the ENG shattered. It's a loss of 2 BPs extra this way but I prefer to have the precious ENG unit on and about for later than the MECHs, as it take so long to produce an ENG unit).

A grievous Soviet victory that hammered strong units for the Axis.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 11:24:57 AM)

May / June 1942 - Openings of the good season

The Axis in the Caucasus manages to seize Tblis, defended only by a token force (A Division - not sure why it was left there - since the first Impulse was Allied); but too late to get to the oil rigs intact.

Also He111 bombers of the Luftwaffe disrupted the mountain defenders south of Tblisi, easening their subdual into surrender.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 11:28:17 AM)

May / June 1942 - Ostfront

Hitler was rejoicing, the Dnepr was crossed smoothly, Von Rundstedt did an amazing job (not even using the O-Chit), and his pretorians, the SS elite forces, were spearheading toward Kharkov.

But as the turn ended - and the Soviets popped new reinforcements and their reserves got liberated and action-ready, that did not suited well with Axis plans. Stalin clearly had other ideas for Kharkov, surely among them not its sudden fall to Axis hand.

Four new Soviet units (1 plane) were produced in Kharkov to bolster the defences ... or better the forces to mount a massive counterattack. Zhukov (which HQ ability was -not- used) mustered all the Soviet tanks and tankettes in the zone around the SS (Which were attackable by 5 hexes!).

The air battle saw the Soviets victorious, as per all their bombers delivered, and 2 units flipped for the Germans. They used all their fighters, so the Axis was free to give ground support. In the end the attack was a +10 Blitz against a 28 combat power. Hitler will need to create again his elite SS units, it seems.

This was a major gamble for the Soviets. If the attack would have gone sour, about 14-15 units of them could have been flipped (or half of them), leaving them exposed in the plains of Ukraine to the German panzer retaliation. Even the air battle was a gamble, as the Soviets have only 2 fighters of poor quality (4 air factor). They'd have to fight against the odds (not by numbers) on enemy territory, losing pilots too. But this was a successful gamble for the Soviets. They did not used either the O-Chit, the HQ command nor the Anti-Air to shrink the Axis airplane intervention for ground support. Which means there is a plan to withdraw further.

Though when the Axis impulse arrived the retaliation was brutal. Soviets left an amount of weak units as veil to hamper some the Axis movements, but nonetheless to attack the SS they massed armour in a zone and left many other spots without armoured protection.

Germans struggle some due to their air actions which are extremely limiting, but they need both to advance, smash Soviets and try to pin as many of them as they can. Alas the bombing runs are not as efficient as Goering would have liked, and very few Soviets shall limp on the spot if the rest keeps their hasty retreat.

A small garrison unit (1-1) is left to defend the Krim Istmus, which is overrun and German mechanized units arrive to attack Kerch, defended by a CAV unit (Which will be butchered).
Sebastopol is seized, left unguarded. The Black Sea Soviet fleet - after the war opening bombing by the Italians - sails for other not too safe ports, but they do not have much else to go to!

Von Rundstedt (not using HQ support) attacks with a mass of armoured forces a stack of infantries paired up with heavy artillery, trampling all over them.

Other nests of Soviet resistance are quickly dispatched - and Gomel, Smolensk, and Dnepr-City fall all in Axis hands too.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 11:54:15 AM)

Ostfront - Post Combat situation.

Note the Axis had to bring a Para to reinforce a position that was otherwise out of reach due to Soviet ZoC - in case the Soviets would have wished to attack the hex, that contains a Para already, and a Stuka already spent.

The "Disrupted" soviets have been placed on top - only under the Kharkov MIL there is a 2nd disrupted, otherwise all the Soviets are efficient and operational.

The 7-3 INF disrupted is not fruit of bombing but the conversion of the Shattering of Von Rundstedt attack - since it would retreat in open plains it is a potential extra loss for the next impulse. If it remains in the plains, Panzers can run over it!


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 11:59:50 AM)

May / June 1942 - W.Allied landing intents!

They're at it again! The pesky W.Allies want a foothold somewhere in Spain or France (or Portugal).
The Axis is doing its best to pour forces in the sector, but they're still not enough.

The RAF performed a strike on Lille, again; but this time the faithful and old Bf109 of 1939 fend off the UK bombers and survive their escorts returning promptly to base once the raid has been repelled.

The W.Allies use many bombers in the western zone of France, both UK and USA bombers and fighters used as bombers (Even the NAV is used as a tactical bomber, it has 3 factors!) but the German positions stand strong! (All of them missed!).

The Axis airplanes try again to stop the Allied landing, but the Fulmars of the UK Carriers intercepts the incoming force of the Axis.
Bravely the Italian Falco's fight - and get shot down - to bring some of the Axis bombers on the naval squadrons of the Allies, but the anti air fire this time seals the bitter (for the Axis) deal and sends home the only bomber that made it through the Fulmars. The Condor, left alone in the sea zone, opts to withdraw.

The W. Allies rule the waves with no further opposition.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 12:06:55 PM)

May / June 1942 - Azanian Sea Operations

The Brits are not just happy with a landing in France, they crave for the Indian and Australian resources that are making some of their factories be idle.

So Churchill mandates some action there. The Japanese had to reinforce the Seychelles - a potential air base for the RAF to operate in many seas. The Japanese struggle (have to take a Combined action) to bring in troops to defend the relevant island (relevant at least for now).

Diego Suarez is another possibile target too, defended just by a Division. As well as they can try to land in Mombasa - and invade Italian Somaliland, but I am far from sure what kind of use that would have.

(There is also a 2-3 US INF-Div that can land along with the Marines).

Italian air forces fly from Aden, trying to disrupt the landing attempt (No - in truth trying to make a presence there in case of naval intervention later on); luckily enough the Gabbiano finds targets, gets through the flak and sends back to Cape Town 2 BBs and 1 CLs; but none of them with serious damage that will need long and costy repairs.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 12:12:09 PM)

May / June 1942 - Battle for Marshalls preparations

The Japanese send quickly reinforcements in the Marshalls, opting to protect Majuro as well instead of having more units in Kwajalein.
They reinforce as well with more land based Zeros. But this time their carriers do not show up yet.

Though there is a Marine force of the Imperial Army ready to attack - somewhere - with the Carriers kept in Truk (except one that had to go back to Japan to get new planes). Shall the Japanese try to seize back Eniwetok? Or counterattack the USA landing forces if they succeed?


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 12:14:31 PM)

May / June 1942 - Destroyed Pool after 1 Impulse played per side.

The Peru ship was destroyed because it was based in Argentina - that got conquered in April / May 1942 (Because I forgot to move them and the USA marched undisturbed in Buenos Aires).


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 11:44:43 PM)

May / June - Madagascar. Axis Impulse #4

During their impulse the W.Allied invaded Diego Suarez.

Only a Japanese Marine division (and the notional) stood against the Royal Marines of UK and an US Division.
The odds weren't favorable for the UK - +8; but they nailed a pesky 18, which brought ashore both W.Allied units, safe and sound.

A good bunch of Japanese cruisers (8 or 9) that were based there were forced to a sudden evacuation, reaching the far and distant Truk.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/3/2015 11:58:26 PM)

May / June 1942 - Battle for the Marshals (Axis Impulse #4)

The US Marine Corps was set to invade Kwajalein. The Japanese garrison was ready to face them; the Zeros (All 3 long range Zeros based there) scrambled to intercept the waves of bombers, the US sent all of their carrier bombers with heavy escort to ground strike the Japanese Garrison.

The Zeros fought bravely, and with no losses from any side, preventing the US fliers to get to the target, all except one. And that one did not managed to succeed in its (disrupting) intent.

Then, under heavy shore bombardment the Marines launched their assault, and luck and fate wanted them to overwhem the Japanese garrison. (Another +8 attack, another 18 rolled! Unbelievable!).
A Mariner plane, the last at avail, went in for Ground Support, and returned in Eniwetok afterwards.

That though left Eniwetok entirely unguarded, and the IJN launched their minor counteroffensive, lacking shore bombardment to exploit the temporary weakness of the invading forces at Kwajalein (both disrupted).
The Mariner was caught on the ground, and destroyed.

(Thus so far the US lost 5 BPs and the Japan 2)

The fall of Kwajalein though could imply the fall of the Marshalls. The USA have more troops on their way there with long range TRS - which they could have sent in the next impulse into Kwajalein (Namely a 5-3 INF and a 7-1 GARR), thus Japan had to take another Combined Impulse to invade directly without having the USA ship in troops and prevent anything (Able to defend with both units, both isles).


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/4/2015 12:06:11 AM)

May / June 1942 - W.Allied lands in France! (Axis Impulse #4)

The W.Allied were extremely operous during their 2nd Impulse (Impulse #3 of the turn).

Not content with the landing in Madagascar and Kwajalein, their try to land in France too! It looked an almost suicidal attack (A +5.7) without marines, with UK and US units mixed, an INF and a MOT-Div!

The Axis risks a bomber though, an Italian tactical squadron intervenes from Madrid, trying to bolster the defenders (Notional), but the UK Carrier Air intercepts, and guns it down - pilot included.
Mussolini mourns.

Then the Allies land, with success! Only the US MOT-Div is lost in the process (They rolled a 22 final!), so La Rochelle is safely held by a 7-3 strong, organized UK corp.

Hitler commands immediate counterattack - before the Allies can ship in more forces. And so it happens.

The Turkish HQ is railed in the zone to provide supply, and the German units which luckily survived the bombing in the first impulse, with the addition of a freshly produced MECH-Div go for the kill (or better, with the odds the hope is to have the enemy retreat and deny them the port).

A major mistake I believe was the passing on using the W.Allied HQs in Britain to reorganize bombers. Alexander could have got that nice Blenheim with 14 of range that would have surely helped the fight. Especially as Germany lacks fighters in the zone.

Despite the low odds for the Axis, the attack is a success, and the Brits lose their INF (forced to retreat where it cannot has space for.)

La Rochelle is in Axis hands again, and so is the French soil whole!


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/4/2015 12:11:24 AM)

May / June 1942 - Caucasus - Axis Impulse #4

Italo-German bombers performs runs - with poor effect (only 1 unit disrupted) - over the lines of the Soviets.
Von Bock attempts to force the pass - a measly +9 attack but it ends poorly, with 2 Axis losses (MIL + INF) and 1 Soviet (MIL).

Guderian reorganizes the disrupted forces of the Axis.

In Krimea the Axis - after having seized Kerch - bravely attempts to cross the strait with matching name.
Here the Soviets are caught off guard, and trampled.

The German Mechanized units swiftly reach for Krasnodar, occupying it with its factory intact!


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/4/2015 12:14:21 AM)

May / June 1942 - Ostfront - Axis Impulse #4

Poor bombing runs, except Novgorod.

Many attacks, including a paradrop over Yeremenko who, too slow, slugged behind.

All these attacks went smooth for the Axis, having strong odds pratically anywhere with what the Soviets did not managed to slip away with (Only uncertain were Novgorod, +14, and the Yeremenko attack at +9.5 with Blitz).


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/4/2015 3:00:28 AM)

End of May / June 1942 - Destroyed Pool.

The Soviets have taken a beating - but they still stand strong with pratically their armoured forces pretty much intact.

Also luck (for the Allies) wanted the turn end of a measly 2 - when the turn had 30% possibility to end.

As the situation was unchanged due to poor weather in the last impulse of May, I'll just post a screenshot of the Eastern Front.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/4/2015 3:04:16 AM)

End of May / June 1942 - Ostfront

Despite having only 3 impulses of good weather, the Axis did nice progress and are at the gates of Moscow.
Secured two additional factories (Dnepr-City and Stalino) and got hands on some added resources.

On the other hand the Luftwaffe is truly slugging behind.

The last impulse (when I was obviously not aware of it being the last one!) I was tempted to take an Air Impulse to move ahead planes, but there was a 2-1 Garr that I could have attacked as I were, and a juicy Soviet fighter grounded already that I could stomp.

In the end I took a Combined Impulse, and used the naval movement - for how conflicted I was to put the Romanian convoy in the sea - to get the Argentina Convoy out of Gibraltar. So at least Italian units can defend it!


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/4/2015 3:07:08 AM)

End of May / June 1942 - Ostfront, Sud & Caucasus

The Soviets reinforced appropriately the Caucasus sector, and set mechanized forces to stop the advance of the Germans via Kerch.
In the while the German push in Caucasus turned weaker, since they have lost units but did not got any replacement.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/4/2015 10:08:07 PM)

Production to Come: Sept / Oct and Nov / Dec 1942

Finished the hectic weekend sessions (Friday and Saturday late evening to night!) we nailed March April and May June; and got to the beginning of July / Aug (Placing troops, etc).

Here is what is to come for the next 2 turns - and in the next post more follow.

Notice how the Leningrad MIL unit was destroyed - and rebuilt, but has no place to be placed!
And as you can see, Germany is going after factories again - with their ample landgrabs and oil rigs! But this time no navy for the European Axis. Not for now at least.

I sort of got to think that in this game, new ships should not be built by the EU-Axis. Reapair damaged ones? Yes. Finish these in Construction Pool? Yes. If possible obviously, BP allowing.

That gave me a helluva of extra BPs for the Axis - which I am "investing" in German factories and more Italian forces.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/4/2015 10:13:18 PM)

More production coming.

That is what is on the Construction Spyral for the 1943 to come!

Japan surely has some long term plans of resistance, as they're laying down carrier hulls already in advance!

About Japan you saw above 1 Factory produced. The line of thought is that - as currently Japan has 22 factories, in 1943 the 1.5 multiplier will neat 2 BPs for the "odd" factory.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/6/2015 6:45:53 PM)

Jul / Aug 1942 - Openings (First two impulses - Allies got the initiative and will play the next, 3rd impulse).

Battle for the Indian Ocean - Afrikan Coast

The Royal Navy patrols the Azanian Sea in force, concerned of Axis raids from the Italian fleet based in Aden.

In Diego Suarez there is the Queen, but it is disrupted at the moment, with the Royal Marines.

In the central Madagascar the Japanese enlisted local troops to defend the capital and have got their other Marine division in the port giving in to the central Indian Ocean.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/6/2015 6:49:12 PM)

Jul / Aug 1942 - Arabian Sea situation

Germany has taken a Super-Combined, spending an O-Chit.

Minor naval maneuvers from the Kriegsmarine there, that is receiving the Turkish fleet as reinforcement!
Germany establishes a supply link around the Saudi Arabia area!

In the while a German Condor starts to rebase toward the Atlantic, leaving only the 2 Italian Gabbianos to operate in the region.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/6/2015 6:55:42 PM)

Jul / Aug 1942 - Battle for the Indian Ocean

The British sent a squadron of heavy cruisers and other minor vessels to interdict the Japanese shipping to Madagascar.
To no avail.

The Japanese retaliation came swift, but most of the Japanese units have been moved to face the far more perilous USA threat.

Old, and slow battleships depart from Singapore, with some cruisers (2 cruisers at 4, 1 at 3, and 6 BBs at the 2. And 1 Convoy at 0. The Brits are well compact with 7 cruisers at 2!).

The Japanese wisely opt to not load their marine unit from Madagascar, just in case.
And the Japanese finds the RN - only with the 2 light cruisers at the 4 box. 2 damaged ships per side. (roll of 4! Peeled it).

Defiant, having got both cruisers at 4 aborted with severe damage, the Japan opts to stay, having even odds now to find the UK Cruisers. Japan find again but only with the single cruiser at the 3 box. But with surprise points even a single cruiser can adjust the outcome nicely.

Remaining only with the battleships and the unescorted convoy at the 0 (Remember, we play with a House Rule that to force surprise point expenditure a plane must have a Air-to-Sea factor so in this case the Zero in Ceylon is useless), the Japanese got daring and stood, able to find only with 1-2; whereas the Brits with 1-2-3.

But the Japanese found again the Brits, and this time with a row of battleships. One of them aborted, the Royal Navy limped away with 2 cruisers less and another damaged one.

(South, the CW tried to establish a new link to Australia, that was broken by Japanese cruisers sent to raid. But as the cruiser was too weak the Convoy just aborted off to Cape Town.)


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/6/2015 7:02:24 PM)

Jul / Aug 1942 - South Pacific Panoramic.

The US did not did much, besides reinforcing the Fiji (in the return to base phase of the previous turn) with a 7-1 White Print garrison.

The Fiji this time escaped a vicious port strike where a single TRS was parked in the docks!

In Tasman sea the UK brings forth a convoy, which is swiftly sunk by incoming Japanese submarines.
In New Zealand Coast the US Convoy, escorted by a single cruiser in the 3 box meets 2 Japanese Cruisers (or better - the cruisers meet each other, and abort each other 1 on 1!).

By the Fiji there is also a 5-4 Marine Corp of the USA, that now with the TRS can invade, somewhere.


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/6/2015 7:10:21 PM)

Jul / Aug 1942 - Solomon Sea

The Japanese seems determined to achieve something - for how minimal.

Their carrier force with large escort - and 2 divisions worth of invasion force - are all packed there, with lots of air support around.

The Japanese could want to secure some more isles for their perimeter, and deny air bases to the Allies (Yes that is my intent), but if the US is up for a naval battle, better now than later when they get the Essex carriers.

Yamamoto has been personally sent in Truk to oversee operations (Shame Japan is short of O-Chits to use in Naval Operations!)

The US main fleet - with carriers - is still docked into Pearl Harbour, in wait for something. Now that the Japanese have fielded their carriers already, where the US will go? But the poor weather does not give many options!


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/6/2015 7:16:21 PM)

Jul / Aug 1942 - USA Fleet at Pearl Harbour


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/6/2015 7:22:54 PM)

Jul / Aug 1942 - All quiet on Manchurian Front

Nothing is really happening there, but it's good to show what forces are there.

I think the Soviets could make a better use of that plane in Europe to be honest!

The Irktusk MIL unit has just been rebuilt instead and below it, there are oil barrels!


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/6/2015 7:27:31 PM)

Jul / Aug 1942 - China

China is surely not a front anymore, and Japan has lots of anti partisan units.
Not that they really want to, but Japan lacks the shipping to dispatch these units quickly enough to other fronts!

Also - quite a mistake, Hong Kong is still British controlled. Something by the next turn should be over, as I can rail a unit there and in Sept / Oct march into it!


AlbertN -> RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) (10/6/2015 7:31:22 PM)

Jul / Aug 1943 - Chile's impending end.

Little to say, the "Democracies" and "Protector of the Weaks and World Freedom" are going to invade via land Chile, due to its rich amount of resources.

I am highly sceptical the Chile forces can put up a good fight against such overwhelming odds, but at least they'll keep US troops off Europe for some time.


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