Letters from a Prime Minister (Full Version)

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1275psi -> Letters from a Prime Minister (9/24/2015 9:47:37 AM)

Awaiting a first turn

John 3rd vs herbiesan

I am going to be playing allies

Stock scene 1!
(PDU on)

pws1225 -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/24/2015 10:10:28 AM)

This should be fun to follow. Any idea what form your AAR will take?

Lecivius -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/24/2015 3:27:17 PM)


Lowpe -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/24/2015 6:09:39 PM)


kaleun -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/24/2015 8:14:37 PM)


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/27/2015 3:15:08 AM)

The Minister of War
Commonwealth of Australia
Commander Australian Army
General Blamey


Frank Ford carefully picks up the thin document, wearily wipes his brow.
It is damn near 100 degrees in the shade today, the last thing I need today, is to have to wade through
Blameys bloody tripe......

"An appreciation of Japanese intentions and tactics"

So now the barsted thinks we are going to war against the Japanese........
As if.

Frank pauses.........the document, as thin as it is probably demands attention

A drop of sweat falls upon the document, spreads across the typed words. One falls
upon the word Japan....the ink running, spreading octopus like.

Japan has today announced a new supreme commander, who has, ominously, been called
upon to "restore order and freedom to the South east Asian sphere'
It is the considered opinion of this Command that he will attempt to do this by force.

Likely actions:


The new Commander is carrier concentric. Long an advocate of combined carrier operations, he can be expected
to indulge himself in long range deep operations, seeking to strike isolated outposts
and shipping routes

Surprise strikes against major allied bases NO MATTER HOW FAR from the empire may be struck
These strikes will be conducted (in my staffs appreciation) by the 6 large
carriers of the newly created Combined fleet

Secondary operations, the conquest of the DEI's, an absolutely essential component of
any war against us, will be covered by lighter carriers, and the battleships of the 1st fleet
Psychologically these operations will have less "appeal" to the new Imperial high command, and
may well be conducted in an expectation of easy victory

How we will take advantage of this I will detail in further papers....


The Japanese Army has just 11 divisions to deploy in the pacific.
This is more than adequate AGAINST SCATTERED AND NON CO ORDINATED units of our
army, and all allied forces in the pacific
However, there is very little reserve for un expected delays or heavy resistance....

As already discussed, the formation of ABDA Command is key to our defence of vital interests

The enemy will attempt to sieze Malaya, Burma, all of the DEI
being a "glamour" operation, I anticipate an early attempt to take Port Moresby (supported by Combined
Fleet carriers) and Noumea, Suva

Central to all this is the current argument between our Prime Minister and Churchill over
the 7th and 6th Australian Divisions.
This is neither time nor document to discuss this ....

7th Australian............
And Jason
My second son......home ward bound at last, but are you?
A hard thing for the Minister of war, the Deputy prime Minister, to have all 4 sons in uniform
A hard thing....


The Japanese airforce is poorly equipped, poorly manned, poorly trained
The Army considers the current forces available to us adequate for the defence of Malaya
We are alarmed at the paucity of forces available to Australia, but do NOT
consider an invasion of this continent a possibility.....

Frank pauses
The first page done, and Blamey seems to have it all under control in his own mind......
And what of India?
Of the phillipines?
And what of the Americans?. Would they come in?

His Irish blood stirs
For the British Empire?..........aye, not bloody likely?

Ok then, this is what he thinks THEY will do (and again, Japan at war with the empire?, China, the Dutch
and possibly America?.....madness)

What then, does Blamey intend to do?

ABDA plans

Carefully the Minister reads the document, his frown deepening with every paragraph

So, Jason, I know where Blamey wants you to go..........

It is just on dusk as he finishes reading
A fighting document indeed.......
And one that quite possibly would work, would exploit the New High Commands weaknesses to
the T

One that Curtain would never agree to........

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/27/2015 3:17:59 AM)


'Minister, wake up please"

Frank slowly opens his eyes, the fog heavy still upon him
His Secretary, looking grave...
And the Speaker of the house
"Yes, what is it?"

The speaker gathers himself, then his voice rumbling, thunderstorm on the
far horizon, announces doom

'There has been an accident.......The Prime Minister is dead"

Blind Sniper -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/27/2015 8:25:59 AM)

I will follow both AARs, good luck!

ny59giants -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/27/2015 11:37:09 AM)

Expect lots of invasions by Fast Transport TFs. That was something I didn't adjust to well enough to effectively counter.

Major Shane -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/27/2015 4:03:12 PM)

Subscribed. Looking forward to see who wins.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/28/2015 8:47:04 AM)

Dec 6th

A Dusty rail station, almost melting in the midday sun.
Tracks shimmering, almost dancing in the sun
A typical Australian summers day, still, silent, one that wilts.
One that, every year, even kills

On the platform, a tall thin, young figure.
A shock of red hair adorning a neat, too new uniform.

Flight officer Jack Ford seems impervious to the heat. The paper in his hand
is barely as crisp as his uniform. It will wilt well before he will
The paper is barely read.
The headlines are enough.

So, Father, the job you so long wanted, is now yours. Are you up to it?
Prime Minister of Australia. My father..........it does not seem real to me

Jack sighs
Maybe now that he has it, he might concentrate a little more on...........
No, that won't happen. Not now
Its too late for that.

He swaps the paper for his documents. Orders.........to a squadron that does not yet exist,
with planes not yet built.

But at least he has his wings, and will now fly in an Aussie squadron
75th RAAF

Who in the hell comes up with that number?

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/30/2015 9:12:15 AM)

The Armed Merchant Cruiser Westralia, too lies baking under the Australian sun
She, however has the luxury of the afternoon sea breeze sweeping gently across her fading decks.

Its needed.
A line of sweating men swing stores from a truck up the gangway. Man to Man, the boxes of vegetables, the
sides of beef, the sacks of spuds climb steadily , and disappear into Westralia's cavernous holds

Jeffery Ford, 4th son of the new Prime minister, sweats with the best of them
The news of his Fathers ascendancy has temporarily elevated his profile, a very unwanted profile
No less than 5 of his mates have already approached him......."anyway you can swing it to get me off this bucket

No, there is no. I, like you, have been consigned to this floating outpost of hell......

The spuds rise up the gangway, man by man.
Jeffery Ford swings his share.
Another tormented soul lost on the Westralia.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/30/2015 9:29:46 AM)

To his Honour
the Prime Minister of Australia
The Honourable Leader of the Opposition

Well Frank, first of all, congratulations, despite the tragic circumstances
of your elevation.
I will not beat about the bush.
As Minister of war, nobody would have been aware as you are of the
perilous state of this Nations defences in this time of peril and war.

Prime Minister Curtin, almost single handed, has commenced to bring our finest
fighting men, the 6th and 7th divisions home.
With rumblings in the Pacific, I have changed my mind about opposing this move,
despite all of Winstons grumblings.
What I would like to know, what is your opinion and plans for our 2 Divisions in the middle East
Also, I am urged by many in my Party to again float the idea of a national government, or a war
cabinet composed of all parties.

Yours sincerely,

To my dear Tony
Thankyou for your kind letter
At this time I do not:
a/ believe that Japan would dare declare war against the Western nations
b/ that if they did, Prime Minister Churchill would renege on his personal
word to us to send every possible aid.
3/ I have thought carefully on the matter of the 1st corp
I believe that as part of the empire, these troops should be deployed in the global British effort
I cannot, under any circumstances , see Australia threatened with invasion
Thank you again, look forward to seeing you in the house chambers next year


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (9/30/2015 9:33:54 AM)

Dec 7th

Some distance south of Midway

USS Enterprise

0400 am

"Sir, we have a report of unknown ships 200 miles north of us"
"Who in the hell is reporting that?"
"Flight officer Jones sir, search arc 7"

'damn it, get me confirmation"


The pugious Admiral pauses
"Double damn it.........get the birds on deck"

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/3/2015 6:46:53 AM)

Dec 7th
HQ Malaya Army
LGEN Bennett

Well, the enemy have attacked us. From what I hear, the Americans have been boxed around the
ears badly.
So, no help from them.

The situation is this (as far as I can tell)
Landings at Vigan, Khota Bharu.
Our airforce is in the fight, and POW and Repulse have "faded into the shadows"
as planned.

My plan remains unchanged, it is just having to be implemented earlier than
Traditional lines of defence will not work against the Japanese.
I have studied their Chinese tactic closely

The only way to win, is to grapple the little yellow men, and fight him
Thus, I am ordering all units "to march to the sound of the guns"

Entrain immediately, and get North
Where?, unknown aqs yet.
Just get north, locate the enemy thrust, and fight.


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/3/2015 7:06:07 AM)

Prime Ministers office

9 Pm

It has been a long day. God, so long.
He could do with a beer

But there remains too much to do. probably would for a long, long time yet.
Before him , waiting patiently, LGEN Smart, Commander of 1st corp

A corp where Jason, dear young Jason, serves with the 7th division
He will be bloody pissed off when he hears what his Father is going to order today.........

"Winston was returning your Corp only because Curtin wanted that. I am going to
take Winston at his word. I need you General to get to your Corp ASAP.
Further more, I want the 1st Division formed as priority, and it will be sent to you
as soon as possible"

A silence

"Whats wrong general?, I am giving you another division"

"Sir, if I may?"
"You may"

"What if Curtin was right......the Japanese may well come........"
"This far?"
"Well sir, we are terribly thin with aircraft, ships, fitted units.......everything"

"I, as former Minister for war, am more than aware of that. "
"But sir........."

General, this is now an allied war. We are Britian"s best ally. Right now they need help
in Malaya, Asia. We will help them. If, and it is a huge if, we need help, Winston will
send it.
Is that clear?"

The General stiffens. Salutes

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/3/2015 7:17:28 AM)

The Bridge
USS Enterprise

Lt Jackson, staff Officer to the Admiral, stands quietly in the background, as
the disaster quietly unfolds before him.
The Penny, the Arizona, the Nevada.......all of them .

The fleet, the battle wagons......MY Navy


The Admiral quietly listens to the report.....the anger barely contained

Any other reports on those ships?"
"No sir........are we going for the Japs?, that must be them to the North west of pearl"
"I would, if I had my way. "

The Admiral takes the report, reads the list of destruction again, screws the list up, and hucks it away
'I am ordered to Join Lexington.....recover Wake fighters......and, heaven help us,
Follow plan 1."

"Jackson, we are going to need a lot of fuel.........give me a plan ASAP please"

Plan 1........
So we fight .......but not here

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/4/2015 4:23:20 AM)

His Honour
The Prime Minister of Australia
Prime Minister Winston Churchill

My Dear Frank

So the Japanese have made their move
I would immediately like to thank you for the change of heart
towards the 1st Australian Corp.
It is my intention to deploy this Corp into Malaya if at all possible, if not there
into Java.
These troops, plus the strong navy reinforcements able to back up
POW , should throw a serious check into Japanese ambitions.

As you know, ABDA command has wrung wonderous co operation from the Dutch, many of
their troops will come under ABDA Command in the days ahead.

I hold confidence that Malaya will be held, and a strong counter attack can soon be launched.

All we have to do is hold on, until the might of America's arsenal, in great righteousness
rises up and crushes these vile aggressors


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/4/2015 4:31:21 AM)

8th Dec 1941

First naval battle...DD John Ford sunk at the mouth of Manilla bay
CA Houston surprises a Japanese invasion convoy near Palua
She sinks 2 DD, 2 AK, and a large tanker, before succumbing herself to a torp strike, and a Nell
bomber attack

SS Plunger misses the Zuikaku North of pearl

Mac Aurthur emerges from his slumber, and orders every man available in Manando
to march North towards Vigan.........

And Khoto Bharu falls, the enemy seems intent on landing the bulk of the 25th Army here.

Long prepared plans of the allies swing into action....

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/4/2015 4:49:41 AM)

The Med

HMAS Napier

"Navigator to Captains cabin"

The broadcast through Napiers narrows corridors barely stirs the majority of men
sleeping heavily below her decks
This small grey ship, her barrels still stained from the weeks action, rests wearily
in Alexandria's bosom, her crew exhausted from fighting the latest convoy "through".

None , with the exception of the Captain, feel this exhaustion more than her navigator

Lt John Ford opens his eyes. It has been bare moments since he has laid his head down.
Sleep........so damn close.

With a great struggle he rolls from his bunk, grabs his Jacket.

The Captain answers the door quickly

The ever ready smile, the cool clear eyes meet him, exhaustion held somehow at bay

"News Nav"..the smile broadens " one, new orders.......we are to refit, then its the
Indian Ocean for us........."
The Captain pauses, and the smile vanishes
"More problems now......apparently I now have one of the Prime ministers Sons under my command ,
and you just know what happens to a mans career if he gets him killed."

zuluhour -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/4/2015 12:38:00 PM)

I'm in.[sm=00000613.gif]

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/5/2015 3:37:43 AM)

December 9th

With a hesitant wobble, the last of the wildcats bounces uneasily down
Enterprises deck
"That's all of Wakes planes sir"

Lt Jackson watches his Admiral closely. he, above all, detests what this action
The marines at wake are being abandoned.
And Enterprise is running

A bad, very bad way, to start the war

"Course due south, Flank speed"

Kido Bharu is sighted, North east off pearl, and if she chooses too, could reach them...........

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/5/2015 3:47:26 AM)

The British airforce, concentrated over Georgetown, rises to fight

Concentrated, the buffaloes, engage "the inferior Japanese airforce"

Concentrated, they die together.

In one horrible day, Malaya's air defences fall.

In peacetime, it is easy to sustain illusions on your strength, on your enemies
War will shatter them.

It might just take time for many to realise that the age of Unicorns and magic fairies
is over.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/5/2015 3:56:47 AM)

The Speaker of the house
His right honourable Leader of the Opposition.

Far be it to break convention and protocol, but are you aware
of the latest orders from the Prime Minister to General Blamey?
I have heard (and wish I could confirm this) that he has ordered the 30th
Brigade, in all of its totality to Port Moresby.

Are you aware of this?

Also, even more alarmingly, all troops in Darwin are ordered North into the DEI's
I know he has a close relationship with the Dutch administrator, but this close?

Please keep this to yourself, after all, we do have a constitution to
adhere to

Speaker of the house

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/6/2015 7:28:31 AM)

Dec 10th

She already has a reputation
Today, she full fills it.

40 miles due North of Miri, in the deepest dark of a moonless night, CA Boise pounces on
the Invasion convoy headed home

There is the dark, then the silence splitting crack of guns, the sun bright starshell illuminating
the stunned Japanese in stark relief.
There is but moments to recover from the shock

Boise gives none

30 minutes later she will fade away into the dark, the sea afire behind her.

First Houston
Now Boise

The message is simple
Come on , you yellow barsteds.........there will be no where you can think your self safe.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/6/2015 7:37:57 AM)

Admiral Nimitz
The Chiefs of staff

Enemy carriers have vanished from our search.
Possibly returning to Japan, although equal possibility they are refuelling
preparatory to second strike.

Status of battle line grave, all Battleships are extensively damaged.
However, all destroyers , 2 heavy and 2 light cruisers available
Intend to form North Pac squadron,2 CL, 8 DD and dispatch immediately

Remaining ships to south pacific.

Lexington, Enterprise to rendezvous Christmas island, and to await Saratoga.
Deployment to follow Plan 1

Require immediate clarification on SW Pacific, South Pacific and Pacific Command areas
as Discussed last Chief of Staff Meeting.

You will be looking for a hat to hang Pearl harbour debacle upon. I submit respectfully that
Admiral Kimmel is too well qualified to be replaced at this time


ny59giants -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/6/2015 11:49:08 AM)

For those of us that played WITP, including Boise in your storyline would be greatly appreciated. She was a one ship wrecking crew back in the day. [&o]

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/7/2015 7:28:00 AM)

Your wish will be granted!

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/7/2015 7:43:17 AM)

Dec 11 1941


It is the very picture of the Tropical paradise.
Brilliant blue seas lapping gently onto stunning pure white beaches bordered by palms and
tropical jungles.
It is a place barely known by most Westerners, 40 miles away, a small airfield exists,
abandoned already by the allies.
The Japanese want that airfield, want to establish a base for the thrust towards Ambon, towards
Dilli, towards Timor, and maybe even Darwin.

A small fleet lies of those beautiful beaches, 3 tramp steamers, 2 small patrol
A Steady stream of small boats shuttles troops onto the beaches from the ships, the men initially
grim as they reach the sands, soon relaxing, there is nothing more dangerous here
other than the sun.

The Japanese Octopus is beginning to stretch her tentacles.

They are spotted, the destroyers, at quite a range, white bones in their teeth.
But it will not matter what range they were spotted at.
They are lightly armed, these elderly old dogs. 4 Stackers.........

Lightly armed.
Bloody fast.

Another day, another invasion fleet struck.

Destroyers Stuart, Parrot, Paul Jones, Bulmer, Baker.
Old dogs

The beaches will soon no longer be pure white.
Soon, a new colour.

Blood red.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/7/2015 7:49:42 AM)

The Alarm bells crash through Enterprises decks, to station!, to station!

Men swarm, doors clang, engines rise in sound and fury.

Lt Jackson is still struggling with his helmet as he stumbles onto the bridge.
The Admiral is already there, his eyes twinkle almost in amusment at his Staff officers

'lieutenant, I, can't ever imagine this ship going down so quickly that you will need that thing
immediately.......a little less haste, a bit more speed please"
"Captain, situation?"

"Lexington reports 2 torpedoes astern sir, missed by 100 yards"

""Damn, we are spotted...........though I think we might find that this draws the enemy carriers out now"..

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