SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (12/15/2015 4:31:00 AM)
ORIGINAL: Lowpe Was there no enemy fighter CAP over Sydney, and what does that tell you? I guess in this mod, there is no supply generation from refineries so fortress Palembang isn't overpowered. However, given a choice of getting Palembang or Balikpapen I would prioritize Palembang first since it is easier for the Allies to reinforce it. In fact, I worry greatly about it right now. But I don't know what you have up there to provide air support to take it. Is there enough supply that Miri is repairing the oil fields? Hi Lowpe, The Allied CAP will be back, Francois' just waiting for an opportunity. The B-17 raid against Rockhampton really stung me, as I had just deployed 40 Zero's bound for Port Kembla to the base. Six were damaged during the transfer, and another 14 were damaged in A2A against the bombers. I now have 20 damaged airframes sitting on a damaged runway. Ouch. If I can't reinforce Rockhampton before an Allied counterattack, it will be extremely painful to lose so many fighters. As to Palembang, I don't have the troops to take it, nor local air superiority to ensure an amphibious taskforce arrives safely. I'm not too concerned about Palembang, I traditionally don't take it until after I capture Singapore. If it gets trashed that's out of my control. I've committed IJA 38th Division to Singapore in order to take it as quickly as possible. Five divisions should be plenty, especially when Francois used the two Australian Bde.'s as a roadblock at Jhore Bharu. They were routed on the 4th. Miri doesn't have enough supply yet.