RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (Full Version)

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Skygge -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 5:23:22 PM)


- The first wave lands at Geraldton, takes Perth
- Land the main invasion force around Melbourne
- Take Tasmania as an unsinkable aircraft carrier and supply/fuel dump for the invasion.
- Take New Caledonia & Lord Howe Island as naval search bases.

That is indeed a daring and intriguing plan with the potiential of being a masterstoke if succesful.

mind_messing -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 5:28:31 PM)




- The first wave lands at Geraldton, takes Perth
- Land the main invasion force around Melbourne
- Take Tasmania as an unsinkable aircraft carrier and supply/fuel dump for the invasion.
- Take New Caledonia & Lord Howe Island as naval search bases.

That is indeed a daring and intriguing plan with the potiential of being a masterstoke if succesful.

I wouldn't go that far. It's what I'd do if I was going "all out".

It has it's problems:
- Logistics, though you could possibly limit most of the issues with troop transport if you clear the Perth-Port Augusta railroad.
- Commitment. It triggers the emergency reinforcements very early.
- Distance. Southern Australia is very, very far from everything else...

Skygge -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 5:31:11 PM)

Hence the :

if succesful.


If it fails I will be the first to call it an irresponsible adventure.


Lokasenna -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 6:52:04 PM)

Forget Melbourne as the primary big target. It should be Sydney. Bigger shipyard (which is super useful to you even if you don't expand it), and with Perth/Sydney taken then Melbourne is pretty much no-sale for the Allies. The same is not true for Sydney if Perth/Melbourne are taken - not even if you have Brisbane. You would also need Tasmania and the islands east of Sydney. It's not just about air bubbles, it's about being able to interdict with your superior surface forces in the early war.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 8:15:12 PM)

It's very interesting to see the different opinions and approaches on what could/should be done. I've noticed a few comments are beginning to expand the list of bases that need to be captured and I see a lot of force dispersal and losing of focus on the primary targets as a result.

I have a plan in mind and will disclose the details once the game begins. Essentially, without Sydney and Melbourne contested and isolated from reinforcement as quickly as possible, the likelihood of success is minimal. Capturing Perth first in no way isolates either Sydney or Melbourne, nor does Tasmania really. Yes, they do contribute to preventing supply and reinforcement of Australia proper, but I don't think they should be considered as primary objectives at this stage. Securing of Lord Howe Island and New Caledonia to protect the flank and perform a search function is needed, but not at the expense of the primary goal. Without Sydney this operation will fail. Without Melbourne this operation will fail. Everything I do must contribute to the quick isolation and capture of these two bases, because if I don't, nothing else matters. If neither of these bases falls Plan B is complete withdrawal. Enough doom and gloom [:D]. First isolate Sydney and Melbourne by air, ground and sea, then everything else should fall into place. If I have additional forces available, I most certainly will address other secondary targets if the opportunity presents itself.

Good stuff. I'm enjoying the discussion and glad people are engaged. I don't mean to discount or disparage anyone's comments. I have a plan, but will certainly factor in what others bring to the table.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/28/2015 4:46:43 AM)

As I was working on the first turn it occurred to me, maybe I should look at what I'm getting into with a proposed invasion of Australia. I'm not one to usually do this, but I fired up the Allied side and looked at Australia's starting OOB. I was shocked seeing only 2422 AV in total, including New Guinea and Tasmania. This total does not include Malaya or Australian 6th and 7th Divisions which eventually arrive at Aden. I can't put it any other way, Australia seems quite weak with most units only having 30 experience.

If I can surprise Francois with an unorthodox plan and bring enough, fast enough, I just might have a chance. Much will depend on how he reacts, and I get a sense that he's the kind of person that doesn't scare easily. It could develop into quite a fight.

On another note. With the low AV totals and lack of forts at some key positions, I definitely think some secondary objectives are much more attainable than I first thought possible. Some objectives could be added to Phase I after all.

Yaab -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/28/2015 7:28:40 AM)

An interesting thing about Oz. While LI industry has heavy presence in Sydney/Newcastle/Kembla, the Resources needed for its operations are scattered in several outlying bases. If you go for the LI bases, but do not cut them from Resources, then you may fail in your conquest of Oz.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/28/2015 2:55:40 PM)



An interesting thing about Oz. While LI industry has heavy presence in Sydney/Newcastle/Kembla, the Resources needed for its operations are scattered in several outlying bases. If you go for the LI bases, but do not cut them from Resources, then you may fail in your conquest of Oz.

That's a good point Yaab. I plan on capturing Kembla and Newcastle immediately prior to investing Sydney. I can't remember the name of the base further inland from Sydney, but I plan to capture that base with paratroops if possible. That will block any rail movement of resources into Sydney. Melbourne will be trickier to isolate.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/28/2015 3:31:35 PM)

I'm going to have the first turn wrapped up by the weekend and send it off to Francois. We are in no hurry to start, but after awhile I get 1st turn fatigue and just want to be done with it. I'm nearing that point.

We'll be playing a non-historic first turn so Force Z will be an initial concern.

A first for me in this game is tinkering with a few of the warp TF's. I've never liked the initial dispositions of many of the TF's and may add/remove some ship types and redirect a few TF's to positions that better reflect my overall plan. So another first for me will be testing the turn to see the results of my tinkering.

There will be a full Pearl Harbor strike with CV Kaga remaining with KB. I will set all A6M2's to either escort or CAP as none will be set to strafe. I ran a few Pearl Harbor raids previously and the Zero losses to FLAK were insane with 26 being shot down. No thanks. I've never performed a second day of strikes against Pearl Harbor, and definitely will not risk further aircraft and pilot loss to FLAK.

We discussed Manila and I asked for a second port strike to be allowed, but only by LBA. I'm not trying for a double knockout, but I want the flexibility to target a few of the ships and submarines based at Manila. Clark Field will still be targeted as well. I've done this in the past and it's usually only a few ships/subs that get hit. Francois does not have any objections.

There will be no Mersing landing or deep penetrating warp TF invasions on turn one.

Chickenboy -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/28/2015 4:45:25 PM)


There will be no Mersing landing or deep penetrating warp TF invasions on turn one.

You big baby. [:'(]

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/28/2015 5:28:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

You big baby. [:'(]

Unfortunately I can't. We've discussed some things and Mersing came up as not kosher with Francois. That's ok on my end.

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/29/2015 1:55:38 AM)




ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

You big baby. [:'(]

Unfortunately I can't. We've discussed some things and Mersing came up as not kosher with Francois. That's ok on my end.

HR against landing at Mersing? Poppycock.

My game had a HR against a day 1 landing at Mersing, and I think that makes sense. I did a day 2 landing and things went great. I think a day 2 landing is almost better anyway, since you don't have to worry about Force Z going straight there.

Crazypantoufle -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/30/2015 11:41:20 AM)

About China, it all dépends on what is your priority on this front.

Opening the road to Indochina? Take Changhsha first.

Long term startegy to annihilate China by capturing/neutralizing Chungking? Go to Sian/Langshow before he has time to move enough troops to build a strong defense line in the rough terrain between Sian and Nanyang, or worse, in the mountains South of Langshow.
If you want to deny him any fuel supply for the chinese HI AND be able to use this fuel/oïl for your own KMC HI, taking control of the Nanyang-Sian-Langshow road is crucial, as it is the only good road in northern china who can bring this fuel/oïl efficiently to your KMC HI.

Changsha industry is quite trashed at the start and need some time to repair before being that crucial supply center for KMT troops. Just cover the easy-to-defend forest hexes around Changsha and Ichang with some troops to prevent any nasty chinese plans on Hankow/Wuchang/Nanchang while you're attacking in northern China.

Lokasenna -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/30/2015 2:14:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: Crazypantoufle

About China, it all dépends on what is your priority on this front.

Opening the road to Indochina? Take Changhsha first.

Long term startegy to annihilate China by capturing/neutralizing Chungking? Go to Sian/Langshow before he has time to move enough troops to build a strong defense line in the rough terrain between Sian and Nanyang, or worse, in the mountains South of Langshow.
If you want to deny him any fuel supply for the chinese HI AND be able to use this fuel/oïl for your own KMC HI, taking control of the Nanyang-Sian-Langshow road is crucial, as it is the only good road in northern china who can bring this fuel/oïl efficiently to your KMC HI.

Changsha industry is quite trashed at the start and need some time to repair before being that crucial supply center for KMT troops. Just cover the easy-to-defend forest hexes around Changsha and Ichang with some troops to prevent any nasty chinese plans on Hankow/Wuchang/Nanchang while you're attacking in northern China.

I've said it before and I'll say it again... the Chinese north is a sideshow when it comes to China. Taking out China is all about snarfing up Liuchow, Tsuyung, and Kweiyang. China will fall with or without the couple hundred supply per day it will get from Sian, Lanchow, and so on. The pace of combat operations will eat up that supply and it just won't matter. Plus, you'll eventually capture those bases anyway.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/30/2015 6:48:05 PM)

The first turn is away.

Lecivius -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/30/2015 6:56:09 PM)



The first turn is away.


JocMeister -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/30/2015 6:57:16 PM)



The first turn is away.

I was just about to suggest you don´t use KB for a PH strike. It would have been of much better use to you in the DEI! [:D]

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/30/2015 7:27:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: JocMeister

I was just about to suggest you don´t use KB for a PH strike. It would have been of much better use to you in the DEI! [:D]

I personally like the Pearl Harbor strike so I don't mind keeping that aspect of the war based in reality. However, wait for it, I did not target Pearl Harbor's airbase. Let the screaming begin [:D]. The entire KB air wing is ordered to concentrate on the American Navy, rather than destroying obsolete Allied aircraft. The tests I ran showed the number of aircraft destroyed on the ground never exceeded 30, so it was hardly worth the effort in my opinion. On the other hand, the CA's, DD's and support ships were targeted more than I've ever seen in the past. The less ships available to interfere in my Australian operations the better.

I do get to hit Manila's port with LBA though, so hopefully some submarines will be targeted. I actually want to encourage a fight in the DEI and I find KB there is too much of a deterrent to allow aggressive Allied operations. I'll explain more as the first few turns evolve, but I want Francois to focus on the DEI and encourage him to keep his naval assets there. I hope to distract him from immediately thinking defensively about Australia.

I'm much more focused on destroying Allied forces this time around, if I play my usual way and bring the hammer all the time, the Allies simply melt away.

Lokasenna -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/30/2015 9:20:58 PM)

I think it's worth hitting the AFs with your divebombers and their crappy bombs, at least. Definitely not worth keeping the Zeroes on airfield strafing attacks, as you'll lose a lot of them. And don't waste the Kates on the airfields.

But damaging the planes is worthwhile, and any Catalinas (and B-17s) destroyed on the ground are awesome. Really helps initially IMO.

Chickenboy -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/30/2015 9:36:01 PM)


I'm much more focused on destroying Allied forces this time around, if I play my usual way and bring the hammer all the time, the Allies simply melt away.

Then again, your opponent may elect to melt away in a "Sir Robin" anyways, regardless of your pressing him. It's been done. [:'(]

JocMeister -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/30/2015 9:37:33 PM)




ORIGINAL: JocMeister

I was just about to suggest you don´t use KB for a PH strike. It would have been of much better use to you in the DEI! [:D]

I personally like the Pearl Harbor strike so I don't mind keeping that aspect of the war based in reality. However, wait for it, I did not target Pearl Harbor's airbase. Let the screaming begin [:D]. The entire KB air wing is ordered to concentrate on the American Navy, rather than destroying obsolete Allied aircraft. The tests I ran showed the number of aircraft destroyed on the ground never exceeded 30, so it was hardly worth the effort in my opinion. On the other hand, the CA's, DD's and support ships were targeted more than I've ever seen in the past. The less ships available to interfere in my Australian operations the better.

I do get to hit Manila's port with LBA though, so hopefully some submarines will be targeted. I actually want to encourage a fight in the DEI and I find KB there is too much of a deterrent to allow aggressive Allied operations. I'll explain more as the first few turns evolve, but I want Francois to focus on the DEI and encourage him to keep his naval assets there. I hope to distract him from immediately thinking defensively about Australia.

I'm much more focused on destroying Allied forces this time around, if I play my usual way and bring the hammer all the time, the Allies simply melt away.

Personally I think you would have been better off using the KB in the DEI to secure your objectives quickly rather then possibly sinking some old and slow BBs. Get the KB back to the DEI quickly to speed you advance! [:)]

I think you have a solid plan though. But the drawback with it is I think that the outcome is out of your hands. If Francois prepares accordingly I don´t think you can overcome OZ. The UH terrain + forts are your primary enemies. If he doesn´t prepare though...he will be in trouble no doubt. [:)]

PS: Plan B: Land in January and strat bomb using your LBA. OZ AA non existing until April if I remember correctly.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/30/2015 11:38:02 PM)

Turn 1 has been run.

Of all the iterations I ran before finalizing the end of turn save to Francois, the official turn was the worst of the bunch. Oh well, I traditionally have underwhelming first turns and this was no different. I stand by my decisions, but I know for a fact the results could have been much better.

The war is on. Time to shake off the Japanese cobwebs and get to work. I'll post later on turn 1.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/31/2015 3:49:03 AM)

I'll just post the relevant after action reports for Dec. 7th and go into more detail about upcoming moves next posting.

Morning Air attack on Pearl Harbor , at 180,107

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 117 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 43 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 72
B5N2 Kate x 144
D3A1 Val x 126

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 15 damaged
B5N2 Kate: 7 destroyed by flak
D3A1 Val: 14 damaged
D3A1 Val: 2 destroyed by flak

Allied aircraft losses
OS2U-3 Kingfisher: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships
BB Nevada, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
BB California, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 3, on fire
BB West Virginia, Bomb hits 7, Torpedo hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
BB Arizona, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 6, and is sunk
BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 8, Torpedo hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
BB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires
AD Dobbin, Bomb hits 1
BB Maryland, Bomb hits 8, Torpedo hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
BB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
AV Wright, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CL St. Louis, Bomb hits 1
AO Ramapo, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CA New Orleans, Bomb hits 3
DD Jarvis, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CL Honolulu, Bomb hits 1, on fire
DD Reid, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CA San Francisco, Bomb hits 1

Allied ground losses:
8 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Repair Shipyard hits 3
Port hits 21
Port fuel hits 4
Port supply hits 1

The reasoning here was to sink ships. I know most people target the airbase to destroy PBY's and B-17's, but I opted out as numerous test results were poor. Unfortunately, more ships were targeted than just the BB's in my test runs, but in this case the air wing concentrated almost solely on the battlewagons. I can't complain as they were hit pretty hard. I tried something different and it didn't quite work out as planned.

Morning Air attack on Manila , at 79,77

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 41
G4M1 Betty x 75

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
xAK Ethel Edwards, Bomb hits 3, on fire
DD Peary, Bomb hits 2, on fire
PT Q-112, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
PT-32, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
SS Seawolf, Bomb hits 1, heavy damage
xAP President Madison, Bomb hits 1, on fire
DD Pillsbury, Bomb hits 1, on fire
SS Skipjack, Bomb hits 1
SS Pickerel, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
SS Pike, Bomb hits 1
PG Isabel, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
SS Swordfish, Bomb hits 1
SS Seal, Bomb hits 1
ACM Colonel Harrison, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires

Repair Shipyard hits 2
Port hits 1
Port fuel hits 1
Port supply hits 1

Results at Manila were not great, but I wasn't trying for a knockout blow here. I just wanted to hit a few submarines. Only one sunk outright, but the first one is the hardest to get. [:D]

I did target Clark Field, but results were negligible.

Morning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 29
G3M2 Nell x 33

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
P-40B Warhawk: 2 destroyed, 7 damaged
B-17D Fortress: 10 damaged
O-47A: 1 damaged
O-47A: 1 destroyed on ground
P-35A: 6 damaged
P-35A: 1 destroyed on ground

Airbase hits 3
Runway hits 18

I'm not concerned here as there is plenty of time to grind down Allied air in the Philippines.

In other news, CL Marblehead avoided both morning and afternoon air phase torpedo attacks from CVL Ryujo near Tandjoengselor.

On a positive note, Nate fighters performed stellar CAP duties over Kota Bharu. British aircraft were shot down, or driven off, including all six Vildebeest III's and both Swordfish torpedo bombers that made attacks.

Japanese amphibious landings occurred at Aparri, Laoag and Vigan in the Philippines. Key landings were at Kuching and Manado in order to establish forward naval air search capability.

Standard landings at Kota Bharu and Patani in Malaya. I may or may not conduct secondary landings at Mersing, but Kuantan will be captured once CAP can be supplied from Kota Bharu.

That's about it other than China. It seems an almost complete withdrawal to better defensive terrain is underway. I'll post a screenshot once things become clearer. I know Francois was looking forward to the Chinese theatre and I'm curious to see how he plays it. I don't sweat China and I'm confident I can handle anything he may try differently than the norm.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/31/2015 6:06:43 PM)

Dec. 8th Turn is away.

I expect Allied naval forces to attack my amphibious TF's unloading at Manado. I've ordered a SCTF of two heavy cruisers and four destroyers to detach from the CVL Ryujo TF in an attempt to screen Manado. CVL Ryujo will move directly to Manado to add the two CS's currently assigned to the amphibious force.

KB will rendezvous with the replenishment TF northwest of Pearl Harbor and head west.

Despite the lack of escort, Japanese transports are ordered to begin the massive task of moving combat and support units forward. I'm facing an initial logistics nightmare, but everything will be sorted as the perimeter expands.

I don't expect Francois to send the turn back today.

Lokasenna -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/31/2015 7:39:25 PM)

The results at Pearl were underwhelming, but not terrible. You might've got one to fires as well. What were the ground losses on Kingfishers/Seagulls?

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/31/2015 8:35:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna

What were the ground losses on Kingfishers/Seagulls?

2 Kingfishers.

KenchiSulla -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (11/1/2015 12:03:47 AM)

I'm curious how this will play out. Personally, I dislike Pearl strikes. In general, the strike is not decisive and it puts your most important naval asset far away from the action.

I understand your objective is to capture Australia but you still need to take the oilfields as soon as possible. If you allow allied troops to dig in at key points you are going to loose fields to sabotage...

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (11/1/2015 4:18:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cannonfodder

I'm curious how this will play out. Personally, I dislike Pearl strikes. In general, the strike is not decisive and it puts your most important naval asset far away from the action.

If you allow allied troops to dig in at key points you are going to loose fields to sabotage...

All good points and I agree with your assessment of striking Pearl Harbor. I've found since the game has been patched/tweaked/modded after all these years the Pearl Harbor strike has become less effective. I understand the reasons why a large number of players choose to skip it.

I still have plans to advance in the DEI as quickly as possible, but it will have to be done under cover of LBA and rely on Japanese surface forces clearing the way.

Lokasenna -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (11/2/2015 3:23:59 AM)




ORIGINAL: Cannonfodder

I'm curious how this will play out. Personally, I dislike Pearl strikes. In general, the strike is not decisive and it puts your most important naval asset far away from the action.

If you allow allied troops to dig in at key points you are going to loose fields to sabotage...

All good points and I agree with your assessment of striking Pearl Harbor. I've found since the game has been patched/tweaked/modded after all these years the Pearl Harbor strike has become less effective. I understand the reasons why a large number of players choose to skip it.

I still have plans to advance in the DEI as quickly as possible, but it will have to be done under cover of LBA and rely on Japanese surface forces clearing the way.

I think there's a lot of psychological value in the PH strike itself, as well as where it means KB is. If you put KB in the DEI right away, it reveals some things about your strategy. The PH strike is a great generalist approach and keeps your opponent guessing, to an extent.

Crazypantoufle -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (11/2/2015 9:20:05 AM)

Since the patchs, i found the number of planes destroyed on ground in PH has been reduced a lot.

But i think the port attack result is still totally random like before. My last attack, with the new patch, sank all the BBs. 2 years ago, no BB sunk (and no torpedo used!).

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