sandman2575 -> RE: Should we report typos ? (12/4/2015 5:53:22 PM)
Have to say, the *numerous* typos, misspellings, truly "ersatz" usage of German terms, grammatical conventions (even just capitalization... Jesus, CAPITALIZE GERMAN NOUNS) -- or the lack of any convention for mixing German and English terms (which frankly you should just avoid doing) -- all these are exasperating. Some may say "who cares?" but in a game that leans pretty heavily on the mechanic of 'telegrams' and so forth, it's actually important to get it right. For example, the telegram screen-shot on the Matrix game page: Rundstedt ("F.M" missing period) is "Kdt. THEATRE, Army Group South", later signs the telegram from "Ostfront" -- there's no rhyme or reason to the mixing of German and English renderings. Army Group South, but Ostfront (not Eastern Front). Again, exasperating.